1 Oktober 2013

Pic:Sinar Harian
KUALA LUMPUR: Laporan Ketua Audit Negara hari ini mendedahkan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) kehilangan aset bernilai RM1.33 juta, bermula 2010 hingga 2013.
 Rekod Ketua Audit Negara menunjukkan PDRM kehilangan 309 unit aset meliputi gari, senjata api dan kenderaan. Daripada jumlah itu, statistik kehilangan aset yang dikeluarkan Bahagian Pengurusan Aset, Jabatan Logistik PDRM mendapati, aset yang paling banyak hilang adalah gari dengan sejumlah 156 unit, diikuti senjata api dan kenderaan dengan masing-masing sebanyak 44 dan 29 unit.
 "Pengauditan yang dijalankan mendapati secara keseluruhannya pengurusan aset di Ibu Pejabat PDRM dan tiga IPK yang diperiksa adalah kurang memuaskan. "Pengurusan aset yang yang tidak teratur dan bersistematik boleh menyebabkan berlakunya kehilangan aset terutamanya senjata api dan gari yang boleh mengancam keselamatan awam," dedah laporan Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang.
 Antara kelemahan yang ditemui audit berkenaan adalah kehilangan aset lewat dikesan; kelewatan melapor kehilangan kepada Ketua Jabatan dan Polis; Ketua Jabatan lewat menyediakan Laporan Awal Kehilangan Aset; Jawatankuasa Penyiasat Kes kehilangan aset lewat ditubuhkan; dan Jawatankuasa Kehilangan Aset lewat menyediakan Laporan Akhir.
 Kelemahan lain termasuk soal pengurusan aset seperti Urus Setia Kehilangan dan Hapus Kira lewat mengambil tindakan susulan; kelewatan mengambil tindakan diperingkat kontinjen setelah kelulusan hapus kira oleh Kuasa Melulus; Kelewatan mengambil tindakan surcaj; tempat penyimpanan tidak selamat; dan ruang penyimpanan aset yang sempit dan terhad.
 Sehubungan itu, pihak audit mengesyorkan agar pasukan PDRM memastikan pemeriksaan berkala dilaksanakan mengikut ketetapan supaya dapat mengesan kes kehilangan aset berkenaan. "Memastikan pematuhan kepada penetapan norma masa proses kerja hapus kira aset supaya punca kehilangan dapat dikenal pasti segera.
 "Memastikan kehilangan aset yang berpunca daripada kecurian, penipuan, atau kecuaian pegawai atau anggota dikenakan tindakan surcaj atau tatatertib supaya menjadi satu usaha pencegahan bagi mengawal kes kehilangan," syor laporan audit.
1.10.13 Unknown
Pic:Sinar Harian
KUALA LUMPUR: Laporan Ketua Audit Negara hari ini mendedahkan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) kehilangan aset bernilai RM1.33 juta, bermula 2010 hingga 2013.
 Rekod Ketua Audit Negara menunjukkan PDRM kehilangan 309 unit aset meliputi gari, senjata api dan kenderaan. Daripada jumlah itu, statistik kehilangan aset yang dikeluarkan Bahagian Pengurusan Aset, Jabatan Logistik PDRM mendapati, aset yang paling banyak hilang adalah gari dengan sejumlah 156 unit, diikuti senjata api dan kenderaan dengan masing-masing sebanyak 44 dan 29 unit.
 "Pengauditan yang dijalankan mendapati secara keseluruhannya pengurusan aset di Ibu Pejabat PDRM dan tiga IPK yang diperiksa adalah kurang memuaskan. "Pengurusan aset yang yang tidak teratur dan bersistematik boleh menyebabkan berlakunya kehilangan aset terutamanya senjata api dan gari yang boleh mengancam keselamatan awam," dedah laporan Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang.
 Antara kelemahan yang ditemui audit berkenaan adalah kehilangan aset lewat dikesan; kelewatan melapor kehilangan kepada Ketua Jabatan dan Polis; Ketua Jabatan lewat menyediakan Laporan Awal Kehilangan Aset; Jawatankuasa Penyiasat Kes kehilangan aset lewat ditubuhkan; dan Jawatankuasa Kehilangan Aset lewat menyediakan Laporan Akhir.
 Kelemahan lain termasuk soal pengurusan aset seperti Urus Setia Kehilangan dan Hapus Kira lewat mengambil tindakan susulan; kelewatan mengambil tindakan diperingkat kontinjen setelah kelulusan hapus kira oleh Kuasa Melulus; Kelewatan mengambil tindakan surcaj; tempat penyimpanan tidak selamat; dan ruang penyimpanan aset yang sempit dan terhad.
 Sehubungan itu, pihak audit mengesyorkan agar pasukan PDRM memastikan pemeriksaan berkala dilaksanakan mengikut ketetapan supaya dapat mengesan kes kehilangan aset berkenaan. "Memastikan pematuhan kepada penetapan norma masa proses kerja hapus kira aset supaya punca kehilangan dapat dikenal pasti segera.
 "Memastikan kehilangan aset yang berpunca daripada kecurian, penipuan, atau kecuaian pegawai atau anggota dikenakan tindakan surcaj atau tatatertib supaya menjadi satu usaha pencegahan bagi mengawal kes kehilangan," syor laporan audit.

MELAKA: Kerajaan negeri Melaka mengambil berat terhadap pembinaan rumah-rumah penyembahan di negeri ini bagi kepentingan masyarakat bukan Islam dan tidak pernah merobohkannya, kata Exco Perumahan, Kerajaan Tempatan Dan Alam Sekitar Datuk Ismail Othman.
Beliau menafikan kerajaan negeri ada meroboh tokong, kuil dan gereja di Melaka selepas pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13).
"Kerajaan negeri tidak pernah merobohkan bangunan-bangunan ini (tokong, kuil dan gereja), tindakan meroboh hanya dilakukan terhadap kotak-kotak pemujaan kerana tempat tersebut dikhuatiri akan disalah guna bagi tujuan tidak sihat," katanya menjawab soalan Goh Leong San (DAP-Duyong) pada persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Melaka hari ini.

Beliau berkata tindakan meroboh kotak pemujaan itu dilakukan kerana melanggar garis panduan yang ditetapkan termasuk ia dibina di atas tanah yang mempunyai syarat nyata seperti kediaman, perniagaan dan industri selain beroperasi di atas tanah kerajaan tanpa persetujuan kerajaan negeri.

Katanya kotak pemujaan itu lazimnya dibina pemaju atau kontraktor di kawasan pembinaan dan seharusnya dirobohkan setelah projek itu siap.

"Tetapi ada yang kekal akhirnya menjadi tempat pemujaan, benda yang kecil menjadi besar, ini perlu kita jaga kerana ia terletak di kawasan lapang dan tempat ini di kawasan perumahan adalah bagi kanak-kanak bermain dan sebagainya," katanya.

Mengulas lanjut, Ismail berkata kerajaan negeri melalui Jawatankuasa Rumah Penyembahan telah menerima 64 permohonan baharu rumah penyembahan sejak ditubuhkan pada 12 Julai 2008.
Daripada jumlah itu, katanya, sebanyak 18 tokong diluluskan pembinaan selain tujuh kuil dan satu gereja.

Menjawab soalan tambahan Goh sama ada masyarakat atau ketua agama dimaklumkan sebelum kerja meroboh kotak pemujaan dilakukan, Ismail berkata notis 21 hari dikeluarkan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan sebelum notis 14 hari dan tiga hari dikeluarkan jika pihak terlibat gagal mematuhinya.

"Notis ini telah memberi masa yang cukup untuk pihak terlibat membuat tindakan sewajarnya...kalau katakan kita roboh atas sifat tidak puas hati, saya menafikan kerana ia berdasarkan undang-undang," katanya. 
1.10.13 Unknown

MELAKA: Kerajaan negeri Melaka mengambil berat terhadap pembinaan rumah-rumah penyembahan di negeri ini bagi kepentingan masyarakat bukan Islam dan tidak pernah merobohkannya, kata Exco Perumahan, Kerajaan Tempatan Dan Alam Sekitar Datuk Ismail Othman.
Beliau menafikan kerajaan negeri ada meroboh tokong, kuil dan gereja di Melaka selepas pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13).
"Kerajaan negeri tidak pernah merobohkan bangunan-bangunan ini (tokong, kuil dan gereja), tindakan meroboh hanya dilakukan terhadap kotak-kotak pemujaan kerana tempat tersebut dikhuatiri akan disalah guna bagi tujuan tidak sihat," katanya menjawab soalan Goh Leong San (DAP-Duyong) pada persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Melaka hari ini.

Beliau berkata tindakan meroboh kotak pemujaan itu dilakukan kerana melanggar garis panduan yang ditetapkan termasuk ia dibina di atas tanah yang mempunyai syarat nyata seperti kediaman, perniagaan dan industri selain beroperasi di atas tanah kerajaan tanpa persetujuan kerajaan negeri.

Katanya kotak pemujaan itu lazimnya dibina pemaju atau kontraktor di kawasan pembinaan dan seharusnya dirobohkan setelah projek itu siap.

"Tetapi ada yang kekal akhirnya menjadi tempat pemujaan, benda yang kecil menjadi besar, ini perlu kita jaga kerana ia terletak di kawasan lapang dan tempat ini di kawasan perumahan adalah bagi kanak-kanak bermain dan sebagainya," katanya.

Mengulas lanjut, Ismail berkata kerajaan negeri melalui Jawatankuasa Rumah Penyembahan telah menerima 64 permohonan baharu rumah penyembahan sejak ditubuhkan pada 12 Julai 2008.
Daripada jumlah itu, katanya, sebanyak 18 tokong diluluskan pembinaan selain tujuh kuil dan satu gereja.

Menjawab soalan tambahan Goh sama ada masyarakat atau ketua agama dimaklumkan sebelum kerja meroboh kotak pemujaan dilakukan, Ismail berkata notis 21 hari dikeluarkan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan sebelum notis 14 hari dan tiga hari dikeluarkan jika pihak terlibat gagal mematuhinya.

"Notis ini telah memberi masa yang cukup untuk pihak terlibat membuat tindakan sewajarnya...kalau katakan kita roboh atas sifat tidak puas hati, saya menafikan kerana ia berdasarkan undang-undang," katanya. 
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SIZE really does matter - a new U.S. study has found that men with smaller testicles are more likely to be involved in childcare.  The researchers from Emory University in Atlanta suggest that lower levels of testosterone may suppress a man's mating efforts, allowing him to channel all his energy into nappy-changing, feeding and nurturing.
 Here, we look at some other parts of the body and reveal what their dimensions say about your health . . . 

 Eczema, kidney disease
 Neat little ears may be attractive, but they could make you more prone to eczema. 'Small ears often mean small ear canals [the tube running from the outer to the middle ear], which gives you a greater chance of developing eczema of the ears,' says George Murty, consultant ear, nose and throat surgeon at University Hospitals Leicester.
 'Your ear canals are lined with skin and, just like skin on the outside of the body, it flakes off. 'It should be shed out of the ear hole and disappear, but with small canals it's harder for the body to shed it, so it tends to be retained. That can give rise to a terrible itch inside, irrespective of whether you have eczema elsewhere on your body.'
 Known as otitis externa, this condition is extremely common. There is also a link between small ears (specifically the outer, visible ear called the auricle) and underdeveloped kidneys. 'If you have small, very low-set ears, below the level of your eyes, it often indicates you have kidney problems.
 No one knows why, but you might lack one, have two fused together, or get kidney disease later in life,' says Mr Murty.

 Sleep apnoea
 This could mean you're more prone to obstructive sleep apnoea, a condition that causes interrupted breathing during sleep and affects around 4 per cent of middle-aged men and 2 per cent of middle-aged women in Britain.
 As Mr Murty explains: 'If you've got a big tongue or big tonsils, these can flop backwards and block off the airway while you sleep. If it's mild, you snore. But as it becomes more severe, you have periods where you stop breathing - some as long as 30 seconds.' A small, receding jaw bone can also play a part because the tongue is attached to the jaw.
 If the jaw is too far back, the tongue is more likely to block the airway. The sudden drops in blood oxygen levels associated with sleep apnoea can increase blood pressure and put pressure on the cardiovascular system.

 Memory loss
 The dreaded pear shape has been linked with menopausal brain fog.
 Researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago studied the body types and memory test scores of nearly 8,750 postmenopausal women aged 65 to 79, and found those with more weight around the hips had lower scores.
 The theory is that fat may contribute to cognitive problems by restricting blood flow to the brain
. However, Nitu Bajekal, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Barnet Hospital, urges caution when interpreting the results. 'The study found that all women with a raised body mass index - above 30-31 - tend to have lower cognitive function.
 And in that sub-group, those with bigger hips seemed to score worse. But it was just a snapshot and we don't know if they went on to have cognitive decline.' Yet it's not all bad news. If you tend to store fat around your hips rather than around your middle, you could be better protected against diabetes and heart disease, because research suggests it's the apple-shaped who are more at risk of these.

 Prostate cancer, depression
 The length of a man's fingers can hint at his risk of prostate cancer. Scientists at the University of Warwick and the Institute of Cancer Research compared the hands of 1,500 prostate cancer patients with those of 3,000 healthy men.
 They found men whose index finger was longer than their ring finger were significantly less likely to develop the disease. It's thought being exposed to less testosterone before birth leads to a longer index finger - and may protect against the disease (which is fed by testosterone) later in life.
 A study at the University of Alberta found that men with a more typically feminine finger length - a relatively long index finger compared to ring finger - were also more likely to be depressed, suggesting depression is associated with lower levels of testosterone in the womb.
 Meanwhile, a 2001 study at Liverpool University found children with autism had extremely long ring fingers compared to their index finger - a feature associated with high levels of testosterone before birth.

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 Foot disease 
If your second toe is longer than your big toe, it could put you at risk of a painful foot condition. David Houlihan-Burne, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at the Three Rivers Clinic in Middlesex, says: 'A long second toe means you may develop Freiberg's disease.
 It gives you pain when walking because the end of the metatarsal [a bone in the foot] dies off as a result of abnormal forces. It's very common.' Treatments include steroid injections to ease the pain, or surgery. But relatively long toes compared to the rest of your foot could be an advantage if you want to take up sprinting. Mr Houlihan-Burne says:
 'Sprinters have a stronger, more elastic push off with the toes. And long toes make the overall length of the foot bigger, which means longer contact with the ground, which is where the acceleration happens.

 Heart disease
 Ashamed of your wobbly thighs? Take heart from a Danish study of nearly 3,000 men and women, which found that people with thinner thighs had a higher risk of heart disease and premature death.
 Researchers thought low muscle mass in the area could be to blame, as it could affect insulin sensitivity. Meanwhile, researchers at Oxford University have also suggested that fat in the thighs, hips and buttocks traps fatty acids from food, preventing them from floating through the bloodstream and getting deposited in organs, where they may cause harm.

Beautiful as they may be, large eyes could mean you'll have to rely on glasses or contact lenses. If your eye measures even 1mm longer than 24mm (the average size) you will be short-sighted. Trevor Rowley, an optometrist from Viewpoint opticians in York, explains:
'If your eye is a normal length, the light will be clearly focused on the back of the eye. 'If it's a couple of millimetres longer than normal, the light will focus a couple of millimetres in front of the retina [where images are processed].'

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 Long,coltish legs aren't just an asset on the catwalk, they can also indicate a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, research suggests. A study at Bristol University showed that each 4.3cm increase of leg length resulted in a 19 per cent reduced risk of the disease.
 'If your mother was relatively malnourished when you were in the womb, you may have smaller legs,' says Dr Mark Vanderpump, consultant endocrinologist at the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust in London. 'Once you've adapted to a low fuel state in the womb, your pancreas, which secretes insulin, may not be able to cope with a relatively normal amount of fat and carbohydrates after you're born.
' Hence the greater risk of lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes in middle age.
1.10.13 Unknown
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SIZE really does matter - a new U.S. study has found that men with smaller testicles are more likely to be involved in childcare.  The researchers from Emory University in Atlanta suggest that lower levels of testosterone may suppress a man's mating efforts, allowing him to channel all his energy into nappy-changing, feeding and nurturing.
 Here, we look at some other parts of the body and reveal what their dimensions say about your health . . . 

 Eczema, kidney disease
 Neat little ears may be attractive, but they could make you more prone to eczema. 'Small ears often mean small ear canals [the tube running from the outer to the middle ear], which gives you a greater chance of developing eczema of the ears,' says George Murty, consultant ear, nose and throat surgeon at University Hospitals Leicester.
 'Your ear canals are lined with skin and, just like skin on the outside of the body, it flakes off. 'It should be shed out of the ear hole and disappear, but with small canals it's harder for the body to shed it, so it tends to be retained. That can give rise to a terrible itch inside, irrespective of whether you have eczema elsewhere on your body.'
 Known as otitis externa, this condition is extremely common. There is also a link between small ears (specifically the outer, visible ear called the auricle) and underdeveloped kidneys. 'If you have small, very low-set ears, below the level of your eyes, it often indicates you have kidney problems.
 No one knows why, but you might lack one, have two fused together, or get kidney disease later in life,' says Mr Murty.

 Sleep apnoea
 This could mean you're more prone to obstructive sleep apnoea, a condition that causes interrupted breathing during sleep and affects around 4 per cent of middle-aged men and 2 per cent of middle-aged women in Britain.
 As Mr Murty explains: 'If you've got a big tongue or big tonsils, these can flop backwards and block off the airway while you sleep. If it's mild, you snore. But as it becomes more severe, you have periods where you stop breathing - some as long as 30 seconds.' A small, receding jaw bone can also play a part because the tongue is attached to the jaw.
 If the jaw is too far back, the tongue is more likely to block the airway. The sudden drops in blood oxygen levels associated with sleep apnoea can increase blood pressure and put pressure on the cardiovascular system.

 Memory loss
 The dreaded pear shape has been linked with menopausal brain fog.
 Researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago studied the body types and memory test scores of nearly 8,750 postmenopausal women aged 65 to 79, and found those with more weight around the hips had lower scores.
 The theory is that fat may contribute to cognitive problems by restricting blood flow to the brain
. However, Nitu Bajekal, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Barnet Hospital, urges caution when interpreting the results. 'The study found that all women with a raised body mass index - above 30-31 - tend to have lower cognitive function.
 And in that sub-group, those with bigger hips seemed to score worse. But it was just a snapshot and we don't know if they went on to have cognitive decline.' Yet it's not all bad news. If you tend to store fat around your hips rather than around your middle, you could be better protected against diabetes and heart disease, because research suggests it's the apple-shaped who are more at risk of these.

 Prostate cancer, depression
 The length of a man's fingers can hint at his risk of prostate cancer. Scientists at the University of Warwick and the Institute of Cancer Research compared the hands of 1,500 prostate cancer patients with those of 3,000 healthy men.
 They found men whose index finger was longer than their ring finger were significantly less likely to develop the disease. It's thought being exposed to less testosterone before birth leads to a longer index finger - and may protect against the disease (which is fed by testosterone) later in life.
 A study at the University of Alberta found that men with a more typically feminine finger length - a relatively long index finger compared to ring finger - were also more likely to be depressed, suggesting depression is associated with lower levels of testosterone in the womb.
 Meanwhile, a 2001 study at Liverpool University found children with autism had extremely long ring fingers compared to their index finger - a feature associated with high levels of testosterone before birth.

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 Foot disease 
If your second toe is longer than your big toe, it could put you at risk of a painful foot condition. David Houlihan-Burne, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at the Three Rivers Clinic in Middlesex, says: 'A long second toe means you may develop Freiberg's disease.
 It gives you pain when walking because the end of the metatarsal [a bone in the foot] dies off as a result of abnormal forces. It's very common.' Treatments include steroid injections to ease the pain, or surgery. But relatively long toes compared to the rest of your foot could be an advantage if you want to take up sprinting. Mr Houlihan-Burne says:
 'Sprinters have a stronger, more elastic push off with the toes. And long toes make the overall length of the foot bigger, which means longer contact with the ground, which is where the acceleration happens.

 Heart disease
 Ashamed of your wobbly thighs? Take heart from a Danish study of nearly 3,000 men and women, which found that people with thinner thighs had a higher risk of heart disease and premature death.
 Researchers thought low muscle mass in the area could be to blame, as it could affect insulin sensitivity. Meanwhile, researchers at Oxford University have also suggested that fat in the thighs, hips and buttocks traps fatty acids from food, preventing them from floating through the bloodstream and getting deposited in organs, where they may cause harm.

Beautiful as they may be, large eyes could mean you'll have to rely on glasses or contact lenses. If your eye measures even 1mm longer than 24mm (the average size) you will be short-sighted. Trevor Rowley, an optometrist from Viewpoint opticians in York, explains:
'If your eye is a normal length, the light will be clearly focused on the back of the eye. 'If it's a couple of millimetres longer than normal, the light will focus a couple of millimetres in front of the retina [where images are processed].'

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 Long,coltish legs aren't just an asset on the catwalk, they can also indicate a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, research suggests. A study at Bristol University showed that each 4.3cm increase of leg length resulted in a 19 per cent reduced risk of the disease.
 'If your mother was relatively malnourished when you were in the womb, you may have smaller legs,' says Dr Mark Vanderpump, consultant endocrinologist at the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust in London. 'Once you've adapted to a low fuel state in the womb, your pancreas, which secretes insulin, may not be able to cope with a relatively normal amount of fat and carbohydrates after you're born.
' Hence the greater risk of lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes in middle age.
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IT CAN'T be easy being a parent to six young children. And Brad Pitt clearly likes to show Angelina Jolie his appreciation once in a while for all she does for their family.
 The 49-year-old allegedly spent more than USD250,000 on diamonds during a visit with the 38-year-old actress to a jewellery store in Hong Kong in September. The couple - who were named the highest-earning acting couple in Hollywood after earning USD50 million this year - made the extravagant purchases at Emperor Watch And Jewellery Store.
 'They bought a Parmigiani Watch [a Swiss brand known for its high quality] and some other jewellery products from our shop that day,' Kristy Yue, Assistant Public Relations Manager, told People. According to the store's Facebook page, Brad also bought Angelina an 18-carat rose gold necklace called the 'Sunray' that sported a circular diamond pendant, said to represent warmth, as well as a 'wishful' silver bracelet meant to promote happiness and safety.
 The couple are currently apart, with Angelina in Sydney, Australia with three of their children Pax, Zahara and Shiloh, while Brad is in the UK with two of their children Knox and Vivienne. The Oscar-winning actress looked stylish in black as she enjoyed a shopping trip with her kids over the weekend. Meanwhile, 10,000 miles away in Windsor, Brad was seen treating his children with a visit to Lego Land.
 Angelina is in Australia to direct new movie Unbroken, which will tell the real-life story of an air force officer who survived on raft for 47 days after plane crash. An adaptation of the 2010 bestseller of the same name by Laura Hillenbrand, the film will be produced by Universal Studios.
1.10.13 Unknown
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IT CAN'T be easy being a parent to six young children. And Brad Pitt clearly likes to show Angelina Jolie his appreciation once in a while for all she does for their family.
 The 49-year-old allegedly spent more than USD250,000 on diamonds during a visit with the 38-year-old actress to a jewellery store in Hong Kong in September. The couple - who were named the highest-earning acting couple in Hollywood after earning USD50 million this year - made the extravagant purchases at Emperor Watch And Jewellery Store.
 'They bought a Parmigiani Watch [a Swiss brand known for its high quality] and some other jewellery products from our shop that day,' Kristy Yue, Assistant Public Relations Manager, told People. According to the store's Facebook page, Brad also bought Angelina an 18-carat rose gold necklace called the 'Sunray' that sported a circular diamond pendant, said to represent warmth, as well as a 'wishful' silver bracelet meant to promote happiness and safety.
 The couple are currently apart, with Angelina in Sydney, Australia with three of their children Pax, Zahara and Shiloh, while Brad is in the UK with two of their children Knox and Vivienne. The Oscar-winning actress looked stylish in black as she enjoyed a shopping trip with her kids over the weekend. Meanwhile, 10,000 miles away in Windsor, Brad was seen treating his children with a visit to Lego Land.
 Angelina is in Australia to direct new movie Unbroken, which will tell the real-life story of an air force officer who survived on raft for 47 days after plane crash. An adaptation of the 2010 bestseller of the same name by Laura Hillenbrand, the film will be produced by Universal Studios.

Ratu 'selfie' Britain, Helen Flanagan kelihatan membuat keputusan untuk berenang bogel di Maldives baru-baru ini. Model pakaian dalam yang sering dikaitkan dengan pemain sayap West Brom, Scott Sinclair, itu sedang bercuti di kepulauan Maldives bersama keluarga ejennya dan telah mengambil kesempatan untuk menggunakan kolam renang persendirian mereka secara amat berkesan.
 Melalui profilnya di laman Twitter, Helen mendedahkan, "Sedang berenang bogel dalam kolam renang saya." Selain daripada mesej yang menggiurkan itu, Helen turut memuat naik beberapa gambarnya berpakaian bikini seksi bagi menunjukkan lengkuk badannya yang mengancam. Model itu dipercayai sedang bercuti panjang bagi mencari ketenangan berikutan situasi hubungan cintanya yang terumbang-ambing bersama Scott Sinclair.
 Dalam satu temubual bersama majalah OK! baru-baru ini, Helen mendedahkan, 'Saya ingin menyelesaikan masalah dan kembali bersamanya. Saya hanya ingin gembira semula. 'Walaupun pada masa ini kami tidak bersama, perasaan saya terhadapnya masih tidak berubah. Saya amat merinduinya.' Helen memutuskan hubungannya dengan pemain sayap West Brom yang dipinjamkan dari Manchester City itu pada Jun tahun ini selepas Scott Sinclair didapati menghantar 'sms berunsur seks' kepada personaliti TV, Donatella Panayiotou.
 Namun begitu, pasangan ini kerap kali kelihatan meluangkan masa bersama berikutan pemisahan mereka. Hubungan mereka sekali lagi menjadi bualan orang ramai selepas Helen didapati bermalam di rumah Scott Sinclair bagi menyambut hari jadinya yang ke-23 beberapa bulan lepas.
1.10.13 Unknown

Ratu 'selfie' Britain, Helen Flanagan kelihatan membuat keputusan untuk berenang bogel di Maldives baru-baru ini. Model pakaian dalam yang sering dikaitkan dengan pemain sayap West Brom, Scott Sinclair, itu sedang bercuti di kepulauan Maldives bersama keluarga ejennya dan telah mengambil kesempatan untuk menggunakan kolam renang persendirian mereka secara amat berkesan.
 Melalui profilnya di laman Twitter, Helen mendedahkan, "Sedang berenang bogel dalam kolam renang saya." Selain daripada mesej yang menggiurkan itu, Helen turut memuat naik beberapa gambarnya berpakaian bikini seksi bagi menunjukkan lengkuk badannya yang mengancam. Model itu dipercayai sedang bercuti panjang bagi mencari ketenangan berikutan situasi hubungan cintanya yang terumbang-ambing bersama Scott Sinclair.
 Dalam satu temubual bersama majalah OK! baru-baru ini, Helen mendedahkan, 'Saya ingin menyelesaikan masalah dan kembali bersamanya. Saya hanya ingin gembira semula. 'Walaupun pada masa ini kami tidak bersama, perasaan saya terhadapnya masih tidak berubah. Saya amat merinduinya.' Helen memutuskan hubungannya dengan pemain sayap West Brom yang dipinjamkan dari Manchester City itu pada Jun tahun ini selepas Scott Sinclair didapati menghantar 'sms berunsur seks' kepada personaliti TV, Donatella Panayiotou.
 Namun begitu, pasangan ini kerap kali kelihatan meluangkan masa bersama berikutan pemisahan mereka. Hubungan mereka sekali lagi menjadi bualan orang ramai selepas Helen didapati bermalam di rumah Scott Sinclair bagi menyambut hari jadinya yang ke-23 beberapa bulan lepas.
izzue islam -
Pelakon, Izzue Islam akui terkejut apabila dia didakwa tidak berdisiplin selepas berkahwin dalam ruangan gosip sebuah akhbar tempatan pada Ahad lalu. Namun Izzue berkata dia pernah beberapa kali datang lewat daripada waktu call time sebenar tetapi kelewatannya itu belum pernah menjejaskan kerja seluruh kru produksi termasuk pelakon. "Saya ada baca mengenai gosip ini tetapi saya agak terkejut bila ianya timbul, lebih-lebih lagi apabila saya didakwa hanya bekerja dengan cincai sahaja. "Tapi saya ingin minta maaf mungkin ada yang saya terlepas pandang atau tak sedar sehingga telah menyebabkan pihak lain merasakan ianya tidak memuaskan. "Namun saya akui saya pernah beberapa kali datang lewat sedikit daripada masa call time yang diberi. Lewat sedikit tu biasalah kerana biasa habis shooting biasanya jam 3 pagi dan call time esoknya pula jam 8 pagi. "Namun ianya tidaklah sampai menyusahkan kru sehingga perlu menunggu lama. Yang penting saya akan sampai sebelum penggambaran bahagian babak saya bermula," katanya yang ditemui selepas sesi fotografi filem Hantu Tok Mudim di KRU Studios, tengahari tadi. Dalam ruangan gosip itu, Izzue dikatakan tidak fokus pada kerja selepas berkahwin sehinggakan menjejaskan disiplin serta kerjanya yang dianggap cincai. Anggota kumpulan Forteen itu baru sahaja berkahwin dengan pengurusnya, Awin Nurin pada 2 Jun lalu. Menurut Izzue lagi, dia adalah seorang yang jenis komited pada kerjanya dan bukan pelakon yang mengambil lebih daripada satu tawaran lakonan dalam satu masa. "Selalunya apa jua tawaran yang saya terima saya akan berbincang dengan pengurus saya serta produser yang menawarkan lakonan itu supaya waktu serta jadual saya diatur dengan baik. Setakat ni, saya belum terima apa jua complain dan teguran daripada mana-mana produksi mengenai disiplin saya. "Malah bagi memastikan disiplin serta kerja saya berjalan dengan baik, saya telah banyak menolak tawaran berlakon lain yang datang ketika saya sedang terikat dalam sebuah produksi. Saya bukan jenis artis yang ambil banyak job dalam satu masa," jelasnya lagi. Izzue bakal tampil dalam filem komedi seram, Hantu Tok Mudim sebagai Borhan di seluruh pawagam mulai 21 November ini.
1.10.13 Unknown
izzue islam -
Pelakon, Izzue Islam akui terkejut apabila dia didakwa tidak berdisiplin selepas berkahwin dalam ruangan gosip sebuah akhbar tempatan pada Ahad lalu. Namun Izzue berkata dia pernah beberapa kali datang lewat daripada waktu call time sebenar tetapi kelewatannya itu belum pernah menjejaskan kerja seluruh kru produksi termasuk pelakon. "Saya ada baca mengenai gosip ini tetapi saya agak terkejut bila ianya timbul, lebih-lebih lagi apabila saya didakwa hanya bekerja dengan cincai sahaja. "Tapi saya ingin minta maaf mungkin ada yang saya terlepas pandang atau tak sedar sehingga telah menyebabkan pihak lain merasakan ianya tidak memuaskan. "Namun saya akui saya pernah beberapa kali datang lewat sedikit daripada masa call time yang diberi. Lewat sedikit tu biasalah kerana biasa habis shooting biasanya jam 3 pagi dan call time esoknya pula jam 8 pagi. "Namun ianya tidaklah sampai menyusahkan kru sehingga perlu menunggu lama. Yang penting saya akan sampai sebelum penggambaran bahagian babak saya bermula," katanya yang ditemui selepas sesi fotografi filem Hantu Tok Mudim di KRU Studios, tengahari tadi. Dalam ruangan gosip itu, Izzue dikatakan tidak fokus pada kerja selepas berkahwin sehinggakan menjejaskan disiplin serta kerjanya yang dianggap cincai. Anggota kumpulan Forteen itu baru sahaja berkahwin dengan pengurusnya, Awin Nurin pada 2 Jun lalu. Menurut Izzue lagi, dia adalah seorang yang jenis komited pada kerjanya dan bukan pelakon yang mengambil lebih daripada satu tawaran lakonan dalam satu masa. "Selalunya apa jua tawaran yang saya terima saya akan berbincang dengan pengurus saya serta produser yang menawarkan lakonan itu supaya waktu serta jadual saya diatur dengan baik. Setakat ni, saya belum terima apa jua complain dan teguran daripada mana-mana produksi mengenai disiplin saya. "Malah bagi memastikan disiplin serta kerja saya berjalan dengan baik, saya telah banyak menolak tawaran berlakon lain yang datang ketika saya sedang terikat dalam sebuah produksi. Saya bukan jenis artis yang ambil banyak job dalam satu masa," jelasnya lagi. Izzue bakal tampil dalam filem komedi seram, Hantu Tok Mudim sebagai Borhan di seluruh pawagam mulai 21 November ini.
Saman Tetap Saman, Pak Guard Azman Makin Popular!

Nampaknya kisah pertengkaran yang melibatkan isteri kepada pemain bola sepak kebangsaan Norshahrul Idlan Talha atau Mat Yo dengan seorang pengawal keselamatan atau Pak Guard masih belum berakhir lagi. Walaupun isteri Mat Yo iaitu Aisya telah memohon maaf secara terbuka menerusi pihak media, Debot dapat tahu, Aisya akan tetap dikenakan tindakan saman daripada pihak majikan Azman Mohd Nayan atau Pak Guard Azman.
 Malah, kes ini difahamkan hanya akan diselesaikan di mahkamah saja walaupun laporan polis terhadap kes ini akan ditarik balik atau tidak. Menurut sumber, tindakan saman ini bukanlah datang sepenuhnya dari Pak Guard Azman sebaliknya ia merupakan tindakan lanjut oleh syarikat keselamatan yang menjadi majikan kepada Azman yang berusia 49 tahun.
Debot diberitahu, tindakan saman ini bukanlah berunsurkan keuntungan atau membalas dendam tetapi sebaliknya demi menjaga kepentingan dan keselamatan pekerja yang bekerja di syarikat keselematan berkenaan. Dalam pada itu, Debot mendapat tahu, kehidupan Pak Guard Azman sudah berubah dan dilihat setaraf selebriti popular tempatan apabila ramai orang mahu mengambil gambar dengannya.
Debot diberitahu, selain bersemangat untuk menyambung kerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan, Azman turut menasihat kepada orang muda supaya menghormati orang tua tidak kira kerja atau pangkat. Yang penting, Debot dengar cerita, ada pihak syarikat tempatan telah berminat untuk mengambil Pak Guard Azman untuk menjadi juru cakap produk disebabkan dia mendapat perhatian ramai masyarakat tempatan.
 Senang cerita sebab popular. Apapun, Debot nasihat kepada Pak Guard supaya berhati-hati membuat penilaian kerana mungkin juga ada pihak yang ingin mengambil keselataman.
1.10.13 Unknown
Saman Tetap Saman, Pak Guard Azman Makin Popular!

Nampaknya kisah pertengkaran yang melibatkan isteri kepada pemain bola sepak kebangsaan Norshahrul Idlan Talha atau Mat Yo dengan seorang pengawal keselamatan atau Pak Guard masih belum berakhir lagi. Walaupun isteri Mat Yo iaitu Aisya telah memohon maaf secara terbuka menerusi pihak media, Debot dapat tahu, Aisya akan tetap dikenakan tindakan saman daripada pihak majikan Azman Mohd Nayan atau Pak Guard Azman.
 Malah, kes ini difahamkan hanya akan diselesaikan di mahkamah saja walaupun laporan polis terhadap kes ini akan ditarik balik atau tidak. Menurut sumber, tindakan saman ini bukanlah datang sepenuhnya dari Pak Guard Azman sebaliknya ia merupakan tindakan lanjut oleh syarikat keselamatan yang menjadi majikan kepada Azman yang berusia 49 tahun.
Debot diberitahu, tindakan saman ini bukanlah berunsurkan keuntungan atau membalas dendam tetapi sebaliknya demi menjaga kepentingan dan keselamatan pekerja yang bekerja di syarikat keselematan berkenaan. Dalam pada itu, Debot mendapat tahu, kehidupan Pak Guard Azman sudah berubah dan dilihat setaraf selebriti popular tempatan apabila ramai orang mahu mengambil gambar dengannya.
Debot diberitahu, selain bersemangat untuk menyambung kerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan, Azman turut menasihat kepada orang muda supaya menghormati orang tua tidak kira kerja atau pangkat. Yang penting, Debot dengar cerita, ada pihak syarikat tempatan telah berminat untuk mengambil Pak Guard Azman untuk menjadi juru cakap produk disebabkan dia mendapat perhatian ramai masyarakat tempatan.
 Senang cerita sebab popular. Apapun, Debot nasihat kepada Pak Guard supaya berhati-hati membuat penilaian kerana mungkin juga ada pihak yang ingin mengambil keselataman.

Pertemuan secara tidak sengaja dengan pihak pengurusan Lol Enterteiment di Bali, Indonesia beberapa bulan lalu nampaknya bakal memberikan impak tersendiri buat Gusti Arya, 21.
 Anak jadi dari pulau Bali itu bakal tampil dengan single pertamanya berjudul Semakin Jauh yang merupakan lagu sulung dan duet pertamanya bersama pelakon cantik tanah air, Sherry Ibrahim tidak lama lagi. Bercakap kepada portal murai.com.my ketika ditemui baru-baru ini, Gusti Arya berkata sudah memang menjadi cita-citanya untuk merakamkan lagunya sendiri terutama sekali apabila diberi peluang menembusi pasaran Malaysia.
 "Memang ramai penyanyi Indonesia yang berjaya menembusi pasaran Malaysia. Tetapi apa yang membezakan saya dengan mereka kerana kebanyakan mereka sudah lama bergelar penyanyi terlebih dahulu, tetapi tidak pula saya. "Saya tidak pernah merakamkan sebarang album, sebaliknya sering bermain muzik, menyanyi, menjadi deejay dan rapping dengan abang saya, Bayu di Bali, Jakarta dan beberapa tempat lagi. Semuanya mengikut kepada undangan yang kami terima.
 "Kebetulan pula abang saya aktif bermain muzik dan mencipta lagu, jadi apabila dipelawa oleh pihak LOL Entertaiment untuk merakamlan lagu dengan Sherry Ibrahim, saya tidak menolaknya dan abang saya telah melahirkan sebuah lagu untuk kami berdua," katanya. Proses rakaman lagu , Semakin Jauh telahpun diadakan di ibu negara baru-baru ini, di mana melodi lagu berkenaan adalah ciptaan abang Gusti Arya iaitu Bayu dan lirik telah ditulis sendiri oleh penyany muda berkenan.
 Membawa segunung harapan agar lagu duet berkenaan akan diterima baik, Gusti Arya berkata lagu berkenaan menceritakan pengalamannya yang pernah dikecewakan dan ketika itulah dia mula hadir dengan lirik cukup menyentuh hati itu. Jelasnya, dia sama sekali tidak menjangka apabila digandingkan dengan Sherry Ibrahim yang sememangnya memiliki bilangan peminat yang sangat ramai hasil daripada populariti kerjaya lakonannya di negara ini.
 Katanya, selain raut wajah Sherry yang cantik dan manis, Gusti Arya berkata pelakon wanita berkenaan juga memiliki kualiti suara yang unik dan cukup sesuai untuk digandingkan bersama dalam lagu berkenaan. "Pastinya sebelum saya datang merakamkan lagu ini, saya telahpun membuat serba sedikit kerja rumah tentang siapakah Sherry. Ternyata dia sangat popular di sini dan dia juga memang meminati bidang nyanyian sejak sekian lama.
 "Jadi lagu Semakin Jauh ini dibuat memang sesuai untuk kami berdua. Apatah lagi saya mahu menceritakan kepada pendengar tentang betapa hancurnya hati saya yang telah dikecewakan oleh seorang wanita tahun lalu. "Semuanya masih segar difikiran saya, apabila wanita yang saya cintai telah menduakan saya dan pergi ke lelaki lain. Jadi apabila saya ingin melahirkan lagu ini, saya mengimbau kembali saat kekecewaan itu walaupun cukup pedih untuk diingati," katanya.
 Meskipun bakal sibuk dengan proses mempromosikan lagunya itu di negara ini, Gusti Arya bagaimanapun masih aktif membuat persembahan dengan abangnya di serata Indonesia dan juga Singapura. Kepada sesiapa yang ingin mengenali dengan lebih dekat tentang Gusti Arya, bolehlah mengikuti laman sosial Instagram miliknya (@gustarya) dan Facebook (Gusti Arya).
1.10.13 Unknown

Pertemuan secara tidak sengaja dengan pihak pengurusan Lol Enterteiment di Bali, Indonesia beberapa bulan lalu nampaknya bakal memberikan impak tersendiri buat Gusti Arya, 21.
 Anak jadi dari pulau Bali itu bakal tampil dengan single pertamanya berjudul Semakin Jauh yang merupakan lagu sulung dan duet pertamanya bersama pelakon cantik tanah air, Sherry Ibrahim tidak lama lagi. Bercakap kepada portal murai.com.my ketika ditemui baru-baru ini, Gusti Arya berkata sudah memang menjadi cita-citanya untuk merakamkan lagunya sendiri terutama sekali apabila diberi peluang menembusi pasaran Malaysia.
 "Memang ramai penyanyi Indonesia yang berjaya menembusi pasaran Malaysia. Tetapi apa yang membezakan saya dengan mereka kerana kebanyakan mereka sudah lama bergelar penyanyi terlebih dahulu, tetapi tidak pula saya. "Saya tidak pernah merakamkan sebarang album, sebaliknya sering bermain muzik, menyanyi, menjadi deejay dan rapping dengan abang saya, Bayu di Bali, Jakarta dan beberapa tempat lagi. Semuanya mengikut kepada undangan yang kami terima.
 "Kebetulan pula abang saya aktif bermain muzik dan mencipta lagu, jadi apabila dipelawa oleh pihak LOL Entertaiment untuk merakamlan lagu dengan Sherry Ibrahim, saya tidak menolaknya dan abang saya telah melahirkan sebuah lagu untuk kami berdua," katanya. Proses rakaman lagu , Semakin Jauh telahpun diadakan di ibu negara baru-baru ini, di mana melodi lagu berkenaan adalah ciptaan abang Gusti Arya iaitu Bayu dan lirik telah ditulis sendiri oleh penyany muda berkenan.
 Membawa segunung harapan agar lagu duet berkenaan akan diterima baik, Gusti Arya berkata lagu berkenaan menceritakan pengalamannya yang pernah dikecewakan dan ketika itulah dia mula hadir dengan lirik cukup menyentuh hati itu. Jelasnya, dia sama sekali tidak menjangka apabila digandingkan dengan Sherry Ibrahim yang sememangnya memiliki bilangan peminat yang sangat ramai hasil daripada populariti kerjaya lakonannya di negara ini.
 Katanya, selain raut wajah Sherry yang cantik dan manis, Gusti Arya berkata pelakon wanita berkenaan juga memiliki kualiti suara yang unik dan cukup sesuai untuk digandingkan bersama dalam lagu berkenaan. "Pastinya sebelum saya datang merakamkan lagu ini, saya telahpun membuat serba sedikit kerja rumah tentang siapakah Sherry. Ternyata dia sangat popular di sini dan dia juga memang meminati bidang nyanyian sejak sekian lama.
 "Jadi lagu Semakin Jauh ini dibuat memang sesuai untuk kami berdua. Apatah lagi saya mahu menceritakan kepada pendengar tentang betapa hancurnya hati saya yang telah dikecewakan oleh seorang wanita tahun lalu. "Semuanya masih segar difikiran saya, apabila wanita yang saya cintai telah menduakan saya dan pergi ke lelaki lain. Jadi apabila saya ingin melahirkan lagu ini, saya mengimbau kembali saat kekecewaan itu walaupun cukup pedih untuk diingati," katanya.
 Meskipun bakal sibuk dengan proses mempromosikan lagunya itu di negara ini, Gusti Arya bagaimanapun masih aktif membuat persembahan dengan abangnya di serata Indonesia dan juga Singapura. Kepada sesiapa yang ingin mengenali dengan lebih dekat tentang Gusti Arya, bolehlah mengikuti laman sosial Instagram miliknya (@gustarya) dan Facebook (Gusti Arya).
Yuna Buat Persembahan Di Majlis Prestij UNHCR Geneva
Tiada apa lagi yang lebih berharga dan membanggakan apabila sebuah agensi sebesar Suruhanjaya Tinggi Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu bagi Pelarian (UNHCR) mengundang anak Malaysia yang terus unggul mengorak langkah di arena muzik antarabangsa, Yuna, membuat persembahan di sebuah majlis anjurannya.
 Yuna yang kini bernaung dibawah label Verve Music Group milik David Foster itu mendapat jemputan mengadakan persembahan di Geneva, Switzerland. Majlis anjuran Suruhanjaya Tinggi Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu bagi Pelarian (UNHCR)telah diadakan berikutan penganugerahan untuk Anugerah Pelarian Nansen UNCHR.
 Sebagai indidvidu yang pertama daripada Malaysia, Yuna telah dijemput bersama dengan penyanyi Britain, Dido dan dan pemuzik dari Mali calon anugerah Grammy iaitu Amadou dan Mariam. Yuna telah membuat persembahan dan lebih membanggakan ini merupakan kali pertama penghibur dari Malaysia diundang untuk membuat persembahan di majlis berprestij anjuran Persatuan Bangsa Bagsa Bersatu (PBB) atau United Nation itu.
 Antara petikan daripada ucapan Yuna yang disiarkan BERNAMA, dia terharu dan gembira kerana diberi peluang keemeasan ini dan dia sangat gembira serta cukup terharu diberi peluang membuat persembahan di majlis itu. Sejak pelancaran album sulungnya pada 2008, lirik Yuna yang penuh makna menyebabkan beliau mendapat pengktirafan dari seantero dunia.
 Penyanyi popular itu mendapat sanjungan kritikal daripada majalah seperti Rolling Stone, VIBE, dan Elle, dan kerap membuat persembahan di festival muzik utama. Bekerjasama dengan artis terkemuka bagi menghasilkan albumnya sendiri, Yuna juga menyertai rakaman album single yang popular "One Woman" untuk Wanita PBB, yang dilancarkan pada Hari Wanita Antarabangsa pada 2013.
1.10.13 Unknown
Yuna Buat Persembahan Di Majlis Prestij UNHCR Geneva
Tiada apa lagi yang lebih berharga dan membanggakan apabila sebuah agensi sebesar Suruhanjaya Tinggi Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu bagi Pelarian (UNHCR) mengundang anak Malaysia yang terus unggul mengorak langkah di arena muzik antarabangsa, Yuna, membuat persembahan di sebuah majlis anjurannya.
 Yuna yang kini bernaung dibawah label Verve Music Group milik David Foster itu mendapat jemputan mengadakan persembahan di Geneva, Switzerland. Majlis anjuran Suruhanjaya Tinggi Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu bagi Pelarian (UNHCR)telah diadakan berikutan penganugerahan untuk Anugerah Pelarian Nansen UNCHR.
 Sebagai indidvidu yang pertama daripada Malaysia, Yuna telah dijemput bersama dengan penyanyi Britain, Dido dan dan pemuzik dari Mali calon anugerah Grammy iaitu Amadou dan Mariam. Yuna telah membuat persembahan dan lebih membanggakan ini merupakan kali pertama penghibur dari Malaysia diundang untuk membuat persembahan di majlis berprestij anjuran Persatuan Bangsa Bagsa Bersatu (PBB) atau United Nation itu.
 Antara petikan daripada ucapan Yuna yang disiarkan BERNAMA, dia terharu dan gembira kerana diberi peluang keemeasan ini dan dia sangat gembira serta cukup terharu diberi peluang membuat persembahan di majlis itu. Sejak pelancaran album sulungnya pada 2008, lirik Yuna yang penuh makna menyebabkan beliau mendapat pengktirafan dari seantero dunia.
 Penyanyi popular itu mendapat sanjungan kritikal daripada majalah seperti Rolling Stone, VIBE, dan Elle, dan kerap membuat persembahan di festival muzik utama. Bekerjasama dengan artis terkemuka bagi menghasilkan albumnya sendiri, Yuna juga menyertai rakaman album single yang popular "One Woman" untuk Wanita PBB, yang dilancarkan pada Hari Wanita Antarabangsa pada 2013.

Pasangan bahagia yang masih baru bergelar suami isteri iaitu Linda Hashim dan Beego bakal bergelar ibu dan bapa setelah aktres berusia 29 tahun itu telah disahkan mengandung lebih kurang 2 bulan atau 10 minggu pada beberapa minggu lalu.
 Ketika ditemui baru-baru ini, kedua mereka tidak menyangka rezeki datang begitu cepat dan pasangan ini menerimanya dengan hati terbuka serta telah bersedia bergelar ibu dan bapa. Masih lagi diperingkat awal, Linda memberitahu bahawa tiada sebarang alahan atau mengidam apa-apa. "Buat masa ini saya belum didatangi morning sickness atau sebarang alahan yang seringkali dialami oleh wanita mengandung. Mungkin masih terlalu awal atau saya tidak terlalu memberikan perhatian kepada sebarang perbezaan yang berlaku kepada diri saya
. "Saya mendapat tahu bahawa saya mengandung pun ketika itu rasa macam tak yakin. Sebab agak cepat juga kan selepas kami berkahwin tempoh hari. Tetapi saya dan Beego tak pernah merancang, rezeki dah diberi kami terima,"ujarnya yang tetap akan terus berlakon hingga usia kandungan mencecah 8 bulan. Berbeza pula dengan Beego, kesempatan ini diambilnya untuk menjaga isteri dan dalam erti kata lain mengambil tugas membuat kerja rumah.
 Beego mahu menggunakan peluang ini bagi menurunkan berat badan dengan melakukan kerja rumah disamping memanjakan isteri tersayangnya itu. "Bila saya dapat tahu mengenai hal ini saya memang teruja, lagipun kami tak pernah merancang. Ada juga macam terasa pelik, seperti alahan mengandung itu berpindah kepada saya.
 Buat masa ini masih terkawal lagi dan saya tidak terlalu melayankan perasaan tersebut. "Saya sebaliknya akan jadi lebih peka dan ambil tahu mengenai kondisi isteri dan cuba membantunya melakukan kerja-kerja rumah. Kalau ada waktu lapang saya akan kemas rumah, cuci baju di pusat dobi automatic dan pelbagai lagi. "Ini kerana saya seronok manjakan isteri saya dan pada masa yang sama saya boleh kira itu adalah senaman saya. Semenjak berkahwin ini rasanya berat badan bertambah naik.
 "Inilah masanya saya cuba balas balik dengan membuat kerja rumah sebagai senaman saya," cerita Beego yang menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai suami dalam masa yang sama menganggap ia sebagai aktiviti untuk dia mengurangkan berat badan.
1.10.13 Unknown

Pasangan bahagia yang masih baru bergelar suami isteri iaitu Linda Hashim dan Beego bakal bergelar ibu dan bapa setelah aktres berusia 29 tahun itu telah disahkan mengandung lebih kurang 2 bulan atau 10 minggu pada beberapa minggu lalu.
 Ketika ditemui baru-baru ini, kedua mereka tidak menyangka rezeki datang begitu cepat dan pasangan ini menerimanya dengan hati terbuka serta telah bersedia bergelar ibu dan bapa. Masih lagi diperingkat awal, Linda memberitahu bahawa tiada sebarang alahan atau mengidam apa-apa. "Buat masa ini saya belum didatangi morning sickness atau sebarang alahan yang seringkali dialami oleh wanita mengandung. Mungkin masih terlalu awal atau saya tidak terlalu memberikan perhatian kepada sebarang perbezaan yang berlaku kepada diri saya
. "Saya mendapat tahu bahawa saya mengandung pun ketika itu rasa macam tak yakin. Sebab agak cepat juga kan selepas kami berkahwin tempoh hari. Tetapi saya dan Beego tak pernah merancang, rezeki dah diberi kami terima,"ujarnya yang tetap akan terus berlakon hingga usia kandungan mencecah 8 bulan. Berbeza pula dengan Beego, kesempatan ini diambilnya untuk menjaga isteri dan dalam erti kata lain mengambil tugas membuat kerja rumah.
 Beego mahu menggunakan peluang ini bagi menurunkan berat badan dengan melakukan kerja rumah disamping memanjakan isteri tersayangnya itu. "Bila saya dapat tahu mengenai hal ini saya memang teruja, lagipun kami tak pernah merancang. Ada juga macam terasa pelik, seperti alahan mengandung itu berpindah kepada saya.
 Buat masa ini masih terkawal lagi dan saya tidak terlalu melayankan perasaan tersebut. "Saya sebaliknya akan jadi lebih peka dan ambil tahu mengenai kondisi isteri dan cuba membantunya melakukan kerja-kerja rumah. Kalau ada waktu lapang saya akan kemas rumah, cuci baju di pusat dobi automatic dan pelbagai lagi. "Ini kerana saya seronok manjakan isteri saya dan pada masa yang sama saya boleh kira itu adalah senaman saya. Semenjak berkahwin ini rasanya berat badan bertambah naik.
 "Inilah masanya saya cuba balas balik dengan membuat kerja rumah sebagai senaman saya," cerita Beego yang menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai suami dalam masa yang sama menganggap ia sebagai aktiviti untuk dia mengurangkan berat badan.
Yus Jambu: Wanita Bertudung Itu Bukan Bakal Isteri Saya!
Bintang komedi popular, Yus Jambu yang masih kekal dalam program Super Spontan 2 menerusi kumpulan Ketam Konfius menafikan bahawa wanita bertudung yang ada dalam gambar itu adalah bakal isterinya. Sebaliknya, Yus atau lebih mesra disapa Pak Yus memberitahu tidak kenal wanita yang gambarnya tersebar luas di internet bersama dirinya itu.
 "Gambar itu sudah lama. Saya tidak kenal pun siapa dia? Bakal isteri saya seorang model. Dia tidak bertudung. "Saya sebolehnya nak kenalkan bakal isteri saya itu pada peminat. Namun, demi menghormati keputusan dia dan keluarga, saya masih terpaksa merahsiakan wajah dan identiti sebenarnya. "Bila tiba masa nanti, baru saya akan kenalkan dan kongsi gambar dia," katanya kepada Debot.
 Dalam pada itu, Yus berkongsi bahawa hubungan mereka sebagai kekasih bakal diakhiri ke jinjang pelamin penghujung tahun depan. "Insya-Allah, saya dan dia akan bernikah hujung tahun 2014. Kami tidak akan bertunang. Kami akan terus bernikah saja. "Lagi pun usia saya sudah berapa...Doakanlah jodoh kami panjang," ujarnya.
 Hubungan Yus dan kekasihnya mula dikesan pihak media selepas final Maharajalawak 2012 yang menempatkan kumpulan Jambu yang dianggotainya bersama Tauke sebagai naib juara. Selepas itu, ramai mencari siapakah gerangan wanita yang berjaya memikat hati Yus itu sehingga timbul pelbagai cerita kurang enak terhadap pasangan ini.
1.10.13 Unknown
Yus Jambu: Wanita Bertudung Itu Bukan Bakal Isteri Saya!
Bintang komedi popular, Yus Jambu yang masih kekal dalam program Super Spontan 2 menerusi kumpulan Ketam Konfius menafikan bahawa wanita bertudung yang ada dalam gambar itu adalah bakal isterinya. Sebaliknya, Yus atau lebih mesra disapa Pak Yus memberitahu tidak kenal wanita yang gambarnya tersebar luas di internet bersama dirinya itu.
 "Gambar itu sudah lama. Saya tidak kenal pun siapa dia? Bakal isteri saya seorang model. Dia tidak bertudung. "Saya sebolehnya nak kenalkan bakal isteri saya itu pada peminat. Namun, demi menghormati keputusan dia dan keluarga, saya masih terpaksa merahsiakan wajah dan identiti sebenarnya. "Bila tiba masa nanti, baru saya akan kenalkan dan kongsi gambar dia," katanya kepada Debot.
 Dalam pada itu, Yus berkongsi bahawa hubungan mereka sebagai kekasih bakal diakhiri ke jinjang pelamin penghujung tahun depan. "Insya-Allah, saya dan dia akan bernikah hujung tahun 2014. Kami tidak akan bertunang. Kami akan terus bernikah saja. "Lagi pun usia saya sudah berapa...Doakanlah jodoh kami panjang," ujarnya.
 Hubungan Yus dan kekasihnya mula dikesan pihak media selepas final Maharajalawak 2012 yang menempatkan kumpulan Jambu yang dianggotainya bersama Tauke sebagai naib juara. Selepas itu, ramai mencari siapakah gerangan wanita yang berjaya memikat hati Yus itu sehingga timbul pelbagai cerita kurang enak terhadap pasangan ini.
BEIJING (Oct 1, 2013): Reigning China Open champion Victoria Azarenka (Pic) crashed out in the first round yesterday as the second seed faced stiff resistance from former finallist Andrea Petkovic.
 The Belarusian world No. 2 rarely showed glimpses of the form which helped her claim the title last year, at times appearing sluggish as she committed a staggering 15 double faults in the 6-4, 2-6, 6-4 loss. It is the second early exit in a row for the 24-year-old, who complained of feeling ill when she was defeated by Venus Williams in the second round of the Pan Pacific Open last week.
 Azarenka appeared agitated in the opening set in Beijing's National Tennis Centre, even before German Petkovic broke her serve following a string of double faults. The second seed regained her composure in the second set and appeared to be on course for victory when she broke Petkovic at the start of the third set. However, the 2011 finallist then seized the initiative, claiming victory in two hours and 22 minutes.
 China's Zhang Shuai continued her sizzling form, defeating compatriot Peng Shuai 6-3, 6-3 to set up a second-round match against tenth seed Roberta Vinci. Wildcard Zhang won her first WTA title in Guangzhou earlier this month.
 The 24-year-old recruited her own coach in July, following Chinese star Li Na's example in leaving the tightly controlled state sports system, raising hopes that she can emulate the success of the 2011 French Open winner. It was a successful day for three Serbian players. Eighth seed Jelana Jankovic needed three sets to overcome Russian Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova 1-6, 6-4, 6-0. Compatriot Ana Ivanovic claimed victory over Italian Flavia Pennetta 7-6 (11/9), 6-1.
 Ivanovic had been trailing 5-1 in the first set. "I really struggled to find my rhythm in the beginning. I felt the ball was flying," she said. "I didn't really think I could come back in the first set, but I really played well and stepped up when it was very tight, so that gave me confidence."
 Bojana Jovanovski rounded off a hat-trick for the Serbians, beating Romanian Sorana Cirstea 6-3, 6-2. Also in the first round, Canadian Eugenie Bouchard defeated Slovakia's Magdalena Rybarikova 6-4, 6-1 and Russia's Svetlana Kuznetsova swept aside Hsieh Su-Wei of Taiwan 6-1, 6-1. The men's tournament got under way Monday, but it was heartbreak for the home crowd after China's top-ranked player fell at the first hurdle. Zhang Ze was knocked out by Australian number one Bernard Tomic 7-6 (7/4), 6-4. Tomic will now take on fifth seed Richard Gasquet.
 "We were playing juniors matches before and when Tomic was a junior he was sometimes sloppy and he gave many free points," the 23-year-old Zhang said. "Now he has grown a lot and he is more serious on every single point when he plays."
1.10.13 Unknown
BEIJING (Oct 1, 2013): Reigning China Open champion Victoria Azarenka (Pic) crashed out in the first round yesterday as the second seed faced stiff resistance from former finallist Andrea Petkovic.
 The Belarusian world No. 2 rarely showed glimpses of the form which helped her claim the title last year, at times appearing sluggish as she committed a staggering 15 double faults in the 6-4, 2-6, 6-4 loss. It is the second early exit in a row for the 24-year-old, who complained of feeling ill when she was defeated by Venus Williams in the second round of the Pan Pacific Open last week.
 Azarenka appeared agitated in the opening set in Beijing's National Tennis Centre, even before German Petkovic broke her serve following a string of double faults. The second seed regained her composure in the second set and appeared to be on course for victory when she broke Petkovic at the start of the third set. However, the 2011 finallist then seized the initiative, claiming victory in two hours and 22 minutes.
 China's Zhang Shuai continued her sizzling form, defeating compatriot Peng Shuai 6-3, 6-3 to set up a second-round match against tenth seed Roberta Vinci. Wildcard Zhang won her first WTA title in Guangzhou earlier this month.
 The 24-year-old recruited her own coach in July, following Chinese star Li Na's example in leaving the tightly controlled state sports system, raising hopes that she can emulate the success of the 2011 French Open winner. It was a successful day for three Serbian players. Eighth seed Jelana Jankovic needed three sets to overcome Russian Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova 1-6, 6-4, 6-0. Compatriot Ana Ivanovic claimed victory over Italian Flavia Pennetta 7-6 (11/9), 6-1.
 Ivanovic had been trailing 5-1 in the first set. "I really struggled to find my rhythm in the beginning. I felt the ball was flying," she said. "I didn't really think I could come back in the first set, but I really played well and stepped up when it was very tight, so that gave me confidence."
 Bojana Jovanovski rounded off a hat-trick for the Serbians, beating Romanian Sorana Cirstea 6-3, 6-2. Also in the first round, Canadian Eugenie Bouchard defeated Slovakia's Magdalena Rybarikova 6-4, 6-1 and Russia's Svetlana Kuznetsova swept aside Hsieh Su-Wei of Taiwan 6-1, 6-1. The men's tournament got under way Monday, but it was heartbreak for the home crowd after China's top-ranked player fell at the first hurdle. Zhang Ze was knocked out by Australian number one Bernard Tomic 7-6 (7/4), 6-4. Tomic will now take on fifth seed Richard Gasquet.
 "We were playing juniors matches before and when Tomic was a junior he was sometimes sloppy and he gave many free points," the 23-year-old Zhang said. "Now he has grown a lot and he is more serious on every single point when he plays."
BEIJING (Oct 1, 2013): Chinese prodigy Guan Tianlang, 14, will take on world No. 1 Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy in a "skills challenge" before an 18-hole showdown between the two pros, organisers said yesterday.
 In April Guan became the youngest to compete at the Masters, and despite being penalised a stroke for slow play, still managed to finish the leading amateur. "The Match" between Woods and McIlroy will be held over the Blackstone Course at Mission Hills Haikou, on the Chinese island of Hainan, on October 28. As part of the showpiece, the "skills challenge" features the three players hitting shots at three targets at a distance of 50, 100 and 125 yards.
 In a press release, Woods said of the talented Guan: "I'm really excited about his future and what he's doing for the profile of golf in China, so it's great he'll be a part of The Match at Mission Hills." Guan added: "It will be nice to see Tiger again because he has been very supportive, such as when we practised together at this year's Masters. "I haven't played with Rory before, but we had a nice chat at the Masters and he also offered me some good advice.
 "Both Tiger and Rory achieved a lot of success when they were teenagers, so I always appreciate it whenever they offer advice." - AFP
1.10.13 Unknown
BEIJING (Oct 1, 2013): Chinese prodigy Guan Tianlang, 14, will take on world No. 1 Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy in a "skills challenge" before an 18-hole showdown between the two pros, organisers said yesterday.
 In April Guan became the youngest to compete at the Masters, and despite being penalised a stroke for slow play, still managed to finish the leading amateur. "The Match" between Woods and McIlroy will be held over the Blackstone Course at Mission Hills Haikou, on the Chinese island of Hainan, on October 28. As part of the showpiece, the "skills challenge" features the three players hitting shots at three targets at a distance of 50, 100 and 125 yards.
 In a press release, Woods said of the talented Guan: "I'm really excited about his future and what he's doing for the profile of golf in China, so it's great he'll be a part of The Match at Mission Hills." Guan added: "It will be nice to see Tiger again because he has been very supportive, such as when we practised together at this year's Masters. "I haven't played with Rory before, but we had a nice chat at the Masters and he also offered me some good advice.
 "Both Tiger and Rory achieved a lot of success when they were teenagers, so I always appreciate it whenever they offer advice." - AFP
Neda (foreground) and Shahrzad (behind Neda) being led out of the High Court after they were sentenced to death for trafficking methamphetamine. Pic: The Star
Neda (foreground) and Shahrzad (behind Neda) being led out of the High Court after they were sentenced to death for trafficking methamphetamine.

 SHAH ALAM: A free trip to Malaysia has become the final destination for two Iranian women when they were sentenced to death for drug trafficking.
 Accountant Shahrzad Matinnia Mansoor, 31, and secretary Neda Mostafaei Ghodraollah, 26, were in tears after High Court judge Justice Abdul Alim Abdullah meted out the mandatory sentence. “The defence story that the two women came into Malaysia bringing food items was dongeng (a fairy tale) and ridiculous.
 “The defence has failed to raise a reasonable doubt,” he said yesterday before sentencing the two accused to be hanged to death. Shahrzad was charged with trafficking in 2.6kg of methamphetamine while Neda was charged with trafficking in 2.7kg of the same type of drugs at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 6.50am on Dec 15, 2010.
 The court heard testimony that the two, who were introduced by a mutual friend known as Alireza, met for the first time at a bus terminal in Syria. Alireza had offered them a free stay in Syria for pilgrimage. They claimed that on the fourth day in Syria, Alireza offered to sponsor their trip to Malaysia and asked them to bring in food items such as sweets and nuts.
 Another man known as Behzad then went to their hotel to pass them bags purportedly containing the food items. However, when searched at the airport, police found the drugs hidden in the bags containing the clothes of the women.
 DPP Wan Zuraida Wan Nawan prosecuted, while Shahrzad was represented by Muhamad Fadhli Mat Sutris and Neda by Hisyam Teh Pok Teik.
1.10.13 Unknown
Neda (foreground) and Shahrzad (behind Neda) being led out of the High Court after they were sentenced to death for trafficking methamphetamine. Pic: The Star
Neda (foreground) and Shahrzad (behind Neda) being led out of the High Court after they were sentenced to death for trafficking methamphetamine.

 SHAH ALAM: A free trip to Malaysia has become the final destination for two Iranian women when they were sentenced to death for drug trafficking.
 Accountant Shahrzad Matinnia Mansoor, 31, and secretary Neda Mostafaei Ghodraollah, 26, were in tears after High Court judge Justice Abdul Alim Abdullah meted out the mandatory sentence. “The defence story that the two women came into Malaysia bringing food items was dongeng (a fairy tale) and ridiculous.
 “The defence has failed to raise a reasonable doubt,” he said yesterday before sentencing the two accused to be hanged to death. Shahrzad was charged with trafficking in 2.6kg of methamphetamine while Neda was charged with trafficking in 2.7kg of the same type of drugs at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 6.50am on Dec 15, 2010.
 The court heard testimony that the two, who were introduced by a mutual friend known as Alireza, met for the first time at a bus terminal in Syria. Alireza had offered them a free stay in Syria for pilgrimage. They claimed that on the fourth day in Syria, Alireza offered to sponsor their trip to Malaysia and asked them to bring in food items such as sweets and nuts.
 Another man known as Behzad then went to their hotel to pass them bags purportedly containing the food items. However, when searched at the airport, police found the drugs hidden in the bags containing the clothes of the women.
 DPP Wan Zuraida Wan Nawan prosecuted, while Shahrzad was represented by Muhamad Fadhli Mat Sutris and Neda by Hisyam Teh Pok Teik.
File pic of a railway track in Kiev. Pic: Reuters
A UKRAINIAN couple's inability to rein in their passion for each other ended in tragedy when a woman was killed by a locomotive and her partner had his legs torn off during pre-dawn love-making on a railway track, police said Sunday.
 The accident took place in the southeastern Ukrainian region of Zaporizhia early Saturday. "Returning from our friends', my girlfriend and I could not overcome our passionate nature and wanted to feel a sense of thrill near a railway track," a police statement quoted the 41-year-old man as saying.
 A police spokesman separately told AFP Sunday that the pair was believed to have been drunk. The woman died on the spot while the man was hospitalized with his legs torn off below the knee
. Police did not release the names of the victims, saying it had opened a criminal probe over the safety violation.
1.10.13 Unknown
File pic of a railway track in Kiev. Pic: Reuters
A UKRAINIAN couple's inability to rein in their passion for each other ended in tragedy when a woman was killed by a locomotive and her partner had his legs torn off during pre-dawn love-making on a railway track, police said Sunday.
 The accident took place in the southeastern Ukrainian region of Zaporizhia early Saturday. "Returning from our friends', my girlfriend and I could not overcome our passionate nature and wanted to feel a sense of thrill near a railway track," a police statement quoted the 41-year-old man as saying.
 A police spokesman separately told AFP Sunday that the pair was believed to have been drunk. The woman died on the spot while the man was hospitalized with his legs torn off below the knee
. Police did not release the names of the victims, saying it had opened a criminal probe over the safety violation.
Tabung haji
MAKKAH: Tabung Haji (TH) memantau perkhidmatan pakej haji oleh syarikat swasta bagi memastikan jemaah haji yang memilih pakej itu tidak terpedaya.
 Pengarah Operasi Pengelola Jemaah Haji TH Mat Admara Alang Azizdin berkata pihaknya membuat pemantauan berkala dengan menemu bual jemaah bagi mendapat maklum balas perkhidmatan yang diberikan. "Kami akan membuat pemeriksaan sama ada syarikat swasta itu memenuhi janji seperti yang diiklan dan jemaah juga diminta membuat aduan segera jika mereka tidak berpuas hati dengan mutu perkhidmatan syarikat itu," katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.
 Beliau berkata TH tidak akan melayan aduan jika jemaah mengadu kelemahan syarikat setelah mereka pulang ke tanah air kerana aduan itu perlu dibuktikan benar dan TH perlu mengambil tindakan segera. Beliau berkata bagi musim haji ini sebanyak 2,177 jemaah Malaysia memilih untuk menunaikan haji menerusi perkhidmatan pakej swasta. Mat Admara berkata jumlah jemaah itu berkurangan berbanding 4,800 jemaah pada tahun lepas dan ia disebabkan pengurangan kuota oleh kerajaan Arab Saudi.
 Beliau berkata TH telah meluluskan permit kepada 18 syarikat swasta untuk membawa jemaah haji pada musim ini berbanding 25 syarikat tahun lepas. "Terdapat syarikat yang tidak dibenarkan membawa jemaah haji apabila jumlah pelanggannya kurang dari 50 orang dan terdapat juga syarikat yang tidak lagi diberi permit kerana gagal memenuhi janji kepada pelanggan," katanya.
 Harga pakej yang dibenarkan ialah antara RM20,000 hingga RM140,000 untuk seorang jemaah dan jarak jauh antara Masjidil Haram ke hotel penginapan mestilah antara 400 hingga 600 meter. Beliau berkata bagaimanapun jarak hotel bagi musim ini dibenarkan sehingga 1km ekoran kerja-kerja pembesaran Masjidil Haram yang sedang dijalankan. Mat Admara berkata TH memberi permit kepada syarikat-syarikat swasta untuk membawa jemaah haji sebagai memberi pilihan kepada jemaah yang tidak mahu menggunakan perkhidmatan muassasah.
 "Ada jemaah yang mahu tinggal dua orang sebilik dan jarak yang dekat dengan masjid, disebabkan itu kami membuka peluang kepada syarikat swasta untuk menawarkan pakej seumpama itu," katanya. Antara aduan yang sering diterima oleh TH ialah makanan yang disedia tidak memuaskan, jumlah penghuni bilik lebih daripada yang dijanjikan, jarak hotel jauh dari masjid seperti yang diiklankan dan syarikat mengenakan caj tambahan apabila berada di tanah suci.
 Beliau berkata TH akan mengambil tindakan tegas termasuk membatalkan permit mana-mana syarikat yang tidak menunaikan janji mereka kepada pelanggan.
1.10.13 Unknown
Tabung haji
MAKKAH: Tabung Haji (TH) memantau perkhidmatan pakej haji oleh syarikat swasta bagi memastikan jemaah haji yang memilih pakej itu tidak terpedaya.
 Pengarah Operasi Pengelola Jemaah Haji TH Mat Admara Alang Azizdin berkata pihaknya membuat pemantauan berkala dengan menemu bual jemaah bagi mendapat maklum balas perkhidmatan yang diberikan. "Kami akan membuat pemeriksaan sama ada syarikat swasta itu memenuhi janji seperti yang diiklan dan jemaah juga diminta membuat aduan segera jika mereka tidak berpuas hati dengan mutu perkhidmatan syarikat itu," katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.
 Beliau berkata TH tidak akan melayan aduan jika jemaah mengadu kelemahan syarikat setelah mereka pulang ke tanah air kerana aduan itu perlu dibuktikan benar dan TH perlu mengambil tindakan segera. Beliau berkata bagi musim haji ini sebanyak 2,177 jemaah Malaysia memilih untuk menunaikan haji menerusi perkhidmatan pakej swasta. Mat Admara berkata jumlah jemaah itu berkurangan berbanding 4,800 jemaah pada tahun lepas dan ia disebabkan pengurangan kuota oleh kerajaan Arab Saudi.
 Beliau berkata TH telah meluluskan permit kepada 18 syarikat swasta untuk membawa jemaah haji pada musim ini berbanding 25 syarikat tahun lepas. "Terdapat syarikat yang tidak dibenarkan membawa jemaah haji apabila jumlah pelanggannya kurang dari 50 orang dan terdapat juga syarikat yang tidak lagi diberi permit kerana gagal memenuhi janji kepada pelanggan," katanya.
 Harga pakej yang dibenarkan ialah antara RM20,000 hingga RM140,000 untuk seorang jemaah dan jarak jauh antara Masjidil Haram ke hotel penginapan mestilah antara 400 hingga 600 meter. Beliau berkata bagaimanapun jarak hotel bagi musim ini dibenarkan sehingga 1km ekoran kerja-kerja pembesaran Masjidil Haram yang sedang dijalankan. Mat Admara berkata TH memberi permit kepada syarikat-syarikat swasta untuk membawa jemaah haji sebagai memberi pilihan kepada jemaah yang tidak mahu menggunakan perkhidmatan muassasah.
 "Ada jemaah yang mahu tinggal dua orang sebilik dan jarak yang dekat dengan masjid, disebabkan itu kami membuka peluang kepada syarikat swasta untuk menawarkan pakej seumpama itu," katanya. Antara aduan yang sering diterima oleh TH ialah makanan yang disedia tidak memuaskan, jumlah penghuni bilik lebih daripada yang dijanjikan, jarak hotel jauh dari masjid seperti yang diiklankan dan syarikat mengenakan caj tambahan apabila berada di tanah suci.
 Beliau berkata TH akan mengambil tindakan tegas termasuk membatalkan permit mana-mana syarikat yang tidak menunaikan janji mereka kepada pelanggan.

A Chicago commuter train that was parked in a service yard somehow moved onto a rail line and smashed into an oncoming train early Monday, injuring dozens of people. How it happened is a mystery. "I don't know the last time, if ever, that this has happened" on the Chicago Transit Authority system, spokesman Brian Steele said.
 There are "more questions than answers" about the incident in Forest Park, Illinois, he said. At least 48 people were injured; 33 of them were transported to hospitals, Forest Park Mayor Anthony Calderone told CNN affiliate WLS. They are believed to have minor injuries. It was not immediately clear how many passengers were aboard the train. Investigators are not characterizing the incident as a runaway train at this point, Steele said.
 A central question: whether anyone had climbed on board the empty train and set it in motion. "In order for a train to move, it has to be energized," said Ronald Ester, vice president of CTA Rail Operations. "We call it unlocking the master controller," he said. The train would have needed to be placed in power position manually. Authorities are looking at video feeds from the platforms and from some rail cars.
 They're also interviewing workers who were nearby. It's unknown whether there were criminal activities, Steele said. Authorities did not immediately find windows broken, doors pried open or graffiti on the train. The train that caused the accident had four cars; the one with passengers aboard had eight. The incident took place about 8 a.m.
 Train service continued but did not stop at Harlem, near the site of the crash. Shuttle buses were made available. Steele emphasized that the CTA has "a very strong safety record."

1.10.13 Unknown

A Chicago commuter train that was parked in a service yard somehow moved onto a rail line and smashed into an oncoming train early Monday, injuring dozens of people. How it happened is a mystery. "I don't know the last time, if ever, that this has happened" on the Chicago Transit Authority system, spokesman Brian Steele said.
 There are "more questions than answers" about the incident in Forest Park, Illinois, he said. At least 48 people were injured; 33 of them were transported to hospitals, Forest Park Mayor Anthony Calderone told CNN affiliate WLS. They are believed to have minor injuries. It was not immediately clear how many passengers were aboard the train. Investigators are not characterizing the incident as a runaway train at this point, Steele said.
 A central question: whether anyone had climbed on board the empty train and set it in motion. "In order for a train to move, it has to be energized," said Ronald Ester, vice president of CTA Rail Operations. "We call it unlocking the master controller," he said. The train would have needed to be placed in power position manually. Authorities are looking at video feeds from the platforms and from some rail cars.
 They're also interviewing workers who were nearby. It's unknown whether there were criminal activities, Steele said. Authorities did not immediately find windows broken, doors pried open or graffiti on the train. The train that caused the accident had four cars; the one with passengers aboard had eight. The incident took place about 8 a.m.
 Train service continued but did not stop at Harlem, near the site of the crash. Shuttle buses were made available. Steele emphasized that the CTA has "a very strong safety record."

Derby County have named former England boss Steve McClaren as their new head coach on a two-and-a-half-year deal.
 He replaces Nigel Clough, who was sacked as manager following Saturday's loss to Nottingham Forest. The 52-year-old's last managerial job in England was at East Midlands rivals Forest, and he joins the Rams after working as first-team coach at QPR. Former Preston boss Paul Simpson and ex-Manchester United goalkeeping coach Eric Steele have also joined the Rams.
 McClaren, however, will not oversee Derby's game against Ipswich on Tuesday, with academy manager Darren Wassall in temporary charge of the team. Simpson, who played for Derby between 1992-97, has been appointed first-team coach while Steele, who worked alongside McClaren at Derby when he was assistant manager to Jim Smith, also returns to Pride Park.
 "Steve is a highly qualified coach with all the skill-sets required to be a success here at Pride Park," Derby chief executive Sam Rush said in a club statement. "It is also important that Steve, Paul and Eric know what it means to play for Derby County and they have been at the club during the good times." Rush also revealed that there will be a major overhaul of club's football department, and that McClaren will work alongside a yet-to-be-named technical director.
 Following Clough's departure, the backroom coaching team of Johnny Metgod, Andy Garner, Gary Crosby and Martin Taylor have all been placed on gardening leave. "We will now be making structural changes to our football operations," Rush told BBC Radio Derby. "For me it is extremely important to have someone focused on the coaching. "But modern football has a huge amount of complexity attached to it, and so we will be looking, alongside the managerial appointment, to have a technical sporting director appointment - someone who will take responsibility for all areas of football operations.
 "It will take us longer to make that appointment." GoogleIt will be McClaren's third spell with the East Midlands club that he first served as a player in the 1980s, then as assistant manager to Smith. He helped the Rams reach the Premier League during his four-year spell as number two before moving to a similar role alongside Sir Alex Ferguson at Manchester United in 1999.
 The former Hull, Bristol City and Oxford United midfielder's first management role came at Middlesbrough in 2001, and he led them to League Cup success in 2004 and to the Uefa Cup final in 2006. He succeeded Sven-Goran Eriksson as England boss three months later, but was sacked in November 2007 as the Three Lions failed to qualify for the 2008 European Championships. McClaren made an impressive return to club management in the Netherlands, leading FC Twente to their first Dutch title in 2009-10.
 However, he quit in 2010 to join German side Wolfsburg, only to be sacked after 24 games in charge. The Yorkshireman then made his English football comeback as Nottingham Forest boss in 2011 - a post he held for only 112 days before resigning. McClaren took the helm at Twente for a second time in January 2012, and stayed with the club for 13 months.
 He has most recently been part of Harry Redknapp's coaching team at QPR and had been linked with the managerial vacancy at Sunderland following Paolo Di Canio's exit prior to Derby confirming their interest in him.

1.10.13 Unknown
Derby County have named former England boss Steve McClaren as their new head coach on a two-and-a-half-year deal.
 He replaces Nigel Clough, who was sacked as manager following Saturday's loss to Nottingham Forest. The 52-year-old's last managerial job in England was at East Midlands rivals Forest, and he joins the Rams after working as first-team coach at QPR. Former Preston boss Paul Simpson and ex-Manchester United goalkeeping coach Eric Steele have also joined the Rams.
 McClaren, however, will not oversee Derby's game against Ipswich on Tuesday, with academy manager Darren Wassall in temporary charge of the team. Simpson, who played for Derby between 1992-97, has been appointed first-team coach while Steele, who worked alongside McClaren at Derby when he was assistant manager to Jim Smith, also returns to Pride Park.
 "Steve is a highly qualified coach with all the skill-sets required to be a success here at Pride Park," Derby chief executive Sam Rush said in a club statement. "It is also important that Steve, Paul and Eric know what it means to play for Derby County and they have been at the club during the good times." Rush also revealed that there will be a major overhaul of club's football department, and that McClaren will work alongside a yet-to-be-named technical director.
 Following Clough's departure, the backroom coaching team of Johnny Metgod, Andy Garner, Gary Crosby and Martin Taylor have all been placed on gardening leave. "We will now be making structural changes to our football operations," Rush told BBC Radio Derby. "For me it is extremely important to have someone focused on the coaching. "But modern football has a huge amount of complexity attached to it, and so we will be looking, alongside the managerial appointment, to have a technical sporting director appointment - someone who will take responsibility for all areas of football operations.
 "It will take us longer to make that appointment." GoogleIt will be McClaren's third spell with the East Midlands club that he first served as a player in the 1980s, then as assistant manager to Smith. He helped the Rams reach the Premier League during his four-year spell as number two before moving to a similar role alongside Sir Alex Ferguson at Manchester United in 1999.
 The former Hull, Bristol City and Oxford United midfielder's first management role came at Middlesbrough in 2001, and he led them to League Cup success in 2004 and to the Uefa Cup final in 2006. He succeeded Sven-Goran Eriksson as England boss three months later, but was sacked in November 2007 as the Three Lions failed to qualify for the 2008 European Championships. McClaren made an impressive return to club management in the Netherlands, leading FC Twente to their first Dutch title in 2009-10.
 However, he quit in 2010 to join German side Wolfsburg, only to be sacked after 24 games in charge. The Yorkshireman then made his English football comeback as Nottingham Forest boss in 2011 - a post he held for only 112 days before resigning. McClaren took the helm at Twente for a second time in January 2012, and stayed with the club for 13 months.
 He has most recently been part of Harry Redknapp's coaching team at QPR and had been linked with the managerial vacancy at Sunderland following Paolo Di Canio's exit prior to Derby confirming their interest in him.

People (L) take shelter beside a fallen tree as strong winds batter the coastal area in the Ky Anh district of Vietnam's central Ha Tinh province. Pic: AFP
People (L) take shelter beside a fallen tree as strong winds batter the coastal area in the Ky Anh district of Vietnam's central Ha Tinh province.

 HANOI: Vietnam evacuated tens of thousands of people from high-risk coastal areas on Monday as a powerful typhoon that left dozens of fishermen missing in the South China Sea slammed into the country. China deployed navy warships and aircraft to search for survivors after three Chinese fishing boats sank in rough waters whipped up by Typhoon Wutip.
 More than 70 people were missing, Beijing's official Xinhua news agency reported, citing maritime authorities. Vietnam closed schools, ordered all boats ashore and moved some 70,000 people to shelters in vulnerable areas along its central coastline, as high winds and heavy rains uprooted trees and tore the roofs off houses.
 Wutip made landfall on Vietnam's central coast soon after 5:00pm (1000 GMT), packing winds of up to 103 kilometers (64 miles) per hour and gusts of up to 133 kph, Vietnam's National Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting Center said. Authorities scrambled to move people from areas at risk of landslides and flash floods, as soldiers joined efforts to build walls of sandbags around coastal villages
. "We have evacuated thousands of people, prepared vehicles, mobilized 5,000 police and soldiers," Nguyen Duc Cuong, a local communist party official in Quang Tri province, told state-run VTV. Torrential rain and strong winds battered neighboring Quang Nam province, with the popular tourist town of Hoi An also affected by heavy flooding. "This is a big typhoon with strong wind and heavy rain and we urge people to stay overnight in shelters," Nguyen Van Bong, an official in nearby Ky Anh district, told state television. Local authorities will be "on duty around the clock" to ensure the area's reservoirs and vast hydro-electric dams are not damaged or made unsafe by the typhoon, he added.
 People in central Vietnam told AFP that there were already sporadic power cuts in several districts. Vietnam is hit by an average of eight to 10 tropical storms every year, often causing heavy material and human losses, as well as frequent flooding. In recent weeks, floods have killed at least 24 people in Vietnam and claimed 30 lives in Cambodia, as well as 22 in Thailand.
 Cambodian police said four people -- believed to be Syrians, including two children -- died late Sunday when their car was swept away in floodwaters. In China, President Xi Jinping called for an "all-out rescue effort" urging local authorities to "do their utmost to find the missing or stranded and minimize casualties" caused by the typhoon, Xinhua said. Rescue efforts had been hampered by strong gales and high waves, it said.
 The Chinese boats, which were together carrying 88 fishermen, sank after they attempted to navigate gales near the disputed Paracel Islands, about 330 kilometers (200 miles) from China's southern coast. China's maritime authority on Sunday raised its alert on the typhoon to orange, its second-highest of four levels, Xinhua reported.
 Storm tides might strike the provinces of Guangdong, Hainan and Guangxi, it added, citing the National Marine Environmental Forecasting Centre. The Paracel islands are claimed by China, Vietnam and Taiwan, but Chinese fishermen often travel there in search of bigger hauls.
 Last week, Typhoon Usagi left at least 25 people dead after crashing ashore in southern China, throwing transport systems into chaos and leaving tens of thousands of airline passengers stranded in Hong Kong. China's civil affairs ministry said 226,000 people were relocated due to that storm and more than 7,100 houses collapsed or were badly damaged.
1.10.13 Unknown
People (L) take shelter beside a fallen tree as strong winds batter the coastal area in the Ky Anh district of Vietnam's central Ha Tinh province. Pic: AFP
People (L) take shelter beside a fallen tree as strong winds batter the coastal area in the Ky Anh district of Vietnam's central Ha Tinh province.

 HANOI: Vietnam evacuated tens of thousands of people from high-risk coastal areas on Monday as a powerful typhoon that left dozens of fishermen missing in the South China Sea slammed into the country. China deployed navy warships and aircraft to search for survivors after three Chinese fishing boats sank in rough waters whipped up by Typhoon Wutip.
 More than 70 people were missing, Beijing's official Xinhua news agency reported, citing maritime authorities. Vietnam closed schools, ordered all boats ashore and moved some 70,000 people to shelters in vulnerable areas along its central coastline, as high winds and heavy rains uprooted trees and tore the roofs off houses.
 Wutip made landfall on Vietnam's central coast soon after 5:00pm (1000 GMT), packing winds of up to 103 kilometers (64 miles) per hour and gusts of up to 133 kph, Vietnam's National Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting Center said. Authorities scrambled to move people from areas at risk of landslides and flash floods, as soldiers joined efforts to build walls of sandbags around coastal villages
. "We have evacuated thousands of people, prepared vehicles, mobilized 5,000 police and soldiers," Nguyen Duc Cuong, a local communist party official in Quang Tri province, told state-run VTV. Torrential rain and strong winds battered neighboring Quang Nam province, with the popular tourist town of Hoi An also affected by heavy flooding. "This is a big typhoon with strong wind and heavy rain and we urge people to stay overnight in shelters," Nguyen Van Bong, an official in nearby Ky Anh district, told state television. Local authorities will be "on duty around the clock" to ensure the area's reservoirs and vast hydro-electric dams are not damaged or made unsafe by the typhoon, he added.
 People in central Vietnam told AFP that there were already sporadic power cuts in several districts. Vietnam is hit by an average of eight to 10 tropical storms every year, often causing heavy material and human losses, as well as frequent flooding. In recent weeks, floods have killed at least 24 people in Vietnam and claimed 30 lives in Cambodia, as well as 22 in Thailand.
 Cambodian police said four people -- believed to be Syrians, including two children -- died late Sunday when their car was swept away in floodwaters. In China, President Xi Jinping called for an "all-out rescue effort" urging local authorities to "do their utmost to find the missing or stranded and minimize casualties" caused by the typhoon, Xinhua said. Rescue efforts had been hampered by strong gales and high waves, it said.
 The Chinese boats, which were together carrying 88 fishermen, sank after they attempted to navigate gales near the disputed Paracel Islands, about 330 kilometers (200 miles) from China's southern coast. China's maritime authority on Sunday raised its alert on the typhoon to orange, its second-highest of four levels, Xinhua reported.
 Storm tides might strike the provinces of Guangdong, Hainan and Guangxi, it added, citing the National Marine Environmental Forecasting Centre. The Paracel islands are claimed by China, Vietnam and Taiwan, but Chinese fishermen often travel there in search of bigger hauls.
 Last week, Typhoon Usagi left at least 25 people dead after crashing ashore in southern China, throwing transport systems into chaos and leaving tens of thousands of airline passengers stranded in Hong Kong. China's civil affairs ministry said 226,000 people were relocated due to that storm and more than 7,100 houses collapsed or were badly damaged.
Google Images
BAGHDAD: A series of car bomb blasts in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, has killed at least 47 people and injured many more, officials say.
 The blasts targeted markets and car parks in mainly Shia Muslim districts of the city. There has been a recent upsurge in sectarian violence, sparking fears of a return to the bloodletting of 2008. More than 5,000 people have been killed so far this year, according to United Nations data.
 Monday's blasts struck during Baghdad's morning rush hour, with reports of 13 bombs, most of them in Shia neighbourhoods. Groups of labourers gathering ahead of the working day were among the bombers' targets. One of the deadliest attacks was reported from the eastern Sadr City district where seven people were killed and 75 injured in a crowded vegetable market.
 Another six were reported killed in Shuala, a mainly Shia area of north Baghdad. The city neighbourhoods affected also included New Baghdad, Habibiya, Sabaa al-Bour, Kazimiya, Shaab and Ur, as well as the Sunni districts of Jamiaa and Ghazaliya, the Associated Press news agency reports.
 'War with terrorism' No-one has claimed responsibility for Monday's attacks, but Sunni Muslim insurgents have been blamed for much of the most recent violence. The interior ministry accused rebels linked to al-Qaeda of exploiting political divisions and regional conflicts to sow violence.
 "Our war with terrorism goes on," interior ministry spokesman Saad Maan told AP. The recent upsurge in violence was triggered in April by an army raid on a Sunni Muslim anti-government protest camp near Hawija, north of Baghdad. Many in the country's Sunni Muslim minority complain of being excluded from decision-making and of abuses by the security forces. Recent raids in Baghdad on suspected al-Qaeda hideouts in mainly Sunni districts are thought to have worsened grievances.
 One of the bloodiest attacks over the past few weeks was a double bombing in a funeral marquee in Sadr City on 21 September, which left more than 60 people dead. Several dozen people died in a wave of attacks on Sunday, including another explosion at a funeral. A suicide bomber attacked a Shia Muslim mosque south of the city, causing the roof to collapse.
 More than 40 people are now known to have been killed in that incident. Irbil, the normally stable capital of Iraq's autonomous province of Kurdistan, was hit by a series of bombings on the same day, killing six members of the security services. Officials said that violence could be linked to fighting between jihadists and Kurds in Syria.
1.10.13 Unknown
Google Images
BAGHDAD: A series of car bomb blasts in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, has killed at least 47 people and injured many more, officials say.
 The blasts targeted markets and car parks in mainly Shia Muslim districts of the city. There has been a recent upsurge in sectarian violence, sparking fears of a return to the bloodletting of 2008. More than 5,000 people have been killed so far this year, according to United Nations data.
 Monday's blasts struck during Baghdad's morning rush hour, with reports of 13 bombs, most of them in Shia neighbourhoods. Groups of labourers gathering ahead of the working day were among the bombers' targets. One of the deadliest attacks was reported from the eastern Sadr City district where seven people were killed and 75 injured in a crowded vegetable market.
 Another six were reported killed in Shuala, a mainly Shia area of north Baghdad. The city neighbourhoods affected also included New Baghdad, Habibiya, Sabaa al-Bour, Kazimiya, Shaab and Ur, as well as the Sunni districts of Jamiaa and Ghazaliya, the Associated Press news agency reports.
 'War with terrorism' No-one has claimed responsibility for Monday's attacks, but Sunni Muslim insurgents have been blamed for much of the most recent violence. The interior ministry accused rebels linked to al-Qaeda of exploiting political divisions and regional conflicts to sow violence.
 "Our war with terrorism goes on," interior ministry spokesman Saad Maan told AP. The recent upsurge in violence was triggered in April by an army raid on a Sunni Muslim anti-government protest camp near Hawija, north of Baghdad. Many in the country's Sunni Muslim minority complain of being excluded from decision-making and of abuses by the security forces. Recent raids in Baghdad on suspected al-Qaeda hideouts in mainly Sunni districts are thought to have worsened grievances.
 One of the bloodiest attacks over the past few weeks was a double bombing in a funeral marquee in Sadr City on 21 September, which left more than 60 people dead. Several dozen people died in a wave of attacks on Sunday, including another explosion at a funeral. A suicide bomber attacked a Shia Muslim mosque south of the city, causing the roof to collapse.
 More than 40 people are now known to have been killed in that incident. Irbil, the normally stable capital of Iraq's autonomous province of Kurdistan, was hit by a series of bombings on the same day, killing six members of the security services. Officials said that violence could be linked to fighting between jihadists and Kurds in Syria.
Pic: www.silkroadstudies.org
ANKARA: Turkey on Monday announced it would lift a ban on women wearing headscarves in most public offices, following other measures critics say are aimed at Islamising the staunchly secular country.
 In a major speech to introduce political reforms, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that, with a few exceptions, civil servants would be allowed to wear headscarves after a long-standing ban is overturned. However, the ban will remain in effect for judges, prosecutors, police and military personnel, he added. The lifting of the ban was part of major political reforms announced by Erdogan in order to enhance the rights of minority groups including Turkey's 15 million Kurds.
 The headscarf controversy reveals the rivalry in Turkey between religious conservatives, who form the bulk of Erdogan's Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party (AKP), and secular opponents. Secularists -- particularly those in the army -- see the headscarf as a symbol of defiance against the strict separation of state and religion, a basic tenet of modern Turkey.
 Erdogan's government was hit by a wave of nationwide unrest in June that threw up the biggest challenge to his decade-plus rule. Protesters called Erdogan a "dictator", accusing him of Islamising the predominantly Muslim but staunchly secular country. Critics say that Erdogan's rule has left Turkish society more polarised than ever, with opponents of the AKP government openly voicing concerns that Turkey is sliding toward conservative Islam.
 In 2004, his party attempted to submit a controversial amendment on banning adultery but had to back down amid criticism from opposition parties and women's groups. Last year, Erdogan provoked outrage when he likened abortion to murder. Secularists were also alarmed when parliament in 2012 approved his education reform that allowed for religious schools to raise what he described as "a pious generation." More recently, Turkey's parliament passed legislation curbing alcohol sales and advertising, the toughest such measures in the republic's history.
 This month, an Istanbul court again handed a 10-month suspended jail term to world-renowned Turkish pianist Fazil Say during a retrial over social media posts deemed religiously offensive. Professor Ilter Turan of the Istanbul-based Bilgi University said that the lifting of the ban on the headscarf was not unusual. "The ban has gradually been melting down throughout the AKP's rule," he told AFP.
 "To a great extent, it has not been applied in some government offices and AKP-led municipalities." The headscarf reform is considered as a gesture by Erdogan to his grassroots in the run-up to elections. His party has relaxed the ban at universities. The country votes in local elections in March, a presidential election in August and parliamentary polls in 2015. An AKP lawmaker however expressed discontent with the exceptions on the headscarf reform.
 "Why shouldn't judges and prosecutors wear headscarves? Can't those who wear headscarves deliver fair verdicts?" AKP's deputy Cengiz Yavilioglu wrote on his Twitter account. He also wrote that: "The headscarf ban was one of the most serious human rights violations. Despite the exceptions, the lifting of the ban is the return of a major right." The Islamic-rooted party insists that the ban flouts freedom of conscience and undermines the right to education.
 The move is likely to pave the way for headscarf-wearing lawmakers to enter parliament. In 1999, Merve Kavakci of the now-defunct Islamic Virtue Party, was prevented from taking her parliamentary oath because she wore a headscarf.
1.10.13 Unknown
Pic: www.silkroadstudies.org
ANKARA: Turkey on Monday announced it would lift a ban on women wearing headscarves in most public offices, following other measures critics say are aimed at Islamising the staunchly secular country.
 In a major speech to introduce political reforms, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that, with a few exceptions, civil servants would be allowed to wear headscarves after a long-standing ban is overturned. However, the ban will remain in effect for judges, prosecutors, police and military personnel, he added. The lifting of the ban was part of major political reforms announced by Erdogan in order to enhance the rights of minority groups including Turkey's 15 million Kurds.
 The headscarf controversy reveals the rivalry in Turkey between religious conservatives, who form the bulk of Erdogan's Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party (AKP), and secular opponents. Secularists -- particularly those in the army -- see the headscarf as a symbol of defiance against the strict separation of state and religion, a basic tenet of modern Turkey.
 Erdogan's government was hit by a wave of nationwide unrest in June that threw up the biggest challenge to his decade-plus rule. Protesters called Erdogan a "dictator", accusing him of Islamising the predominantly Muslim but staunchly secular country. Critics say that Erdogan's rule has left Turkish society more polarised than ever, with opponents of the AKP government openly voicing concerns that Turkey is sliding toward conservative Islam.
 In 2004, his party attempted to submit a controversial amendment on banning adultery but had to back down amid criticism from opposition parties and women's groups. Last year, Erdogan provoked outrage when he likened abortion to murder. Secularists were also alarmed when parliament in 2012 approved his education reform that allowed for religious schools to raise what he described as "a pious generation." More recently, Turkey's parliament passed legislation curbing alcohol sales and advertising, the toughest such measures in the republic's history.
 This month, an Istanbul court again handed a 10-month suspended jail term to world-renowned Turkish pianist Fazil Say during a retrial over social media posts deemed religiously offensive. Professor Ilter Turan of the Istanbul-based Bilgi University said that the lifting of the ban on the headscarf was not unusual. "The ban has gradually been melting down throughout the AKP's rule," he told AFP.
 "To a great extent, it has not been applied in some government offices and AKP-led municipalities." The headscarf reform is considered as a gesture by Erdogan to his grassroots in the run-up to elections. His party has relaxed the ban at universities. The country votes in local elections in March, a presidential election in August and parliamentary polls in 2015. An AKP lawmaker however expressed discontent with the exceptions on the headscarf reform.
 "Why shouldn't judges and prosecutors wear headscarves? Can't those who wear headscarves deliver fair verdicts?" AKP's deputy Cengiz Yavilioglu wrote on his Twitter account. He also wrote that: "The headscarf ban was one of the most serious human rights violations. Despite the exceptions, the lifting of the ban is the return of a major right." The Islamic-rooted party insists that the ban flouts freedom of conscience and undermines the right to education.
 The move is likely to pave the way for headscarf-wearing lawmakers to enter parliament. In 1999, Merve Kavakci of the now-defunct Islamic Virtue Party, was prevented from taking her parliamentary oath because she wore a headscarf.
DAVID Moyes admitted his Manchester United side have problems EVERYWHERE after they slumped to a second straight Premier League loss.
 Reigning champions United are teetering on the brink of a full-blown crisis after a third defeat in their first six league games condemned them to their worst start for 24 years. They have not scored in open play in the Premier League since the opening day of the season at Swansea - a worrying drought of 450 minutes. And with United languishing in 12th place, their proud record of never having finished outside the Premier League’s top four appears under serious threat.
 To add to Moyes’ troubles, his side face a hazardous Champions League trip to face Shakhtar Donetsk on Wednesday. The Scot cut a forlorn figure after United’s 2-1 defeat to West Brom at Old Trafford as he conceded he has issues with every aspect of his under-performing team. “There were lots of things that disappointed me,” said the man who succeeded Sir Alex Ferguson this summer.
 “I don’t think the midfield was just the one department where you’d say we were lacking. I think it would be unfair to say it was any [specific area]. “It was the whole thing, we were lacklustre in nearly all the areas. “So we’ve got to try and work on it and improve. We’ve just not played that well. We should be scoring more from open play. Back to back: Rooney and United have lost successive league games John Peters “What surprised me is that I felt, with the amount of possession we had in the first-half, we didn’t go on to create enough opportunities.
 “But I was also disappointed in that, from a game we controlled and in the main had the majority of the ball, we allowed ourselves to give them quite easy chances against us.” The one consolation for Moyes on the day was title rivals Manchester City also slipping up in a 3-2 at Aston Villa - although United already trail leaders Arsenal by eight points.
1.10.13 Unknown
DAVID Moyes admitted his Manchester United side have problems EVERYWHERE after they slumped to a second straight Premier League loss.
 Reigning champions United are teetering on the brink of a full-blown crisis after a third defeat in their first six league games condemned them to their worst start for 24 years. They have not scored in open play in the Premier League since the opening day of the season at Swansea - a worrying drought of 450 minutes. And with United languishing in 12th place, their proud record of never having finished outside the Premier League’s top four appears under serious threat.
 To add to Moyes’ troubles, his side face a hazardous Champions League trip to face Shakhtar Donetsk on Wednesday. The Scot cut a forlorn figure after United’s 2-1 defeat to West Brom at Old Trafford as he conceded he has issues with every aspect of his under-performing team. “There were lots of things that disappointed me,” said the man who succeeded Sir Alex Ferguson this summer.
 “I don’t think the midfield was just the one department where you’d say we were lacking. I think it would be unfair to say it was any [specific area]. “It was the whole thing, we were lacklustre in nearly all the areas. “So we’ve got to try and work on it and improve. We’ve just not played that well. We should be scoring more from open play. Back to back: Rooney and United have lost successive league games John Peters “What surprised me is that I felt, with the amount of possession we had in the first-half, we didn’t go on to create enough opportunities.
 “But I was also disappointed in that, from a game we controlled and in the main had the majority of the ball, we allowed ourselves to give them quite easy chances against us.” The one consolation for Moyes on the day was title rivals Manchester City also slipping up in a 3-2 at Aston Villa - although United already trail leaders Arsenal by eight points.
For illustration purposes only
ALOR STAR: Nurshazana Mohd Rashid, 24, was excited and could not wait for her favorite cousin's wedding in Kampung Huma, Tanjung Dawai, Sungai Petani.
 The International Islamic University Malaysia Arabic language student, who was awaiting her convocation, had gone to her grandfather's house two days before the wedding was held on Saturday. The third child from seven siblings was close to her cousin, identified only as Nina, in her 20s.
 Cousin Hairul Azhar Harun, 33, said: "She was excited and had gone there two days before the wedding to help the bride's family." However, the wedding turned tragic when Nurshazana and her siblings, aged 8 and 10, and their mother came down with food poisoning.
 They started vomiting and had acute diarrhea that evening. Nurshazana suffered the most. "She was very weak and unable to move. The family took her to a clinic, but she passed out at noon. "They rushed her to Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital in Sungai Petani but she was pronounced dead upon arrival at 12.45pm," Hairul said at Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital mortuary yesterday.
 Nurshazana was one of three guests at the wedding feast, who died from food poisoning yesterday. The other two victims were 11-year-old Mohammad Norraahmad Yusof, 11, from Kampung Singkir Laut, Yan, and Ibrahim Mohamad, 62. Norraahmad's mother, Che Norma Khalid, 45, said he had gone to the wedding with his father, Yusof Arifin, 50.
 "They came down with diarrhea later that evening and my son's condition became worse this (yesterday) morning. We rushed him to Yan Hospital after he passed out at home. He was pronounced dead at 1pm." Ibrahim, who was the wedding host's neighbor, was the third casualty. He died at Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital in Sungai Petani at 6.30pm yesterday after being warded for the same symptoms.
 His son, Zulkifli, 31, said Ibrahim was warded at Yan Hospital on Sunday and was transferred to Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital at 2pm yesterday when his condition deteriorated. "My father told us that he had eaten a chicken dish during the wedding feast." Thirty-five other victims are warded in Sungai Petani, with two of them in critical condition while at least 30 are warded at Yan Hospital, including Nurshazana's mother.
1.10.13 Unknown
For illustration purposes only
ALOR STAR: Nurshazana Mohd Rashid, 24, was excited and could not wait for her favorite cousin's wedding in Kampung Huma, Tanjung Dawai, Sungai Petani.
 The International Islamic University Malaysia Arabic language student, who was awaiting her convocation, had gone to her grandfather's house two days before the wedding was held on Saturday. The third child from seven siblings was close to her cousin, identified only as Nina, in her 20s.
 Cousin Hairul Azhar Harun, 33, said: "She was excited and had gone there two days before the wedding to help the bride's family." However, the wedding turned tragic when Nurshazana and her siblings, aged 8 and 10, and their mother came down with food poisoning.
 They started vomiting and had acute diarrhea that evening. Nurshazana suffered the most. "She was very weak and unable to move. The family took her to a clinic, but she passed out at noon. "They rushed her to Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital in Sungai Petani but she was pronounced dead upon arrival at 12.45pm," Hairul said at Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital mortuary yesterday.
 Nurshazana was one of three guests at the wedding feast, who died from food poisoning yesterday. The other two victims were 11-year-old Mohammad Norraahmad Yusof, 11, from Kampung Singkir Laut, Yan, and Ibrahim Mohamad, 62. Norraahmad's mother, Che Norma Khalid, 45, said he had gone to the wedding with his father, Yusof Arifin, 50.
 "They came down with diarrhea later that evening and my son's condition became worse this (yesterday) morning. We rushed him to Yan Hospital after he passed out at home. He was pronounced dead at 1pm." Ibrahim, who was the wedding host's neighbor, was the third casualty. He died at Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital in Sungai Petani at 6.30pm yesterday after being warded for the same symptoms.
 His son, Zulkifli, 31, said Ibrahim was warded at Yan Hospital on Sunday and was transferred to Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital at 2pm yesterday when his condition deteriorated. "My father told us that he had eaten a chicken dish during the wedding feast." Thirty-five other victims are warded in Sungai Petani, with two of them in critical condition while at least 30 are warded at Yan Hospital, including Nurshazana's mother.
Tergelak besar sekejap bila kami mendengar berita ini. Pelakon kesayangan ramai Aaron Aziz diberitakan meninggal dunia.
Yang buat kami tergelak, beliau dikatakan meninggal sewaktu mengalami kemalangan ketika sedang bermain luncur salji di Zermat Ski Resort, Switzeland. Ya, berita kematian memang tak boleh dibuat main - kami serius!
 Pagi ini, sedang kami semua kelam kabut menyediakan berita-berita terbaik untuk tatapan para pembaca MD pagi ini, penulis mendapat satu panggilan telefon dari seorang teman, katanya, "Nak tanya ni, betul ker Aaron Aziz meninggal dunia? Masa main salji kat Switzeland. Ada kat internet", kata si teman.
 "Hah?! Mana dapat cerita ni???, terkejut penulis dibuatnya. Tiba-tiba meja hiburan kami jadi kecoh dengan berita itu. Namun setelah dipastikan, berita kematian pelakon Aaron Aziz yang tersebar di internet adalah palsu belaka.
 Dari pemantau kami menerusi Twitter dan Instagram milik Aaron - dua hari lalu pelakon filem KL Gangster 2 ni memaklumkan dia berada di Doha.

Dan kali terakhir pelakon ini mengemaskini di lama Instagramnya ialah semalam, di mana Aaron meluahkan rasa rindunya kepada anak perempuan.


1.10.13 Unknown
Tergelak besar sekejap bila kami mendengar berita ini. Pelakon kesayangan ramai Aaron Aziz diberitakan meninggal dunia.
Yang buat kami tergelak, beliau dikatakan meninggal sewaktu mengalami kemalangan ketika sedang bermain luncur salji di Zermat Ski Resort, Switzeland. Ya, berita kematian memang tak boleh dibuat main - kami serius!
 Pagi ini, sedang kami semua kelam kabut menyediakan berita-berita terbaik untuk tatapan para pembaca MD pagi ini, penulis mendapat satu panggilan telefon dari seorang teman, katanya, "Nak tanya ni, betul ker Aaron Aziz meninggal dunia? Masa main salji kat Switzeland. Ada kat internet", kata si teman.
 "Hah?! Mana dapat cerita ni???, terkejut penulis dibuatnya. Tiba-tiba meja hiburan kami jadi kecoh dengan berita itu. Namun setelah dipastikan, berita kematian pelakon Aaron Aziz yang tersebar di internet adalah palsu belaka.
 Dari pemantau kami menerusi Twitter dan Instagram milik Aaron - dua hari lalu pelakon filem KL Gangster 2 ni memaklumkan dia berada di Doha.

Dan kali terakhir pelakon ini mengemaskini di lama Instagramnya ialah semalam, di mana Aaron meluahkan rasa rindunya kepada anak perempuan.


Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Artis dan politik bukan lagi asing. Ramai anak seni tanah yang telah bergiat aktif dalam dunia politik seperti penyanyi Aisyah dan Hermantino dan Dayangku Intan (sekadar menyebut beberapa nama).
 Tidak terkecuali pelakon muda, Johan As'ari juga rupa-rupanya sudah lama menyumbangkan khidmatnya dalam dunia politik. "Sebenarnya saya tercalon sebagai Ahli Jawatan Kuasa Dewan Undangan Negeri Bukit Kecil Paya Dalam, Melaka.
 Saya terharu bila penduduk di situ saya dipilih untuk pikul tanggungjawab tu dan saya hargai kepercayaan mereka terhadap saya", katanya kepada Malaysian Digest.com baru-baru ini. Bagaimanapun Johan berkata dia tidak berhasrat untuk betul-betul aktif dalam bidang yang cukup berpengaruh itu. Cuma sebagai anak yang dibesarkan dalam keluarga politik, dia memang bersemangat kalau berbicara tentang memperjuangkan nasib serta hak anak bangsa.
 "Saya dibesarkan dalam keluarga politik. Saya nampak politik itu adalah kuasa. Saya tak perlukan kuasa. Saya rasa kalau saya tak ceburi dunia politik pun tapi atas nama sebagai anak seni, saya masih lagi boleh berbakti pada masyarakat dengan cara saya sendiri. Jadi biarlah saya terus saya jadi anak seni.
 Dalam pada itu Johan juga berharap agar ayahya iaitu Datuk As’ari Ibrahim, 57, yang merupakan Setiausaha Politik kepada Menteri Kerja Raya memperoleh kejayaan dalam merebut jawatan sebagai Timbalan Ketua Bahagian Umno Cawangan Bukit Katil, Melaka.
 "Dah 30 tahun ayah saya ceburi dunia politik. Pada saya, saya melihat bapa saya seorang pejuang bangsa. Saya harap dia berjaya menyandang jawatan itu", katanya. Perkembangan lain, Johan bakal muncul menerusi lakonannya dalam filem Balada Pencinta bergandingan dengan Siti Saleha. Filem arahan Khir Rahman itu akan ditayangkan mulai 24 Oktober ini.
 Selain itu, dia juga mendebar menantikan satu lagi filem lakonannya, Tokan, yang akan ditayangkan tidak lama lagi. Johan juga sibuk di lokasi penggambaran drama bersiri untuk slot Samarinda berjudul Istidraj Cinta.
1.10.13 Unknown
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Artis dan politik bukan lagi asing. Ramai anak seni tanah yang telah bergiat aktif dalam dunia politik seperti penyanyi Aisyah dan Hermantino dan Dayangku Intan (sekadar menyebut beberapa nama).
 Tidak terkecuali pelakon muda, Johan As'ari juga rupa-rupanya sudah lama menyumbangkan khidmatnya dalam dunia politik. "Sebenarnya saya tercalon sebagai Ahli Jawatan Kuasa Dewan Undangan Negeri Bukit Kecil Paya Dalam, Melaka.
 Saya terharu bila penduduk di situ saya dipilih untuk pikul tanggungjawab tu dan saya hargai kepercayaan mereka terhadap saya", katanya kepada Malaysian Digest.com baru-baru ini. Bagaimanapun Johan berkata dia tidak berhasrat untuk betul-betul aktif dalam bidang yang cukup berpengaruh itu. Cuma sebagai anak yang dibesarkan dalam keluarga politik, dia memang bersemangat kalau berbicara tentang memperjuangkan nasib serta hak anak bangsa.
 "Saya dibesarkan dalam keluarga politik. Saya nampak politik itu adalah kuasa. Saya tak perlukan kuasa. Saya rasa kalau saya tak ceburi dunia politik pun tapi atas nama sebagai anak seni, saya masih lagi boleh berbakti pada masyarakat dengan cara saya sendiri. Jadi biarlah saya terus saya jadi anak seni.
 Dalam pada itu Johan juga berharap agar ayahya iaitu Datuk As’ari Ibrahim, 57, yang merupakan Setiausaha Politik kepada Menteri Kerja Raya memperoleh kejayaan dalam merebut jawatan sebagai Timbalan Ketua Bahagian Umno Cawangan Bukit Katil, Melaka.
 "Dah 30 tahun ayah saya ceburi dunia politik. Pada saya, saya melihat bapa saya seorang pejuang bangsa. Saya harap dia berjaya menyandang jawatan itu", katanya. Perkembangan lain, Johan bakal muncul menerusi lakonannya dalam filem Balada Pencinta bergandingan dengan Siti Saleha. Filem arahan Khir Rahman itu akan ditayangkan mulai 24 Oktober ini.
 Selain itu, dia juga mendebar menantikan satu lagi filem lakonannya, Tokan, yang akan ditayangkan tidak lama lagi. Johan juga sibuk di lokasi penggambaran drama bersiri untuk slot Samarinda berjudul Istidraj Cinta.
MECCA: The Hajj Pilgrims Fund Board or Tabung Haji (TH) which celebrated its 50th anniversary yesterday, has come a long way since its inception in 1963, with 13 employees, 1,280 contributors and savings amounting to just RM46,600.
 Corporate Communications and Public Affairs division general manager Anis Zuhani Ahmad said from a small organization in Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, TH was now the largest Islamic fund manager in the country with funds exceeding RM41 billion.
 “TH is now a competitive organization through its innovative services and savings scheme which attracted more than eight million depositors with 119 branches and more than 6,000 touchpoints nationwide, and one office operating in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,” he said.
 It was thus, befitting that the management of TH which was busy managing Malaysian pilgrims in Mecca held a prayer session to celebrate TH’s 50th anniversary in the holy land. TH was established as the Prospective Pilgrims Fund Corporation in November 1962 and began operations on Sept 30 in 1963. The board was set up based on a working paper by Royal Prof Ungku Aziz entitled, ‘Plan to improve the Economy of Prospective Pilgrims’ in 1959.
 In 1969, the corporation was merged with the Pilgrimage Affairs Management office which operated in Penang to become the Pilgrimage Fund and Management Board, or Tabung Haji in short, which was established under the ‘Lembaga Urusan dan Tabung Haji’ Act 1969. “TH was set up as a halal method way of savings for Muslims for their pilgrimage.
 “At that time, the Muslim community sold land, as well as livestock to ensure the fund was halal and free from interest. This is because there were no Islamic financial system then,” said Anis Zuhani. TH at that time, brought Malaysian pilgrims to fulfill the 5th Pillar of their Islamic obligation in two ships until 1976, and the last ships were Anshun and Angkin which docked at Penang and Port Klang. Former Malaysian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Datuk Syed Omar Al Saggaf when met, said the pilgrimage management in the 60’s was difficult as they were conducted under the hajj sheikh system.
 “Many husbands and wives and their family members were separated upon landing at the holy land as they were grabbed by hajj sheikhs and they were forced to pay compensation if they wanted their family members to live in the same house,” he said. “The hajj pilgrims in the past did not enjoy facilities as accorded today, and only lived in stone houses around the hilly areas surrounding the Grand Mosque,” he said.
 Now, the hajj sheikh system has been changed to the muassasah system and it made the hajj management more systematic and the pilgrims stay in hotels and TH colleges in Madinah and Mecca. From 1977, all pilgrims left for the holy land by flight and now tens of thousands of pilgrims arrive at two airports in Saudi Arabia namely Jeddah and Madinah.
 Anis Zuhani said, upon realizing the importance of contributing to the welfare of TH depositors, including subsidizing the cost of hajj pilgrimage, the management of TH ventured into various syariah compliant investments such as properties, plantations, development and construction. “TH has also ventured into Islamic finance, hospitality services and tourism, food and catering, information technology and communication, as well as oil and gas to earn sustainable competitive returns,” he said.
 TH now has 11 property assets in Malaysia and abroad through long-term leasing of hotels in Mecca and Madinah, as well as its two office buildings in Queen Street Place and Buckingham Palace Road, London in United Kingdom. “In consistence with its Islamic concept of ‘Addin’, TH has set the objectives of giving the best services to Malaysian hajj pilgrims to fulfill their pilgrimage and to give maximum returns to the depositors and their savings,” he said.
 The achievements clearly showed TH has not only managed the pilgrims well in the holy land, it has in fact, also functioned as an alternative for Muslims to save and invest according to Islamic principles.
1.10.13 Unknown
MECCA: The Hajj Pilgrims Fund Board or Tabung Haji (TH) which celebrated its 50th anniversary yesterday, has come a long way since its inception in 1963, with 13 employees, 1,280 contributors and savings amounting to just RM46,600.
 Corporate Communications and Public Affairs division general manager Anis Zuhani Ahmad said from a small organization in Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, TH was now the largest Islamic fund manager in the country with funds exceeding RM41 billion.
 “TH is now a competitive organization through its innovative services and savings scheme which attracted more than eight million depositors with 119 branches and more than 6,000 touchpoints nationwide, and one office operating in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,” he said.
 It was thus, befitting that the management of TH which was busy managing Malaysian pilgrims in Mecca held a prayer session to celebrate TH’s 50th anniversary in the holy land. TH was established as the Prospective Pilgrims Fund Corporation in November 1962 and began operations on Sept 30 in 1963. The board was set up based on a working paper by Royal Prof Ungku Aziz entitled, ‘Plan to improve the Economy of Prospective Pilgrims’ in 1959.
 In 1969, the corporation was merged with the Pilgrimage Affairs Management office which operated in Penang to become the Pilgrimage Fund and Management Board, or Tabung Haji in short, which was established under the ‘Lembaga Urusan dan Tabung Haji’ Act 1969. “TH was set up as a halal method way of savings for Muslims for their pilgrimage.
 “At that time, the Muslim community sold land, as well as livestock to ensure the fund was halal and free from interest. This is because there were no Islamic financial system then,” said Anis Zuhani. TH at that time, brought Malaysian pilgrims to fulfill the 5th Pillar of their Islamic obligation in two ships until 1976, and the last ships were Anshun and Angkin which docked at Penang and Port Klang. Former Malaysian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Datuk Syed Omar Al Saggaf when met, said the pilgrimage management in the 60’s was difficult as they were conducted under the hajj sheikh system.
 “Many husbands and wives and their family members were separated upon landing at the holy land as they were grabbed by hajj sheikhs and they were forced to pay compensation if they wanted their family members to live in the same house,” he said. “The hajj pilgrims in the past did not enjoy facilities as accorded today, and only lived in stone houses around the hilly areas surrounding the Grand Mosque,” he said.
 Now, the hajj sheikh system has been changed to the muassasah system and it made the hajj management more systematic and the pilgrims stay in hotels and TH colleges in Madinah and Mecca. From 1977, all pilgrims left for the holy land by flight and now tens of thousands of pilgrims arrive at two airports in Saudi Arabia namely Jeddah and Madinah.
 Anis Zuhani said, upon realizing the importance of contributing to the welfare of TH depositors, including subsidizing the cost of hajj pilgrimage, the management of TH ventured into various syariah compliant investments such as properties, plantations, development and construction. “TH has also ventured into Islamic finance, hospitality services and tourism, food and catering, information technology and communication, as well as oil and gas to earn sustainable competitive returns,” he said.
 TH now has 11 property assets in Malaysia and abroad through long-term leasing of hotels in Mecca and Madinah, as well as its two office buildings in Queen Street Place and Buckingham Palace Road, London in United Kingdom. “In consistence with its Islamic concept of ‘Addin’, TH has set the objectives of giving the best services to Malaysian hajj pilgrims to fulfill their pilgrimage and to give maximum returns to the depositors and their savings,” he said.
 The achievements clearly showed TH has not only managed the pilgrims well in the holy land, it has in fact, also functioned as an alternative for Muslims to save and invest according to Islamic principles.
SUNDERLAND: Liverpool striker Luis Suarez dedicated a goal to his new-born son after scoring at Sunderland on his return to Premier League action on Sunday.
 Back in the team after serving a 10-game ban for biting Chelsea's Branislav Ivanovic last season, the Uruguayan tapped home a low cross from Daniel Sturridge in the 36th minute to put Liverpool 2-0 up.
 He then lifted his jersey to reveal a T-shirt bearing a picture of his wife and daughter with his new son Benjamin, who was born on Thursday.
 The T-shirt bore the words "Welcome Benja!" and "Los Amo!", meaning "I love you!".
1.10.13 Unknown
SUNDERLAND: Liverpool striker Luis Suarez dedicated a goal to his new-born son after scoring at Sunderland on his return to Premier League action on Sunday.
 Back in the team after serving a 10-game ban for biting Chelsea's Branislav Ivanovic last season, the Uruguayan tapped home a low cross from Daniel Sturridge in the 36th minute to put Liverpool 2-0 up.
 He then lifted his jersey to reveal a T-shirt bearing a picture of his wife and daughter with his new son Benjamin, who was born on Thursday.
 The T-shirt bore the words "Welcome Benja!" and "Los Amo!", meaning "I love you!".
Yusof (kiri) dibantu rakannya, Ismail Nur Mohamad, 27, memunggah televisyen rosak untuk dijual di kedai barangan lusuh di Kuala Terengganu./Pic:Sinar Harian
Yusof (kiri) dibantu rakannya, Ismail Nur Mohamad, 27, memunggah televisyen rosak untuk dijual di kedai barangan lusuh di Kuala Terengganu. MARANG: “Di mana sahaja ada sampah, di situ pasti ada rezeki saya.”
 Demikian luahan seorang lelaki Rohingya, Yusof Mohd Husin, 37, yang menetap di daerah ini dengan menjadikan kerja mengutip tin dan barangan lusuh sebagai kerjaya bagi menyara hidup bersama isteri serta tiga anaknya sejak 15 tahun lalu.
 Bagi sebahagian daripada kita, sampah sudah pastinya adalah barangan buangan yang kotor dan menjijikkan, tetapi bagi sesetengah orang termasuk Yusof serta keluarganya, rezeki mereka sebahagian besar datangnya daripada longgokan sampah. Dia yang berhijrah ke negara ini kira-kira 15 tahun lalu, mampu meraih pendapatan melebihi RM500 sebulan bagi membesarkan tiga anaknya berusia 3 hingga 17 tahun termasuk membayar sewa rumah serta keperluan lain.
 “Banyak barang bernilai dalam longgokan sampah. Saya mencari barang-barang terbuang seperti tin, besi dan peralatan elektrik. Saya boleh dapat sebanyak RM30 hingga RM50 sehari dan pendapatan kadangkala lebih RM500 sebulan. “Bagaimanapun, saya tidak bekerja setiap hari. Kalau malas saya dapat sikit, tapi kalau rajin saya akan dapat pendapatan agak lumayan untuk membesarkan anak-anak serta membayar sewa rumah dan menyediakan keperluan lain,” katanya.
 Tidak mahu simpati Yusof berkata, pada awal kedatangannya pada 1998, dia tidak terlibat dengan kerja-kerja mencari sampah, sebaliknya melakukan pelbagai kerja lain seperti buruh kontrak dan sebagainya. “Ketika itu saya buntu memikirkan cara hendak mencari duit dan kebetulan ada ramai kawan mencari barangan lusuh. Saya pun mula mencari barangan lusuh daripada longgokan sampah selepas tinggal di daerah ini dan menjualnya.
 “Dari situ saya tidak berfikir panjang untuk mencari pelbagai barangan boleh dijual semula dalam longgokan sampah kerana pendapatannya agak lumayan,” katanya yang menjadikan sebuah motosikal roda tiga sebagai tempat meletakkan barang. Setelah mendapat barang-barang agak bernilai, Yusof akan membawa balik semua barang dikutip itu ke rumahnya di Rusila, di sini, untuk diasingkan ke dalam plastik dan kemudiannya dijual ke kedai barangan lusuh di Kuala Terengganu.
 “Saya buat kerja ini kerana tidak mahu meminta simpati daripada masyarakat. Selagi tulang empat kerat saya terdaya, saya akan bekerja untuk mencari rezeki halal,” katanya. Makin banyak persaingan Yusof berkata, suatu ketika dahulu, dia boleh mendapat pendapatan lumayan hasil jualan barangan lusuh, namun kini pendapatan makin kurang kerana banyak persaingan. “Kini ramai sangat orang mencari sampah, jadi saya perlu berusaha lebih sedikit untuk mendapatkan kawasan longgokan sampah yang baru di sekitar daerah ini,” katanya.
 Ketika ditanya tidakkah timbul perasaan jijik di hatinya apabila menyelongkar dan mengasingkan semua sampah-sampah ditemuinya itu, Yusof berkata, sekiranya ada perasaan tersebut, sudah pasti mereka akan hidup susah di bumi bertuah ini. “Sebenarnya di mana-mana sahaja di bumi ALLAH ini ada rezeki halal. Kita hanya perlu rajin berusaha. Malah, saya dan rakan-rakan yang datang ke negara ini tidak sewajarnya memilih kerja, asalkan kerja itu adalah halal,” katanya.
 Yusof dan rakan-rakan khususnya yang datang sebagai pelarian dari Myanmar, sukar untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan tetap kerana mereka hanya memegang kad UNHCR. Difahamkan, pemegang kad UNHCR warga Myanmar tinggal di negara ini atas ihsan sementara menunggu UNCHR mengusahakan penempatan ke negara ketiga buat pelarian itu.
1.10.13 Unknown
Yusof (kiri) dibantu rakannya, Ismail Nur Mohamad, 27, memunggah televisyen rosak untuk dijual di kedai barangan lusuh di Kuala Terengganu./Pic:Sinar Harian
Yusof (kiri) dibantu rakannya, Ismail Nur Mohamad, 27, memunggah televisyen rosak untuk dijual di kedai barangan lusuh di Kuala Terengganu. MARANG: “Di mana sahaja ada sampah, di situ pasti ada rezeki saya.”
 Demikian luahan seorang lelaki Rohingya, Yusof Mohd Husin, 37, yang menetap di daerah ini dengan menjadikan kerja mengutip tin dan barangan lusuh sebagai kerjaya bagi menyara hidup bersama isteri serta tiga anaknya sejak 15 tahun lalu.
 Bagi sebahagian daripada kita, sampah sudah pastinya adalah barangan buangan yang kotor dan menjijikkan, tetapi bagi sesetengah orang termasuk Yusof serta keluarganya, rezeki mereka sebahagian besar datangnya daripada longgokan sampah. Dia yang berhijrah ke negara ini kira-kira 15 tahun lalu, mampu meraih pendapatan melebihi RM500 sebulan bagi membesarkan tiga anaknya berusia 3 hingga 17 tahun termasuk membayar sewa rumah serta keperluan lain.
 “Banyak barang bernilai dalam longgokan sampah. Saya mencari barang-barang terbuang seperti tin, besi dan peralatan elektrik. Saya boleh dapat sebanyak RM30 hingga RM50 sehari dan pendapatan kadangkala lebih RM500 sebulan. “Bagaimanapun, saya tidak bekerja setiap hari. Kalau malas saya dapat sikit, tapi kalau rajin saya akan dapat pendapatan agak lumayan untuk membesarkan anak-anak serta membayar sewa rumah dan menyediakan keperluan lain,” katanya.
 Tidak mahu simpati Yusof berkata, pada awal kedatangannya pada 1998, dia tidak terlibat dengan kerja-kerja mencari sampah, sebaliknya melakukan pelbagai kerja lain seperti buruh kontrak dan sebagainya. “Ketika itu saya buntu memikirkan cara hendak mencari duit dan kebetulan ada ramai kawan mencari barangan lusuh. Saya pun mula mencari barangan lusuh daripada longgokan sampah selepas tinggal di daerah ini dan menjualnya.
 “Dari situ saya tidak berfikir panjang untuk mencari pelbagai barangan boleh dijual semula dalam longgokan sampah kerana pendapatannya agak lumayan,” katanya yang menjadikan sebuah motosikal roda tiga sebagai tempat meletakkan barang. Setelah mendapat barang-barang agak bernilai, Yusof akan membawa balik semua barang dikutip itu ke rumahnya di Rusila, di sini, untuk diasingkan ke dalam plastik dan kemudiannya dijual ke kedai barangan lusuh di Kuala Terengganu.
 “Saya buat kerja ini kerana tidak mahu meminta simpati daripada masyarakat. Selagi tulang empat kerat saya terdaya, saya akan bekerja untuk mencari rezeki halal,” katanya. Makin banyak persaingan Yusof berkata, suatu ketika dahulu, dia boleh mendapat pendapatan lumayan hasil jualan barangan lusuh, namun kini pendapatan makin kurang kerana banyak persaingan. “Kini ramai sangat orang mencari sampah, jadi saya perlu berusaha lebih sedikit untuk mendapatkan kawasan longgokan sampah yang baru di sekitar daerah ini,” katanya.
 Ketika ditanya tidakkah timbul perasaan jijik di hatinya apabila menyelongkar dan mengasingkan semua sampah-sampah ditemuinya itu, Yusof berkata, sekiranya ada perasaan tersebut, sudah pasti mereka akan hidup susah di bumi bertuah ini. “Sebenarnya di mana-mana sahaja di bumi ALLAH ini ada rezeki halal. Kita hanya perlu rajin berusaha. Malah, saya dan rakan-rakan yang datang ke negara ini tidak sewajarnya memilih kerja, asalkan kerja itu adalah halal,” katanya.
 Yusof dan rakan-rakan khususnya yang datang sebagai pelarian dari Myanmar, sukar untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan tetap kerana mereka hanya memegang kad UNHCR. Difahamkan, pemegang kad UNHCR warga Myanmar tinggal di negara ini atas ihsan sementara menunggu UNCHR mengusahakan penempatan ke negara ketiga buat pelarian itu.
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Sejak berpisah dengan suaminya Mohd. Yazli Yaacob pada Mac lalu, meskipun dia bahagia disamping anak-anaknya namun dramatis popular Wan Nor Azlin mengakui sesekali beliau diselubungi rasa sunyi. "Tujuh tahun saya dan suami tinggal berasingan.
 Sepanjang itu saya lah yag membesarkan anak-anak. Akhirnya pada Mac lalu mahkamah memutuskan supaya kami berpisah. Sebab dah terlalu lama saya digantung tidak bertali, saya tak diberi nafkah zahir dan batin. "Sepanjang saya seorang menjaga anak-anak, macam-macam dugaan saya lalui.
 Dan semakin saya diuji, saya semakin matang dan dah lali. Tapi tak dinafi saya rasa sunyi tanpa suami. Tapi saya bersyukur kerana saya ada anak-anak", katanya ketika ditemui baru-baru ini. Wan Nor Azlin mempunya tiga cahaya mataiaitu Danial Luqman, 12, Danny Iskandar, 11, dan Dania Camelia, 8.
 Bergelar ibu tunggal, kata pelakon drama bersiri Mencintaimu ini, beliau tidak terlepas dari didekati ramai lelaki yang meluahkan mahu berkawan sekaligus menjadikan dia suri hati. Namun sehingga kini hatinya belum terbuka lagi untuk kembali mendirikan rumah tangga.

Wan Nor Azlin bersama anaknya, Dania Camelia. Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Wan Nor Azlin bersama anaknya, Dania Camelia

. Kalau pun satu hari nanti beliau ditakdirkan bergelar isteri semula, beliau mahu memastikan lelaki yang melamarnya itu menyanyangi anak-anaknya. "Fokus saya sekarang hanyalah pada kerjaya dan tanggungjawab saya untuk membesarkan anak-anak.
 Saya selesa sendiri. Memang ada yang mendekati saya, dari macam-macam golongan. Tapi pertamanya, kalau suami orang memang saya tak akan terima dia. "Bukan tak terfikir ke arah (kahwin) itu. Tapi setakat ini tak ada lagi. Saya bukan remaja yang nak bercinta-cinta lagi. Saya nak orang yang sayang anak saya. Kalau lelaki itu sayang anak saya, saya percaya dia akan sayang saya.
 Lelaki yang boleh terima kami seadanya, jujur, ikhlas dan paling penting, lelaki itu mampu. Mampu menjaga dan sara saya dan anak-anak", katanya yang juga menyatakan bersedia untuk berhenti belakon seandainya beliau kahwin lagi nanti.
1.10.13 Unknown
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Sejak berpisah dengan suaminya Mohd. Yazli Yaacob pada Mac lalu, meskipun dia bahagia disamping anak-anaknya namun dramatis popular Wan Nor Azlin mengakui sesekali beliau diselubungi rasa sunyi. "Tujuh tahun saya dan suami tinggal berasingan.
 Sepanjang itu saya lah yag membesarkan anak-anak. Akhirnya pada Mac lalu mahkamah memutuskan supaya kami berpisah. Sebab dah terlalu lama saya digantung tidak bertali, saya tak diberi nafkah zahir dan batin. "Sepanjang saya seorang menjaga anak-anak, macam-macam dugaan saya lalui.
 Dan semakin saya diuji, saya semakin matang dan dah lali. Tapi tak dinafi saya rasa sunyi tanpa suami. Tapi saya bersyukur kerana saya ada anak-anak", katanya ketika ditemui baru-baru ini. Wan Nor Azlin mempunya tiga cahaya mataiaitu Danial Luqman, 12, Danny Iskandar, 11, dan Dania Camelia, 8.
 Bergelar ibu tunggal, kata pelakon drama bersiri Mencintaimu ini, beliau tidak terlepas dari didekati ramai lelaki yang meluahkan mahu berkawan sekaligus menjadikan dia suri hati. Namun sehingga kini hatinya belum terbuka lagi untuk kembali mendirikan rumah tangga.

Wan Nor Azlin bersama anaknya, Dania Camelia. Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Wan Nor Azlin bersama anaknya, Dania Camelia

. Kalau pun satu hari nanti beliau ditakdirkan bergelar isteri semula, beliau mahu memastikan lelaki yang melamarnya itu menyanyangi anak-anaknya. "Fokus saya sekarang hanyalah pada kerjaya dan tanggungjawab saya untuk membesarkan anak-anak.
 Saya selesa sendiri. Memang ada yang mendekati saya, dari macam-macam golongan. Tapi pertamanya, kalau suami orang memang saya tak akan terima dia. "Bukan tak terfikir ke arah (kahwin) itu. Tapi setakat ini tak ada lagi. Saya bukan remaja yang nak bercinta-cinta lagi. Saya nak orang yang sayang anak saya. Kalau lelaki itu sayang anak saya, saya percaya dia akan sayang saya.
 Lelaki yang boleh terima kami seadanya, jujur, ikhlas dan paling penting, lelaki itu mampu. Mampu menjaga dan sara saya dan anak-anak", katanya yang juga menyatakan bersedia untuk berhenti belakon seandainya beliau kahwin lagi nanti.
pic: Google Images
US SPACE agency Nasa is planning to launch a 3D printer into space next year to help astronauts manufacture spare parts and tools in zero gravity.
 It will be the first time a 3D printer has been used in space and could help reduce the costs of future missions. The device will have to withstand lift-off vibrations and operate safely in an enclosed space station environment.
 Nasa has chosen technology start-up Made in Space to make the microwave-sized printer. "Imagine an astronaut needing to make a life-or-death repair on the International Space Station," said Aaron Kemmer, the company's chief executive.
 "Rather than hoping that the necessary parts and tools are on the station already, what if the parts could be 3D printed when they needed them?" In 1970, Apollo 13 astronauts had to cobble together a home-made carbon dioxide filter using a plastic bag, a manual cover and gaffer tape.
 A 3D printer might have solved the problem in minutes and helped them reach the Moon.

pic: Google Images
"If you want to be adaptable, you have to be able to design and manufacture on the fly, and that's where 3D printing in space comes in,'' said Dave Korsmeyer, director of engineering at Nasa's Ames Research Center. Nasa is also experimenting with 3D printing small satellites that could be launched from the International Space Station and then transmit data to earth.
 Additive manufacturing, as 3D printing is also known, builds up objects layer by layer, commonly using polymer materials. But laser-melted titanium and nickel-chromium powders are now being used to build much stronger components. In August, Nasa successfully tested a metal 3D printed rocket component as part of its drive to reduce the costs of space exploration.
1.10.13 Unknown
pic: Google Images
US SPACE agency Nasa is planning to launch a 3D printer into space next year to help astronauts manufacture spare parts and tools in zero gravity.
 It will be the first time a 3D printer has been used in space and could help reduce the costs of future missions. The device will have to withstand lift-off vibrations and operate safely in an enclosed space station environment.
 Nasa has chosen technology start-up Made in Space to make the microwave-sized printer. "Imagine an astronaut needing to make a life-or-death repair on the International Space Station," said Aaron Kemmer, the company's chief executive.
 "Rather than hoping that the necessary parts and tools are on the station already, what if the parts could be 3D printed when they needed them?" In 1970, Apollo 13 astronauts had to cobble together a home-made carbon dioxide filter using a plastic bag, a manual cover and gaffer tape.
 A 3D printer might have solved the problem in minutes and helped them reach the Moon.

pic: Google Images
"If you want to be adaptable, you have to be able to design and manufacture on the fly, and that's where 3D printing in space comes in,'' said Dave Korsmeyer, director of engineering at Nasa's Ames Research Center. Nasa is also experimenting with 3D printing small satellites that could be launched from the International Space Station and then transmit data to earth.
 Additive manufacturing, as 3D printing is also known, builds up objects layer by layer, commonly using polymer materials. But laser-melted titanium and nickel-chromium powders are now being used to build much stronger components. In August, Nasa successfully tested a metal 3D printed rocket component as part of its drive to reduce the costs of space exploration.
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Konflik di antara produser drama Kampungku dan Aidiladha iaitu Hazmimi Johar dengan Fida Ibrahim masih belum reda apabila penerbit itu menuntut pelakon berkenaan memohon maaf jika ingin masalah yang berlaku dapat diselesaikan.
 Hazmimi yang juga Presiden Persatuan Pertubuhan Kebajikan Artis-Artis Pelapis (PERKAP) berkata, sekiranya pelakon itu tidak berbuat demikian, pihaknya akan mengambil tindakan mahkamah selain akan menyekat baki 50 peratus bayaran lakonannya.
 "Pihak kami memberikan tempoh kepada Fida untuk membuat permohonan maaf. Tidak kisahlah dengan cara apa sekali pun, bertulis mahupun dalam bentuk lisan. "Jika tiada respons atau dia enggan berbuat demikian, kami akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang dan menahan baki wang gajinya," katanya. Hazmimi juga berkata, pihak Seniman sudah berjumpa dengannya pada Ahad lalu yang turut disertai oleh pengarah Shuhaimi Lua Abdullah untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai kes berkenaan. Katanya, persatuan tersebut mahu pihaknya dan Fida menyelesaikan masalah berkenaan dengan baik tanpa melibatkan saman-menyaman.
1.10.13 Unknown
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Konflik di antara produser drama Kampungku dan Aidiladha iaitu Hazmimi Johar dengan Fida Ibrahim masih belum reda apabila penerbit itu menuntut pelakon berkenaan memohon maaf jika ingin masalah yang berlaku dapat diselesaikan.
 Hazmimi yang juga Presiden Persatuan Pertubuhan Kebajikan Artis-Artis Pelapis (PERKAP) berkata, sekiranya pelakon itu tidak berbuat demikian, pihaknya akan mengambil tindakan mahkamah selain akan menyekat baki 50 peratus bayaran lakonannya.
 "Pihak kami memberikan tempoh kepada Fida untuk membuat permohonan maaf. Tidak kisahlah dengan cara apa sekali pun, bertulis mahupun dalam bentuk lisan. "Jika tiada respons atau dia enggan berbuat demikian, kami akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang dan menahan baki wang gajinya," katanya. Hazmimi juga berkata, pihak Seniman sudah berjumpa dengannya pada Ahad lalu yang turut disertai oleh pengarah Shuhaimi Lua Abdullah untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai kes berkenaan. Katanya, persatuan tersebut mahu pihaknya dan Fida menyelesaikan masalah berkenaan dengan baik tanpa melibatkan saman-menyaman.
pic: Google Images
THE DIRECTOR of a Hillary Clinton documentary has cancelled the project, saying political interference had made the film impossible. In a Huffington Post blog, Charles Ferguson said pressure from Clinton supporters in the Democratic Party led to many sources shying away.
 In August, the opposing Republican Party voted to boycott debates on CNN if the programme went ahead. It also said it would boycott NBC, which plans a mini-series on Clinton. The latter series, still in the early stages of production, is set to star actress Diane Lane as the former First Lady.
 Mrs Clinton, wife of President Bill Clinton, has been closely watched as a possible contender for the Democratic Party's 2016 nomination since leaving her position as secretary of state under President Barack Obama in January. In his blog, Ferguson wrote: "When I approached people for interviews, I discovered that nobody, and I mean nobody, was interested in helping me make this film.
 "Not Democrats, not Republicans - and certainly nobody who works with the Clintons, wants access to the Clintons, or dreams of a position in a Hillary Clinton administration. "After painful reflection, I decided that I couldn't make a film of which I would be proud. And so I'm cancelling. (Not because of any pressure from CNN - quite the contrary). "It's a victory for the Clintons, and for the money machines that both political parties have now become.
 But I don't think that it's a victory for the media, or for the American people." The Republican National Committee (RNC) had claimed both the CNN and NBC productions amounted "to little more than extended commercials promoting former Secretary Clinton" and "political ads masked as unbiased entertainment". CNN has not commented on the cancellation of the project.
1.10.13 Unknown
pic: Google Images
THE DIRECTOR of a Hillary Clinton documentary has cancelled the project, saying political interference had made the film impossible. In a Huffington Post blog, Charles Ferguson said pressure from Clinton supporters in the Democratic Party led to many sources shying away.
 In August, the opposing Republican Party voted to boycott debates on CNN if the programme went ahead. It also said it would boycott NBC, which plans a mini-series on Clinton. The latter series, still in the early stages of production, is set to star actress Diane Lane as the former First Lady.
 Mrs Clinton, wife of President Bill Clinton, has been closely watched as a possible contender for the Democratic Party's 2016 nomination since leaving her position as secretary of state under President Barack Obama in January. In his blog, Ferguson wrote: "When I approached people for interviews, I discovered that nobody, and I mean nobody, was interested in helping me make this film.
 "Not Democrats, not Republicans - and certainly nobody who works with the Clintons, wants access to the Clintons, or dreams of a position in a Hillary Clinton administration. "After painful reflection, I decided that I couldn't make a film of which I would be proud. And so I'm cancelling. (Not because of any pressure from CNN - quite the contrary). "It's a victory for the Clintons, and for the money machines that both political parties have now become.
 But I don't think that it's a victory for the media, or for the American people." The Republican National Committee (RNC) had claimed both the CNN and NBC productions amounted "to little more than extended commercials promoting former Secretary Clinton" and "political ads masked as unbiased entertainment". CNN has not commented on the cancellation of the project.
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