30 Oktober 2013

Kredit foto Faiso Mustafa
Selepas kegagalan rumah tangganya bersama Muhammad Ali atau nama sebenarnya Steven David Shorthose pada tahun 2010, nampaknya pelakon jelita, Maya Karin Roelcke, 33, tidak serik untuk menjalinkan hubungan serius dengan jejaka kulit putih.
Maya yang kini sudah tidak berselindung mengenai hubungan cintanya, bagaimanapun enggan mendedahkan butiran lanjut mengenai 'mat saleh' yang sedang bertakhta di hatinya itu. "Biarlah saya merahsiakannya dulu. Sebenarnya, saya tidak memilih mana-mana lelaki. Namun, mungkin sudah ditakdirkan untuk bertemu semula dengan lelaki berkulit putih," katanya yang tidak meletakan sebarang syarat, melainkan jejaka itu harus menyayangi dan memahaminya.
Pelakon yang popular dengan watak Izzah menerusi filem ombak rindu ini juga, tidak mahu lagi memberikan publisiti meluas tentang hubungan cintanya. Katanya, cukuplah sekadar dia memberitahu media bahawa dia kini masih menjalinkan hubungan istimewa dengan lelaki kulit putih yang juga merupakan orang dalam industri hiburan. Biarpun mengakui sedang mengenali hati budi lelaki tersebut, Maya menjelaskan hubungan itu masih lagi di peringkat awal. 
“Setakat ini hubungan kami berjalan lancar dan dia sentiasa memberi sokongan kepada kerjaya saya. “Saya sudah kenal lama dengan dia, tetapi hubungan ini masih pada peringkat awal. Biarlah hubungan ini berkembang dengan baik dan doakanlah yang terbaik buat saya,” kata Maya yang mengakui sudah bersedia untuk melangkah ke alam rumah tangga.
Namun, apabila ditanya mengenai bilakah dia akan menamatkan status solonya, Maya menegaskan ia akan tiba masanya. “Kita tunggu saja. Insya-ALLAH, jika ada jodoh, saya akan menghebahkannya kepada media,” katanya.

Bakal ke Sepanyol

 Walaupun kini sedang sibuk dengan pengacaraan dan bisnes korporat, namun Maya, mengakui masih boleh membahagikan masa bersama kekasih serta keluarganya. Malah aktres yang pernah popular menerusi filem ‘Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam’ ini berkata, dia cuba memenuhi hobi lapangnya dengan bercuti bersama keluarga di luar negara.
Dan yang terbaru, dia mungkin akan melancong di Sepanyol. Katanya, walaupun sudah berpunya, namun ia tidak membataskan kemesraan dengan keluarga memandangkan dia sangat menjaga hubungan tersebut dan mementingkan ruang bersama keluarga. “Sibuk macam mana sekalipun, saya tetap membahagikan masa bersama keluarga. Begitu juga dengan kekasih.
Tapi belum pernah lagi saya keluar melancong bersama kekasih,” katanya yang berharap hubungannya dengan jejaka Inggeris itu akan ke arah lebih baik memandangkan dia sudah beberapa kali dikecewakan sebelum ini.
30.10.13 Unknown
Kredit foto Faiso Mustafa
Selepas kegagalan rumah tangganya bersama Muhammad Ali atau nama sebenarnya Steven David Shorthose pada tahun 2010, nampaknya pelakon jelita, Maya Karin Roelcke, 33, tidak serik untuk menjalinkan hubungan serius dengan jejaka kulit putih.
Maya yang kini sudah tidak berselindung mengenai hubungan cintanya, bagaimanapun enggan mendedahkan butiran lanjut mengenai 'mat saleh' yang sedang bertakhta di hatinya itu. "Biarlah saya merahsiakannya dulu. Sebenarnya, saya tidak memilih mana-mana lelaki. Namun, mungkin sudah ditakdirkan untuk bertemu semula dengan lelaki berkulit putih," katanya yang tidak meletakan sebarang syarat, melainkan jejaka itu harus menyayangi dan memahaminya.
Pelakon yang popular dengan watak Izzah menerusi filem ombak rindu ini juga, tidak mahu lagi memberikan publisiti meluas tentang hubungan cintanya. Katanya, cukuplah sekadar dia memberitahu media bahawa dia kini masih menjalinkan hubungan istimewa dengan lelaki kulit putih yang juga merupakan orang dalam industri hiburan. Biarpun mengakui sedang mengenali hati budi lelaki tersebut, Maya menjelaskan hubungan itu masih lagi di peringkat awal. 
“Setakat ini hubungan kami berjalan lancar dan dia sentiasa memberi sokongan kepada kerjaya saya. “Saya sudah kenal lama dengan dia, tetapi hubungan ini masih pada peringkat awal. Biarlah hubungan ini berkembang dengan baik dan doakanlah yang terbaik buat saya,” kata Maya yang mengakui sudah bersedia untuk melangkah ke alam rumah tangga.
Namun, apabila ditanya mengenai bilakah dia akan menamatkan status solonya, Maya menegaskan ia akan tiba masanya. “Kita tunggu saja. Insya-ALLAH, jika ada jodoh, saya akan menghebahkannya kepada media,” katanya.

Bakal ke Sepanyol

 Walaupun kini sedang sibuk dengan pengacaraan dan bisnes korporat, namun Maya, mengakui masih boleh membahagikan masa bersama kekasih serta keluarganya. Malah aktres yang pernah popular menerusi filem ‘Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam’ ini berkata, dia cuba memenuhi hobi lapangnya dengan bercuti bersama keluarga di luar negara.
Dan yang terbaru, dia mungkin akan melancong di Sepanyol. Katanya, walaupun sudah berpunya, namun ia tidak membataskan kemesraan dengan keluarga memandangkan dia sangat menjaga hubungan tersebut dan mementingkan ruang bersama keluarga. “Sibuk macam mana sekalipun, saya tetap membahagikan masa bersama keluarga. Begitu juga dengan kekasih.
Tapi belum pernah lagi saya keluar melancong bersama kekasih,” katanya yang berharap hubungannya dengan jejaka Inggeris itu akan ke arah lebih baik memandangkan dia sudah beberapa kali dikecewakan sebelum ini.
Pic:The Star
PUTRAJAYA: Presiden MIC Datuk Seri G. Palanivel akan engemukakan cadangan kepada kerajaan untuk memberikan cuti umum selama dua hari bagi sambutan perayaan Deepavali.
Pada masa kini, Malaysia diberikan cuti umum satu hari untuk perayaan tersebut yang kebanyakannya disambut oleh masyarakat India. "Deepavali adalah perayaan penting yang disambut oleh penganut Hindu, kaum India (dan) Sikh di seluruh dunia. "Sebelum ini ia merupakan perayaan yang disambut satu hari, kini ia telah menjadi perayaan 30 hari.
"Saya akan bercakap dengan Perdana Menteri (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mengenai cadangan itu) dalam masa beberapa hari kerana semua orang mendapat dua hari, bukan? "Orang Cina juga mendapat dua hari (cuti umum Tahun Baru Cina)," kata Palanivel ketika menyampaikan mesej Deepavali dari pejabatnya di Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar, di sini, Rabu.
30.10.13 Unknown
Pic:The Star
PUTRAJAYA: Presiden MIC Datuk Seri G. Palanivel akan engemukakan cadangan kepada kerajaan untuk memberikan cuti umum selama dua hari bagi sambutan perayaan Deepavali.
Pada masa kini, Malaysia diberikan cuti umum satu hari untuk perayaan tersebut yang kebanyakannya disambut oleh masyarakat India. "Deepavali adalah perayaan penting yang disambut oleh penganut Hindu, kaum India (dan) Sikh di seluruh dunia. "Sebelum ini ia merupakan perayaan yang disambut satu hari, kini ia telah menjadi perayaan 30 hari.
"Saya akan bercakap dengan Perdana Menteri (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mengenai cadangan itu) dalam masa beberapa hari kerana semua orang mendapat dua hari, bukan? "Orang Cina juga mendapat dua hari (cuti umum Tahun Baru Cina)," kata Palanivel ketika menyampaikan mesej Deepavali dari pejabatnya di Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar, di sini, Rabu.
Pic: Shutterstock
A LONELY Chinese bachelor had been getting the shaft from ladies, so he decided to cut his losses. In a fit of madness, clothing-factory worker Yang Hu severed his own penis — and then bicycled to a local hospital in agonizing pain, according to The Daily Mail.
Unfortunately, Yang forgot to bring his severed unit and had to bike back to grab it. But it was too late. Doctors said the appendage had been without blood for too long and could not be reattached, according to The Mail. Hu, 26, said he worked long hours at a factory in the city of Jiaxing in Zhejiang province in eastern China.
By slicing off his manhood, the bachelor believed he wouldn’t have to think anymore about his romantic frustrations.
30.10.13 Unknown
Pic: Shutterstock
A LONELY Chinese bachelor had been getting the shaft from ladies, so he decided to cut his losses. In a fit of madness, clothing-factory worker Yang Hu severed his own penis — and then bicycled to a local hospital in agonizing pain, according to The Daily Mail.
Unfortunately, Yang forgot to bring his severed unit and had to bike back to grab it. But it was too late. Doctors said the appendage had been without blood for too long and could not be reattached, according to The Mail. Hu, 26, said he worked long hours at a factory in the city of Jiaxing in Zhejiang province in eastern China.
By slicing off his manhood, the bachelor believed he wouldn’t have to think anymore about his romantic frustrations.
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Pelakon Hairie Othman menjelaskan tidak lagi terlibat dengan apa-apa juga aktiviti parti anjuran Pakatan Rakyat. Hairie, 42, turut berkata, dia juga tidak terlibat menyertai kempen Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sungai Limau di Yan, Kedah yang sedang berlangsung. 
"Saya tidak mahu komen apa-apa tentang ini, buat masa sekarang saya tidak terlibat dengan apa-apa kempen atau ceramah Pakatan Rakyat termasuk Pilihan Raya Kecil yang sedang berlangsung di Yan Kedah," katanya. Hairie berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas tentang penglibatannya dalam kempen untuk parti pembangkang dalam PRK, DUN Sungai Limau yang akan berlangsung pada 4 November depan.
Ketika ini pelakon Abby Abadi dan Leman (Raja Lawak) dilihat berkempen atas tiket Pas selain beberapa artis lain yang dijangka berbuat demikian seperti Aishah dan Bob Lokman. Pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke 13 (PRU-13) lalu Hairie aktif berkempen untuk Pas tetapi seakan-akan merajuk selepas apabila Pakatan Rakyat dikatakan tidak mempedulikannya termasuklah gagal memberikan projek seperti yang dijanjikan selepas PRU itu berakhir. “Saya tak mahu komen,” tambahnya.
30.10.13 Unknown
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Pelakon Hairie Othman menjelaskan tidak lagi terlibat dengan apa-apa juga aktiviti parti anjuran Pakatan Rakyat. Hairie, 42, turut berkata, dia juga tidak terlibat menyertai kempen Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sungai Limau di Yan, Kedah yang sedang berlangsung. 
"Saya tidak mahu komen apa-apa tentang ini, buat masa sekarang saya tidak terlibat dengan apa-apa kempen atau ceramah Pakatan Rakyat termasuk Pilihan Raya Kecil yang sedang berlangsung di Yan Kedah," katanya. Hairie berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas tentang penglibatannya dalam kempen untuk parti pembangkang dalam PRK, DUN Sungai Limau yang akan berlangsung pada 4 November depan.
Ketika ini pelakon Abby Abadi dan Leman (Raja Lawak) dilihat berkempen atas tiket Pas selain beberapa artis lain yang dijangka berbuat demikian seperti Aishah dan Bob Lokman. Pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke 13 (PRU-13) lalu Hairie aktif berkempen untuk Pas tetapi seakan-akan merajuk selepas apabila Pakatan Rakyat dikatakan tidak mempedulikannya termasuklah gagal memberikan projek seperti yang dijanjikan selepas PRU itu berakhir. “Saya tak mahu komen,” tambahnya.
TIDAK hanya mencetuskan kontroversi berkaitan isu politik, timbul pula cerita tidak enak mengenai sikap bekas anggota Elite, Abby Abadi atau nama sebenarnya, Arbaiyah Abdul Manan, 36, yang dikatakan tidak menghormati suaminya, Muhammad Noor Farhan Che Bakar, 24.
Berita yang tersebar di kebanyakan blog itu bukan saja melaporkan aktres itu melayani suaminya dengan kasar, bahkan turut menengking Farhan di hadapan orang ramai. Situasi itu dikatakan berlaku setelah kereta yang dinaiki mereka rosak selepas pulang dari majlis anjuran PAS, di Sungai Limau, Kedah, baru-baru ini. Bagaimanapun, Abby yang telah bernikah dengan Farhan pada 9 Julai lalu itu menafikan sekeras-kerasnya dakwaan itu dan menganggap ada pihak yang sengaja cuba untuk menjatuhkan kredibilitinya.
“Semua itu fitnah untuk memburukkan saya! Saya tidak meninggi suara atau menengking suami seperti yang didakwa oleh mereka. "Ini semua mainan politik kotor orang yang tidak menyenangi saya,” tegasnya. Mengulas mengenai persepsi segelintir pihak yang menganggap dia cuba mengawal suaminya atas jurang usia yang ketara, Abby berkata, dia tahu kedudukannya sebagai isteri dan tetap meletakkan suami sebagai ketua keluarga.
“Cukuplah fitnah-fitnah itu. Hubungan saya dan suami baik-baik saja," ujarnya. Tetap Dengan Pendirian Dalam pada itu, Abby turut mengulas kenyataan Presiden Seniman, Zed Zaidi, 33, yang menempelak tindakannya dalam mengaitkan kehidupan artis dan maksiat ketika sesi ceramahnya sebelum ini. Menurut Abby, dia hanya berkongsi pengalamannya ketika bergelar artis dan tindakan Zed membidasnya itu turut dibayangi jawapan politik.
"Saya lihat kenyataannya tidak realistik. Mengapa dia mahu fitnah saya? Ini perjuangan saya untuk memperbetulkan apa yang berlaku dalam industri hiburan tanah air, yang mana kini terlalu banyak maksiat yang berlaku. “Namun, siapalah saya kerana saya tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk membentuk dan mendidik acuan dalam industri hiburan. Cuma apa yang dapat saya lakukan adalah berdakwah dan menyebarkan apa yang dibolehkan oleh agama,” katanya.
Mengulas mengenai sikapnya yang tidak disenangi segelintir pihak, ibu kepada tiga cahaya mata ini nyata melahirkan rasa kecewa. Bagaimanapun dia tidak mahu mendendami sesiapa yang tidak menyukainya. “Saya tidak berdendam dengan sesiapa. Dan saya maafkan ketelanjuran mereka. Bagi saya setiap manusia perlu melalui proses kematangan. “Saya memberikan peluang kepada sesiapa untuk memperbaiki niat mereka,” akhirinya.
30.10.13 Unknown
TIDAK hanya mencetuskan kontroversi berkaitan isu politik, timbul pula cerita tidak enak mengenai sikap bekas anggota Elite, Abby Abadi atau nama sebenarnya, Arbaiyah Abdul Manan, 36, yang dikatakan tidak menghormati suaminya, Muhammad Noor Farhan Che Bakar, 24.
Berita yang tersebar di kebanyakan blog itu bukan saja melaporkan aktres itu melayani suaminya dengan kasar, bahkan turut menengking Farhan di hadapan orang ramai. Situasi itu dikatakan berlaku setelah kereta yang dinaiki mereka rosak selepas pulang dari majlis anjuran PAS, di Sungai Limau, Kedah, baru-baru ini. Bagaimanapun, Abby yang telah bernikah dengan Farhan pada 9 Julai lalu itu menafikan sekeras-kerasnya dakwaan itu dan menganggap ada pihak yang sengaja cuba untuk menjatuhkan kredibilitinya.
“Semua itu fitnah untuk memburukkan saya! Saya tidak meninggi suara atau menengking suami seperti yang didakwa oleh mereka. "Ini semua mainan politik kotor orang yang tidak menyenangi saya,” tegasnya. Mengulas mengenai persepsi segelintir pihak yang menganggap dia cuba mengawal suaminya atas jurang usia yang ketara, Abby berkata, dia tahu kedudukannya sebagai isteri dan tetap meletakkan suami sebagai ketua keluarga.
“Cukuplah fitnah-fitnah itu. Hubungan saya dan suami baik-baik saja," ujarnya. Tetap Dengan Pendirian Dalam pada itu, Abby turut mengulas kenyataan Presiden Seniman, Zed Zaidi, 33, yang menempelak tindakannya dalam mengaitkan kehidupan artis dan maksiat ketika sesi ceramahnya sebelum ini. Menurut Abby, dia hanya berkongsi pengalamannya ketika bergelar artis dan tindakan Zed membidasnya itu turut dibayangi jawapan politik.
"Saya lihat kenyataannya tidak realistik. Mengapa dia mahu fitnah saya? Ini perjuangan saya untuk memperbetulkan apa yang berlaku dalam industri hiburan tanah air, yang mana kini terlalu banyak maksiat yang berlaku. “Namun, siapalah saya kerana saya tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk membentuk dan mendidik acuan dalam industri hiburan. Cuma apa yang dapat saya lakukan adalah berdakwah dan menyebarkan apa yang dibolehkan oleh agama,” katanya.
Mengulas mengenai sikapnya yang tidak disenangi segelintir pihak, ibu kepada tiga cahaya mata ini nyata melahirkan rasa kecewa. Bagaimanapun dia tidak mahu mendendami sesiapa yang tidak menyukainya. “Saya tidak berdendam dengan sesiapa. Dan saya maafkan ketelanjuran mereka. Bagi saya setiap manusia perlu melalui proses kematangan. “Saya memberikan peluang kepada sesiapa untuk memperbaiki niat mereka,” akhirinya.
Walter Serpit went back into a burning house to save his beer
Walter Serpit went back into a burning house to save his beer 

A MAN'S devotion to his beer knows no bounds. Six adults and two young children were in a house in Columbus, Georgia, watching television when the room began filling with smoke.
After the children were rescued and everyone made it outside safely, Walter Serpit, who walks with a cane, went back in the burning house to retrieve something he left behind. Beer. "I told them to get the kids out and everything, and me myself, being an alcoholic, I was trying to get my beer out," Mr Serpit told Georgia's WTVM News.
"I went back into the house like a dummy and the door shut on me because this back draft was about to kill me." Serpit managed to save several cans of beer and he escaped the home without getting burned.
30.10.13 Unknown
Walter Serpit went back into a burning house to save his beer
Walter Serpit went back into a burning house to save his beer 

A MAN'S devotion to his beer knows no bounds. Six adults and two young children were in a house in Columbus, Georgia, watching television when the room began filling with smoke.
After the children were rescued and everyone made it outside safely, Walter Serpit, who walks with a cane, went back in the burning house to retrieve something he left behind. Beer. "I told them to get the kids out and everything, and me myself, being an alcoholic, I was trying to get my beer out," Mr Serpit told Georgia's WTVM News.
"I went back into the house like a dummy and the door shut on me because this back draft was about to kill me." Serpit managed to save several cans of beer and he escaped the home without getting burned.
Pic: newscientists
Black holes don't only exist in the cold distance of deep space, they also exist right here on Earth, swirling in the oceans. Scientists from ETH Zurich and the University of Miami have discovered that many large ocean eddies on Earth are mathematically equivalent to the black holes of space, meaning nothing trapped by them can escape, according to Phys.org.
The discovery sounds scarier than the reality. Researchers have long known that massive eddies exist in our oceans and that they can have a large impact on the climate. But these eddies exist on an immense scale, often spanning some 150 kilometers in diameter. If you swam into one, you probably wouldn't know it. Though they act like vortices, the sheer size of them makes it difficult to identify their exact boundaries, even for scientists.
But a new mathematical technique introduced by researchers could finally shed some light on these mysterious ocean maelstroms. The technique looks for similar mathematical structures in the ocean as are known to occur at the edges of black holes. "The boundaries of water-carrying eddies satisfy the same type of differential equations that the area surrounding black holes do in general relativity," said George Haller, one of the researchers in the study.
Using satellite observations, the researchers were not only able to identify the boundaries of several of these eddies, but they confirmed that the eddies were indeed mathematically equivalent to black holes. These ocean vortices are so tight that they act like a container for the water trapped inside them. Water temperatures and salt content within the eddies can be different from the surrounding ocean. As they drift across the sea, they act as transports for micro-organisms like plankton, or even for human trash such as plastic waste or oil.
One interesting consequence of these black holes of the sea is that they may be increasing the northward transport of warm and salty water from the Southern Ocean, also known as the Antarctic Ocean. This is important because it might be helping to slow the melt of sea ice in the Southern Hemisphere, which could counteract some of the negative effects of global warming.
Now that researchers have a way of identifying the boundaries of these swirling eddies, they can begin to study exactly how the vortices might impact our changing climate. The following video, supplied by New Scientist, showcases how some of these black hole-like eddies have been studied moving across the ocean. A particularly large vortex can be seen spiraling across the Gulf of Mexico.
30.10.13 Unknown
Pic: newscientists
Black holes don't only exist in the cold distance of deep space, they also exist right here on Earth, swirling in the oceans. Scientists from ETH Zurich and the University of Miami have discovered that many large ocean eddies on Earth are mathematically equivalent to the black holes of space, meaning nothing trapped by them can escape, according to Phys.org.
The discovery sounds scarier than the reality. Researchers have long known that massive eddies exist in our oceans and that they can have a large impact on the climate. But these eddies exist on an immense scale, often spanning some 150 kilometers in diameter. If you swam into one, you probably wouldn't know it. Though they act like vortices, the sheer size of them makes it difficult to identify their exact boundaries, even for scientists.
But a new mathematical technique introduced by researchers could finally shed some light on these mysterious ocean maelstroms. The technique looks for similar mathematical structures in the ocean as are known to occur at the edges of black holes. "The boundaries of water-carrying eddies satisfy the same type of differential equations that the area surrounding black holes do in general relativity," said George Haller, one of the researchers in the study.
Using satellite observations, the researchers were not only able to identify the boundaries of several of these eddies, but they confirmed that the eddies were indeed mathematically equivalent to black holes. These ocean vortices are so tight that they act like a container for the water trapped inside them. Water temperatures and salt content within the eddies can be different from the surrounding ocean. As they drift across the sea, they act as transports for micro-organisms like plankton, or even for human trash such as plastic waste or oil.
One interesting consequence of these black holes of the sea is that they may be increasing the northward transport of warm and salty water from the Southern Ocean, also known as the Antarctic Ocean. This is important because it might be helping to slow the melt of sea ice in the Southern Hemisphere, which could counteract some of the negative effects of global warming.
Now that researchers have a way of identifying the boundaries of these swirling eddies, they can begin to study exactly how the vortices might impact our changing climate. The following video, supplied by New Scientist, showcases how some of these black hole-like eddies have been studied moving across the ocean. A particularly large vortex can be seen spiraling across the Gulf of Mexico.
Macam tak sedar diri pula kutuk orang seksi. Siapa yang kami maksudkan? Siapa lagi kalau bukan penyanyi jelita, Katy Perry, yang sedang hangat mempromosikan album terbaru beliau, Prism. Katy, yang biasa melakukan persembahan berpakaian menjolok mata kali ini menyalahkan penyanyi seangkatan yang gemar berpakaian terdedah.
Katy akui ada masanya beliau berpakaian keterlaluan namun bagi beliau bukan selalu. Penyanyi zaman sekarang berpakaian seperti telanjang semata-mata menjual album dan untuk mendapat perhatian, menurut Katy yang berusia 29 tahun itu. 
Apabila ditanya sekiranya Katy maksudkan sesiapa (kerana baru-baru ini Miley Cyrus dan Lady Gaga memilih untuk bertelanjang dalam promosikan lagu baru), Katy cepat menepis soalan tersebut. Baguslah Katy dah sedar. Kita tunggu sahaja Miley dan Lady Gaga alami kesedaran yang sama.
30.10.13 Unknown
Macam tak sedar diri pula kutuk orang seksi. Siapa yang kami maksudkan? Siapa lagi kalau bukan penyanyi jelita, Katy Perry, yang sedang hangat mempromosikan album terbaru beliau, Prism. Katy, yang biasa melakukan persembahan berpakaian menjolok mata kali ini menyalahkan penyanyi seangkatan yang gemar berpakaian terdedah.
Katy akui ada masanya beliau berpakaian keterlaluan namun bagi beliau bukan selalu. Penyanyi zaman sekarang berpakaian seperti telanjang semata-mata menjual album dan untuk mendapat perhatian, menurut Katy yang berusia 29 tahun itu. 
Apabila ditanya sekiranya Katy maksudkan sesiapa (kerana baru-baru ini Miley Cyrus dan Lady Gaga memilih untuk bertelanjang dalam promosikan lagu baru), Katy cepat menepis soalan tersebut. Baguslah Katy dah sedar. Kita tunggu sahaja Miley dan Lady Gaga alami kesedaran yang sama.
Philippine boxing hero-turned-congressman Manny Pacquiao had three more relatives elected to public office Tuesday, but a representative for the star downplayed suggestions he was creating his own "political dynasty".
The Commission on Elections said that two of the boxing superstar's brothers, along with a sister-in-law, won village council seats in their home city of General Santos in the country's south. Rogelio and Bobby Pacquiao were elected councillors in separate districts of the city in polls held Monday, while Bobby's wife, Lorelei, won re-election as village chief.
Although villages are the smallest government units, seats are hotly contested and considered the first step in building a crucial grass-roots network for politicians aspiring to higher office. It is common practice among Filipino politicians to have their relatives also run for office to put a "dynasty" in place in the hope of expanding their influence and keeping them in power.
The 34-year-old Manny Pacquiao, who recently expressed hopes of becoming president, has used the fame and riches generated from his boxing to launch a successful political career. The high school drop-out won a seat representing the impoverished southern province of Sarangani in 2010, and was re-elected unopposed in May. His wife Jinkee was elected vice-governor of Sarangani, also in May. 
The boxing hero's chief of staff, Franklin Gacal denied that Pacquiao was trying to install his own political dynasty. "Barangay (district) elections are non-partisan (and are) premised on 'bayanihan' spirit, a Filipino custom of helping one another in your community," he said in a statement. Manny Pacquiao was widely criticised after he said in July that he hoped to run for president.
Critics said he appeared ignorant of the law which sets 40 the minimum age for a presidential candidate, making Pacquiao too young for the next elections in 2016. Political analysts also said his skimpy record as a law-maker did not improve his chances for the presidency. The boxer later clarified that he was aware of the minimum age limit and had no plans to run for the presidency in 2016.
Detractors have also said that Pacquiao's political ambitions have distracted him from boxing, leading to consecutive defeats to Mexican rival Juan Manuel Marquez last December and American Timothy Bradley in June. He is now training furiously to redeem himself when he meets American Brandon Rios in Macau next month.
30.10.13 Unknown
Philippine boxing hero-turned-congressman Manny Pacquiao had three more relatives elected to public office Tuesday, but a representative for the star downplayed suggestions he was creating his own "political dynasty".
The Commission on Elections said that two of the boxing superstar's brothers, along with a sister-in-law, won village council seats in their home city of General Santos in the country's south. Rogelio and Bobby Pacquiao were elected councillors in separate districts of the city in polls held Monday, while Bobby's wife, Lorelei, won re-election as village chief.
Although villages are the smallest government units, seats are hotly contested and considered the first step in building a crucial grass-roots network for politicians aspiring to higher office. It is common practice among Filipino politicians to have their relatives also run for office to put a "dynasty" in place in the hope of expanding their influence and keeping them in power.
The 34-year-old Manny Pacquiao, who recently expressed hopes of becoming president, has used the fame and riches generated from his boxing to launch a successful political career. The high school drop-out won a seat representing the impoverished southern province of Sarangani in 2010, and was re-elected unopposed in May. His wife Jinkee was elected vice-governor of Sarangani, also in May. 
The boxing hero's chief of staff, Franklin Gacal denied that Pacquiao was trying to install his own political dynasty. "Barangay (district) elections are non-partisan (and are) premised on 'bayanihan' spirit, a Filipino custom of helping one another in your community," he said in a statement. Manny Pacquiao was widely criticised after he said in July that he hoped to run for president.
Critics said he appeared ignorant of the law which sets 40 the minimum age for a presidential candidate, making Pacquiao too young for the next elections in 2016. Political analysts also said his skimpy record as a law-maker did not improve his chances for the presidency. The boxer later clarified that he was aware of the minimum age limit and had no plans to run for the presidency in 2016.
Detractors have also said that Pacquiao's political ambitions have distracted him from boxing, leading to consecutive defeats to Mexican rival Juan Manuel Marquez last December and American Timothy Bradley in June. He is now training furiously to redeem himself when he meets American Brandon Rios in Macau next month.
There are probably a million and one reasons to stop having a crush on someone. He could be married, a serial killer, your best friend’s dad or he doesn’t find you attractive in any way. Well, there are possibly more reasons, but I’d rather share based on personal experience.
We can’t choose who we like (no matter how hard we try with our insane list of characteristics we want in a man), but this time around I’ve come with a fail proof way to at least get rid of that little crush you may be harbouring on someone’s husband.

Out of sight, out of mind

If you don’t see him, you won’t like him. Not technically stop liking him immediately, but not being in such close proximity with the guy you have a crush on will help keep your mind off him. It’s like what you don’t see visually, you won’t think of. So keep those phones away.

Focus on his weak spot 

The problem with having a crush is we tend to put the guy on a pedestal. For example, if you have a crush on David Beckham. You are bound to think David is the hottest guy in the world who can do no wrong and would never break a girl’s heart. For all you know, David is an average Joe who can’t even pick up his own underwear.
So take a good look at your crush, find something irritating about him, like his wrinkles, his laugh or anything. One of my favourite things to do is remind myself that he’s not George Clooney. Focus on this and you’ll find yourself slowly stop liking him.

 Get busy 

And no, don’t get busy with the subject of your crush. What I mean is get more involved in extra activities, join a cause (support the fight against Domestic Violence or adopt stray animals), learn German (there are too many single German men out there who are willing to teach), or throw yourself into a beneficial project. When your schedule is packed, you won’t have any time to even consider having a crush.

Avoid anything that has to do with him

Don’t say his name, don’t talk about him, don’t talk to him, avoid anything that could possibly remind you of him. If he likes sports, go do ballet. At least it’s the complete opposite of what could remind you of him. 

Meet new people, flirt with new people

Go out, make new friends. There’s always a potential boyfriend material outside the circle you’re used to seeing. Don’t worry about it too much, it’s just a crush. There’s always a way around getting over one. XX
30.10.13 Unknown
There are probably a million and one reasons to stop having a crush on someone. He could be married, a serial killer, your best friend’s dad or he doesn’t find you attractive in any way. Well, there are possibly more reasons, but I’d rather share based on personal experience.
We can’t choose who we like (no matter how hard we try with our insane list of characteristics we want in a man), but this time around I’ve come with a fail proof way to at least get rid of that little crush you may be harbouring on someone’s husband.

Out of sight, out of mind

If you don’t see him, you won’t like him. Not technically stop liking him immediately, but not being in such close proximity with the guy you have a crush on will help keep your mind off him. It’s like what you don’t see visually, you won’t think of. So keep those phones away.

Focus on his weak spot 

The problem with having a crush is we tend to put the guy on a pedestal. For example, if you have a crush on David Beckham. You are bound to think David is the hottest guy in the world who can do no wrong and would never break a girl’s heart. For all you know, David is an average Joe who can’t even pick up his own underwear.
So take a good look at your crush, find something irritating about him, like his wrinkles, his laugh or anything. One of my favourite things to do is remind myself that he’s not George Clooney. Focus on this and you’ll find yourself slowly stop liking him.

 Get busy 

And no, don’t get busy with the subject of your crush. What I mean is get more involved in extra activities, join a cause (support the fight against Domestic Violence or adopt stray animals), learn German (there are too many single German men out there who are willing to teach), or throw yourself into a beneficial project. When your schedule is packed, you won’t have any time to even consider having a crush.

Avoid anything that has to do with him

Don’t say his name, don’t talk about him, don’t talk to him, avoid anything that could possibly remind you of him. If he likes sports, go do ballet. At least it’s the complete opposite of what could remind you of him. 

Meet new people, flirt with new people

Go out, make new friends. There’s always a potential boyfriend material outside the circle you’re used to seeing. Don’t worry about it too much, it’s just a crush. There’s always a way around getting over one. XX
Heartthrob boy band the Jonas Brothers are breaking up, at least "for now," they announced Tuesday, a few weeks after canceling their latest tour due to "deep rifts" between the trio. The group, whose career took off five years ago with Disney films and TV shows, said they decided "unanimously" to split after a meeting earlier this month.
"It's over for now," Kevin Jonas told People magazine, while brother Nick added: "It's really hard to say 'forever' .. We're closing a chapter, for sure." "It was a unanimous decision," added Joe. At an October 3 meeting Nick Jonas told his brothers he was worried about the band's future. "I was feeling kind of trapped," he said. "I needed to share my heart with my brothers."
The band canceled a planned 19-date comeback tour, and a band spokesman cited in reports said at the time: "There is a deep rift within the band. There was a big a disagreement over their music direction." The sibling trio, originally from New Jersey, released their first album in August 2006, but their career took off with the Disney movie "Camp Rock" in 2008, followed by a sequel two years later. They were also given their own Disney Channel TV series.
They have sold more than 20 million records, and were nominated for Best New Artist Grammy in 2008, according to their website. They entered the Guinness Book of Records for the most singles to enter the US charts top 20 in one year, with five in 2009, and have won nearly 50 awards around the world, including an American Music Award.
30.10.13 Unknown
Heartthrob boy band the Jonas Brothers are breaking up, at least "for now," they announced Tuesday, a few weeks after canceling their latest tour due to "deep rifts" between the trio. The group, whose career took off five years ago with Disney films and TV shows, said they decided "unanimously" to split after a meeting earlier this month.
"It's over for now," Kevin Jonas told People magazine, while brother Nick added: "It's really hard to say 'forever' .. We're closing a chapter, for sure." "It was a unanimous decision," added Joe. At an October 3 meeting Nick Jonas told his brothers he was worried about the band's future. "I was feeling kind of trapped," he said. "I needed to share my heart with my brothers."
The band canceled a planned 19-date comeback tour, and a band spokesman cited in reports said at the time: "There is a deep rift within the band. There was a big a disagreement over their music direction." The sibling trio, originally from New Jersey, released their first album in August 2006, but their career took off with the Disney movie "Camp Rock" in 2008, followed by a sequel two years later. They were also given their own Disney Channel TV series.
They have sold more than 20 million records, and were nominated for Best New Artist Grammy in 2008, according to their website. They entered the Guinness Book of Records for the most singles to enter the US charts top 20 in one year, with five in 2009, and have won nearly 50 awards around the world, including an American Music Award.
KUALA LUMPUR,  - Kesemua 1,684 pelajar tajaan Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) di United Kingdom (UK) berada dalam keadaan selamat berikutan ribut St Jude yang melanda beberapa buah negara Eropah baru-baru ini.
Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal berkata institusi pengajian yang melibatkan pelajar tajaan Mara berada di luar kawasan bencana. "Tiada berita buruk melibatkan mereka setakat ini. "Ribut berkenaan hanya melanda di sekitar Selatan London dan semakin reda sejak semalam," katanya dalam kenyataan di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata kementerian dan Mara sentiasa mengawasi keadaan dan berusaha memastikan kesemua pelajar berada dalam keadaan selamat. Selain UK, terdapat 127 pelajar tajaan Mara di Jerman dan 151 orang di Perancis. Ribut St Jude, yang dikatakan paling buruk dalam tempoh sedekad ini, dilaporkan bertiup pada kelajuan sehingga 160km sejam.
Ribut itu melanda England dan Wales pada Isnin. Menurut laporan media ribut itu turut melanda Jerman, Belanda dan Perancis.
30.10.13 Unknown
KUALA LUMPUR,  - Kesemua 1,684 pelajar tajaan Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) di United Kingdom (UK) berada dalam keadaan selamat berikutan ribut St Jude yang melanda beberapa buah negara Eropah baru-baru ini.
Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal berkata institusi pengajian yang melibatkan pelajar tajaan Mara berada di luar kawasan bencana. "Tiada berita buruk melibatkan mereka setakat ini. "Ribut berkenaan hanya melanda di sekitar Selatan London dan semakin reda sejak semalam," katanya dalam kenyataan di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata kementerian dan Mara sentiasa mengawasi keadaan dan berusaha memastikan kesemua pelajar berada dalam keadaan selamat. Selain UK, terdapat 127 pelajar tajaan Mara di Jerman dan 151 orang di Perancis. Ribut St Jude, yang dikatakan paling buruk dalam tempoh sedekad ini, dilaporkan bertiup pada kelajuan sehingga 160km sejam.
Ribut itu melanda England dan Wales pada Isnin. Menurut laporan media ribut itu turut melanda Jerman, Belanda dan Perancis.
awie dedah rahsia kenapa dia tidak minat dengan bola sepak
Vokalis kumpulan Wings, Awie akui yang dia gementar dan masih tidak percaya apabila dia diberi kepercayaan memegang watak bekas pemain bola sepak legenda negara, Allahyarham Datuk Mokhtar Dahari dalam teater SuperMokh.
Menurut aktor yang dikenali dengan watak Husin dalam filem Hantu Kak Limah itu, dia kini dalam proses menyesuaikan diri dengan bola selepas meninggalkan sukan bola sepak selama 30 tahun. “Sejujurnya saya sudah lama tidak bermain bola sepak. Dahulu ketika zaman sekolah saya aktif juga bermain bola di padang dan posisi saya selalunya penjaga gol.
“Namun, selepas saya aktif dengan muzik rock dan kekecewaan saya terhadap dunia bola sepak yang waktu itu banyak gejala rasuah, saya terus berhenti mengambil tahu perkembangan bola sepak,” ujarnya yang mengakui sebagai peminat Mokhtar Dahari atau popular dengan gelaran SuperMokh. 
Cerita lanjut tentang pendedahan Awie itu boleh diketahui dalam program MeleTOP yang akan bersiaran pada malam ini. Awie akan hadir sebagai tetamu jemputan untuk mempromosikan teater terbaru lakonannya iaitu SuperMokh. Penyampai radio, Dina Nadzir yang terlibat dengan pementasan teater muzikal ini juga akan turut menemani Awie untuk berkongsi pelbagai cerita menarik tentang teater muzikal ‘SuperMokh’ selain berkongsi perkembangan terbarunya.
Selain mereka berdua, SuperMokh yang diarahkan oleh Hans Isaac turut akan menampilkan barisan pelakon hebat lain iaitu Rashidi Ishak, Dina Nazir, Maya Karin, Douglas Lim, Phoon Chi Ho, Oliver Johanan dan Clarence Kuna. Dalam pada itu, MeleTOP malam ini juga akan membawakan anda kumpulan Priaband yang diterbangkan khas dari Bandung, Indonesia.
Priaband yang popular dengan lagu ‘Kasih Jangan Pergi’ berada di Malaysia untuk mempromosikan album mereka di sini. Jangan lupa untuk menonton program MeleTOP yang akan dihoskan oleh Nabil Ahmad dan Neelofa malam ini yang akan bersiaran di Astro Ria (104) dan Astro Maya HD (135) bermula jam 10.00 malam.
30.10.13 Unknown
awie dedah rahsia kenapa dia tidak minat dengan bola sepak
Vokalis kumpulan Wings, Awie akui yang dia gementar dan masih tidak percaya apabila dia diberi kepercayaan memegang watak bekas pemain bola sepak legenda negara, Allahyarham Datuk Mokhtar Dahari dalam teater SuperMokh.
Menurut aktor yang dikenali dengan watak Husin dalam filem Hantu Kak Limah itu, dia kini dalam proses menyesuaikan diri dengan bola selepas meninggalkan sukan bola sepak selama 30 tahun. “Sejujurnya saya sudah lama tidak bermain bola sepak. Dahulu ketika zaman sekolah saya aktif juga bermain bola di padang dan posisi saya selalunya penjaga gol.
“Namun, selepas saya aktif dengan muzik rock dan kekecewaan saya terhadap dunia bola sepak yang waktu itu banyak gejala rasuah, saya terus berhenti mengambil tahu perkembangan bola sepak,” ujarnya yang mengakui sebagai peminat Mokhtar Dahari atau popular dengan gelaran SuperMokh. 
Cerita lanjut tentang pendedahan Awie itu boleh diketahui dalam program MeleTOP yang akan bersiaran pada malam ini. Awie akan hadir sebagai tetamu jemputan untuk mempromosikan teater terbaru lakonannya iaitu SuperMokh. Penyampai radio, Dina Nadzir yang terlibat dengan pementasan teater muzikal ini juga akan turut menemani Awie untuk berkongsi pelbagai cerita menarik tentang teater muzikal ‘SuperMokh’ selain berkongsi perkembangan terbarunya.
Selain mereka berdua, SuperMokh yang diarahkan oleh Hans Isaac turut akan menampilkan barisan pelakon hebat lain iaitu Rashidi Ishak, Dina Nazir, Maya Karin, Douglas Lim, Phoon Chi Ho, Oliver Johanan dan Clarence Kuna. Dalam pada itu, MeleTOP malam ini juga akan membawakan anda kumpulan Priaband yang diterbangkan khas dari Bandung, Indonesia.
Priaband yang popular dengan lagu ‘Kasih Jangan Pergi’ berada di Malaysia untuk mempromosikan album mereka di sini. Jangan lupa untuk menonton program MeleTOP yang akan dihoskan oleh Nabil Ahmad dan Neelofa malam ini yang akan bersiaran di Astro Ria (104) dan Astro Maya HD (135) bermula jam 10.00 malam.
carefree kembali lancar album baru selepas 30 tahun
KUALA LUMPUR, 29 OKT 2013: Rasanya hampir 30 tahun kumpulan Carefree yang popular di zaman 70-an tidak mengeluarkan album. Kali terakhir kumpulan yang popular menerusi lagu, Belaian Jiwa, Rindu Bayangan dan Si Baju Hijau tampil dengan album ‘Kebebasan III’ pada tahun 1983.
Selepas daripada itu, Carefree hanya menyepi sehingga mereka berpecah secara rasmi pada tahun 1997. Namun baru-baru ini Carefree kembali muncul semula dengan album baru mereka berjudul ‘Bersama Carefree’ yang menampilkan tujuh buah lagu hasil ciptaan dan susunan mereka sendiri. Bercakap kepada wakil Murai, vokalis kumpulan Carefree iaitu Hadi Hassan gembira dengan sambutan yang diterima oleh peminat walaupun baru dilancarkan dua hari yang lalu.
Menurut Hadi yang juga adik kepada penyanyi Salamiah Hassan, apa yang menarik tentang album ‘Bersama Carefree’ adalah usaha mereka menghasilkan album ini 100% tanpa bantuan khidmat komposer dan penulis lirik tempatan. “Selepas 30 tahun Carefree tidak keluar dengan sebarang material atau album, kini kami muncul dengan album terbaru berjudul ‘Bersama Carefree’ yang mengandungi tujuh buah lagu. Apa yang menarik adalah 100% album ini adalah hasil kerja kami sendiri dan genre muzik berbeza dalam tujuh buah lagu yang dirakamkan.
“Mengapa kami hasilkan album sendiri kerana kami mahukan kepuasan selain kebebasan untuk kami berkarya.Sebelum ini kami perlu patuhi segala perancangan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Carefree sendiri untuk pembikinan sesebuah album.“Tapi kali ini Carefree mengambil langkah untuk belajar berdikari untuk menghasilkan sebuah album walaupun hanya selepas 30 tahun Carefree muncul dengan album baru,” jelas Hadi Hassan panjang.
Dalam pada itu, Hadi Hassan tidak menolak punca utama mereka tampil dengan album sendiri adalah untuk memenuhi kehendak pendengar masakini ditambah dengan pelbagai aliran muzik yang berada di pasaran. “Pada awal kami mahu keluarkan 13 buah lagu dalam album ‘Bersama Carefree’ tetapi setelah ditapis dan mengikut kepada kesesuaian untuk para pendengar, kami setuju untuk keluarkan tujuh buah lagu sahaja. “Kami mahukan kualiti selain mahu para pendengar dapat merasaikan pengalaman luarbiasa dengan muzik baru bawaan Carefree.
Maksud saya muzik baru Carefree bukan kami cuba ubah gaya muzik Carefree tetapi kami cipta lagu mengikut kesesuaian halwa telinga pendengar masa kini. “Walaupun genre muzik seperti Blues, Funk, Rock, Balada, Fusion dan sebagainya ada dalam tujuh buah lagu ini, tetapi saya yakin para pendengar pasti dapatkan rasakan bait-bait muzik Carefree yang dahulu masih “melekat” lagi,” ujar Hadi lagi.
Selain itu, Carefree turut menghasilkan sebuah lagu khas buat Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat berjudul ‘Find It In Your Heart’ yang banyak membantu dalam kerja-kerja kemasyarakatan dan prihatin dengan isu semasa yang sedang berlaku di Malaysia. “Idea untuk hasilkan lagu untuk Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat datang setelah saya tonton tv dan lihat bagaimana institusi beri bantuan kepada masyarakat.
Saya tertarik dengan usaha Dato’ Noraini yang berusaha untuk tangani masalah-masalah serius yang berlaku di negara kita. “Jadi saya bincang dengan ahli kumpulan lain untuk sama-sama beri bantuan dalam bentuk hiburan atau muzik, maka hasilnya kami cipta lagu ‘Find It In Your Heart’ khas untuk Jabatan Kebajikan Masyakarat. Melalui lagu ini secara tak langsung sama-sama menyokong dan hulur bantuan untuk bantu masyarakat kita.
Album ‘Bersama Carefree’ kini berada di pasaran dengan harga RM19.90 di kedai-kedai muzik berdekatan dan anda juga boleh mendapatkannya secara online menerusi laman web rasmi Dream Music di www.dreammusic.com.my, www.drammedia.com.my atau www.brandmalaysia.com.my/dreamamusic.php Carefree kini dianggoi oleh lima orang ahli iaitu Simon (gitar/vokal), Hadi Hassan (bass/vokal), Zack (keyboard/vokal), Reeyan (dram/vokal) dan Hizey (keyboard/vokal).
30.10.13 Unknown
carefree kembali lancar album baru selepas 30 tahun
KUALA LUMPUR, 29 OKT 2013: Rasanya hampir 30 tahun kumpulan Carefree yang popular di zaman 70-an tidak mengeluarkan album. Kali terakhir kumpulan yang popular menerusi lagu, Belaian Jiwa, Rindu Bayangan dan Si Baju Hijau tampil dengan album ‘Kebebasan III’ pada tahun 1983.
Selepas daripada itu, Carefree hanya menyepi sehingga mereka berpecah secara rasmi pada tahun 1997. Namun baru-baru ini Carefree kembali muncul semula dengan album baru mereka berjudul ‘Bersama Carefree’ yang menampilkan tujuh buah lagu hasil ciptaan dan susunan mereka sendiri. Bercakap kepada wakil Murai, vokalis kumpulan Carefree iaitu Hadi Hassan gembira dengan sambutan yang diterima oleh peminat walaupun baru dilancarkan dua hari yang lalu.
Menurut Hadi yang juga adik kepada penyanyi Salamiah Hassan, apa yang menarik tentang album ‘Bersama Carefree’ adalah usaha mereka menghasilkan album ini 100% tanpa bantuan khidmat komposer dan penulis lirik tempatan. “Selepas 30 tahun Carefree tidak keluar dengan sebarang material atau album, kini kami muncul dengan album terbaru berjudul ‘Bersama Carefree’ yang mengandungi tujuh buah lagu. Apa yang menarik adalah 100% album ini adalah hasil kerja kami sendiri dan genre muzik berbeza dalam tujuh buah lagu yang dirakamkan.
“Mengapa kami hasilkan album sendiri kerana kami mahukan kepuasan selain kebebasan untuk kami berkarya.Sebelum ini kami perlu patuhi segala perancangan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Carefree sendiri untuk pembikinan sesebuah album.“Tapi kali ini Carefree mengambil langkah untuk belajar berdikari untuk menghasilkan sebuah album walaupun hanya selepas 30 tahun Carefree muncul dengan album baru,” jelas Hadi Hassan panjang.
Dalam pada itu, Hadi Hassan tidak menolak punca utama mereka tampil dengan album sendiri adalah untuk memenuhi kehendak pendengar masakini ditambah dengan pelbagai aliran muzik yang berada di pasaran. “Pada awal kami mahu keluarkan 13 buah lagu dalam album ‘Bersama Carefree’ tetapi setelah ditapis dan mengikut kepada kesesuaian untuk para pendengar, kami setuju untuk keluarkan tujuh buah lagu sahaja. “Kami mahukan kualiti selain mahu para pendengar dapat merasaikan pengalaman luarbiasa dengan muzik baru bawaan Carefree.
Maksud saya muzik baru Carefree bukan kami cuba ubah gaya muzik Carefree tetapi kami cipta lagu mengikut kesesuaian halwa telinga pendengar masa kini. “Walaupun genre muzik seperti Blues, Funk, Rock, Balada, Fusion dan sebagainya ada dalam tujuh buah lagu ini, tetapi saya yakin para pendengar pasti dapatkan rasakan bait-bait muzik Carefree yang dahulu masih “melekat” lagi,” ujar Hadi lagi.
Selain itu, Carefree turut menghasilkan sebuah lagu khas buat Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat berjudul ‘Find It In Your Heart’ yang banyak membantu dalam kerja-kerja kemasyarakatan dan prihatin dengan isu semasa yang sedang berlaku di Malaysia. “Idea untuk hasilkan lagu untuk Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat datang setelah saya tonton tv dan lihat bagaimana institusi beri bantuan kepada masyarakat.
Saya tertarik dengan usaha Dato’ Noraini yang berusaha untuk tangani masalah-masalah serius yang berlaku di negara kita. “Jadi saya bincang dengan ahli kumpulan lain untuk sama-sama beri bantuan dalam bentuk hiburan atau muzik, maka hasilnya kami cipta lagu ‘Find It In Your Heart’ khas untuk Jabatan Kebajikan Masyakarat. Melalui lagu ini secara tak langsung sama-sama menyokong dan hulur bantuan untuk bantu masyarakat kita.
Album ‘Bersama Carefree’ kini berada di pasaran dengan harga RM19.90 di kedai-kedai muzik berdekatan dan anda juga boleh mendapatkannya secara online menerusi laman web rasmi Dream Music di www.dreammusic.com.my, www.drammedia.com.my atau www.brandmalaysia.com.my/dreamamusic.php Carefree kini dianggoi oleh lima orang ahli iaitu Simon (gitar/vokal), Hadi Hassan (bass/vokal), Zack (keyboard/vokal), Reeyan (dram/vokal) dan Hizey (keyboard/vokal).

29 Oktober 2013

Pic: Gareth Bale/Getty Images
WORLD record signing Gareth Bale is on the 23-man shortlist for the Fifa men's world footballer of the year award. Wales forward Bale, 24, scored 26 goals for Tottenham last season before an £85m move to Real Madrid in the summer.
Five Premier League players in Eden Hazard, Mesut Ozil, Luis Suarez, Yaya Toure and Robin van Persie have also been nominated for the Ballon d'Or. Barcelona's Lionel Messi will be looking to retain the award he has won for four years running.
Messi's club team-mates Andres Iniesta, Neymar, who moved to the Nou Camp from Santos in the summer, and Xavi also make the shortlist, as does Cristiano Ronaldo of Real Madrid. Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney made the shortlist last year but has failed to do so this time, with no player from England, Scotland or Northern Ireland represented in the final 23.
Bayern Munich beat Barcelona on the way to winning the Champions League last season and they have six players up for the award. Bayern also claimed the German league title and German Cup as they completed the treble in 2012-13 and their coach Jupp Heynckes, who has since been replaced by Pep Guardiola, is up for the coach of the year award.
Former Manchester United coach Sir Alex Ferguson, Arsenal's Arsene Wenger, Chelsea's Jose Mourinho and Napoli's Rafael Benitez are also part of the 10-man list in the running for coach of the year. Benitez led Chelsea to the Europa League trophy last season before leaving for Napoli and being replaced at Stamford Bridge by Mourinho, who left Real Madrid in the summer after failing to win the La Liga or Champions League.
The winners will be announced on 13 January, 2014 in Zurich.
 Fifa world men's player of the year shortlist: Gareth Bale (Real Madrid/Wales), Edinson Cavani (Paris St-Germain/Uruguay), Radamel Falcao (Monaco/Colombia), Eden Hazard (Chelsea/Belgium), Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Paris St-Germain/Sweden), Andres Iniesta (Barcelona/Spain), Philipp Lahm (Bayern Munich/Germany), Robert Lewandowski (Borussia Dortmund/Poland), Lionel Messi (Barcelona/Argentina), Thomas Muller (Bayern Munich/Germany), Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich/Germany), Neymar (Barcelona/Brazil), Mesut Ozil (Arsenal/Germany), Andrea Pirlo (Juventus/Italy), Franck Ribery (Bayern Munich/France), Arjen Robben (Bayern Munich/Netherlands), Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid/Portugal), Bastian Schweinsteiger (Bayern Munich/Germany), Luis Suarez (Liverpool/Uruguay), Thiago Silva (Paris St-Germain/Brazil), Yaya Toure (Manchester City/Ivory Coast), Robin Van Persie (Manchester United/Netherlands), Xavi (Barcelona/Spain).
 Fifa coach of the year shortlist: Carlo Ancelotti (Real Madrid CF), Rafael Benítez (Napoli), Antonio Conte (Juventus), Vicente Del Bosque (Spain), Sir Alex Ferguson (Manchester United's former coach), Jupp Heynckes (Bayern Munich's former coach), Jurgen Klopp (Borussia Dortmund), Jose Mourinho (Chelsea), Luiz Felipe Scolari (Brazil), Arsene Wenger (Arsenal).
29.10.13 Unknown
Pic: Gareth Bale/Getty Images
WORLD record signing Gareth Bale is on the 23-man shortlist for the Fifa men's world footballer of the year award. Wales forward Bale, 24, scored 26 goals for Tottenham last season before an £85m move to Real Madrid in the summer.
Five Premier League players in Eden Hazard, Mesut Ozil, Luis Suarez, Yaya Toure and Robin van Persie have also been nominated for the Ballon d'Or. Barcelona's Lionel Messi will be looking to retain the award he has won for four years running.
Messi's club team-mates Andres Iniesta, Neymar, who moved to the Nou Camp from Santos in the summer, and Xavi also make the shortlist, as does Cristiano Ronaldo of Real Madrid. Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney made the shortlist last year but has failed to do so this time, with no player from England, Scotland or Northern Ireland represented in the final 23.
Bayern Munich beat Barcelona on the way to winning the Champions League last season and they have six players up for the award. Bayern also claimed the German league title and German Cup as they completed the treble in 2012-13 and their coach Jupp Heynckes, who has since been replaced by Pep Guardiola, is up for the coach of the year award.
Former Manchester United coach Sir Alex Ferguson, Arsenal's Arsene Wenger, Chelsea's Jose Mourinho and Napoli's Rafael Benitez are also part of the 10-man list in the running for coach of the year. Benitez led Chelsea to the Europa League trophy last season before leaving for Napoli and being replaced at Stamford Bridge by Mourinho, who left Real Madrid in the summer after failing to win the La Liga or Champions League.
The winners will be announced on 13 January, 2014 in Zurich.
 Fifa world men's player of the year shortlist: Gareth Bale (Real Madrid/Wales), Edinson Cavani (Paris St-Germain/Uruguay), Radamel Falcao (Monaco/Colombia), Eden Hazard (Chelsea/Belgium), Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Paris St-Germain/Sweden), Andres Iniesta (Barcelona/Spain), Philipp Lahm (Bayern Munich/Germany), Robert Lewandowski (Borussia Dortmund/Poland), Lionel Messi (Barcelona/Argentina), Thomas Muller (Bayern Munich/Germany), Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich/Germany), Neymar (Barcelona/Brazil), Mesut Ozil (Arsenal/Germany), Andrea Pirlo (Juventus/Italy), Franck Ribery (Bayern Munich/France), Arjen Robben (Bayern Munich/Netherlands), Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid/Portugal), Bastian Schweinsteiger (Bayern Munich/Germany), Luis Suarez (Liverpool/Uruguay), Thiago Silva (Paris St-Germain/Brazil), Yaya Toure (Manchester City/Ivory Coast), Robin Van Persie (Manchester United/Netherlands), Xavi (Barcelona/Spain).
 Fifa coach of the year shortlist: Carlo Ancelotti (Real Madrid CF), Rafael Benítez (Napoli), Antonio Conte (Juventus), Vicente Del Bosque (Spain), Sir Alex Ferguson (Manchester United's former coach), Jupp Heynckes (Bayern Munich's former coach), Jurgen Klopp (Borussia Dortmund), Jose Mourinho (Chelsea), Luiz Felipe Scolari (Brazil), Arsene Wenger (Arsenal).
It's All Good. pic:Reuters/ Arnd Wiegmann
PARIS - Been there, done that. Roger Federer does not need to be world number one anymore and he might well be a top contender at next year's Australian Open, his chief rival Rafa Nadal said. Federer's decline has been well documented since 2011, the year he failed to win a grand slam for the first time since 2003.
He suffered yet another below par performance this season, at best reaching the last four at the Australian Open -- the first time he has not made it to a major final since 2002. The Swiss, however, has a record 17 grand slam titles to his name and has spent 302 weeks at the top of the ATP rankings. He does remain a formidable opponent, according to current world number one Nadal. 
"I don't have any doubt that he will be playing better than what he did this year," the Spaniard told a news conference at the Paris Masters, where the two could clash in the final. "No doubt about that. His talent allows him to keep being one of the favourites, to keep winning the best tournaments of the year. 
"So talking about if he's able to be back or try to be back in the No. 1 (spot), I think it's not his goal, because at the end he already has been there. He has been in the top positions of the ranking for a long time." Federer, who lost the Basel final to Juan Martin del Potro on Sunday, will be seeded fifth in Paris as he looks to secure a spot in next month's ATP World Tour Finals.
Is the Swiss worried at the prospect of missing out on the year-end tournament? All signs point to no, said Nadal. "At the end, what really makes you happy is to go on court with the feeling you can win the tournament. That's probably the only thing that maybe worries him," he said, hinting Federer probably has plans for 2014.
"His goal probably will be finish the year well and be ready to start well in Australia next year. If that happens, he will be one of the candidates to win the first grand slam of the season. That's something that really motivates him." Federer, this year, has dropped out of the top four for the first time since 2003.
""But I am sure that he's not finished. He will work hard in the off-season to be ready for 2014. I am sure he will be back playing great tennis again," said Nadal.
29.10.13 Unknown
It's All Good. pic:Reuters/ Arnd Wiegmann
PARIS - Been there, done that. Roger Federer does not need to be world number one anymore and he might well be a top contender at next year's Australian Open, his chief rival Rafa Nadal said. Federer's decline has been well documented since 2011, the year he failed to win a grand slam for the first time since 2003.
He suffered yet another below par performance this season, at best reaching the last four at the Australian Open -- the first time he has not made it to a major final since 2002. The Swiss, however, has a record 17 grand slam titles to his name and has spent 302 weeks at the top of the ATP rankings. He does remain a formidable opponent, according to current world number one Nadal. 
"I don't have any doubt that he will be playing better than what he did this year," the Spaniard told a news conference at the Paris Masters, where the two could clash in the final. "No doubt about that. His talent allows him to keep being one of the favourites, to keep winning the best tournaments of the year. 
"So talking about if he's able to be back or try to be back in the No. 1 (spot), I think it's not his goal, because at the end he already has been there. He has been in the top positions of the ranking for a long time." Federer, who lost the Basel final to Juan Martin del Potro on Sunday, will be seeded fifth in Paris as he looks to secure a spot in next month's ATP World Tour Finals.
Is the Swiss worried at the prospect of missing out on the year-end tournament? All signs point to no, said Nadal. "At the end, what really makes you happy is to go on court with the feeling you can win the tournament. That's probably the only thing that maybe worries him," he said, hinting Federer probably has plans for 2014.
"His goal probably will be finish the year well and be ready to start well in Australia next year. If that happens, he will be one of the candidates to win the first grand slam of the season. That's something that really motivates him." Federer, this year, has dropped out of the top four for the first time since 2003.
""But I am sure that he's not finished. He will work hard in the off-season to be ready for 2014. I am sure he will be back playing great tennis again," said Nadal.
Penyanyi Mizz Nina mengesahkan yang dia kini sudah pun berhijab selepas pulang daripada menunaikan Haji di Mekah pada Jumaat lalu bersama suaminya vokalis kumpulan Hujan, Noh Salleh, 29.
Pengurus penyanyi wanita itu, Joe Saiful, berkata, Nina atau nama sebenarnya Syazrina Azman, 33, bagaimanapun memberitahu dia masih belum bersedia untuk bertemu atau menjawab sebarang persoalan media mengenai perubahan imejnya itu. "Buat masa ini Nina masih lagi belum bersedia bertemu media untuk bercakap tentang imej barunya itu. 
"Tetapi dia telah mengesahkan pada saya bahawa buat masa ini dia memang sudah pun bertudung," katanya. Tambah Joe, Nina memerlukan sedikit masa untuk tampil kepada media serta khalayak dengan imej yang bersesuaian. "Nina seorang yang sangat peka dengan imejnya sebagai selebriti dan apabila sudah berhijab, Nina sedang mencari imej yang bersesuaian sebelum tampil di khalayak. 
"Dalam pada itu, banyak juga perubahan yang harus dilakukan dalam karier muziknya. Sebab itu dia perlukan masa. Diharap semua pihak dapat memahami situasinya," tutur Joe. Miz Nina juga merupakan anak kepada Pengerusi Kumpulan AmBank Malaysia, Tan Sri Azman Hashim.
29.10.13 Unknown
Penyanyi Mizz Nina mengesahkan yang dia kini sudah pun berhijab selepas pulang daripada menunaikan Haji di Mekah pada Jumaat lalu bersama suaminya vokalis kumpulan Hujan, Noh Salleh, 29.
Pengurus penyanyi wanita itu, Joe Saiful, berkata, Nina atau nama sebenarnya Syazrina Azman, 33, bagaimanapun memberitahu dia masih belum bersedia untuk bertemu atau menjawab sebarang persoalan media mengenai perubahan imejnya itu. "Buat masa ini Nina masih lagi belum bersedia bertemu media untuk bercakap tentang imej barunya itu. 
"Tetapi dia telah mengesahkan pada saya bahawa buat masa ini dia memang sudah pun bertudung," katanya. Tambah Joe, Nina memerlukan sedikit masa untuk tampil kepada media serta khalayak dengan imej yang bersesuaian. "Nina seorang yang sangat peka dengan imejnya sebagai selebriti dan apabila sudah berhijab, Nina sedang mencari imej yang bersesuaian sebelum tampil di khalayak. 
"Dalam pada itu, banyak juga perubahan yang harus dilakukan dalam karier muziknya. Sebab itu dia perlukan masa. Diharap semua pihak dapat memahami situasinya," tutur Joe. Miz Nina juga merupakan anak kepada Pengerusi Kumpulan AmBank Malaysia, Tan Sri Azman Hashim.
Large waves break against the dyke at the entrance of the port of Boulogne, northern France, on October 28, 2013. Pic: AFP/Philippe Huguen
Large waves break against the dyke at the entrance of the port of Boulogne, 
northern France, on October 28, 2013.

LONDON: At least 11 people were killed on Monday as a fierce storm tore across northern Europe, causing mass disruption to transport. Four people were killed in Britain and three in Germany as heavy rain and high winds battered the region.
The storm also claimed two victims in The Netherlands, one in France and one in Denmark. Rough conditions at sea also forced rescuers to abandon the search for a 14-year-old boy who disappeared while playing in the surf on a southern English beach on Sunday. British Prime Minister David Cameron described the loss of life as "hugely regrettable".
 Winds reached 159 kilometres per hour on the Isle of Wight off the southern English coast, according to Britain's Met Office national weather centre, while more than 500,000 homes in Britain and France were left without power. Heavy rain and winds of 80 mph elsewhere brought down thousands of trees and left hundreds of passengers trapped in planes at Copenhagen airport. 
 In Britain, a 17-year-old girl died after a tree fell on the parked caravan where she was sleeping, while a 51-year-old father of three died when a tree hit his car, police said. The bodies of a man and a woman were later found in the rubble of three houses in London that collapsed in an explosion thought to have been caused by a gas pipe being ruptured in the storm.
A woman in Amsterdam was killed by a falling tree as she walked along a canal, while in Germany three people were killed when trees fell on their cars. A 22-year-old man was killed by a falling branch in the central Dutch town of Veenendaal, although high winds had died down by early evening. In France, a 47-year-old woman was swept away by waves on the island of Belle-Ile in Brittany and her body was found on a beach several hours later.
The storm claimed an eleventh victim in Denmark when a man was hit by a flying brick as a wall collapsed in the port town of Gilleleje. Some 460,000 homes lost power across Britain, with a further 75,000 homes affected in northern France, according to industry organisations. Thousands were later re-connected. The electricity also went down at a nuclear power station in southeast England.
Dungeness B station automatically closed down both its reactors, leaving its diesel generators to provide power for essential safety systems. The storm sparked mass cancellations of train services across southern England, Denmark, The Netherlands and parts of Germany, while a spokeswoman for Copenhagen's main airport said some 500 people were trapped in their planes when strong winds made it impossible to connect stairways to the exits.
The airport later said it was closed for all inbound and outbound traffic. London's Heathrow airport cancelled 130 flights, about 10 percent, while delays were reported on the Eurostar cross-Channel train service due to speed restrictions. More than 450 people were stranded on two ferries outside the English port of Dover after it closed for more than two hours, finally docking shortly after 9:00 am (0900 GMT). Even Buckingham Palace in London was affected, although Queen Elizabeth II was not staying there at the time.
A spokeswoman said several slates fell off the roof and two of the windows were cracked. And Britain's Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg had to cancel his monthly press conference because the government building where he works was closed after a crane fell on the roof. The Met Office said 50 millimetres of rain fell in some areas of Britain overnight, while the Environment Agency issued around 130 flood alerts. The storm was named Christian in France and dubbed St Jude by the British media, after the patron saint of lost causes whose feast day is on Monday.
It had been predicted to be the worst for a decade but the devastation was not as bad as many feared, and fell far short of that caused by the "Great Storm" of October 1987. During that storm, 22 people died in Britain and France and the damage was estimated at 1 billion pounds ($1.6 billion or 1.2 billion euros).
29.10.13 Unknown
Large waves break against the dyke at the entrance of the port of Boulogne, northern France, on October 28, 2013. Pic: AFP/Philippe Huguen
Large waves break against the dyke at the entrance of the port of Boulogne, 
northern France, on October 28, 2013.

LONDON: At least 11 people were killed on Monday as a fierce storm tore across northern Europe, causing mass disruption to transport. Four people were killed in Britain and three in Germany as heavy rain and high winds battered the region.
The storm also claimed two victims in The Netherlands, one in France and one in Denmark. Rough conditions at sea also forced rescuers to abandon the search for a 14-year-old boy who disappeared while playing in the surf on a southern English beach on Sunday. British Prime Minister David Cameron described the loss of life as "hugely regrettable".
 Winds reached 159 kilometres per hour on the Isle of Wight off the southern English coast, according to Britain's Met Office national weather centre, while more than 500,000 homes in Britain and France were left without power. Heavy rain and winds of 80 mph elsewhere brought down thousands of trees and left hundreds of passengers trapped in planes at Copenhagen airport. 
 In Britain, a 17-year-old girl died after a tree fell on the parked caravan where she was sleeping, while a 51-year-old father of three died when a tree hit his car, police said. The bodies of a man and a woman were later found in the rubble of three houses in London that collapsed in an explosion thought to have been caused by a gas pipe being ruptured in the storm.
A woman in Amsterdam was killed by a falling tree as she walked along a canal, while in Germany three people were killed when trees fell on their cars. A 22-year-old man was killed by a falling branch in the central Dutch town of Veenendaal, although high winds had died down by early evening. In France, a 47-year-old woman was swept away by waves on the island of Belle-Ile in Brittany and her body was found on a beach several hours later.
The storm claimed an eleventh victim in Denmark when a man was hit by a flying brick as a wall collapsed in the port town of Gilleleje. Some 460,000 homes lost power across Britain, with a further 75,000 homes affected in northern France, according to industry organisations. Thousands were later re-connected. The electricity also went down at a nuclear power station in southeast England.
Dungeness B station automatically closed down both its reactors, leaving its diesel generators to provide power for essential safety systems. The storm sparked mass cancellations of train services across southern England, Denmark, The Netherlands and parts of Germany, while a spokeswoman for Copenhagen's main airport said some 500 people were trapped in their planes when strong winds made it impossible to connect stairways to the exits.
The airport later said it was closed for all inbound and outbound traffic. London's Heathrow airport cancelled 130 flights, about 10 percent, while delays were reported on the Eurostar cross-Channel train service due to speed restrictions. More than 450 people were stranded on two ferries outside the English port of Dover after it closed for more than two hours, finally docking shortly after 9:00 am (0900 GMT). Even Buckingham Palace in London was affected, although Queen Elizabeth II was not staying there at the time.
A spokeswoman said several slates fell off the roof and two of the windows were cracked. And Britain's Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg had to cancel his monthly press conference because the government building where he works was closed after a crane fell on the roof. The Met Office said 50 millimetres of rain fell in some areas of Britain overnight, while the Environment Agency issued around 130 flood alerts. The storm was named Christian in France and dubbed St Jude by the British media, after the patron saint of lost causes whose feast day is on Monday.
It had been predicted to be the worst for a decade but the devastation was not as bad as many feared, and fell far short of that caused by the "Great Storm" of October 1987. During that storm, 22 people died in Britain and France and the damage was estimated at 1 billion pounds ($1.6 billion or 1.2 billion euros).
SHOCKING: Human rights campaigners are outraged at this video of an Asian man wearing an orange overall being severely beaten by a Saudi man dressed in white robes, allegedly for looking at his wife. Pic : Daily Mail
SHOCKING: Human rights campaigners are outraged at this video of an Asian 
man wearing an orange overall being severely beaten by a Saudi man dressed 
in white robes, allegedly for looking at his wife. 

HUMAN rights campaigners are outraged at a video that has surfaced from Saudi Arabia of an Asian man being severely beaten by a Saudi man, allegedly for looking at his wife. The footage shows the Asian worker, wearing an orange overall, sitting opposite the Saudi man dressed in white robes.
The Asian man has a swollen eye and is repeatedly slapped and hit in the face by the other man. According to the English service of Al Arabiya, a news site, the SSaudi Husband Whips Asian Worker For Allegedly Speaking To His Wifeaudi man is allegedly accusing the other man of talking to his wife. The Saudi man then starts to repeatedly whip the Asian man with his belt. 
he victim falls to the floor crying out in pain, where he is kicked and whipped over and over. When he gets to his feet, the Saudi man appears to grab him by the throat and forces him up against the wall before continuing to beat him. Spokesperson Ibrahim al-Shadi told Al Arabiya the beating was a 'flagrant violation of the victim’s rights to safety and dignity.
The act also flouted rules set by Islamic Sharia, he said. The National Society for Human Rights is 'investigating the issue,' its head Mefleh al-Qahtani told AFP, quoted in the Times of India. The semi-governmental organisation would demand the perpetrator be punished if the case is confirmed. 'We do not have enough details about the identity of the man, or on where the incident took place,' he said.
29.10.13 Unknown
SHOCKING: Human rights campaigners are outraged at this video of an Asian man wearing an orange overall being severely beaten by a Saudi man dressed in white robes, allegedly for looking at his wife. Pic : Daily Mail
SHOCKING: Human rights campaigners are outraged at this video of an Asian 
man wearing an orange overall being severely beaten by a Saudi man dressed 
in white robes, allegedly for looking at his wife. 

HUMAN rights campaigners are outraged at a video that has surfaced from Saudi Arabia of an Asian man being severely beaten by a Saudi man, allegedly for looking at his wife. The footage shows the Asian worker, wearing an orange overall, sitting opposite the Saudi man dressed in white robes.
The Asian man has a swollen eye and is repeatedly slapped and hit in the face by the other man. According to the English service of Al Arabiya, a news site, the SSaudi Husband Whips Asian Worker For Allegedly Speaking To His Wifeaudi man is allegedly accusing the other man of talking to his wife. The Saudi man then starts to repeatedly whip the Asian man with his belt. 
he victim falls to the floor crying out in pain, where he is kicked and whipped over and over. When he gets to his feet, the Saudi man appears to grab him by the throat and forces him up against the wall before continuing to beat him. Spokesperson Ibrahim al-Shadi told Al Arabiya the beating was a 'flagrant violation of the victim’s rights to safety and dignity.
The act also flouted rules set by Islamic Sharia, he said. The National Society for Human Rights is 'investigating the issue,' its head Mefleh al-Qahtani told AFP, quoted in the Times of India. The semi-governmental organisation would demand the perpetrator be punished if the case is confirmed. 'We do not have enough details about the identity of the man, or on where the incident took place,' he said.
The house of a couple who kept their newborn child locked in the trunk of a car for presumably over a year in Brignac-la-plaine, central France. Pic: AFP
The house of a couple who kept their newborn child locked in the trunk of a car for presumably over a year in Brignac-la-plaine, central France. FRENCH prosecutors have attacked a father's claim that he had no idea a baby girl was living in the boot of his wife's car.
The dehydrated little girl, aged between 15 and 23 months, was found by mechanics on Friday when her mother brought the car to a garage in Terrasson, in central France. The girl's mother, 45, and her 40-year-old partner were arrested and charged on Sunday with child abuse and endangering a minor. The two are facing up to 10 years in prison for child abuse. 
The mother told police that she had given birth in secret and hidden the baby's existence from everyone, including her partner, the girl's father. The couple had three other children - a four-year-old girl and two boys aged nine and 10 - who were handed over to social services following their parents' arrest. The couple were both of Portuguese origin and both unemployed. 
At a court hearing yesterday, the father repeated that the mother had hidden the child's existence from himself and their families. Investigators told the court they found it very hard to believe that he would have not known of the child living in his home for almost two years. "Did he close his eyes," the prosecutor asked. "Is he partly or fully behind this extraordinary lie about an unwanted child?" The judge has ordered a broadening of the investigation into the case.
The little girl is in hospital where doctors say she is suffering from delayed growth and mental problems. Police said one of the mechanics heard "bizarre noises, like moans" coming from the car boot and opened it to discover the girl, who was naked, lying in her own excrement, dehydrated and feverish. The girl "was hidden, it seems since birth, and more seriously, she is suffering from significant (developmental) delays," local prosecutor Jean-Pierre Laffite said. 
The situation "defies belief," he said. The mechanic who found the girl, Guillaume Iguacel, said he was still reeling from the discovery. "I'm still having trouble sleeping, it was a horrifying sight, seeing this little girl in her own excrement, not able to hold up her head, white as a sheet," he said. Iguacel said the girl's mother appeared to have little concern for her daughter.
"We were deeply shocked because she didn't find this abnormal. We told her to remove the little girl (from the boot) and give her something to drink right away," he said. The couple, who were both of Portuguese origin and both unemployed, lived in the village of Brignac, about 10 kilometres from the garage where the baby was found. Neighbours told French media the mother had been behaving strangely and was seen spending an unusual amount of time in the car.
"We had the impression this woman lived in her car. She never left it," a neighbour identified as Pascale told Le Parisien newspaper. "I remember seeing her several times a week with her car parked in a lot about 200 metres from her home. The boot was always open. I was wondering what she could be doing," she said.
29.10.13 Unknown
The house of a couple who kept their newborn child locked in the trunk of a car for presumably over a year in Brignac-la-plaine, central France. Pic: AFP
The house of a couple who kept their newborn child locked in the trunk of a car for presumably over a year in Brignac-la-plaine, central France. FRENCH prosecutors have attacked a father's claim that he had no idea a baby girl was living in the boot of his wife's car.
The dehydrated little girl, aged between 15 and 23 months, was found by mechanics on Friday when her mother brought the car to a garage in Terrasson, in central France. The girl's mother, 45, and her 40-year-old partner were arrested and charged on Sunday with child abuse and endangering a minor. The two are facing up to 10 years in prison for child abuse. 
The mother told police that she had given birth in secret and hidden the baby's existence from everyone, including her partner, the girl's father. The couple had three other children - a four-year-old girl and two boys aged nine and 10 - who were handed over to social services following their parents' arrest. The couple were both of Portuguese origin and both unemployed. 
At a court hearing yesterday, the father repeated that the mother had hidden the child's existence from himself and their families. Investigators told the court they found it very hard to believe that he would have not known of the child living in his home for almost two years. "Did he close his eyes," the prosecutor asked. "Is he partly or fully behind this extraordinary lie about an unwanted child?" The judge has ordered a broadening of the investigation into the case.
The little girl is in hospital where doctors say she is suffering from delayed growth and mental problems. Police said one of the mechanics heard "bizarre noises, like moans" coming from the car boot and opened it to discover the girl, who was naked, lying in her own excrement, dehydrated and feverish. The girl "was hidden, it seems since birth, and more seriously, she is suffering from significant (developmental) delays," local prosecutor Jean-Pierre Laffite said. 
The situation "defies belief," he said. The mechanic who found the girl, Guillaume Iguacel, said he was still reeling from the discovery. "I'm still having trouble sleeping, it was a horrifying sight, seeing this little girl in her own excrement, not able to hold up her head, white as a sheet," he said. Iguacel said the girl's mother appeared to have little concern for her daughter.
"We were deeply shocked because she didn't find this abnormal. We told her to remove the little girl (from the boot) and give her something to drink right away," he said. The couple, who were both of Portuguese origin and both unemployed, lived in the village of Brignac, about 10 kilometres from the garage where the baby was found. Neighbours told French media the mother had been behaving strangely and was seen spending an unusual amount of time in the car.
"We had the impression this woman lived in her car. She never left it," a neighbour identified as Pascale told Le Parisien newspaper. "I remember seeing her several times a week with her car parked in a lot about 200 metres from her home. The boot was always open. I was wondering what she could be doing," she said.
Pic: Google
A PENNSYLVANIA man was charged with harassment for allegedly hugging a pregnant woman and rubbing her stomach without her consent in what may be the first case of its kind, according to police and a legal expert.
Richard J. Beishline, 57, went to his pregnant neighbor's trailer at about 5 p.m. on Oct. 20 in Cumberland County, according to Trooper Robert Hicks, a public information officer for the Pennsylvania State Police. While there, Beishline hugged the woman and touched her stomach against her wishes at which point she pushed him away, Hicks said.
Beishline returned to his trailer, and the pregnant woman called police. Beishline was later charged with harassment in connection with the incident, Hicks said. In Pennsylvania, a person can be charged with harassment for an action they take that has an intent to harass, annoy or alarm another person. But rarely if ever has the law been applied to unwanted belly-touching and other physical contact aimed at pregnant women.
"It’s extremely rare and uncommon," said Pittsburgh attorney Phil DiLucente. "I have never heard or saw this ever being found." "This might be the first of its kind," he added. Hicks also said he had never heard of the law applied in this way, but added that any unwanted physical contact can be considered harassment under state law. The charge is what is known as a summary offense in Pennsylvania, not a misdemeanor or a felony, and is typically disposed of with fines, DiLucente said.
After a person is charged, a citation is issued where the individual can plead guilty and pay a fine or plead not guilty and scheduled a hearing in district court. A magistrate in Cumberland County filed the harassment charge against Beishline, but he has not yet received his formal citation or responded to the charge, according to Hicks.
29.10.13 Unknown
Pic: Google
A PENNSYLVANIA man was charged with harassment for allegedly hugging a pregnant woman and rubbing her stomach without her consent in what may be the first case of its kind, according to police and a legal expert.
Richard J. Beishline, 57, went to his pregnant neighbor's trailer at about 5 p.m. on Oct. 20 in Cumberland County, according to Trooper Robert Hicks, a public information officer for the Pennsylvania State Police. While there, Beishline hugged the woman and touched her stomach against her wishes at which point she pushed him away, Hicks said.
Beishline returned to his trailer, and the pregnant woman called police. Beishline was later charged with harassment in connection with the incident, Hicks said. In Pennsylvania, a person can be charged with harassment for an action they take that has an intent to harass, annoy or alarm another person. But rarely if ever has the law been applied to unwanted belly-touching and other physical contact aimed at pregnant women.
"It’s extremely rare and uncommon," said Pittsburgh attorney Phil DiLucente. "I have never heard or saw this ever being found." "This might be the first of its kind," he added. Hicks also said he had never heard of the law applied in this way, but added that any unwanted physical contact can be considered harassment under state law. The charge is what is known as a summary offense in Pennsylvania, not a misdemeanor or a felony, and is typically disposed of with fines, DiLucente said.
After a person is charged, a citation is issued where the individual can plead guilty and pay a fine or plead not guilty and scheduled a hearing in district court. A magistrate in Cumberland County filed the harassment charge against Beishline, but he has not yet received his formal citation or responded to the charge, according to Hicks.
Pic: Bijan Ebrahimi was a 'caring, loving and unselfish' man
Bijan Ebrahimi was a 'caring, loving and unselfish' man

On the few occasions the quiet and self-effacing Bijan Ebrahimi ventured outside his drab council maisonette on the outskirts of Bristol, it was to tend to his flower baskets.
He did not work – he had a back problem and was registered disabled – so his focus was on his cat and his garden. His interest in horticulture provided him with his greatest pleasure, but also played a significant role in his death. When Mr Ebrahimi saw local youths apparently vandalising his flowers, he took pictures of them. It was a decision that would lead to his being wrongly branded a paedophile by his neighbours.
One was so incensed by his alleged crime that he beat Mr Ebrahimi unconscious, and, with the help of a friend, set him alight after dousing him with white spirit. The two men will be sentenced next month after admitting their roles in the death of the 44-year-old Iranian national, who was described by his family as a “caring, loving and unselfish man”. 
hree police officers have also been suspended as an inquiry continues into how the Avon and Somerset force dealt with Mr Ebrahimi’s requests for help after the abuse began. Six civilian call handlers are set to be questioned by the police complaints watchdog as it investigates whether his cries for help were taken seriously. Bristol City Council, which housed Mr Ebrahimi, has launched its own inquiry into what went wrong. 
Police went to Mr Ebrahimi’s home at Capgrave Crescent, Brislington, on 11 July after he called them to complain of damage to his flowers and harassment. When the officers arrived, a group of neighbours emerged to tell them that he had been taking pictures of children. On several occasions, Mr Ebrahimi ignored officers’ requests to stay inside his home and instead confronted the group outside, according to the police watchdog.
He was finally arrested on suspicion of breaching the peace and was taken away as a crowd taunted him with cries of “paedo, paedo”, witnesses said. Mr Ebrahimi would be interviewed and released without further action. Police would also confirm later that he had not taken any indecent images and nothing of concern had been found on his computer. But his removal had set in motion the chain of events that would lead to his death. 
Feelings in the community were running high, with rumours spreading that Mr Ebrahimi had been burnt out of his previous local authority home. The council last night declined to comment, citing its ongoing investigation. Mr Ebrahimi was released from police custody on 12 July. Two days later he was dead. Lee James, 24, who lived two doors away with his young family, threatened on the night that Mr Ebrahimi was arrested that he would take the law into his own hands, prosecutors said.

Pic: Police are being investigated to see whether more could have been done to protect Mr Ebrahimi
One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, told the Bristol Post: “[On the night Mr Ebrahimi was arrested] everyone came out and they were calling him a paedophile. When we went into the close it was very hostile – they wanted him moved out.
There were about 20 people out there all having a say. They had him down as a 100 per cent paedophile. When the police took him away everyone was cheering. Then he got released back into that.” Police face investigation over why Mr Ebrahimi was the only person arrested during the initial confrontation. The investigation will also focus on the days between his release from custody and his murder.
In the early hours of 14 July, Lee James beat Mr Ebrahimi unconscious and, with the help of his next-door neighbour Stephen Norley, dragged him from his home. Norley then went to fetch some white spirit and Mr Ebrahimi’s body was set alight. The killing was spotted by three teenagers who were camping out on a nearby patch of grass at the height of the summer heatwave. 
James had told at least one other person that Mr Ebrahimi had taken photographs of children in the crescent, setting off the baseless rumour that he was a paedophile. Bristol council declined to say on Monday whether Mr Ebrahimi had made any complaints about the damage to his flowers, and if he had, how its representatives had responded. “We are looking into all our dealings with this person,” said a spokesman. “We are reviewing all contacts with the tenants.
 Other residents living in the block where Mr Ebrahimi lived have been asking to move. “Whoever started those rumours now has to live with that. He wasn’t a paedophile and he’s now dead. That’s a hell of a thing to have on your conscience,” said one. James, who has admitted murder, and Norley, also 24, who has admitted to assisting an offender, will be sentenced at Bristol Crown Court on 28 November.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission has also confirmed that three constables have been suspended and could face gross misconduct charges over their dealings with Mr Ebrahimi. Three other officers, including a sergeant and an inspector, have been interviewed by the watchdog and could also face the same charge.
They have not been suspended. Rachel Cerfontyne, the deputy chairman of the IPCC, said: “Our investigation is into police officers’ and staff decisions and actions in all their dealings with Mr Ebrahimi following his call to police on 11 July until his death on 14 July. This will also include any previous police contact with him and how those incidents were dealt with, including interactions with other agencies.”
In a family statement relatives said that Mr Ebrahimi was a “quiet disabled man whose only joys in life came from his horticultural interests and his cat. Bijan was a caring, loving and unselfish man. He was an excellent uncle and a warm, supportive brother.”
29.10.13 Unknown
Pic: Bijan Ebrahimi was a 'caring, loving and unselfish' man
Bijan Ebrahimi was a 'caring, loving and unselfish' man

On the few occasions the quiet and self-effacing Bijan Ebrahimi ventured outside his drab council maisonette on the outskirts of Bristol, it was to tend to his flower baskets.
He did not work – he had a back problem and was registered disabled – so his focus was on his cat and his garden. His interest in horticulture provided him with his greatest pleasure, but also played a significant role in his death. When Mr Ebrahimi saw local youths apparently vandalising his flowers, he took pictures of them. It was a decision that would lead to his being wrongly branded a paedophile by his neighbours.
One was so incensed by his alleged crime that he beat Mr Ebrahimi unconscious, and, with the help of a friend, set him alight after dousing him with white spirit. The two men will be sentenced next month after admitting their roles in the death of the 44-year-old Iranian national, who was described by his family as a “caring, loving and unselfish man”. 
hree police officers have also been suspended as an inquiry continues into how the Avon and Somerset force dealt with Mr Ebrahimi’s requests for help after the abuse began. Six civilian call handlers are set to be questioned by the police complaints watchdog as it investigates whether his cries for help were taken seriously. Bristol City Council, which housed Mr Ebrahimi, has launched its own inquiry into what went wrong. 
Police went to Mr Ebrahimi’s home at Capgrave Crescent, Brislington, on 11 July after he called them to complain of damage to his flowers and harassment. When the officers arrived, a group of neighbours emerged to tell them that he had been taking pictures of children. On several occasions, Mr Ebrahimi ignored officers’ requests to stay inside his home and instead confronted the group outside, according to the police watchdog.
He was finally arrested on suspicion of breaching the peace and was taken away as a crowd taunted him with cries of “paedo, paedo”, witnesses said. Mr Ebrahimi would be interviewed and released without further action. Police would also confirm later that he had not taken any indecent images and nothing of concern had been found on his computer. But his removal had set in motion the chain of events that would lead to his death. 
Feelings in the community were running high, with rumours spreading that Mr Ebrahimi had been burnt out of his previous local authority home. The council last night declined to comment, citing its ongoing investigation. Mr Ebrahimi was released from police custody on 12 July. Two days later he was dead. Lee James, 24, who lived two doors away with his young family, threatened on the night that Mr Ebrahimi was arrested that he would take the law into his own hands, prosecutors said.

Pic: Police are being investigated to see whether more could have been done to protect Mr Ebrahimi
One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, told the Bristol Post: “[On the night Mr Ebrahimi was arrested] everyone came out and they were calling him a paedophile. When we went into the close it was very hostile – they wanted him moved out.
There were about 20 people out there all having a say. They had him down as a 100 per cent paedophile. When the police took him away everyone was cheering. Then he got released back into that.” Police face investigation over why Mr Ebrahimi was the only person arrested during the initial confrontation. The investigation will also focus on the days between his release from custody and his murder.
In the early hours of 14 July, Lee James beat Mr Ebrahimi unconscious and, with the help of his next-door neighbour Stephen Norley, dragged him from his home. Norley then went to fetch some white spirit and Mr Ebrahimi’s body was set alight. The killing was spotted by three teenagers who were camping out on a nearby patch of grass at the height of the summer heatwave. 
James had told at least one other person that Mr Ebrahimi had taken photographs of children in the crescent, setting off the baseless rumour that he was a paedophile. Bristol council declined to say on Monday whether Mr Ebrahimi had made any complaints about the damage to his flowers, and if he had, how its representatives had responded. “We are looking into all our dealings with this person,” said a spokesman. “We are reviewing all contacts with the tenants.
 Other residents living in the block where Mr Ebrahimi lived have been asking to move. “Whoever started those rumours now has to live with that. He wasn’t a paedophile and he’s now dead. That’s a hell of a thing to have on your conscience,” said one. James, who has admitted murder, and Norley, also 24, who has admitted to assisting an offender, will be sentenced at Bristol Crown Court on 28 November.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission has also confirmed that three constables have been suspended and could face gross misconduct charges over their dealings with Mr Ebrahimi. Three other officers, including a sergeant and an inspector, have been interviewed by the watchdog and could also face the same charge.
They have not been suspended. Rachel Cerfontyne, the deputy chairman of the IPCC, said: “Our investigation is into police officers’ and staff decisions and actions in all their dealings with Mr Ebrahimi following his call to police on 11 July until his death on 14 July. This will also include any previous police contact with him and how those incidents were dealt with, including interactions with other agencies.”
In a family statement relatives said that Mr Ebrahimi was a “quiet disabled man whose only joys in life came from his horticultural interests and his cat. Bijan was a caring, loving and unselfish man. He was an excellent uncle and a warm, supportive brother.”
Pic: Google
AN OFF-ROAD racing enthusiast has survived being struck by lightning twice during the same storm in North Texas. Casey Wagner said Sunday that doctors told him a tingling feeling would last for about a week. KTVT-TV reports Wagner was at an off-road competition in Saint Jo, 85 miles northwest of Dallas, when storms arrived.
The 31-year-old Wagner was under a tree when he was hit by lightning. He dropped to his knees then he was struck again. Wagner says he saw sparks during the strikes. A nurse who happened to be nearby cared for Wagner until he was taken to a hospital, where he was treated and released. Wagner says he believes God kept him alive — and he plans to start going to church more.
29.10.13 Unknown
Pic: Google
AN OFF-ROAD racing enthusiast has survived being struck by lightning twice during the same storm in North Texas. Casey Wagner said Sunday that doctors told him a tingling feeling would last for about a week. KTVT-TV reports Wagner was at an off-road competition in Saint Jo, 85 miles northwest of Dallas, when storms arrived.
The 31-year-old Wagner was under a tree when he was hit by lightning. He dropped to his knees then he was struck again. Wagner says he saw sparks during the strikes. A nurse who happened to be nearby cared for Wagner until he was taken to a hospital, where he was treated and released. Wagner says he believes God kept him alive — and he plans to start going to church more.
Love them or hate them, sometimes the denizens of Reddit bestow some amazing gifts upon the Internet. Their latest find: a “Star Wars” blooper reel. 
The previously unseen outakes are made up of grainy footage — much of which is silent — from the set of the 1977 sci-fi classic. Included are plenty of flubbed lines, unpolished special effects and Harrison Ford’s valiant attempt to eat a headset. In other words, everything you could hope for from a blooper reel.
But the best part, by far, comes between the 1:10 to 1:50 mark, when we see that the actors in the stormtrooper costumes were just as bumbling as their fictional counterparts.
29.10.13 Unknown
Love them or hate them, sometimes the denizens of Reddit bestow some amazing gifts upon the Internet. Their latest find: a “Star Wars” blooper reel. 
The previously unseen outakes are made up of grainy footage — much of which is silent — from the set of the 1977 sci-fi classic. Included are plenty of flubbed lines, unpolished special effects and Harrison Ford’s valiant attempt to eat a headset. In other words, everything you could hope for from a blooper reel.
But the best part, by far, comes between the 1:10 to 1:50 mark, when we see that the actors in the stormtrooper costumes were just as bumbling as their fictional counterparts.
Gambar yang dimuat naik oleh Diana Nasir melalui akaun Facebook miliknya/ Pic: mediahiburan.karangkraf.com
Gambar yang dimuat naik oleh Diana Nasir melalui akaun Facebook miliknya

Bermula dengan status yang dimuat naik oleh kakak kepada Anzalna iaitu Diana Nasir di laman Istagram berserta gambarnya bersama aktor, Shah Iskandar menimbulkan tanda tanya apabila ayat yang digunakan seolah-olah mereka sedang bercinta. 
Jelas Shah yang ketika itu masih berada di Cape Town, Afrika memberitahu hubungan mereka sekadar kawan biasa. Malah, dia terkejut akan tindakan Diana memuat naik status sedemikian. Susulan kenyataan Shah itu, adik Diana yang juga pelakon popular, Anzalna Nasir menyelar tindakan Shah. Malah, dia menganggap aktor yang berasal dari Singapura itu cuba menafikan hubungan yang wujud di samping memberitahu Shah yang terhegeh-hegeh dengan kakaknya berdasarkan kiriman SMS yang dihantar kepada kakaknya itu.
Memetik kenyataan di Media Hiburan, Shah berkata, "Saya akui mesej-mesej yang dimaksudkan oleh Anzalna. Pada saya itu mesej-mesej manja di mana pada awal perkenalan saya dan kakaknya. Tapi, memasuki bulan keempat saya dapat rasakan perkenalan ini tidak boleh pergi lebih jauh. "Saya tidak cakap dia 'bad person' tapi sikap saya sendiri yang tidak boleh meneruskan perhubungan itu. Kiranya, antara kami memang tidak bercinta tapi baru mula nak berkenalan.
"Dengan apa yang berlaku, saya tidak salahkan Diana. Dia seorang gadis yang baik. Saya nampak usahanya untuk membawa perkenalan kami kepada hubungan yang serius, tapi saya yang tidak boleh. "Cuma, saya tidak faham kenapa Anzalna perlu masuk campur. Ini antara saya dan Diana. Saya tahu niatnya mahu pertahankan kakaknya, tapi bukan begini caranya.
Cara Anzalna tak betul." Tambah Shah lagi, selepas dia pulang ke Malaysia, dia ada bertanyakan kepada Diana mengenai kekecohan mengenai hubungan mereka. Menurut Shah, Diana ada memberitahu yang Anzalna sekadar mahu melindunginya. Namun aktor itu tetap merasakan yang cara Anzalna seperti mahu mengenakannya. Shah sekali lagi menjelaskan dia tidak pernah keluar atau lepak berdua dengan Diana. Shah juga mengharapkan agar masalah ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.
29.10.13 Unknown
Gambar yang dimuat naik oleh Diana Nasir melalui akaun Facebook miliknya/ Pic: mediahiburan.karangkraf.com
Gambar yang dimuat naik oleh Diana Nasir melalui akaun Facebook miliknya

Bermula dengan status yang dimuat naik oleh kakak kepada Anzalna iaitu Diana Nasir di laman Istagram berserta gambarnya bersama aktor, Shah Iskandar menimbulkan tanda tanya apabila ayat yang digunakan seolah-olah mereka sedang bercinta. 
Jelas Shah yang ketika itu masih berada di Cape Town, Afrika memberitahu hubungan mereka sekadar kawan biasa. Malah, dia terkejut akan tindakan Diana memuat naik status sedemikian. Susulan kenyataan Shah itu, adik Diana yang juga pelakon popular, Anzalna Nasir menyelar tindakan Shah. Malah, dia menganggap aktor yang berasal dari Singapura itu cuba menafikan hubungan yang wujud di samping memberitahu Shah yang terhegeh-hegeh dengan kakaknya berdasarkan kiriman SMS yang dihantar kepada kakaknya itu.
Memetik kenyataan di Media Hiburan, Shah berkata, "Saya akui mesej-mesej yang dimaksudkan oleh Anzalna. Pada saya itu mesej-mesej manja di mana pada awal perkenalan saya dan kakaknya. Tapi, memasuki bulan keempat saya dapat rasakan perkenalan ini tidak boleh pergi lebih jauh. "Saya tidak cakap dia 'bad person' tapi sikap saya sendiri yang tidak boleh meneruskan perhubungan itu. Kiranya, antara kami memang tidak bercinta tapi baru mula nak berkenalan.
"Dengan apa yang berlaku, saya tidak salahkan Diana. Dia seorang gadis yang baik. Saya nampak usahanya untuk membawa perkenalan kami kepada hubungan yang serius, tapi saya yang tidak boleh. "Cuma, saya tidak faham kenapa Anzalna perlu masuk campur. Ini antara saya dan Diana. Saya tahu niatnya mahu pertahankan kakaknya, tapi bukan begini caranya.
Cara Anzalna tak betul." Tambah Shah lagi, selepas dia pulang ke Malaysia, dia ada bertanyakan kepada Diana mengenai kekecohan mengenai hubungan mereka. Menurut Shah, Diana ada memberitahu yang Anzalna sekadar mahu melindunginya. Namun aktor itu tetap merasakan yang cara Anzalna seperti mahu mengenakannya. Shah sekali lagi menjelaskan dia tidak pernah keluar atau lepak berdua dengan Diana. Shah juga mengharapkan agar masalah ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.
Mayat mangsa yang ditemui di belakang kedai ubat di Jalan Sultan Iskandar, awal pagi semalam./Pic:Sinar Harian
Mayat mangsa yang ditemui di belakang kedai ubat di Jalan Sultan Iskandar, awal pagi semalam.

 IPOH: Polis sedang mengesan identiti seorang lelaki bertubuh kurus dan berpakaian lusuh yang ditemui maut di belakang kedai ubat di Jalan Sultan Iskandar, awal pagi semalam. Mayat lelaki yang tidak mempunyai sebarang pengenalan diri yang dipercayai penagih dadah atau gelandangan itu ditemui orang awam yang kebetulan melalui jalan tersebut kira-kira jam 1.30 pagi.
Menurut sumber, mangsa dipercayai dibelasah terlebih dahulu sebelum mayatnya dicampakkan ke kawasan tersebut berdasarkan kesan luka di kepala dan mukanya yang berlumuran darah. Katanya, mangsa dipercayai mati akibat terkena hentakan objek tumpul pada bahagian kepala, namun tiada sebarang senjata ditemui berhampiran kawasan mangsa dijumpai. Difahamkan, polis telah mengambil keterangan seorang lelaki gelandangan bagi membantu siasatan kerana dipercayai berada berhampiran lokasi ketika mayat mangsa ditemui.
 Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Ipoh, Asisten Komisioner Sum Chang Keong, memberitahu setakat ini identiti mangsa masih belum dapat dikenal pasti. “Mayat mangsa dibawa ke Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun (HRPB) untuk dibedah siasat yang dijangka akan dijalankan esok (hari ini). “Kami berharap keputusan bedah siasat dapat membantu mengenal pasti identiti dan punca sebenar kematian lelaki itu,” katanya.
29.10.13 Unknown
Mayat mangsa yang ditemui di belakang kedai ubat di Jalan Sultan Iskandar, awal pagi semalam./Pic:Sinar Harian
Mayat mangsa yang ditemui di belakang kedai ubat di Jalan Sultan Iskandar, awal pagi semalam.

 IPOH: Polis sedang mengesan identiti seorang lelaki bertubuh kurus dan berpakaian lusuh yang ditemui maut di belakang kedai ubat di Jalan Sultan Iskandar, awal pagi semalam. Mayat lelaki yang tidak mempunyai sebarang pengenalan diri yang dipercayai penagih dadah atau gelandangan itu ditemui orang awam yang kebetulan melalui jalan tersebut kira-kira jam 1.30 pagi.
Menurut sumber, mangsa dipercayai dibelasah terlebih dahulu sebelum mayatnya dicampakkan ke kawasan tersebut berdasarkan kesan luka di kepala dan mukanya yang berlumuran darah. Katanya, mangsa dipercayai mati akibat terkena hentakan objek tumpul pada bahagian kepala, namun tiada sebarang senjata ditemui berhampiran kawasan mangsa dijumpai. Difahamkan, polis telah mengambil keterangan seorang lelaki gelandangan bagi membantu siasatan kerana dipercayai berada berhampiran lokasi ketika mayat mangsa ditemui.
 Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Ipoh, Asisten Komisioner Sum Chang Keong, memberitahu setakat ini identiti mangsa masih belum dapat dikenal pasti. “Mayat mangsa dibawa ke Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun (HRPB) untuk dibedah siasat yang dijangka akan dijalankan esok (hari ini). “Kami berharap keputusan bedah siasat dapat membantu mengenal pasti identiti dan punca sebenar kematian lelaki itu,” katanya.
KISHMINDERJIT dibawa keluar mahkamah selepas dijatuhi hukuman, semalam/ Pic: Harian Metro
SEREMBAN: “Saya amat menyesal dengan kesalahan dilakukan dan meminta maaf kerana menyusahkan ramai pihak,” demikian rayuan tertuduh, Kishminderjit Singh Bahadar Singh, 39, atau dikenali sebagai Taliban ketika merayu hukuman ringan di Mahkamah Majistret, di sini, semalam, selepas mengaku bersalah atas tuduhan melarikan diri daripada tahanan polis di kawasan rehat Tol Setul, Lebuh Raya Kajang-Seremban (LEKAS), bulan lalu.
Majistret Siti Khairiah Abdul Razak bagaimanapun menjatuhkan hukuman 20 bulan penjara terhadap tertuduh yang memakai baju berwarna putih bermula daripada tarikh dia ditangkap. Mengikut pertuduhan, Kishminderjit yang ketika kejadian ditahan secara sah mengikut Seksyen 6 (1) Akta Dadah Berbahaya (Langkah-Langkah Pencegahan Khas) 1985, didakwa dengan sengaja melepaskan diri daripada jagaan sah Koperal Ismail Jamil, 50, dan Konstabel Nashrul Azlan Mohammad, 24, di tempat letak kenderaan di hadapan tandas kawasan rehat Tol Setul, LEKAS, Nilai, antara jam 7.50 pagi hingga 10.55 pagi, 1 September lalu.
Kishminderjit Singh didakwa mengikut Seksyen 224 Kanun Keseksaan yang jika sabit kesalahan boleh dipenjara hingga dua tahun atau dengan denda atau kedua-duanya. Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Syamimi Farhana Muhammad A Aziz meminta mahkamah mengenakan hukuman berat sebagai pengajaran berikutan kesalahan dilakukan tertuduh sangat serius.
Begitupun, tertuduh yang tidak diwakili peguam merayu hukuman paling minimum dikenakan berikutan sudah insaf dan menyesal atas perbuatannya itu. “Saya merayu dihantar ke Penjara Simpang Renggam kerana dekat dengan keluarga untuk menjenguk saya,” katanya.
29.10.13 Unknown
KISHMINDERJIT dibawa keluar mahkamah selepas dijatuhi hukuman, semalam/ Pic: Harian Metro
SEREMBAN: “Saya amat menyesal dengan kesalahan dilakukan dan meminta maaf kerana menyusahkan ramai pihak,” demikian rayuan tertuduh, Kishminderjit Singh Bahadar Singh, 39, atau dikenali sebagai Taliban ketika merayu hukuman ringan di Mahkamah Majistret, di sini, semalam, selepas mengaku bersalah atas tuduhan melarikan diri daripada tahanan polis di kawasan rehat Tol Setul, Lebuh Raya Kajang-Seremban (LEKAS), bulan lalu.
Majistret Siti Khairiah Abdul Razak bagaimanapun menjatuhkan hukuman 20 bulan penjara terhadap tertuduh yang memakai baju berwarna putih bermula daripada tarikh dia ditangkap. Mengikut pertuduhan, Kishminderjit yang ketika kejadian ditahan secara sah mengikut Seksyen 6 (1) Akta Dadah Berbahaya (Langkah-Langkah Pencegahan Khas) 1985, didakwa dengan sengaja melepaskan diri daripada jagaan sah Koperal Ismail Jamil, 50, dan Konstabel Nashrul Azlan Mohammad, 24, di tempat letak kenderaan di hadapan tandas kawasan rehat Tol Setul, LEKAS, Nilai, antara jam 7.50 pagi hingga 10.55 pagi, 1 September lalu.
Kishminderjit Singh didakwa mengikut Seksyen 224 Kanun Keseksaan yang jika sabit kesalahan boleh dipenjara hingga dua tahun atau dengan denda atau kedua-duanya. Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Syamimi Farhana Muhammad A Aziz meminta mahkamah mengenakan hukuman berat sebagai pengajaran berikutan kesalahan dilakukan tertuduh sangat serius.
Begitupun, tertuduh yang tidak diwakili peguam merayu hukuman paling minimum dikenakan berikutan sudah insaf dan menyesal atas perbuatannya itu. “Saya merayu dihantar ke Penjara Simpang Renggam kerana dekat dengan keluarga untuk menjenguk saya,” katanya.

KUANTAN: Sebanyak 30,000 tiket perlawanan akhir Piala Malaysia yang diperuntukkan untuk penyokong Pahang akan dijual mulai esok. 
Setiausaha Agung Persatuan Bola Sepak Negeri Pahang (PBNP), Fuzzeimi Ibrahim berkata, penjualan di Stadium Darul Makmur akan bermula pukul 10 pagi hingga 4 petang. "Kita akan membuka lapan kaunter penjualan tiket di Stadium Darul Makmur bagi mengelak berlakunya kesesakan serta perkara-perkara yang tidak diingini. 
"Pembukaan kaunter berkenaan juga termasuk satu kaunter penjualan tiket yang dikhaskan untuk kanak-kanak dan harga tiket yang ditetapkan untuk dewasa adalah RM40 manakala RM5 bagi kanak-kanak," katanya kepada pemberita di sini, hari ini. Beliau berkata bagi pembeli tiket yang datang dari luar daerah Kuantan, mereka hanya dibenarkan membeli 40 keping tiket sahaja untuk satu rombongan, namun sekiranya rombongan itu menunjukkan resit penyewaan bas mereka, pembelian melebihi kuantiti itu akan dipertimbangkan.
Fuzzeimi menjangkakan penjualan akan habis dalam tempoh satu jam. Katanya bagi penyokong di luar Kuantan, mereka boleh menghubungi Persatuan Bola Sepak Daerah masing-masing yang telah dibekalkan tiket untuk dijual. "PNBP telah mengagihkan kepada 12 persatuan daerah di seluruh Pahang yang merupakan ahli gabungan untuk jualan tiket perlawanan akhir berkenaan," katanya.
Beliau berkata, Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM) telah mengeluarkan sebanyak 75,000 tiket perlawanan akhir Ahad ini, masing-masing 30,000 keping tiket bagi persatuan bola sepak Pahang dan Kelantan dan 15,000 tiket lagi akan dijual di Stadium Shah Alam, Selangor selaku venue perlawanan.
Dalam pada itu katanya, PBNP juga akan berbincang dengan pasukan keselamatan untuk mendapatkan khidmat nasihat serta kawalan keselamatan ketika penjualan tiket di Stadium Darul Makmur esok.
29.10.13 Unknown

KUANTAN: Sebanyak 30,000 tiket perlawanan akhir Piala Malaysia yang diperuntukkan untuk penyokong Pahang akan dijual mulai esok. 
Setiausaha Agung Persatuan Bola Sepak Negeri Pahang (PBNP), Fuzzeimi Ibrahim berkata, penjualan di Stadium Darul Makmur akan bermula pukul 10 pagi hingga 4 petang. "Kita akan membuka lapan kaunter penjualan tiket di Stadium Darul Makmur bagi mengelak berlakunya kesesakan serta perkara-perkara yang tidak diingini. 
"Pembukaan kaunter berkenaan juga termasuk satu kaunter penjualan tiket yang dikhaskan untuk kanak-kanak dan harga tiket yang ditetapkan untuk dewasa adalah RM40 manakala RM5 bagi kanak-kanak," katanya kepada pemberita di sini, hari ini. Beliau berkata bagi pembeli tiket yang datang dari luar daerah Kuantan, mereka hanya dibenarkan membeli 40 keping tiket sahaja untuk satu rombongan, namun sekiranya rombongan itu menunjukkan resit penyewaan bas mereka, pembelian melebihi kuantiti itu akan dipertimbangkan.
Fuzzeimi menjangkakan penjualan akan habis dalam tempoh satu jam. Katanya bagi penyokong di luar Kuantan, mereka boleh menghubungi Persatuan Bola Sepak Daerah masing-masing yang telah dibekalkan tiket untuk dijual. "PNBP telah mengagihkan kepada 12 persatuan daerah di seluruh Pahang yang merupakan ahli gabungan untuk jualan tiket perlawanan akhir berkenaan," katanya.
Beliau berkata, Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM) telah mengeluarkan sebanyak 75,000 tiket perlawanan akhir Ahad ini, masing-masing 30,000 keping tiket bagi persatuan bola sepak Pahang dan Kelantan dan 15,000 tiket lagi akan dijual di Stadium Shah Alam, Selangor selaku venue perlawanan.
Dalam pada itu katanya, PBNP juga akan berbincang dengan pasukan keselamatan untuk mendapatkan khidmat nasihat serta kawalan keselamatan ketika penjualan tiket di Stadium Darul Makmur esok.
An expedition to a remote part of northern Australia has uncovered three new vertebrate species isolated for millions of years, with scientists Monday calling the area a "lost world". Conrad Hoskin from James Cook University and a National Geographic film crew were dropped by helicopter onto the rugged Cape Melville mountain range on Cape York Peninsula earlier this year and were amazed at what they found.
It included a bizarre looking leaf-tail gecko, a gold-coloured skink -- a type of lizard -- and a brown-spotted, yellow boulder-dwelling frog, none of them ever seen before. "The top of Cape Melville is a lost world. Finding these new species up there is the discovery of a lifetime -- I'm still amazed and buzzing from it," said Hoskin, a tropical biologist from the Queensland-based university.

"Finding three new, obviously distinct vertebrates would be surprising enough in somewhere poorly explored like New Guinea, let alone in Australia, a country we think we've explored pretty well." The virtually impassable mountain range is home to millions of black granite boulders the size of cars and houses piled hundreds of metres high, eroded in places after being thrust up through the earth millions of years ago.
While surveys had previously been conducted in the boulder-fields around the base of Cape Melville, a plateau of boulder-strewn rainforest on top, identified by satellite imagery, had remained largely unexplored, fortressed by massive boulder walls.
Within days of arriving, the team had discovered the three new species as well as a host of other interesting finds that Hoskins said may also be new to science. The highlight was the leaf-tailed gecko, a "primitive-looking" 20 centimetre-long (7.9 inches) creature that is an ancient relic from a time when rainforest was more widespread in Australia.

The Cape Melville Leaf-tailed Gecko, which has huge eyes and a long, slender body, is highly distinct from its relatives and has been named Saltuarius eximius, Hoskin said, with the findings detailed in the latest edition of the international journal Zootaxa. 
"The second I saw the gecko I knew it was a new species. Everything about it was obviously distinct," he said. Highly camouflaged, the geckos sit motionless, head-down, waiting to ambush passing insects and spiders. The Cape Melville Shade Skink is also restricted to moist rocky rainforest on the plateau, and is highly distinct from its relatives, which are found in rainforests to the south.
Also discovered was a small boulder-dwelling frog, the Blotched Boulder-frog, which during the dry season lives deep in the labyrinth of the boulder-field where conditions are cool and moist, allowing female frogs to lay their eggs in wet cracks in the rocks.

In the absence of water, the tadpole develops within the egg and a fully formed frog hatches out. Once the summer wet season begins the frogs emerge on the surface of the rocks to feed and breed in the rain. Tim Laman, a National Geographic photographer and Harvard University researcher who joined Hoskin on the expedition, said he was stunned to know such undiscovered places remained.
"What's really exciting about this expedition is that in a place like Australia, which people think is fairly well explored, there are still places like Cape Melville where there are all these species to discover," he said. "There's still a big world out there to explore." According to National Geographic, the team plans to return to Cape Melville within months to search for more new species, including snails, spiders, and perhaps even small mammals. 
"All the animals from Cape Melville are incredible just for their ability to persist for millions of years in the same area and not go extinct. It's just mind-blowing," Hoskin said.
29.10.13 Unknown
An expedition to a remote part of northern Australia has uncovered three new vertebrate species isolated for millions of years, with scientists Monday calling the area a "lost world". Conrad Hoskin from James Cook University and a National Geographic film crew were dropped by helicopter onto the rugged Cape Melville mountain range on Cape York Peninsula earlier this year and were amazed at what they found.
It included a bizarre looking leaf-tail gecko, a gold-coloured skink -- a type of lizard -- and a brown-spotted, yellow boulder-dwelling frog, none of them ever seen before. "The top of Cape Melville is a lost world. Finding these new species up there is the discovery of a lifetime -- I'm still amazed and buzzing from it," said Hoskin, a tropical biologist from the Queensland-based university.

"Finding three new, obviously distinct vertebrates would be surprising enough in somewhere poorly explored like New Guinea, let alone in Australia, a country we think we've explored pretty well." The virtually impassable mountain range is home to millions of black granite boulders the size of cars and houses piled hundreds of metres high, eroded in places after being thrust up through the earth millions of years ago.
While surveys had previously been conducted in the boulder-fields around the base of Cape Melville, a plateau of boulder-strewn rainforest on top, identified by satellite imagery, had remained largely unexplored, fortressed by massive boulder walls.
Within days of arriving, the team had discovered the three new species as well as a host of other interesting finds that Hoskins said may also be new to science. The highlight was the leaf-tailed gecko, a "primitive-looking" 20 centimetre-long (7.9 inches) creature that is an ancient relic from a time when rainforest was more widespread in Australia.

The Cape Melville Leaf-tailed Gecko, which has huge eyes and a long, slender body, is highly distinct from its relatives and has been named Saltuarius eximius, Hoskin said, with the findings detailed in the latest edition of the international journal Zootaxa. 
"The second I saw the gecko I knew it was a new species. Everything about it was obviously distinct," he said. Highly camouflaged, the geckos sit motionless, head-down, waiting to ambush passing insects and spiders. The Cape Melville Shade Skink is also restricted to moist rocky rainforest on the plateau, and is highly distinct from its relatives, which are found in rainforests to the south.
Also discovered was a small boulder-dwelling frog, the Blotched Boulder-frog, which during the dry season lives deep in the labyrinth of the boulder-field where conditions are cool and moist, allowing female frogs to lay their eggs in wet cracks in the rocks.

In the absence of water, the tadpole develops within the egg and a fully formed frog hatches out. Once the summer wet season begins the frogs emerge on the surface of the rocks to feed and breed in the rain. Tim Laman, a National Geographic photographer and Harvard University researcher who joined Hoskin on the expedition, said he was stunned to know such undiscovered places remained.
"What's really exciting about this expedition is that in a place like Australia, which people think is fairly well explored, there are still places like Cape Melville where there are all these species to discover," he said. "There's still a big world out there to explore." According to National Geographic, the team plans to return to Cape Melville within months to search for more new species, including snails, spiders, and perhaps even small mammals. 
"All the animals from Cape Melville are incredible just for their ability to persist for millions of years in the same area and not go extinct. It's just mind-blowing," Hoskin said.
Hobbit fans will get a sneak peek at the second film of the trilogy -- "The Desolation of Smaug" -- after director Peter Jackson announced a global live presentation next month. Cinemas in London, New York, Los Angeles and Wellington will be satellite-linked on November 4 for an event including a question and answer session with cast members, Jackson said on his Facebook page.
The time difference means it will be November 5 for Kiwi fans. Jackson did not say who would be involved, but the official Hobbit website on Monday said cast members would include Orlando Bloom, Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace, Luke Evans and Andy Serkis. Additional cinemas will be set up in select locations worldwide where fans can gather to watch the event live.
It will also be streamed on the Internet. Jackson, a New Zealander, said further details on locations and timings would be released in coming days on the official Facebook and Twitter pages. "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" is not due to be officially premiered until December 13. The first film in the series, "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", was released in December last year with the final chapter "The Hobbit: There and Back Again" scheduled to come out in July next year.
According to the Hobbit website, production of the the trilogy has so far cost US$561 million. "An Unexpected Journey" took in just over US$1 billion at the box office.
29.10.13 Unknown
Hobbit fans will get a sneak peek at the second film of the trilogy -- "The Desolation of Smaug" -- after director Peter Jackson announced a global live presentation next month. Cinemas in London, New York, Los Angeles and Wellington will be satellite-linked on November 4 for an event including a question and answer session with cast members, Jackson said on his Facebook page.
The time difference means it will be November 5 for Kiwi fans. Jackson did not say who would be involved, but the official Hobbit website on Monday said cast members would include Orlando Bloom, Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace, Luke Evans and Andy Serkis. Additional cinemas will be set up in select locations worldwide where fans can gather to watch the event live.
It will also be streamed on the Internet. Jackson, a New Zealander, said further details on locations and timings would be released in coming days on the official Facebook and Twitter pages. "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" is not due to be officially premiered until December 13. The first film in the series, "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", was released in December last year with the final chapter "The Hobbit: There and Back Again" scheduled to come out in July next year.
According to the Hobbit website, production of the the trilogy has so far cost US$561 million. "An Unexpected Journey" took in just over US$1 billion at the box office.
Sekarang ini musim kahwin ke apa? Baru sahaja penyanyi rap Kanye West melamar teman wanita beliau, Kim Kardashian, kini seorang lagi penyanyi rap bakal menamatkan zaman bujang juga.
Penyanyi rap, Future baru melamar teman wanita beliau, penyanyi jelita dengan abs kental, Ciara dengan cincin berlian 15 carat semasa sambutan hari jadi ke-28 Ciara. Romantik sungguh penyanyi rap mengambil hati wanita.
Melamar pada hari jadi. Kalau macam ini gayanya, saya pun nak kahwin dengan penyanyi rap. Kami ucapkan semoga bahagia sehingga akhir hayat bagi pasangan Ciara dan Future.
29.10.13 Unknown
Sekarang ini musim kahwin ke apa? Baru sahaja penyanyi rap Kanye West melamar teman wanita beliau, Kim Kardashian, kini seorang lagi penyanyi rap bakal menamatkan zaman bujang juga.
Penyanyi rap, Future baru melamar teman wanita beliau, penyanyi jelita dengan abs kental, Ciara dengan cincin berlian 15 carat semasa sambutan hari jadi ke-28 Ciara. Romantik sungguh penyanyi rap mengambil hati wanita.
Melamar pada hari jadi. Kalau macam ini gayanya, saya pun nak kahwin dengan penyanyi rap. Kami ucapkan semoga bahagia sehingga akhir hayat bagi pasangan Ciara dan Future.
mizz nina sudah berhijab penuh selepas pulang haji
Sebelum penyanyi, Mizz Nina menunaikan Haji pun Admin lihat dia sudah mula mengenakan tudung, tapi Admin perasan penyayi itu hanya berhijab setiap kali pergi ke kelas mengaji atau ke kelas agama sahaja. Namun, selepas pulang dari menunaikan Haji baru-baru ini, Admin lihat daripada foto-foto yang dikongsikan Mizz Nina dalam laman Instagram, dia seperti sudah mula kekal mengenakan hijab dengan caranya tersendiri.
Menerusi 2 keping foto yang dikongsikan, Mizz Nina berhijab penuh ketika hendak keluar bersama suaminya, Noh dan bila mengunjungi booth jualan barangan jenamanya Mizzdemeanor di Amcorp Mall kira-kira dalam beberapa hari ini. Malah sejak pulang dari Haji belum pernah penyanyi itu berkongsikan gambarnya yang free hair. Wah, nampaknya Mizz Nina sudah mula selesa berhijab selepas bergelar Hajah ini. 
Admin tumpang gembira jika ia dapat dikekalkan hingga selamanya. Admin doakan agar ianya Istiqomah. Setiap orang ada cara mereka tersendiri, tetapi seperti kebanyakan artis-artis tempatan sebelum ini, semuanya pasti pulang dengan perubahan yang besar. Conthnya seperti penyanyi, Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza walaupun tidak berhijab penuh sebaik sahaja pulang menunaikan Haji, namun dia tetap mengenakan selendang untuk menutupi kepalanya.
Tetapi kini dia sudah bertudung litup. Berbeza pula dengan penyanyi Indonesia, Rossa yang hanya kekal berhijab penuh selama lebih kurang 2 bulan sebaik sahaja pulang daripada mengerjakan Haji. Kemudiannya, dia tidak lagi mengenakan hijab. Apa-apa pun, Admin daoakan yang baik-baik sahaja untuk Mizz Nina danNoh. Mudah-mudahan dimurahkan lagi rezeki mereka. Mana tau pulang dengan berita gembira ?
29.10.13 Unknown
mizz nina sudah berhijab penuh selepas pulang haji
Sebelum penyanyi, Mizz Nina menunaikan Haji pun Admin lihat dia sudah mula mengenakan tudung, tapi Admin perasan penyayi itu hanya berhijab setiap kali pergi ke kelas mengaji atau ke kelas agama sahaja. Namun, selepas pulang dari menunaikan Haji baru-baru ini, Admin lihat daripada foto-foto yang dikongsikan Mizz Nina dalam laman Instagram, dia seperti sudah mula kekal mengenakan hijab dengan caranya tersendiri.
Menerusi 2 keping foto yang dikongsikan, Mizz Nina berhijab penuh ketika hendak keluar bersama suaminya, Noh dan bila mengunjungi booth jualan barangan jenamanya Mizzdemeanor di Amcorp Mall kira-kira dalam beberapa hari ini. Malah sejak pulang dari Haji belum pernah penyanyi itu berkongsikan gambarnya yang free hair. Wah, nampaknya Mizz Nina sudah mula selesa berhijab selepas bergelar Hajah ini. 
Admin tumpang gembira jika ia dapat dikekalkan hingga selamanya. Admin doakan agar ianya Istiqomah. Setiap orang ada cara mereka tersendiri, tetapi seperti kebanyakan artis-artis tempatan sebelum ini, semuanya pasti pulang dengan perubahan yang besar. Conthnya seperti penyanyi, Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza walaupun tidak berhijab penuh sebaik sahaja pulang menunaikan Haji, namun dia tetap mengenakan selendang untuk menutupi kepalanya.
Tetapi kini dia sudah bertudung litup. Berbeza pula dengan penyanyi Indonesia, Rossa yang hanya kekal berhijab penuh selama lebih kurang 2 bulan sebaik sahaja pulang daripada mengerjakan Haji. Kemudiannya, dia tidak lagi mengenakan hijab. Apa-apa pun, Admin daoakan yang baik-baik sahaja untuk Mizz Nina danNoh. Mudah-mudahan dimurahkan lagi rezeki mereka. Mana tau pulang dengan berita gembira ?
impian zizan razak buka restoran burger tercapai
Pengacara, pelakon dan pelawak Zizan Razak sentiasa mengimpikan untuk memiliki sebuah restoran sendiri. Tetapi, kekangan waktu dan kesibukan bekerja membuatkan niat Zizan tertangguh dan impiannya itu terpaksa diketepikan seketika.
Namun baru-baru ini, impian hos AF2013 itu menjadi nyata apabila pada pertengahan 2013, Encik Rostam Affendy Abd Rahim yang kini merupakan rakan niaganya telah mempelawa untuk menjadi rakan kongsi dan mengusahakan restoran bersama. Menurut Zizan atau nama sebenarnya Razizan Razak, dia mula tertarik dengan menu Burgerbyte yang berpangkalan di Sentul selepas melihat hidangan yang disediakan restoran berkenaan ringkas dan lazat selain konsep restorannya yang santai dan selesa.
“Saya memang suka makan burger, di Burgerbyte saya lihat konsep hidangannya pelbagai jenis dan itu membuatkan hati saya terbuka untuk membuka restoran ini secara francais. “Saya pula memang dah lama pasang niat untuk membuka perniagaan makanan, apabila Rostam pelawa saya, saya tak tunggu lama untuk menerima pelawaan beliau. Alhamdulillah, impian saya akhirnya terlaksana.
“Saya juga nekad menjadikan perniagaan restoran itu secara francais selepas kagum dengan keaslian rasa masakan Barat daripada sebuah restoran yang diusahakan orang Melayu,” katanya. Zizan ditemui pada majlis pelancaran Restoran Burgerbyte miliknya di Damansara Perdana, dekat sini pada malam Sabtu. Tambah Zizan, kesibukan dengan kerja-kerja lakonan juga tidak penghalang untuk dirinya mengusahakan perniagaan tersebut.
“Saya percaya apabila mempunyai tanggungjawab dalam perniagaan, sibuk macam mana sekalipun kita mesti buat. “Mungkin saya tidaklah berada di restoran dari pagi sampai malam tetapi sekurang-kurangnya saya akan mencuri masa untuk menguruskan Burgerbyte sebaik mungkin,” ujarnya. Dalam pada itu, beritahu Zizan, restoran yang diusahakannya itu mempunyai sebanyak 62 jenis masakan, malah Zizan turut menambah beberapa menu lain sebagai memberi kelainan berbanding cawangan lain.
Burgerbyte menawarkan kepelbagaian menu masakan Barat dan pada masa sama turut mempunyai menu citarasa masyarakat Malaysia. Sehingga kini, Burgerbyte mempunyai tiga cawangan iaitu di Sentul, Senawang serta Damansara Perdana. Sementara di Sri Iskandar Perak, Bangi, Semenyih dan Bukit Beruang, Melaka masih dalam proses pembikinan.
29.10.13 Unknown
impian zizan razak buka restoran burger tercapai
Pengacara, pelakon dan pelawak Zizan Razak sentiasa mengimpikan untuk memiliki sebuah restoran sendiri. Tetapi, kekangan waktu dan kesibukan bekerja membuatkan niat Zizan tertangguh dan impiannya itu terpaksa diketepikan seketika.
Namun baru-baru ini, impian hos AF2013 itu menjadi nyata apabila pada pertengahan 2013, Encik Rostam Affendy Abd Rahim yang kini merupakan rakan niaganya telah mempelawa untuk menjadi rakan kongsi dan mengusahakan restoran bersama. Menurut Zizan atau nama sebenarnya Razizan Razak, dia mula tertarik dengan menu Burgerbyte yang berpangkalan di Sentul selepas melihat hidangan yang disediakan restoran berkenaan ringkas dan lazat selain konsep restorannya yang santai dan selesa.
“Saya memang suka makan burger, di Burgerbyte saya lihat konsep hidangannya pelbagai jenis dan itu membuatkan hati saya terbuka untuk membuka restoran ini secara francais. “Saya pula memang dah lama pasang niat untuk membuka perniagaan makanan, apabila Rostam pelawa saya, saya tak tunggu lama untuk menerima pelawaan beliau. Alhamdulillah, impian saya akhirnya terlaksana.
“Saya juga nekad menjadikan perniagaan restoran itu secara francais selepas kagum dengan keaslian rasa masakan Barat daripada sebuah restoran yang diusahakan orang Melayu,” katanya. Zizan ditemui pada majlis pelancaran Restoran Burgerbyte miliknya di Damansara Perdana, dekat sini pada malam Sabtu. Tambah Zizan, kesibukan dengan kerja-kerja lakonan juga tidak penghalang untuk dirinya mengusahakan perniagaan tersebut.
“Saya percaya apabila mempunyai tanggungjawab dalam perniagaan, sibuk macam mana sekalipun kita mesti buat. “Mungkin saya tidaklah berada di restoran dari pagi sampai malam tetapi sekurang-kurangnya saya akan mencuri masa untuk menguruskan Burgerbyte sebaik mungkin,” ujarnya. Dalam pada itu, beritahu Zizan, restoran yang diusahakannya itu mempunyai sebanyak 62 jenis masakan, malah Zizan turut menambah beberapa menu lain sebagai memberi kelainan berbanding cawangan lain.
Burgerbyte menawarkan kepelbagaian menu masakan Barat dan pada masa sama turut mempunyai menu citarasa masyarakat Malaysia. Sehingga kini, Burgerbyte mempunyai tiga cawangan iaitu di Sentul, Senawang serta Damansara Perdana. Sementara di Sri Iskandar Perak, Bangi, Semenyih dan Bukit Beruang, Melaka masih dalam proses pembikinan.
Fizo dan Mawar ketika sidang media pagi tadi/ Pic: Rotikaya.com
PETALING JAYA: Teka-teki mengenai tarikh pernikahan pelakon Fizo Omar dengan anak kepada pengasas tudung jenama Fareeda iaitu Mawar Abdul Karim terjawab apabila pasangan itu mengesahkan untuk melangsungkannya pada 10 November depan.
Fizo atau nama sebenarnya Wan Hafizol Wan Omar, 28, berkata, majlis akad nikah akan diadakan pada tarikh berkenaan di rumah keluarga perempuan iaitu di Country Heights, Kajang dekat sini. “Majlis nikah akan diadakan pada pukul 9 pagi dan akan disiarkan secara langsung menerusi slot Nasi lemak Kopi O di TV9. Majlis bertunang pula akan diadakan sehari sebelum majlis nikah iaitu pada 9 November,” ujarnya yang juga pengacara rancangan itu. 
Terdahulu Fizo melakukan gimik dengan melamar Mawar, 24, di panggung wayang Cathay @e-curve, Damansara di sini kira-kira pukul 12.30 tengah hari sambil disaksikan oleh pihak media.
29.10.13 Unknown
Fizo dan Mawar ketika sidang media pagi tadi/ Pic: Rotikaya.com
PETALING JAYA: Teka-teki mengenai tarikh pernikahan pelakon Fizo Omar dengan anak kepada pengasas tudung jenama Fareeda iaitu Mawar Abdul Karim terjawab apabila pasangan itu mengesahkan untuk melangsungkannya pada 10 November depan.
Fizo atau nama sebenarnya Wan Hafizol Wan Omar, 28, berkata, majlis akad nikah akan diadakan pada tarikh berkenaan di rumah keluarga perempuan iaitu di Country Heights, Kajang dekat sini. “Majlis nikah akan diadakan pada pukul 9 pagi dan akan disiarkan secara langsung menerusi slot Nasi lemak Kopi O di TV9. Majlis bertunang pula akan diadakan sehari sebelum majlis nikah iaitu pada 9 November,” ujarnya yang juga pengacara rancangan itu. 
Terdahulu Fizo melakukan gimik dengan melamar Mawar, 24, di panggung wayang Cathay @e-curve, Damansara di sini kira-kira pukul 12.30 tengah hari sambil disaksikan oleh pihak media.
Pic: www.limauais.com
PETALING JAYA: Presiden Seniman Malaysia (Seniman) Zed Zaidi menyelar kenyataan pelakon dan penyanyi Abby Abadi yang menuduh Umno bertanggungjawab menjadikan golongan selebriti di Malaysia mengabaikan tanggungjawab sebagai umat Islam.
Zed atau nama sebenarnya Rozaidi Abdul Jamil, 33, berkata, Abby tidak sepatutnya mengaitkan dan menyalahkan parti politik sebagai penyebab gejala maksiat berleluasa dalam industri hiburan tanah air. "Soal agama adalah hak individu dan ia langsung tiada kena mengena dengan parti politik dan setiap umat Islam tidak kira sama ada mereka artis atau golongan biasa perlu tahu tanggungjawab kepada agama dan bukannya menuding jari kepada pihak lain.
"Politik tidak boleh mempengaruhi seseorang untuk melakukan ibadat ataupun tidak dan saya tidak faham mengapa politik disalahkan dalam konteks artis tidak mengamalkan ajaran agama Islam dalam ceramah yang dia sampaikan," katanya ketika dihubungi mStar Online pada Ahad. Dalam ceramah di Kampung Dulang Kecil di Yan, Kedah pada malam Sabtu lalu, Abby menyalahkan Umno kerana membiarkan gejala maksiat berleluasa dalam industri hiburan tanah air. 
Abby yang kini menjadi ahli PAS seumur hidup tampil membantu kempen calon parti itu, Mohd Azam Abdul Samat yang berhadapan saingan satu lawan satu menentang wakil Barisan Nasional, Dr Ahmad Sohaimi Lazim pada Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) DUN Sungai Limau yang akan diadakan pada 4 November depan. Dalam pada itu, Zed Zaidi turut mempertikaikan perjuangan Abby dalam parti Pas yang dilihat tidak ikhlas dan hanya bersuara apabila berceramah untuk membantu parti tersebut ketika pilihan raya.
Jelas Zed, ceramah yang disampaikan oleh Abby hanya mencari kesalahan orang lain selain menabur fitnah sekali gus bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam sebenar. "Saya tidak faham dengan sikapnya kerana secara terang-terangan dia bukannya memperjuangkan Islam tetapi hanya untuk kepentingan politik dan jelas dia isu yang dia bangkitkan ternyata tidak masuk akal.
"Ia bersifat kebudak-budakkan dan ingin saya tanya di sini, di mana Abby ketika isu seperti penggunaan kalimah Allah hebat diperkatakan sebelum ini? "Abby hanya muncul dan lantang bersuara hanya pada ceramah-ceramah untuk membantu calon pilihan raya parti itu dan bukannya memperjuangkan Islam," jelasnya.
29.10.13 Unknown
Pic: www.limauais.com
PETALING JAYA: Presiden Seniman Malaysia (Seniman) Zed Zaidi menyelar kenyataan pelakon dan penyanyi Abby Abadi yang menuduh Umno bertanggungjawab menjadikan golongan selebriti di Malaysia mengabaikan tanggungjawab sebagai umat Islam.
Zed atau nama sebenarnya Rozaidi Abdul Jamil, 33, berkata, Abby tidak sepatutnya mengaitkan dan menyalahkan parti politik sebagai penyebab gejala maksiat berleluasa dalam industri hiburan tanah air. "Soal agama adalah hak individu dan ia langsung tiada kena mengena dengan parti politik dan setiap umat Islam tidak kira sama ada mereka artis atau golongan biasa perlu tahu tanggungjawab kepada agama dan bukannya menuding jari kepada pihak lain.
"Politik tidak boleh mempengaruhi seseorang untuk melakukan ibadat ataupun tidak dan saya tidak faham mengapa politik disalahkan dalam konteks artis tidak mengamalkan ajaran agama Islam dalam ceramah yang dia sampaikan," katanya ketika dihubungi mStar Online pada Ahad. Dalam ceramah di Kampung Dulang Kecil di Yan, Kedah pada malam Sabtu lalu, Abby menyalahkan Umno kerana membiarkan gejala maksiat berleluasa dalam industri hiburan tanah air. 
Abby yang kini menjadi ahli PAS seumur hidup tampil membantu kempen calon parti itu, Mohd Azam Abdul Samat yang berhadapan saingan satu lawan satu menentang wakil Barisan Nasional, Dr Ahmad Sohaimi Lazim pada Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) DUN Sungai Limau yang akan diadakan pada 4 November depan. Dalam pada itu, Zed Zaidi turut mempertikaikan perjuangan Abby dalam parti Pas yang dilihat tidak ikhlas dan hanya bersuara apabila berceramah untuk membantu parti tersebut ketika pilihan raya.
Jelas Zed, ceramah yang disampaikan oleh Abby hanya mencari kesalahan orang lain selain menabur fitnah sekali gus bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam sebenar. "Saya tidak faham dengan sikapnya kerana secara terang-terangan dia bukannya memperjuangkan Islam tetapi hanya untuk kepentingan politik dan jelas dia isu yang dia bangkitkan ternyata tidak masuk akal.
"Ia bersifat kebudak-budakkan dan ingin saya tanya di sini, di mana Abby ketika isu seperti penggunaan kalimah Allah hebat diperkatakan sebelum ini? "Abby hanya muncul dan lantang bersuara hanya pada ceramah-ceramah untuk membantu calon pilihan raya parti itu dan bukannya memperjuangkan Islam," jelasnya.
Datuk Rahim Razali/ Pic: www.sindie.sg
PETALING JAYA: Pelakon Datuk Rahim Razali yang sebelum ini ditempatkan di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU), Pusat Perubatan Sunway di sini akibat pendarahan dalam otak (subdural hemorrhage) sudah dipindahkan ke wad biasa pada Isnin apabila keadaannya semakin stabil.
Pelakon Khir Rahman berkata, Rahim dijadualkan menjalani pembedahan akibat penyakit berkenaan pada Rabu atau Khamis ini. “Saya ada hubungi anak beliau tadi iaitu Nadia dan saya dimaklumkan keadaan Datuk (Rahim) sudah stabil dan dia sudah pun dipindahkan ke wad biasa,” katanya kepada mStar Online ketika dihubungi di sini pada Isnin.
Akhbar pada Isnin melaporkan, Rahim mengadu sakit kepala kepada anaknya sejak seminggu lalu tetapi tidak berkesempatan untuk menjalani pemeriksaan doktor kerana kesibukannya di lokasi penggambaran. Bagaimanapun pada petang Ahad (semalam), Rahim yang sedang menjalani penggambaran di Kuantan, Pahang sekali lagi mengadu tidak sihat dan keadaan itu membuatkan dia terus dibawa ke Pusat Perubatan Sunway di sini.
Doktor mengesahkan Rahim menghidap penyakit subdural hemorrhage dan perlu menjalani rawatan pembedahan dengan segera
29.10.13 Unknown
Datuk Rahim Razali/ Pic: www.sindie.sg
PETALING JAYA: Pelakon Datuk Rahim Razali yang sebelum ini ditempatkan di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU), Pusat Perubatan Sunway di sini akibat pendarahan dalam otak (subdural hemorrhage) sudah dipindahkan ke wad biasa pada Isnin apabila keadaannya semakin stabil.
Pelakon Khir Rahman berkata, Rahim dijadualkan menjalani pembedahan akibat penyakit berkenaan pada Rabu atau Khamis ini. “Saya ada hubungi anak beliau tadi iaitu Nadia dan saya dimaklumkan keadaan Datuk (Rahim) sudah stabil dan dia sudah pun dipindahkan ke wad biasa,” katanya kepada mStar Online ketika dihubungi di sini pada Isnin.
Akhbar pada Isnin melaporkan, Rahim mengadu sakit kepala kepada anaknya sejak seminggu lalu tetapi tidak berkesempatan untuk menjalani pemeriksaan doktor kerana kesibukannya di lokasi penggambaran. Bagaimanapun pada petang Ahad (semalam), Rahim yang sedang menjalani penggambaran di Kuantan, Pahang sekali lagi mengadu tidak sihat dan keadaan itu membuatkan dia terus dibawa ke Pusat Perubatan Sunway di sini.
Doktor mengesahkan Rahim menghidap penyakit subdural hemorrhage dan perlu menjalani rawatan pembedahan dengan segera
MAYAT mangsa banjir lumpur, Jarwati, 24, di bawa keluar dari kawasan tebing Sungai Bertam dekat Ringlet, Cameron Highlands, hari ini/ Pic: Berita Harian
MAYAT mangsa banjir lumpur, Jarwati, 24, di bawa keluar dari kawasan 
tebing Sungai Bertam dekat Ringlet, Cameron Highlands, hari ini 

CAMERON HIGHLANDS: Polis mengesahkan mayat yang ditemui di lokasi banjir lumpur di Lembah Bertam, di sini, tengah hari tadi ialah warga Indonesia, Jarwati Abdul Rahim.
Ketua Polis Daerah Cameron Highlands, Deputi Superintendan Wan Mohd Zahari Wan Busu, berkata mayat wanita berusia 24 tahun itu ditemui dalam timbunan sampah dan kayu kira-kira dua kilometer dari tempat mangsa dihanyutkan.
Jarwati adalah seorang daripada empat mangsa yang maut dalam tragedi limpahan air empangan Sultan Abu Bakar di Lembah Bertam, Ringlet awal pagi Rabu lalu. Mangsa ditemui oleh orang awam kira-kira jam 12.30 tengah hari tadi.
29.10.13 Unknown
MAYAT mangsa banjir lumpur, Jarwati, 24, di bawa keluar dari kawasan tebing Sungai Bertam dekat Ringlet, Cameron Highlands, hari ini/ Pic: Berita Harian
MAYAT mangsa banjir lumpur, Jarwati, 24, di bawa keluar dari kawasan 
tebing Sungai Bertam dekat Ringlet, Cameron Highlands, hari ini 

CAMERON HIGHLANDS: Polis mengesahkan mayat yang ditemui di lokasi banjir lumpur di Lembah Bertam, di sini, tengah hari tadi ialah warga Indonesia, Jarwati Abdul Rahim.
Ketua Polis Daerah Cameron Highlands, Deputi Superintendan Wan Mohd Zahari Wan Busu, berkata mayat wanita berusia 24 tahun itu ditemui dalam timbunan sampah dan kayu kira-kira dua kilometer dari tempat mangsa dihanyutkan.
Jarwati adalah seorang daripada empat mangsa yang maut dalam tragedi limpahan air empangan Sultan Abu Bakar di Lembah Bertam, Ringlet awal pagi Rabu lalu. Mangsa ditemui oleh orang awam kira-kira jam 12.30 tengah hari tadi.
Seorang pelajar Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) Balik Pulau menunjukkan baju T sekolahnya yang koyak kesan daripada dipukul oleh sekumpulan pelajar maktab berkenaan manakala bapanya, Anuar Abu Kassim, 50, menunjukkan laporan polis yang dibuat ketika ditemui di kediamannya di Georgetown hari ini. - Foto Bernama
Seorang pelajar Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) Balik Pulau
 menunjukkan baju T sekolahnya yang koyak kesan daripada 
dipukul oleh sekumpulan pelajar maktab berkenaan manakala 
bapanya, Anuar Abu Kassim, 50, menunjukkan laporan polis 
yang dibuat ketika ditemui di kediamannya di Georgetown hari ini. 

GEORGETOWN: Seorang pelajar lelaki Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) Balik Pulau di sini mendakwa dipukul sekumpulan pelajar selain menerima ugutan bunuh awal pagi semalam. Pelajar yang hanya ingin dikenali sebagai Arif, 16, berkata kumpulan pelajar terbabit berdendam dengannya ekoran beliau pernah menyerahkan nama mereka kepada Lembaga Disiplin Pelajar (LDP) minggu lepas.
"Dalam kejadian pukul 11.30 malam itu, kira-kira 20 orang kumpulan pelajar tingkatan empat itu datang ke katil saya serta menarik saya ke satu sudut bilik asrama dan saya ditumbuk di bahagian perut sebanyak dua kali selain ditendang di rahang kanan," katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di rumahnya di sini hari ini. Beliau berkata dua pelajar tingkatan lima kemudiannya menyuraikan keadaan dan Arif mendakwa dia diserang lagi buat kali kedua dengan lebih teruk pada pukul 2.30 pagi.
"Masa itu hanya lima pelajar yang datang ke katil saya dan saya ditumbuk di bahu kiri, perut selain kepala dihentak ke dinding," katanya yang dilantik sebagai anggota LDP Jun lepas. Arif mendakwa seorang daripada pelajar itu kemudian mengeluarkan serpihan cermin tingkap yang pecah dan berkata "kalau orang lain tak dak di sini dah lama aku bunuh hang".
Beliau yang trauma dengan kejadian itu kini berulang alik dari rumah ke sekolah dan belum membuat keputusan untuk bertukar sekolah. Bapa pelajar itu berkata ketika ke MRSM itu awal pagi semalam, beliau mendapati baju anaknya koyak rabak selain kepalanya mempunyai kesan bengkak serta lebam. Arif menerima rawatan di Hospital Balik Pulau sebagai pesakit luar, katanya sambil memberitahu satu laporan telah dibuat di Balai Polis Balik Pulau pagi semalam.
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Barat Daya Suptritenden Mohd Hatta Mohd Zain ketika dihubungi mengesahkan menerima laporan kejadian itu.
29.10.13 Unknown
Seorang pelajar Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) Balik Pulau menunjukkan baju T sekolahnya yang koyak kesan daripada dipukul oleh sekumpulan pelajar maktab berkenaan manakala bapanya, Anuar Abu Kassim, 50, menunjukkan laporan polis yang dibuat ketika ditemui di kediamannya di Georgetown hari ini. - Foto Bernama
Seorang pelajar Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) Balik Pulau
 menunjukkan baju T sekolahnya yang koyak kesan daripada 
dipukul oleh sekumpulan pelajar maktab berkenaan manakala 
bapanya, Anuar Abu Kassim, 50, menunjukkan laporan polis 
yang dibuat ketika ditemui di kediamannya di Georgetown hari ini. 

GEORGETOWN: Seorang pelajar lelaki Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) Balik Pulau di sini mendakwa dipukul sekumpulan pelajar selain menerima ugutan bunuh awal pagi semalam. Pelajar yang hanya ingin dikenali sebagai Arif, 16, berkata kumpulan pelajar terbabit berdendam dengannya ekoran beliau pernah menyerahkan nama mereka kepada Lembaga Disiplin Pelajar (LDP) minggu lepas.
"Dalam kejadian pukul 11.30 malam itu, kira-kira 20 orang kumpulan pelajar tingkatan empat itu datang ke katil saya serta menarik saya ke satu sudut bilik asrama dan saya ditumbuk di bahagian perut sebanyak dua kali selain ditendang di rahang kanan," katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di rumahnya di sini hari ini. Beliau berkata dua pelajar tingkatan lima kemudiannya menyuraikan keadaan dan Arif mendakwa dia diserang lagi buat kali kedua dengan lebih teruk pada pukul 2.30 pagi.
"Masa itu hanya lima pelajar yang datang ke katil saya dan saya ditumbuk di bahu kiri, perut selain kepala dihentak ke dinding," katanya yang dilantik sebagai anggota LDP Jun lepas. Arif mendakwa seorang daripada pelajar itu kemudian mengeluarkan serpihan cermin tingkap yang pecah dan berkata "kalau orang lain tak dak di sini dah lama aku bunuh hang".
Beliau yang trauma dengan kejadian itu kini berulang alik dari rumah ke sekolah dan belum membuat keputusan untuk bertukar sekolah. Bapa pelajar itu berkata ketika ke MRSM itu awal pagi semalam, beliau mendapati baju anaknya koyak rabak selain kepalanya mempunyai kesan bengkak serta lebam. Arif menerima rawatan di Hospital Balik Pulau sebagai pesakit luar, katanya sambil memberitahu satu laporan telah dibuat di Balai Polis Balik Pulau pagi semalam.
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Barat Daya Suptritenden Mohd Hatta Mohd Zain ketika dihubungi mengesahkan menerima laporan kejadian itu.
PETALING JAYA - Seorang konstabel mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Sesyen di sini atas pertuduhan merogol seorang wanita warga China dan merompak mangsa serta empat rakannya yang lain, bulan lepas.
Bagi pertuduhan merogol, Mohamad Hafizan Ibrahim, 22, didakwa melakukan perbuatan itu terhadap mangsa yang berusia 30 tahun di sebuah premis rumah urut di Taman Megah di sini pada 1.10 pagi 20 September lepas. Hakim Hayatul Akmal Abdul Aziz membenarkan tertuduh diikat jamin RM10,000 dengan seorang penjamin dan menetapkan 29 November untuk sebutan kes.
Pendakwaan bagi kes ini dikendali Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Zhafran Rahim Hamzah manakala tertuduh tidak diwakili peguam. Mohamad Hafizan turut berdepan pertuduhan melakukan rompakan berkumpulan bersenjatakan pistol jenis revolver .38 bersama seorang lagi konstabel iaitu Khairulnizam Dolah Khairi, 32, dan tiga individu lain, Zainulazli Zahari, 30, Mohd. Irham Abdul Rahman, 25, dan Normazlina Kamardin, 34, di Mahkamah Sesyen berasingan.
29.10.13 Unknown
PETALING JAYA - Seorang konstabel mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Sesyen di sini atas pertuduhan merogol seorang wanita warga China dan merompak mangsa serta empat rakannya yang lain, bulan lepas.
Bagi pertuduhan merogol, Mohamad Hafizan Ibrahim, 22, didakwa melakukan perbuatan itu terhadap mangsa yang berusia 30 tahun di sebuah premis rumah urut di Taman Megah di sini pada 1.10 pagi 20 September lepas. Hakim Hayatul Akmal Abdul Aziz membenarkan tertuduh diikat jamin RM10,000 dengan seorang penjamin dan menetapkan 29 November untuk sebutan kes.
Pendakwaan bagi kes ini dikendali Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Zhafran Rahim Hamzah manakala tertuduh tidak diwakili peguam. Mohamad Hafizan turut berdepan pertuduhan melakukan rompakan berkumpulan bersenjatakan pistol jenis revolver .38 bersama seorang lagi konstabel iaitu Khairulnizam Dolah Khairi, 32, dan tiga individu lain, Zainulazli Zahari, 30, Mohd. Irham Abdul Rahman, 25, dan Normazlina Kamardin, 34, di Mahkamah Sesyen berasingan.

27 Oktober 2013

NEW ZEALAND, (DPA) - After stepping into Judy and Steve Richards' garden in New Zealand you could be forgiven for thinking you had walked onto the set of a fantasy film. Between the trees and bushes, an enormous giant's boot, two storeys high, looms up. The boot houses a small, but unique, holiday home. The kitchen, bathroom and living room are situated in the heel and the bedroom is one floor above. Residents can step from the bedroom onto a small balcony with the boot's tongue as a balustrade.
The Richards opened The Boot holiday home 12 years ago on the north coast of New Zealand's South Island. It has become an attraction in its own right along with the nearby Abel Tasman National Park. Travellers can find unusual forms of accommodation like the Richards' all over the world that stand out from normal hotels and guesthouses.

Among them is the Airstream Trailer Park at the Grand Daddy Hotel in central Cape Town in South Africa. Seven vintage Airstream trailers, polished to perfection and ready for the next guests, are perched on the roof of an 1874-built hotel. 
owners imported the trailers five years ago from the United States so they could add a touch of classic American culture to the area. Local artists decorated each trailer to give them an individual style. The Dorothy Airstream is decorated in eggshell blue and white polka dots and has a small temporary art exhibition on board. The Goldilocks and Three Bears trailer has cosy furnishings just like in the fairy tale.

The Montana Magica lodge in Chile has no problem standing out from surrounding buildings - there aren't any. Ten years ago Victor Petermann decided to build a hotel in Huilo Huilo, a nature reserve about 850 kilometres south of the capital Santiago. The hotel needed to be extravagant so that guests would happily make the long journey to get there.
Petermann constructed an artificial hill with a waterfall splashing down the sides of its plant-covered walls. The lodge has 14 guest rooms and it fits like a chameleon into the landscape of forest, lakes and volcano peaks. Soon after opening, the lodge became so popular a second building had to be erected beside the first.

The Sydney Railway Square YHA also fits well into its surroundings in Australia. Situated directly beside Sydney's main railway station, guests are immediately directed to the disused 1A railway line, where goods trains used to arrive.
On the rails are train carriages where guests spend the night. The former post station at the neighbouring track serves as the hostel's main building. The hostel shows extravagant accommodation need not be expensive. Guests sleep on berths in the train's compartments - just like on a real Pullman train.

The Euromast tower in Rotterdam in the Netherlands costs more but guests don't have to sleep in double-decker bunk beds. There are two exclusive suites located on the observation deck 112 metres above ground. On a clear day you can see up to 30 kilometres away. Fittingly the suites are named Heaven and Stars. The Euromast's owners describe the platform as Rotterdam's best balcony. Between 10 pm and 10 am it's sealed off to the public, apart from guests.

Guests at Martin's Patershof in Belgium are also close to the stars. The hotel in the town of Mechelen is built inside a 150-year-old church. Guests bed down beneath arches, shower behind stained glass windows and dine in the church's former choir. Each of the hotel's 56 rooms has a distinctly religious touch thanks to cleverly integrated columns and clerical frescos.

 The Boot Bed and Breakfast, Jester House Estate, 320 Aporo Road, Tasman, Nelson, New Zealand (Tel.: +64/35 26 67 42).

 Grand Daddy Hotel (Airstream Trailer Park), 38 Long Street, Cape Town, South Africa (Tel.: +27/21/424 72 47).

 Montaña Magica, Huilo Huilo, Camino Internacional Panguipulli, Neltume, Región de Los Ríos, Chile (Tel.: +56/2/23 35 59 38).

 Sydney Railway Square YHA, 8-10 Lee Street, Sydney, Australia (Tel.: 00612/92 81 96 66).

 Euromast, Parkhaven 20, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Tel.: +31/10/ 436 48 11).

 Martin's Patershof, Karmelietenstraat 4, Mechelen, Belgium (Tel.: +32/15/46 46 46).
27.10.13 Unknown
NEW ZEALAND, (DPA) - After stepping into Judy and Steve Richards' garden in New Zealand you could be forgiven for thinking you had walked onto the set of a fantasy film. Between the trees and bushes, an enormous giant's boot, two storeys high, looms up. The boot houses a small, but unique, holiday home. The kitchen, bathroom and living room are situated in the heel and the bedroom is one floor above. Residents can step from the bedroom onto a small balcony with the boot's tongue as a balustrade.
The Richards opened The Boot holiday home 12 years ago on the north coast of New Zealand's South Island. It has become an attraction in its own right along with the nearby Abel Tasman National Park. Travellers can find unusual forms of accommodation like the Richards' all over the world that stand out from normal hotels and guesthouses.

Among them is the Airstream Trailer Park at the Grand Daddy Hotel in central Cape Town in South Africa. Seven vintage Airstream trailers, polished to perfection and ready for the next guests, are perched on the roof of an 1874-built hotel. 
owners imported the trailers five years ago from the United States so they could add a touch of classic American culture to the area. Local artists decorated each trailer to give them an individual style. The Dorothy Airstream is decorated in eggshell blue and white polka dots and has a small temporary art exhibition on board. The Goldilocks and Three Bears trailer has cosy furnishings just like in the fairy tale.

The Montana Magica lodge in Chile has no problem standing out from surrounding buildings - there aren't any. Ten years ago Victor Petermann decided to build a hotel in Huilo Huilo, a nature reserve about 850 kilometres south of the capital Santiago. The hotel needed to be extravagant so that guests would happily make the long journey to get there.
Petermann constructed an artificial hill with a waterfall splashing down the sides of its plant-covered walls. The lodge has 14 guest rooms and it fits like a chameleon into the landscape of forest, lakes and volcano peaks. Soon after opening, the lodge became so popular a second building had to be erected beside the first.

The Sydney Railway Square YHA also fits well into its surroundings in Australia. Situated directly beside Sydney's main railway station, guests are immediately directed to the disused 1A railway line, where goods trains used to arrive.
On the rails are train carriages where guests spend the night. The former post station at the neighbouring track serves as the hostel's main building. The hostel shows extravagant accommodation need not be expensive. Guests sleep on berths in the train's compartments - just like on a real Pullman train.

The Euromast tower in Rotterdam in the Netherlands costs more but guests don't have to sleep in double-decker bunk beds. There are two exclusive suites located on the observation deck 112 metres above ground. On a clear day you can see up to 30 kilometres away. Fittingly the suites are named Heaven and Stars. The Euromast's owners describe the platform as Rotterdam's best balcony. Between 10 pm and 10 am it's sealed off to the public, apart from guests.

Guests at Martin's Patershof in Belgium are also close to the stars. The hotel in the town of Mechelen is built inside a 150-year-old church. Guests bed down beneath arches, shower behind stained glass windows and dine in the church's former choir. Each of the hotel's 56 rooms has a distinctly religious touch thanks to cleverly integrated columns and clerical frescos.

 The Boot Bed and Breakfast, Jester House Estate, 320 Aporo Road, Tasman, Nelson, New Zealand (Tel.: +64/35 26 67 42).

 Grand Daddy Hotel (Airstream Trailer Park), 38 Long Street, Cape Town, South Africa (Tel.: +27/21/424 72 47).

 Montaña Magica, Huilo Huilo, Camino Internacional Panguipulli, Neltume, Región de Los Ríos, Chile (Tel.: +56/2/23 35 59 38).

 Sydney Railway Square YHA, 8-10 Lee Street, Sydney, Australia (Tel.: 00612/92 81 96 66).

 Euromast, Parkhaven 20, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Tel.: +31/10/ 436 48 11).

 Martin's Patershof, Karmelietenstraat 4, Mechelen, Belgium (Tel.: +32/15/46 46 46).
KUALA LUMPUR,  -- Seorang warga asing mati dipercayai akibat ditikam dan ditetak menggunakan senjata tajam di hadapan perhentian bas di Kilometer 28.9 Lebuhraya Persekutuan menghala ke Shah Alam malam tadi.
Ketua Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya, ACP Arjunaidi Mohamed berkata mangsa yang belum lagi dikenal pasti identitinya ditemui orang awam yang melalui tempat itu kira-kira 9.30 malam. "Lelaki itu ketika ditemui berada dalam keadaan parah dan dikejarkan ke Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya, namun dia dilapor meninggal dunia di hospital," katanya kepada Bernama hari ini.
Arjunaidi berkata pasukannya kini sedang berusaha untuk mengumpulkan bukti. Kes disiasat di bawah Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan kerana membunuh.
27.10.13 Unknown
KUALA LUMPUR,  -- Seorang warga asing mati dipercayai akibat ditikam dan ditetak menggunakan senjata tajam di hadapan perhentian bas di Kilometer 28.9 Lebuhraya Persekutuan menghala ke Shah Alam malam tadi.
Ketua Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya, ACP Arjunaidi Mohamed berkata mangsa yang belum lagi dikenal pasti identitinya ditemui orang awam yang melalui tempat itu kira-kira 9.30 malam. "Lelaki itu ketika ditemui berada dalam keadaan parah dan dikejarkan ke Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya, namun dia dilapor meninggal dunia di hospital," katanya kepada Bernama hari ini.
Arjunaidi berkata pasukannya kini sedang berusaha untuk mengumpulkan bukti. Kes disiasat di bawah Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan kerana membunuh.
Villagers walk through a flooded road after heavy rains at Khurda district in the eastern Indian state of Odisha/ Pic: Reuters
Villagers walk through a flooded road after heavy rains at Khurda 
district in the eastern Indian state of Odisha

NEW DELHI: Flash floods have killed at least 18 people in the same part of eastern India that this month saw the worst cyclone to hit the country in more than a decade, officials said today.
Torrential rains made rivers spill their banks in India’s eastern coastal states of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh, forcing thousands to flee their homes and seek refuge in shelters, two weeks after India’s most severe cyclone in 14 years lashed the coastline. “The latest that we know is that 18 have died in total,” in both states, Tripti Parule, spokeswoman for the National Disaster Management Agency, told AFP.
Local media reported at least 30 dead from the floods, which have also disrupted train services in both states. Some 30 rescue teams, already involved in massive state-wide relief operations to fix homes and restore services knocked out by cyclone Phailin, have been deployed in the flood zone to give assistance, she said. “The administration was already geared up for this situation after cyclone Phailin. 
The provision of dry food, water packets, medicines... all of it is being taken care of by the states,” said Parule, adding she hoped the flooding would subside in 48 hours. The cyclone that struck India’s eastern coast earlier this month killed at least 22 people and left a trail of destruction. It pounded the eastern states, bringing winds of more than 200 kilometres an hour, uprooting trees, overturning trucks, snapping power lines and flooding large tracts of farmland.
27.10.13 Unknown
Villagers walk through a flooded road after heavy rains at Khurda district in the eastern Indian state of Odisha/ Pic: Reuters
Villagers walk through a flooded road after heavy rains at Khurda 
district in the eastern Indian state of Odisha

NEW DELHI: Flash floods have killed at least 18 people in the same part of eastern India that this month saw the worst cyclone to hit the country in more than a decade, officials said today.
Torrential rains made rivers spill their banks in India’s eastern coastal states of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh, forcing thousands to flee their homes and seek refuge in shelters, two weeks after India’s most severe cyclone in 14 years lashed the coastline. “The latest that we know is that 18 have died in total,” in both states, Tripti Parule, spokeswoman for the National Disaster Management Agency, told AFP.
Local media reported at least 30 dead from the floods, which have also disrupted train services in both states. Some 30 rescue teams, already involved in massive state-wide relief operations to fix homes and restore services knocked out by cyclone Phailin, have been deployed in the flood zone to give assistance, she said. “The administration was already geared up for this situation after cyclone Phailin. 
The provision of dry food, water packets, medicines... all of it is being taken care of by the states,” said Parule, adding she hoped the flooding would subside in 48 hours. The cyclone that struck India’s eastern coast earlier this month killed at least 22 people and left a trail of destruction. It pounded the eastern states, bringing winds of more than 200 kilometres an hour, uprooting trees, overturning trucks, snapping power lines and flooding large tracts of farmland.
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