6 Oktober 2013

Ulser merupakan tompokan putih atau kuning dalam mulut yang mempunyai tanda kemerahan di sekelilingnya. Ulser ini mempunyai saiz yang berbeza-beza dan menyakitkan.
 Kesakitan akan berkurangan dalam tempoh 3-4 hari tetapi ulser biasanya akan mengambil masa 10-14 hari untuk sembuh sepenuhnya. Dapatkan pemeriksaan doktor pergigian jika ulser mulut masih berlarutan melebihi dua minggu. Pemeriksaan penting untuk menentukan tiada lesi kanser dan pra kanser mulut.

 Cuba petua ini untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit ulser mulut:

1. Berkumur dengan bahan kumuran antiseptic atau air garam
2. Sapukan gel analgesik atau gel penahan sakit
3. Kekalkan kesihatan mulut yang baik.
4. Makan makanan yang lembut.
5. Kurangkan makanan pedas dan berempah.
6. Minum air secukupnya.
7. Banyak minum air suam.
8. Berehat dan tidur dengan cukup.
9. Amalkan tabiat menjaga agar mulut dan gigi berada pada tahap kesihatan yang baik.
10. Mengambil makanan yang berkhasiat dan seimbang. Pastikan anda mengambil cukup vitamin B12 dan vitamin C
11. Daun buah Nangka dibakar bersama jagung dan tempurung kelapa sampai hangus. Abunya dicampur dengan minyak dan disapu pada ulser dan luka.
6.10.13 Unknown

Ulser merupakan tompokan putih atau kuning dalam mulut yang mempunyai tanda kemerahan di sekelilingnya. Ulser ini mempunyai saiz yang berbeza-beza dan menyakitkan.
 Kesakitan akan berkurangan dalam tempoh 3-4 hari tetapi ulser biasanya akan mengambil masa 10-14 hari untuk sembuh sepenuhnya. Dapatkan pemeriksaan doktor pergigian jika ulser mulut masih berlarutan melebihi dua minggu. Pemeriksaan penting untuk menentukan tiada lesi kanser dan pra kanser mulut.

 Cuba petua ini untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit ulser mulut:

1. Berkumur dengan bahan kumuran antiseptic atau air garam
2. Sapukan gel analgesik atau gel penahan sakit
3. Kekalkan kesihatan mulut yang baik.
4. Makan makanan yang lembut.
5. Kurangkan makanan pedas dan berempah.
6. Minum air secukupnya.
7. Banyak minum air suam.
8. Berehat dan tidur dengan cukup.
9. Amalkan tabiat menjaga agar mulut dan gigi berada pada tahap kesihatan yang baik.
10. Mengambil makanan yang berkhasiat dan seimbang. Pastikan anda mengambil cukup vitamin B12 dan vitamin C
11. Daun buah Nangka dibakar bersama jagung dan tempurung kelapa sampai hangus. Abunya dicampur dengan minyak dan disapu pada ulser dan luka.

Memang kecoh dunia hiburan apabila ruangan gosip BPOP di Berita Harian bertarikh 6 Oktober 2013 telah mendakwa bahawa pasangan ini sudah nikah pada 4 Februari yang lalu manakala sudah menimang cahaya mata pada 24 ogos 2013.
 Terdapat beberapa bukti yang menguatkan lagi dakwaan bahawa pasangan ini sebenarnya sudah pun nikah. Menerusi laporan keratan gosip berkenaan yang ditulis oleh wartawan Raja Nurfatimah, pasangan ini sudah sah mendaftarkan pernikahan mereka pada 4 Februari 2013 lalu di sebuah Pejabat agama daerah Selangor. Ada juga segelintir pihak mendakwa bahawa pasangan ini sudah nikah lebih awal di negara jiran sebelum mendaftar perkahwinan di Malaysia pada bulan Februari.
 Menerusi siasatan yang diperoleh dari Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN), terdapat seorang nama bayi yang baru lahir didaftarkan atas nama Wawa Zainal dan Aeril Zafrel sebagai ibu bapa bayi tersebut. Nama bayi tersebut adalah Ahmad Fakruddin Attar. Lagi menguatkan lagi dakwaan apabila Wawa Zainal pernah memuat naik fotonya memakai baju kahwin di laman instagram.
 Gambar Bukti Wawa Zainal & Aeril Zafrel Sudah Kahwin Keratan Akhbar Bukti Pasangan Ini Sudah Kahwin ditulis oleh wartawan Raja Nurfatimah Mawar Mohamed pada 6 Oktober 2013.

Gambar Bukti Yang Tersebar Di Laman Sosial

6.10.13 Unknown

Memang kecoh dunia hiburan apabila ruangan gosip BPOP di Berita Harian bertarikh 6 Oktober 2013 telah mendakwa bahawa pasangan ini sudah nikah pada 4 Februari yang lalu manakala sudah menimang cahaya mata pada 24 ogos 2013.
 Terdapat beberapa bukti yang menguatkan lagi dakwaan bahawa pasangan ini sebenarnya sudah pun nikah. Menerusi laporan keratan gosip berkenaan yang ditulis oleh wartawan Raja Nurfatimah, pasangan ini sudah sah mendaftarkan pernikahan mereka pada 4 Februari 2013 lalu di sebuah Pejabat agama daerah Selangor. Ada juga segelintir pihak mendakwa bahawa pasangan ini sudah nikah lebih awal di negara jiran sebelum mendaftar perkahwinan di Malaysia pada bulan Februari.
 Menerusi siasatan yang diperoleh dari Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN), terdapat seorang nama bayi yang baru lahir didaftarkan atas nama Wawa Zainal dan Aeril Zafrel sebagai ibu bapa bayi tersebut. Nama bayi tersebut adalah Ahmad Fakruddin Attar. Lagi menguatkan lagi dakwaan apabila Wawa Zainal pernah memuat naik fotonya memakai baju kahwin di laman instagram.
 Gambar Bukti Wawa Zainal & Aeril Zafrel Sudah Kahwin Keratan Akhbar Bukti Pasangan Ini Sudah Kahwin ditulis oleh wartawan Raja Nurfatimah Mawar Mohamed pada 6 Oktober 2013.

Gambar Bukti Yang Tersebar Di Laman Sosial

Pendakwah bebas Tuan Asmawi Tuan Umar menegur kelakuan Siti Aisya Adam, isteri kepada pemain bolasepak kebangsaan Nor Shahrul Idlan Talaha atau Mat Yo yang memaki seorang pengawal keselamatan 12 September lalu.
 Dalam satu post di laman Facebook Tuan Asmawi Tuan Umar, beliau mengakui kasihan dan menyayat hati bila pengawal keselamatan itu Azman Mohd Nayan dimaki hamun oleh isteri Mat Yo dengan pelbagai kata cacian. “Memang kasihan dan menyayat hati.. Bayangkan Pakcik ini bapa kita, datuk kita, terlalu jauh dari batas pertimbangan kemanusiaan tentang apa yang berlaku..
 Si pelaku keganasan (isteri Mat Yo) mungkin terlupa pakcik ini mempunyai lima orang anak, mungkin juga cucunya ada. “Apakah pula perasaan isteri Pakcik ini dek suaminya dalam tempoh mencari rezeki diperlakukan sedemikian.’Takziah’ buat isterinya dan Mat Yo juga,” katanya.

Tuan Asmawi turut mengingatkan kepada orang ramai bahawa doa-doa orang yang dizalimi itu dimata manusia ia sekadar kata-kata tetapi tidak di pandangan Allah.
 “Ingatlah saudara saudari sekalian, rintihan dan doa orang yang dizalimi itu di mata manusia ia sekadar kata-kata tetapi di pandangan Allah ia seperti halilintar yang menyabung,” katanya. Baru-baru ini Siti Aisya dipercayai telah memuatnaik satu video beliau memaki hamun Pakcik Azman di terminal Subang Skypark, Subang selepas
 Pakcik Azman meminta dia mengalihkan kenderaan kerana sudah diletakkan di tempat yang tidak dibenarkan. Video selama 55 saat itu menunjukkan isteri Mat Yo memaki pengawal keselamatan itu dengan kata-kata bodoh dan juga menggelarnya ‘jantan dayus’
 Kami kemudiannya pergi menemui Pakcik Azman dan mendengar penjelasannya sendiri yang akhirnya meluahkan bahawa isteri Mat Yo turut menendangnya.
6.10.13 Unknown

Pendakwah bebas Tuan Asmawi Tuan Umar menegur kelakuan Siti Aisya Adam, isteri kepada pemain bolasepak kebangsaan Nor Shahrul Idlan Talaha atau Mat Yo yang memaki seorang pengawal keselamatan 12 September lalu.
 Dalam satu post di laman Facebook Tuan Asmawi Tuan Umar, beliau mengakui kasihan dan menyayat hati bila pengawal keselamatan itu Azman Mohd Nayan dimaki hamun oleh isteri Mat Yo dengan pelbagai kata cacian. “Memang kasihan dan menyayat hati.. Bayangkan Pakcik ini bapa kita, datuk kita, terlalu jauh dari batas pertimbangan kemanusiaan tentang apa yang berlaku..
 Si pelaku keganasan (isteri Mat Yo) mungkin terlupa pakcik ini mempunyai lima orang anak, mungkin juga cucunya ada. “Apakah pula perasaan isteri Pakcik ini dek suaminya dalam tempoh mencari rezeki diperlakukan sedemikian.’Takziah’ buat isterinya dan Mat Yo juga,” katanya.

Tuan Asmawi turut mengingatkan kepada orang ramai bahawa doa-doa orang yang dizalimi itu dimata manusia ia sekadar kata-kata tetapi tidak di pandangan Allah.
 “Ingatlah saudara saudari sekalian, rintihan dan doa orang yang dizalimi itu di mata manusia ia sekadar kata-kata tetapi di pandangan Allah ia seperti halilintar yang menyabung,” katanya. Baru-baru ini Siti Aisya dipercayai telah memuatnaik satu video beliau memaki hamun Pakcik Azman di terminal Subang Skypark, Subang selepas
 Pakcik Azman meminta dia mengalihkan kenderaan kerana sudah diletakkan di tempat yang tidak dibenarkan. Video selama 55 saat itu menunjukkan isteri Mat Yo memaki pengawal keselamatan itu dengan kata-kata bodoh dan juga menggelarnya ‘jantan dayus’
 Kami kemudiannya pergi menemui Pakcik Azman dan mendengar penjelasannya sendiri yang akhirnya meluahkan bahawa isteri Mat Yo turut menendangnya.
Pic: The Star
KUALA LUMPUR: A taxi driver was beaten up so badly by a road bully that he is now fighting for his life and may face permanent paralysis. Hiew Chen Guang (pic), 66, is now in coma at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) as doctors struggle to save his life.
 Chen Guang was driving his taxi along Old Klang Road at about 7am on Sept 30 when he accidentally hit a motorcyclist in front of him. However, eyewitnesses said that as he was in the middle of a traffic light junction, he decided to drive a short distance away before stopping.
 They also said they later saw a second man on a different, larger motorcycle drag him out and start raining punches on him. Chen fell unconscious on the road before passers-by called an ambulance. Chen Guang’s son, Hiew Chun Wei, 37, said his father had a broken nose, severe bruises on his face and internal bleeding in the head.
 “The doctors tried to stop the bleeding by performing an operation a few days ago but it has not stopped. If it continues, he will be in a vegetative state or may never wake up from his coma,” he said yesterday. Chun Wei added that it was unclear if the two motorcyclists knew each other as the first motorcyclist claimed in his police report that he did not see the beating.
6.10.13 Unknown
Pic: The Star
KUALA LUMPUR: A taxi driver was beaten up so badly by a road bully that he is now fighting for his life and may face permanent paralysis. Hiew Chen Guang (pic), 66, is now in coma at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) as doctors struggle to save his life.
 Chen Guang was driving his taxi along Old Klang Road at about 7am on Sept 30 when he accidentally hit a motorcyclist in front of him. However, eyewitnesses said that as he was in the middle of a traffic light junction, he decided to drive a short distance away before stopping.
 They also said they later saw a second man on a different, larger motorcycle drag him out and start raining punches on him. Chen fell unconscious on the road before passers-by called an ambulance. Chen Guang’s son, Hiew Chun Wei, 37, said his father had a broken nose, severe bruises on his face and internal bleeding in the head.
 “The doctors tried to stop the bleeding by performing an operation a few days ago but it has not stopped. If it continues, he will be in a vegetative state or may never wake up from his coma,” he said yesterday. Chun Wei added that it was unclear if the two motorcyclists knew each other as the first motorcyclist claimed in his police report that he did not see the beating.
pic: Google Images
LAMPEDUSA: Italian emergency services hoped to resume the search for bodies today despite rough seas after the worst ever Mediterranean shipwreck tragedy, in which 111 African asylum-seekers are confirmed dead and around 200 more are still missing.
 With the search for bodies off the island of Lampedusa suspended Friday due to bad weather, an emotional Pope Francis said it was “a day of tears” in a “savage world” that ignored refugees. The government asked Europe to help stem the influx of migrants, as the country mourned the dead. Islanders in the tiny fishing community held a mass and a silent torch-lit procession, as flags across Italy flew at half mast Friday and schools marked a minute of silence.
 “This is a really important ceremony for the victims and for us,” said Michele Rossi, a local shopkeeper. “We are used to doing our best to save people but we have never seen anything like this.” Emergency services on the remote island – Italy’s southernmost point – said they had recovered 111 bodies so far and rescued 155 survivors from a boat with an estimated 450 to 500 people on board. Rescuers said strong currents around the island may have swept other bodies further out to sea but they were no longer able to leave the port because of strong winds and two-metre (seven-foot) waves.
 “There is horror down there. Dozens of corpses, maybe hundreds,” Rocco Canell, who runs a local diving school and went down before the search was halted, told the Italian news agency ANSA. “They are all on top of another, piled up, wedged. The lucky ones are those who died first,” he said after descending to the ghostly wreck, which lies on the seabed at a depth of around 40 metres.
 The migrants, almost all Eritreans, departed from the Libyan port of Misrata and stopped to pick up more people in Zuwara, also in Libya. They told rescuers they set fire to a blanket on board just off Lampedusa to signal to coast guards after their boat began taking on water. The fire quickly spread on the 20-metre (66-foot) vessel, which capsized and sank in the early hours of Thursday morning just a few hundred metres from Lampedusa, as its terrified passengers jumped into waters covered in a slick of spilled fuel.
 The boat’s Tunisian skipper, already arrested in Italy in April for people trafficking and deported back to Tunisia, has been detained. ‘The new Checkpoint Charlie’ Interior Minister Angelino Alfano appealed for increased European assistance in patrolling Italy’s maritime border and more action in countries of origin in Africa to stem the flow of risky refugee crossings.
 “Lampedusa is the new Checkpoint Charlie between the northern and southern hemispheres,” Alfano said, referring to the famous crossing point between East and West Berlin during the Cold War. “This is not just an Italian problem.” The mayor of Lampedusa, Giusi Nicolini, said: “After these deaths, we are expecting something to change. Things cannot stay the same. “The future of Lampedusa is directly linked to policies on immigration and asylum,” she said. A Dakar-based rights group Raddho called on African states to take joint action to address the “irregular or illegal migration problem”.
 It also called on African civil society groups to work together to “inform … young people of the dangers of illegal or irregular migration, which is considered the road to suicide”. In Lampedusa, the bodies were being kept in a hangar at the local airport because there was no more room in the morgue and not enough coffins on the island, which has a population of around 6,000 people.
 Among the survivors were 40 unaccompanied minors aged between 14 and 17 and six women, the UN refugee agency UNHCR said in a statement. They were housed in a badly overcrowded 250-bed refugee centre that is now overflowing with around 1,000 people including previous arrivals. Four of the more serious cases were being treated in a bigger hospital in Palermo in Sicily, including a young Eritrean woman who was said by doctors to have suffered a miscarriage.
 The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said migrants pay smugglers between 1,200 and 2,000 euros (US$1,630 and 2,718) for the journey. The IOM said 100 people had died in multiple accidents so far this year before this week’s tragedy, compared to 500 in 2012 and 1,500 in 2011. Alfano yesterday said 30,000 migrants have arrived in Italy so far this year – more than four times the number from last year but still fewer than in 2011 at the height of the Arab Spring revolts.
6.10.13 Unknown
pic: Google Images
LAMPEDUSA: Italian emergency services hoped to resume the search for bodies today despite rough seas after the worst ever Mediterranean shipwreck tragedy, in which 111 African asylum-seekers are confirmed dead and around 200 more are still missing.
 With the search for bodies off the island of Lampedusa suspended Friday due to bad weather, an emotional Pope Francis said it was “a day of tears” in a “savage world” that ignored refugees. The government asked Europe to help stem the influx of migrants, as the country mourned the dead. Islanders in the tiny fishing community held a mass and a silent torch-lit procession, as flags across Italy flew at half mast Friday and schools marked a minute of silence.
 “This is a really important ceremony for the victims and for us,” said Michele Rossi, a local shopkeeper. “We are used to doing our best to save people but we have never seen anything like this.” Emergency services on the remote island – Italy’s southernmost point – said they had recovered 111 bodies so far and rescued 155 survivors from a boat with an estimated 450 to 500 people on board. Rescuers said strong currents around the island may have swept other bodies further out to sea but they were no longer able to leave the port because of strong winds and two-metre (seven-foot) waves.
 “There is horror down there. Dozens of corpses, maybe hundreds,” Rocco Canell, who runs a local diving school and went down before the search was halted, told the Italian news agency ANSA. “They are all on top of another, piled up, wedged. The lucky ones are those who died first,” he said after descending to the ghostly wreck, which lies on the seabed at a depth of around 40 metres.
 The migrants, almost all Eritreans, departed from the Libyan port of Misrata and stopped to pick up more people in Zuwara, also in Libya. They told rescuers they set fire to a blanket on board just off Lampedusa to signal to coast guards after their boat began taking on water. The fire quickly spread on the 20-metre (66-foot) vessel, which capsized and sank in the early hours of Thursday morning just a few hundred metres from Lampedusa, as its terrified passengers jumped into waters covered in a slick of spilled fuel.
 The boat’s Tunisian skipper, already arrested in Italy in April for people trafficking and deported back to Tunisia, has been detained. ‘The new Checkpoint Charlie’ Interior Minister Angelino Alfano appealed for increased European assistance in patrolling Italy’s maritime border and more action in countries of origin in Africa to stem the flow of risky refugee crossings.
 “Lampedusa is the new Checkpoint Charlie between the northern and southern hemispheres,” Alfano said, referring to the famous crossing point between East and West Berlin during the Cold War. “This is not just an Italian problem.” The mayor of Lampedusa, Giusi Nicolini, said: “After these deaths, we are expecting something to change. Things cannot stay the same. “The future of Lampedusa is directly linked to policies on immigration and asylum,” she said. A Dakar-based rights group Raddho called on African states to take joint action to address the “irregular or illegal migration problem”.
 It also called on African civil society groups to work together to “inform … young people of the dangers of illegal or irregular migration, which is considered the road to suicide”. In Lampedusa, the bodies were being kept in a hangar at the local airport because there was no more room in the morgue and not enough coffins on the island, which has a population of around 6,000 people.
 Among the survivors were 40 unaccompanied minors aged between 14 and 17 and six women, the UN refugee agency UNHCR said in a statement. They were housed in a badly overcrowded 250-bed refugee centre that is now overflowing with around 1,000 people including previous arrivals. Four of the more serious cases were being treated in a bigger hospital in Palermo in Sicily, including a young Eritrean woman who was said by doctors to have suffered a miscarriage.
 The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said migrants pay smugglers between 1,200 and 2,000 euros (US$1,630 and 2,718) for the journey. The IOM said 100 people had died in multiple accidents so far this year before this week’s tragedy, compared to 500 in 2012 and 1,500 in 2011. Alfano yesterday said 30,000 migrants have arrived in Italy so far this year – more than four times the number from last year but still fewer than in 2011 at the height of the Arab Spring revolts.
pic: Google Images
A disabled Chinese rights lawyer whose imprisonment stirred international concern said today she had been released after serving her two and a half year sentence and pledged to sue the police as well as pursue redress for her case.
 Ni Yulan, who is renowned for defending people evicted from their homes, was sentenced to two years and eight month in prison in April 2012 for causing a disturbance and fraud. Activists contend the charges were trumped up in an effort to silence her. In July 2012, a Chinese court threw out the fraud charge, reducing her prison time by two months.
 Authorities forced Ni, who is wheelchair-bound, and her husband, Dong Jiqin, to stay at a hotel in 2010 after their home was demolished in 2008. Ni had previously called it a "black jail" – an informal detention site such as a hotel or government guesthouse used to hold protesters and petitioners without resorting to legal procedures.
 During her trial, prosecutors alleged that Ni had "wilfully occupied" the room that she was staying in. Ni said she now plans to sue the Beijing public security bureau in the Xicheng district for holding her and her husband in the hotel and cutting off the water and electricity. "It is useless to fear, since we're already deprived of our rights," Ni said by telephone. "If we don't fight for rights, we will just have to wait for our death."
 "I want them to return my assets. They've torn down my home without giving any compensation, leaving us homeless." Ni, 54, whose case is closely watched by the United States and the European Union, said her health was poor. The left side of Ni's neck is swollen and the family believes it is a suspected neck tumour. "After the sentence, they've not allowed me to get my illness treated, so my physical condition has become worse,"
 Ni said. Beijing police could not be reached for comment. Ni said she did not suffer any physical abuse due to the international awareness of her case and regular visits by diplomats from the European Union. Security officers who held Ni in a detention centre in Beijing in 2011 told her: "If you're dead, then that's good since all your assets will be returned to the state," according to Ni. Ni's husband Dong was given two years in prison in April 2012 also for "causing a disturbance".
 Ni's daughter, Dong Xuan, said about 10 supporters of Ni who greeted her mother outside the prison with a red banner were taken away by police. Ni was among dozens of rights activists who were detained in early 2011 when fears of contagion from the Arab Spring pro-democracy protests triggered a crackdown by China's security apparatus. She was left disabled by a police beating in 2002 after filming the forced demolition of a client's home and was then jailed.
 Ni was again jailed and beaten by police in 2008 for defending the rights of people evicted from their homes to make way for Beijing's 2008 Summer Olympics. She was later released in April 2010.
6.10.13 Unknown
pic: Google Images
A disabled Chinese rights lawyer whose imprisonment stirred international concern said today she had been released after serving her two and a half year sentence and pledged to sue the police as well as pursue redress for her case.
 Ni Yulan, who is renowned for defending people evicted from their homes, was sentenced to two years and eight month in prison in April 2012 for causing a disturbance and fraud. Activists contend the charges were trumped up in an effort to silence her. In July 2012, a Chinese court threw out the fraud charge, reducing her prison time by two months.
 Authorities forced Ni, who is wheelchair-bound, and her husband, Dong Jiqin, to stay at a hotel in 2010 after their home was demolished in 2008. Ni had previously called it a "black jail" – an informal detention site such as a hotel or government guesthouse used to hold protesters and petitioners without resorting to legal procedures.
 During her trial, prosecutors alleged that Ni had "wilfully occupied" the room that she was staying in. Ni said she now plans to sue the Beijing public security bureau in the Xicheng district for holding her and her husband in the hotel and cutting off the water and electricity. "It is useless to fear, since we're already deprived of our rights," Ni said by telephone. "If we don't fight for rights, we will just have to wait for our death."
 "I want them to return my assets. They've torn down my home without giving any compensation, leaving us homeless." Ni, 54, whose case is closely watched by the United States and the European Union, said her health was poor. The left side of Ni's neck is swollen and the family believes it is a suspected neck tumour. "After the sentence, they've not allowed me to get my illness treated, so my physical condition has become worse,"
 Ni said. Beijing police could not be reached for comment. Ni said she did not suffer any physical abuse due to the international awareness of her case and regular visits by diplomats from the European Union. Security officers who held Ni in a detention centre in Beijing in 2011 told her: "If you're dead, then that's good since all your assets will be returned to the state," according to Ni. Ni's husband Dong was given two years in prison in April 2012 also for "causing a disturbance".
 Ni's daughter, Dong Xuan, said about 10 supporters of Ni who greeted her mother outside the prison with a red banner were taken away by police. Ni was among dozens of rights activists who were detained in early 2011 when fears of contagion from the Arab Spring pro-democracy protests triggered a crackdown by China's security apparatus. She was left disabled by a police beating in 2002 after filming the forced demolition of a client's home and was then jailed.
 Ni was again jailed and beaten by police in 2008 for defending the rights of people evicted from their homes to make way for Beijing's 2008 Summer Olympics. She was later released in April 2010.
This undated handout photo released by German publishing house Deutscher Levante Verlag shows Christiane Felscherinow, aka Christiane F, who became famous for her 1978 biography telling her story as a 13-year-old girl shooting up heroin and working as a child prostitute in West Berlin/Pic: AFP
This undated handout photo released by German publishing house Deutscher Levante Verlag shows Christiane Felscherinow, aka Christiane F, who became famous for her 1978 biography telling her story as a 13-year-old girl shooting up heroin and working as a child prostitute in West Berlin.

 BERLIN: A generation ago, German readers were shocked and fascinated by the story of a 13-year-old girl shooting up heroin and working as a child prostitute on the gritty streets of 1970s West Berlin. The harrowing biography of the pretty teenager, then identified only as Christiane F., sold more than four million copies, was turned into a movie guest-starring David Bowie and became a school textbook.
 For many readers now, the biggest surprise about a new book by Christiane F., to be published Thursday during the Frankfurt Book Fair, is that its author is still alive. "I'm still not dead," says the woman whose full name is Christiane Felscherinow. "Hardly anyone would have believed that I'd turn 51 years old," she says in a short online video to promote her new book "Christiane F. - Mein Zweites Leben" (My Second Life). "But look, here I am ... Many warned me, 'if you continue that way, you won't see 40'," she adds, her voice raspy but her face betraying surprisingly few signs of the years of drug abuse and turmoil that continued well into adulthood.
 Felscherinow spent her teenage years in high-rise tower blocks in the west of what was then a divided Berlin, the daughter of a violent father and a working mother. At age 12, she took hashish; by 13 she was into heroin, keen to fit in with the crowd she met at West Berlin's trendy "Sound" disco to escape her home life. Caught in a spiral of addiction, crime and squalor, she joined other youngsters turning tricks to fund the habit around the city's Bahnhof Zoo railway station, even as friends died from overdoses around her. Finally she was sent to stay with her grandmother in the country and beat the addiction.

 'I was so clean'

 Her path to fame started when she testified as a witness at a paedophile's trial and met a reporter for news weekly Stern. Their initial interview turned into a three-month exchange, which led to a series of magazine articles and then the co-authored 1978 book "Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo" (We, Children of Bahnhof Zoo) -- simply titled "Christiane F." in the English version.
 The gritty story cracked open a deadly world unknown to many, but its "hero", with her cool hairstyle, love of Bowie and candidness, also roused readers' sympathy. Three years later followed a movie with a Bowie soundtrack and appearance. By now Christiane F. had become Germany's most famous junkie. As a young adult, she was invited onto chat shows, and even flew to Los Angeles after the film's US release to appear on a radio show, and met rock and acting stars including Billy Idol.
 But the story didn't end there, as she writes in her new book. She fell back into old habits, cocaine initially and then "H", as it's referred to in the film. "I was so clean that I no longer tolerated it," she writes. "I just puked again and again, even when my stomach was already empty. "I know it sounds nuts; you puke your guts up but it feels like the loveliest thing in the world." The "Second Life" autobiography, which Felscherinow presents in Frankfurt next Friday, is another disarmingly frank chronicle of rollercoaster years of drugs, withdrawal, adventures with rock and literary stars, and even a stint in jail. It kicks off with life on a Greek island, where she fell in love, had an abortion and was eventually let down when her lover came out of jail and began an affair with his brother's girlfriend.
 "Today I know that these years in Greece were the happiest of my life," she says in the book, co-written with journalist Sonja Vukovic. The birth of her son, Phillip, in 1996 heralds hope and happiness. "There was now this tiny being that needed me. And it was all I needed. Everything else didn't matter to me," she writes. Felscherinow movingly describes her quest to be a good mother, striving for everyday routines to provide a stable family life: "The boy simply did me good.
 Through him I became a better person." But in 2008when she tried to move to Amsterdam, authorities took away custody. She and Phillip went to the Netherlands, only to return six weeks later to Germany where he was placed with foster parents. She later won custody rights back in 2010, but decided that the boy should stay with his foster parents instead, according to Stern. The years have left other scars. Felscherinow has been on a methadone substitution programme for nearly 20 years, and she suffers from Hepatitis C. But to many, she is a survivor, not afraid to look back with brutal honesty
. Last month, her face was again on the cover of Stern news weekly, with the same intense gaze and clean-cut pony tail, as a photo the magazine ran of her at age 16. "With her sensitive gift of observation and precise memory, a determination and adventurous courage," wrote a Stern reporter, "she reported without self pity, unsparingly even against herself."
6.10.13 Unknown
This undated handout photo released by German publishing house Deutscher Levante Verlag shows Christiane Felscherinow, aka Christiane F, who became famous for her 1978 biography telling her story as a 13-year-old girl shooting up heroin and working as a child prostitute in West Berlin/Pic: AFP
This undated handout photo released by German publishing house Deutscher Levante Verlag shows Christiane Felscherinow, aka Christiane F, who became famous for her 1978 biography telling her story as a 13-year-old girl shooting up heroin and working as a child prostitute in West Berlin.

 BERLIN: A generation ago, German readers were shocked and fascinated by the story of a 13-year-old girl shooting up heroin and working as a child prostitute on the gritty streets of 1970s West Berlin. The harrowing biography of the pretty teenager, then identified only as Christiane F., sold more than four million copies, was turned into a movie guest-starring David Bowie and became a school textbook.
 For many readers now, the biggest surprise about a new book by Christiane F., to be published Thursday during the Frankfurt Book Fair, is that its author is still alive. "I'm still not dead," says the woman whose full name is Christiane Felscherinow. "Hardly anyone would have believed that I'd turn 51 years old," she says in a short online video to promote her new book "Christiane F. - Mein Zweites Leben" (My Second Life). "But look, here I am ... Many warned me, 'if you continue that way, you won't see 40'," she adds, her voice raspy but her face betraying surprisingly few signs of the years of drug abuse and turmoil that continued well into adulthood.
 Felscherinow spent her teenage years in high-rise tower blocks in the west of what was then a divided Berlin, the daughter of a violent father and a working mother. At age 12, she took hashish; by 13 she was into heroin, keen to fit in with the crowd she met at West Berlin's trendy "Sound" disco to escape her home life. Caught in a spiral of addiction, crime and squalor, she joined other youngsters turning tricks to fund the habit around the city's Bahnhof Zoo railway station, even as friends died from overdoses around her. Finally she was sent to stay with her grandmother in the country and beat the addiction.

 'I was so clean'

 Her path to fame started when she testified as a witness at a paedophile's trial and met a reporter for news weekly Stern. Their initial interview turned into a three-month exchange, which led to a series of magazine articles and then the co-authored 1978 book "Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo" (We, Children of Bahnhof Zoo) -- simply titled "Christiane F." in the English version.
 The gritty story cracked open a deadly world unknown to many, but its "hero", with her cool hairstyle, love of Bowie and candidness, also roused readers' sympathy. Three years later followed a movie with a Bowie soundtrack and appearance. By now Christiane F. had become Germany's most famous junkie. As a young adult, she was invited onto chat shows, and even flew to Los Angeles after the film's US release to appear on a radio show, and met rock and acting stars including Billy Idol.
 But the story didn't end there, as she writes in her new book. She fell back into old habits, cocaine initially and then "H", as it's referred to in the film. "I was so clean that I no longer tolerated it," she writes. "I just puked again and again, even when my stomach was already empty. "I know it sounds nuts; you puke your guts up but it feels like the loveliest thing in the world." The "Second Life" autobiography, which Felscherinow presents in Frankfurt next Friday, is another disarmingly frank chronicle of rollercoaster years of drugs, withdrawal, adventures with rock and literary stars, and even a stint in jail. It kicks off with life on a Greek island, where she fell in love, had an abortion and was eventually let down when her lover came out of jail and began an affair with his brother's girlfriend.
 "Today I know that these years in Greece were the happiest of my life," she says in the book, co-written with journalist Sonja Vukovic. The birth of her son, Phillip, in 1996 heralds hope and happiness. "There was now this tiny being that needed me. And it was all I needed. Everything else didn't matter to me," she writes. Felscherinow movingly describes her quest to be a good mother, striving for everyday routines to provide a stable family life: "The boy simply did me good.
 Through him I became a better person." But in 2008when she tried to move to Amsterdam, authorities took away custody. She and Phillip went to the Netherlands, only to return six weeks later to Germany where he was placed with foster parents. She later won custody rights back in 2010, but decided that the boy should stay with his foster parents instead, according to Stern. The years have left other scars. Felscherinow has been on a methadone substitution programme for nearly 20 years, and she suffers from Hepatitis C. But to many, she is a survivor, not afraid to look back with brutal honesty
. Last month, her face was again on the cover of Stern news weekly, with the same intense gaze and clean-cut pony tail, as a photo the magazine ran of her at age 16. "With her sensitive gift of observation and precise memory, a determination and adventurous courage," wrote a Stern reporter, "she reported without self pity, unsparingly even against herself."
Pic: Sinar Harian
IPOH: Police are investigating whether the case of the two dead men found stuffed in a car boot in Alor Pongsu rest and recreation (R&R) area of the North South Expressway, was due to a kidnap attempt which gone awry.
 Perak Criminal Investigation Department chief Datuk Mohd Dzuraidi Ibrahim said Perak and Penang police are jointly investigating the case. He said the disappearance of Ting Liong Chin, 28, from Sabah, and Seu Hong Chee, 19, from Muar, Johor, was reported to the police by their friends. "While Penang police is investigating the case for kidnap, Perak police is investigating the matter under murder," he told a news conference at the state police contingent here today.
 Mohd Dzuraidi said Penang police had picked up three men, between 20s and 30s to assist in investigations over the gruesome find. "One of the victims had his head covered in plastic while another victim was strangled," he added, noting that the victims had no previous records. While Ting's body was identified by his wife, Seu's body was identified by his siblings at Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun mortuary at 11.30am today.
 Post mortem that was conducted on Friday evening found Ting's cause of death was due to suffocation and Seu was strangled to death. It was reported that police made the find after a strong stench and flies swarming the boot of a Proton Waja, which was left at the southbound R&R since Thursday. Asked on the relationship of the two victims, Mohd Dzuraidi said both are friends.
 "We are still investigating if the car was a stolen vehicle," he said, adding that nothing suspicious were found in the car. He urged those with information on the case to contact the nearest police station. Meanwhile, at the mortuary, a close relative of Seu said the family made a missing person's report after he failed to contact the family. "He is very close to his mother and would call her every two days," said the relative of Seu, who is the youngest child of four siblings.
 The relative said Seu worked as a salesman at a hardware shop. "He was transferred to Penang a few months ago after the company at opened a branch there," he said, adding that his parents had yet to come to terms over their son's death. Ting's family was too distraught to speak to reporters.
6.10.13 Unknown
Pic: Sinar Harian
IPOH: Police are investigating whether the case of the two dead men found stuffed in a car boot in Alor Pongsu rest and recreation (R&R) area of the North South Expressway, was due to a kidnap attempt which gone awry.
 Perak Criminal Investigation Department chief Datuk Mohd Dzuraidi Ibrahim said Perak and Penang police are jointly investigating the case. He said the disappearance of Ting Liong Chin, 28, from Sabah, and Seu Hong Chee, 19, from Muar, Johor, was reported to the police by their friends. "While Penang police is investigating the case for kidnap, Perak police is investigating the matter under murder," he told a news conference at the state police contingent here today.
 Mohd Dzuraidi said Penang police had picked up three men, between 20s and 30s to assist in investigations over the gruesome find. "One of the victims had his head covered in plastic while another victim was strangled," he added, noting that the victims had no previous records. While Ting's body was identified by his wife, Seu's body was identified by his siblings at Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun mortuary at 11.30am today.
 Post mortem that was conducted on Friday evening found Ting's cause of death was due to suffocation and Seu was strangled to death. It was reported that police made the find after a strong stench and flies swarming the boot of a Proton Waja, which was left at the southbound R&R since Thursday. Asked on the relationship of the two victims, Mohd Dzuraidi said both are friends.
 "We are still investigating if the car was a stolen vehicle," he said, adding that nothing suspicious were found in the car. He urged those with information on the case to contact the nearest police station. Meanwhile, at the mortuary, a close relative of Seu said the family made a missing person's report after he failed to contact the family. "He is very close to his mother and would call her every two days," said the relative of Seu, who is the youngest child of four siblings.
 The relative said Seu worked as a salesman at a hardware shop. "He was transferred to Penang a few months ago after the company at opened a branch there," he said, adding that his parents had yet to come to terms over their son's death. Ting's family was too distraught to speak to reporters.
pic: Google Images
KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Minister of Education II P. Kamalanathan today launched the New Straits Times Autoshow 2013 at MATRADE exhibition and convention centre.
 "I congratulate NST for having the auto show and hope more shows like this can be held at other states, so more rakyat can learn about new automotive technology," said Kamalanathan. Kamalanathan also took a 20- minute ride in Malaysia's first Electronic Bus and was impressed with the journey he had. "I am impressed with the bus as it is environmentally friendly and is in line with the government's green initiatives," Kamalanathan told reporters.
 He also called for more companies to come forward and help the Education Ministry by providing 'green energy' buses as school buses. The electronic bus is a joint venture between GreenTech Malaysia, the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) and Amdac (Malaysia) Meanwhile, Datuk Abdul Jalil Hamid in his opening address said that promoting green technology and energy efficient vehicles has been one of the main priorities of the Autoshow.
 "As the autoshow enters the fourth year, visitors will also get to see that the future of urban mobility is already at our doorstep," said Abdul Jalil. The three-day Autoshow is held from Oct 4 to Oct 6 and will house over 70 new models of vehicles. The entrance fee for the autoshow is RM5, while free for Petronas Mesra card holders. Present also was NST Group Managing Editor Datuk Abdul Jalil Hamid.
6.10.13 Unknown
pic: Google Images
KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Minister of Education II P. Kamalanathan today launched the New Straits Times Autoshow 2013 at MATRADE exhibition and convention centre.
 "I congratulate NST for having the auto show and hope more shows like this can be held at other states, so more rakyat can learn about new automotive technology," said Kamalanathan. Kamalanathan also took a 20- minute ride in Malaysia's first Electronic Bus and was impressed with the journey he had. "I am impressed with the bus as it is environmentally friendly and is in line with the government's green initiatives," Kamalanathan told reporters.
 He also called for more companies to come forward and help the Education Ministry by providing 'green energy' buses as school buses. The electronic bus is a joint venture between GreenTech Malaysia, the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) and Amdac (Malaysia) Meanwhile, Datuk Abdul Jalil Hamid in his opening address said that promoting green technology and energy efficient vehicles has been one of the main priorities of the Autoshow.
 "As the autoshow enters the fourth year, visitors will also get to see that the future of urban mobility is already at our doorstep," said Abdul Jalil. The three-day Autoshow is held from Oct 4 to Oct 6 and will house over 70 new models of vehicles. The entrance fee for the autoshow is RM5, while free for Petronas Mesra card holders. Present also was NST Group Managing Editor Datuk Abdul Jalil Hamid.
KUALA LUMPUR: Kejayaan Kelantan membelasahkan Johor Darul Takzim (Johor DT) 6-1 dalam perlawanan di Stadium Sultan Muhammad IV, Kota Bharu sebentar tadi membolehkan pasukan pantai timur itu melangkah bergaya ke slot separuh akhir Piala Malaysia tahun ini.
 The Red Warriors melakarkan kemenangan secara agregat 8-5 memadamkan kemenangan awal Johor DT ketika beraksi di tempat lawan sebelum ini. Sementara itu, di Stadium Negeri, Kuching, pasukan tuan rumah, Sarawak melayakkan diri ke aksi separuh akhir apabila membenamkan cabaran Sime Darby 3-1.
6.10.13 Unknown
KUALA LUMPUR: Kejayaan Kelantan membelasahkan Johor Darul Takzim (Johor DT) 6-1 dalam perlawanan di Stadium Sultan Muhammad IV, Kota Bharu sebentar tadi membolehkan pasukan pantai timur itu melangkah bergaya ke slot separuh akhir Piala Malaysia tahun ini.
 The Red Warriors melakarkan kemenangan secara agregat 8-5 memadamkan kemenangan awal Johor DT ketika beraksi di tempat lawan sebelum ini. Sementara itu, di Stadium Negeri, Kuching, pasukan tuan rumah, Sarawak melayakkan diri ke aksi separuh akhir apabila membenamkan cabaran Sime Darby 3-1.

Bukan semua iklan yang kita lihat boleh dipercayai. Tidak kiralah sama ada iklan itu di dalam surat khabar, majalah, kertas-kertas yang ada di kaki lima mahupun di internet.
 Ini kerana tidak semua iklan itu akan menunjukkan gambar atau maklumat yang sebenarnya. Seperti gambar di bawah ini. Pada dasarnya kita lihat gambar ini tidak ada cacat celanya. Namun apabila melihat keadaan sebenarnya barulah kita sedar yang gambar berkenaan tidak seperti apa yang digambarkan.
 Seolah-olah kita ditipu. Jadi, kenalah berfikir panjang sebelum anda ingin membuat apa-apa keputusan yang melibatkan iklan-iklan seperti ini. Kalau tak, jadi macam gambar di bawah inilah.

6.10.13 Unknown

Bukan semua iklan yang kita lihat boleh dipercayai. Tidak kiralah sama ada iklan itu di dalam surat khabar, majalah, kertas-kertas yang ada di kaki lima mahupun di internet.
 Ini kerana tidak semua iklan itu akan menunjukkan gambar atau maklumat yang sebenarnya. Seperti gambar di bawah ini. Pada dasarnya kita lihat gambar ini tidak ada cacat celanya. Namun apabila melihat keadaan sebenarnya barulah kita sedar yang gambar berkenaan tidak seperti apa yang digambarkan.
 Seolah-olah kita ditipu. Jadi, kenalah berfikir panjang sebelum anda ingin membuat apa-apa keputusan yang melibatkan iklan-iklan seperti ini. Kalau tak, jadi macam gambar di bawah inilah.

Pelakon Dalam Hati Ada Taman, Elfira Loy bengang apabila ada individu yang menyamar sebagai dirinya dalam laman mikro Twitter. Elfira, 19, menulis mesej di Twitter yang berdaftar atas nama @elfira_loy, pagi ini, meminta agar individu tersebut tidak menyamar sebagai dirinya.
 “Please don’t tweet like you are the real ‘Elfira’. Show some respect please, thank you @_Elfiraloy,” tulisnya. (Jangan ‘tweet’ seperti anda Elfira yang sebenar. Tolong hormat sedikit, terima kasih) Akaun palsu yang berdaftar atas nama @_Elfiraloy itu jelas boleh menimbulkan kekeliruan berikutan ‘tweet’ yang dikeluarkan seolah-olah ditulis oleh pelakon itu.
 Akaun palsu yang dibuat pada 28 Disember tahun lalu itu kini mempunyai 237 pengikut dengan 384 ‘tweet’. Pada 28 Januari lalu, individu tersebut menulis mesej kepada pelakon, Nabila Huda. “Hey sis…How are you? It’s me Elfira…I saw you at La Boca,” tulisnya. Akaun palsu itu juga menulis, “Hi Siti Aisyah is here now
. El ada shooting, so I’ll take care her Twitter for 38 minit.” (Hi Siti Aisyah di sini sekarang. El ada penggambaran, jadi saya akan menjaga Twitternya untuk 38 minit). Melalui interaksi dengan pengikutnya pada 8 Januari lalu, individu itu menyebut nama kedua adik Elfira, Ezzrin dan Ezlisa. “…tapi adik kak tak boleh harap!!…Ezzrin pergi rumah kawan, Ezlisa pergi ‘shopping’! Geramnya,” tulisnya.
 Malah, individu itu juga menjawab pertanyaan peminat Elfira yang bertanya aktiviti pelakon itu serta memuat naik gambar Elfira. Elfira atau nama sebenarnya Nurul Elfira Loy Ahmad Sabri merupakan pelakon meningkat naik yang mula dikenali melalui drama Qalesya pada tahun 2009.
 Terbaru, pelakon kecil molek ini tampil dalam rancangan mencabar, Fear Factor Selebriti Malaysia yang bergandingan dengan Ajak Raja Lawak.
6.10.13 Unknown

Pelakon Dalam Hati Ada Taman, Elfira Loy bengang apabila ada individu yang menyamar sebagai dirinya dalam laman mikro Twitter. Elfira, 19, menulis mesej di Twitter yang berdaftar atas nama @elfira_loy, pagi ini, meminta agar individu tersebut tidak menyamar sebagai dirinya.
 “Please don’t tweet like you are the real ‘Elfira’. Show some respect please, thank you @_Elfiraloy,” tulisnya. (Jangan ‘tweet’ seperti anda Elfira yang sebenar. Tolong hormat sedikit, terima kasih) Akaun palsu yang berdaftar atas nama @_Elfiraloy itu jelas boleh menimbulkan kekeliruan berikutan ‘tweet’ yang dikeluarkan seolah-olah ditulis oleh pelakon itu.
 Akaun palsu yang dibuat pada 28 Disember tahun lalu itu kini mempunyai 237 pengikut dengan 384 ‘tweet’. Pada 28 Januari lalu, individu tersebut menulis mesej kepada pelakon, Nabila Huda. “Hey sis…How are you? It’s me Elfira…I saw you at La Boca,” tulisnya. Akaun palsu itu juga menulis, “Hi Siti Aisyah is here now
. El ada shooting, so I’ll take care her Twitter for 38 minit.” (Hi Siti Aisyah di sini sekarang. El ada penggambaran, jadi saya akan menjaga Twitternya untuk 38 minit). Melalui interaksi dengan pengikutnya pada 8 Januari lalu, individu itu menyebut nama kedua adik Elfira, Ezzrin dan Ezlisa. “…tapi adik kak tak boleh harap!!…Ezzrin pergi rumah kawan, Ezlisa pergi ‘shopping’! Geramnya,” tulisnya.
 Malah, individu itu juga menjawab pertanyaan peminat Elfira yang bertanya aktiviti pelakon itu serta memuat naik gambar Elfira. Elfira atau nama sebenarnya Nurul Elfira Loy Ahmad Sabri merupakan pelakon meningkat naik yang mula dikenali melalui drama Qalesya pada tahun 2009.
 Terbaru, pelakon kecil molek ini tampil dalam rancangan mencabar, Fear Factor Selebriti Malaysia yang bergandingan dengan Ajak Raja Lawak.

Stadium Negeri di Kuching kecoh dengan kehadiran lebih 1,000 penyokong pasukan bola Sarawak yang hampir merusuh selepas kepenatan menunggu sejak pagi tetapi tiket bagi perlawanan pasukan mereka menentang Sime Darby, esok diumumkan telah habis dijual.
 Sebaik FAS memaklumkan bahawa tiket sudah habis dijual, penyokong pasukan Sarawak yang menunggu sejak pagi berang dan bertindak merempuh pagar stadium kira-kira jam 2 petang tadi bagi mendapatkan penjelasan. Kumpulan penyokong terbabit datang ke stadium seawal 8 pagi untuk mendapatkan tiket berkenaan yang difahamkan akan mula dijual kira-kira jam 2 petang ini.
 Penyokong berkumpul di depan pintu masuk stadium menunggu kehadiran pengurusan FAS dan berlaku sedikit kekecohan apabila segelintir penyokong membaling botol minuman. Sehingga sekarang, penyokong terlibat masih menunggu kehadiran pegawai FAS. Sementara itu, Persatuan Bola Sepak Sarawak (FAS) mengesahkan tiket perlawanan esok, telah habis dijual.
 Presiden FAS Datuk Sudarsono Osman menasihatkan supaya penyokong Sarawak menyaksikan perlawanan siaran langsung di televisyen dari rumah masing-masing.

6.10.13 Unknown

Stadium Negeri di Kuching kecoh dengan kehadiran lebih 1,000 penyokong pasukan bola Sarawak yang hampir merusuh selepas kepenatan menunggu sejak pagi tetapi tiket bagi perlawanan pasukan mereka menentang Sime Darby, esok diumumkan telah habis dijual.
 Sebaik FAS memaklumkan bahawa tiket sudah habis dijual, penyokong pasukan Sarawak yang menunggu sejak pagi berang dan bertindak merempuh pagar stadium kira-kira jam 2 petang tadi bagi mendapatkan penjelasan. Kumpulan penyokong terbabit datang ke stadium seawal 8 pagi untuk mendapatkan tiket berkenaan yang difahamkan akan mula dijual kira-kira jam 2 petang ini.
 Penyokong berkumpul di depan pintu masuk stadium menunggu kehadiran pengurusan FAS dan berlaku sedikit kekecohan apabila segelintir penyokong membaling botol minuman. Sehingga sekarang, penyokong terlibat masih menunggu kehadiran pegawai FAS. Sementara itu, Persatuan Bola Sepak Sarawak (FAS) mengesahkan tiket perlawanan esok, telah habis dijual.
 Presiden FAS Datuk Sudarsono Osman menasihatkan supaya penyokong Sarawak menyaksikan perlawanan siaran langsung di televisyen dari rumah masing-masing.

Pelakon tanah air, Cico Harahap dilihat tanpa segan silu memperlihatkan tatu yang ada di sebelah kanan bahunya sambil memegang tin minuman keras.
 Gambar ini diambil ketika dia sedang bergembira bersama teman-teman di Pulau Perhentian baru-baru ini. Tetapi yang musykil, Cico ni pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa dia sudah berubah dan banyak mendekatkan diri dengan kelas-kelas agama?

6.10.13 Unknown

Pelakon tanah air, Cico Harahap dilihat tanpa segan silu memperlihatkan tatu yang ada di sebelah kanan bahunya sambil memegang tin minuman keras.
 Gambar ini diambil ketika dia sedang bergembira bersama teman-teman di Pulau Perhentian baru-baru ini. Tetapi yang musykil, Cico ni pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa dia sudah berubah dan banyak mendekatkan diri dengan kelas-kelas agama?

Peminat hiburan sedia maklum yang Awie atau nama sebenar beliau Ahmad Azhar Bin Othman telah membuka sebuah kelab malam di Ipoh, Perak beberapa bulan yang lalu.
 Penglibatan Awie dalam perniagaan hiburan ini bukan sahaja mengundang gossip yang beliau semakin kukuh dalam dunia gangster, ianya turut menerima persepsi negatif tentang ‘rezeki’ dari sumber tersebut. “Apa salah saya buka club? Hanya kerana saya seorang artis? Kalau macam itu, pergi tanya Tan Sri Jojo — kenapa dia bukak Hard Rock (Cafe), Saloma (Bistro), Concord. Untuk sembahyang ke?”
 Awie turut meminta sesiapa yang mempertikai tindakan beliau untuk membuka kelab malam ini untuk berhenti bercakap & bukan mereka yang memberi rezeki kepada beliau. “Mereka tidak suap mulut saya dengan nasi — so better stop this stupid question,” tambah Awie yang jelas kesal dengan isu ini. Beliau ditemui media ketika tayangan perdana filem terbaru beliau Husin, Mon Dan Jin Pakai Toncit di ibu kota. Peminat hiburan sedia maklum yang Awie atau nama sebenar beliau Ahmad Azhar Bin Othman telah membuka sebuah kelab malam di Ipoh, Perak beberapa bulan yang lalu.
6.10.13 Unknown

Peminat hiburan sedia maklum yang Awie atau nama sebenar beliau Ahmad Azhar Bin Othman telah membuka sebuah kelab malam di Ipoh, Perak beberapa bulan yang lalu.
 Penglibatan Awie dalam perniagaan hiburan ini bukan sahaja mengundang gossip yang beliau semakin kukuh dalam dunia gangster, ianya turut menerima persepsi negatif tentang ‘rezeki’ dari sumber tersebut. “Apa salah saya buka club? Hanya kerana saya seorang artis? Kalau macam itu, pergi tanya Tan Sri Jojo — kenapa dia bukak Hard Rock (Cafe), Saloma (Bistro), Concord. Untuk sembahyang ke?”
 Awie turut meminta sesiapa yang mempertikai tindakan beliau untuk membuka kelab malam ini untuk berhenti bercakap & bukan mereka yang memberi rezeki kepada beliau. “Mereka tidak suap mulut saya dengan nasi — so better stop this stupid question,” tambah Awie yang jelas kesal dengan isu ini. Beliau ditemui media ketika tayangan perdana filem terbaru beliau Husin, Mon Dan Jin Pakai Toncit di ibu kota. Peminat hiburan sedia maklum yang Awie atau nama sebenar beliau Ahmad Azhar Bin Othman telah membuka sebuah kelab malam di Ipoh, Perak beberapa bulan yang lalu.
Italian film director Carlo Lizzani committed suicide on Saturday by jumping from a third-floor window in Rome at the age of 91, the police said.
 The death comes nearly three years after another well-known director, Mario Monicelli, died the same way, jumping from a hospital window in Rome. Lizzani, who was head of the Venice film festival for three years, began his career just after World War II in 1948 with a documentary about Italian Communist Party leader Palmiro Togliatti.
 He also worked as a writer for famous neo-realist director Roberto Rossellini on his film "Germany Year Zero", which also came out in 1948. "This is a time of great sadness," Ettore Scola, another well-known Italian director, was quoted by the ANSA news agency as saying.
6.10.13 Unknown
Italian film director Carlo Lizzani committed suicide on Saturday by jumping from a third-floor window in Rome at the age of 91, the police said.
 The death comes nearly three years after another well-known director, Mario Monicelli, died the same way, jumping from a hospital window in Rome. Lizzani, who was head of the Venice film festival for three years, began his career just after World War II in 1948 with a documentary about Italian Communist Party leader Palmiro Togliatti.
 He also worked as a writer for famous neo-realist director Roberto Rossellini on his film "Germany Year Zero", which also came out in 1948. "This is a time of great sadness," Ettore Scola, another well-known Italian director, was quoted by the ANSA news agency as saying.
US forces have captured in broad daylight in Libya a long-sought Al-Qaeda operative indicted in the 1998 bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, US media reported.
 The operation to capture the suspect, known as Abu Anas al-Libi, took place with the knowledge of the Libyan government, a US official told CNN. A source close to Libi said the Al-Qaeda leader was "kidnapped" by armed men in Tripoli on Saturday. "He was kidnapped close to his home after dawn prayers by a group of armed men," the source said on condition of anonymity.
 "His family has had no news about him since this morning," the source said. His reported capture was part of apparent twin raids by US special operations forces, after US Navy SEALs were said to have staged a separate assault on a senior Shebab militant leader in southern Somalia, though it was unclear whether he was killed.
 The US government had put a reward of up to $5 million on Libi, who is on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list and was born under the name Nazih Abdul Hamed Al-Raghie. He was indicted in US District Court in New York for allegedly playing a key role in the August 7, 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi.
 The bombings left more than 200 people dead. If confirmed, his capture would end a 15-year manhunt for a key Al-Qaeda operative. It also paves the way for Libi, 49, to be brought to the United States to face trial.
6.10.13 Unknown
US forces have captured in broad daylight in Libya a long-sought Al-Qaeda operative indicted in the 1998 bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, US media reported.
 The operation to capture the suspect, known as Abu Anas al-Libi, took place with the knowledge of the Libyan government, a US official told CNN. A source close to Libi said the Al-Qaeda leader was "kidnapped" by armed men in Tripoli on Saturday. "He was kidnapped close to his home after dawn prayers by a group of armed men," the source said on condition of anonymity.
 "His family has had no news about him since this morning," the source said. His reported capture was part of apparent twin raids by US special operations forces, after US Navy SEALs were said to have staged a separate assault on a senior Shebab militant leader in southern Somalia, though it was unclear whether he was killed.
 The US government had put a reward of up to $5 million on Libi, who is on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list and was born under the name Nazih Abdul Hamed Al-Raghie. He was indicted in US District Court in New York for allegedly playing a key role in the August 7, 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi.
 The bombings left more than 200 people dead. If confirmed, his capture would end a 15-year manhunt for a key Al-Qaeda operative. It also paves the way for Libi, 49, to be brought to the United States to face trial.
Tropical Storm Karen was stationary in the Gulf of Mexico for several hours late Saturday with the center expected near or over southeastern Louisiana overnight into Sunday, forecasters said.
 The storm is expected to bring rain and some coastal flooding before it moves just south of the Gulf Coast from Alabama to the Florida panhandle Sunday night and Monday, according to the National Hurricane Center. At 0001 GMT, Karen was located about 115 miles (185 kilometers) south-southwest of Morgan City, Louisiana, packing maximum sustained winds of 40 mph (64 km/h). A tropical storm warning remained in effect from Grand Isle, Louisiana, to the mouth of the Pearl River.
 All other warnings and watches have been dropped. "Karen is expected to weaken to a tropical depression on Sunday and become a remnant low by Monday," the Miami-based NHC said.

The storm surge "will be accompanied by dangerous waves," with surge-related flooding dependent on the "timing of the surge and the tidal cycle." Karen is forecast to drop between one to three inches of rain (up to 7.6 cm) over the central Gulf Coast and southeastern US region through late Monday. "Isolated storm total amounts of six inches (15.24 cm) are possible," the NHC said. Florida Governor Rick Scott said Saturday that 12 counties were under a local state of emergency and urged residents not to become complacent because the storm was weakening. "As Tropical Storm Karen continues to disorganize, families should still use today as an opportunity to get ready," he said in a statement. "Communities along the panhandle are expected to experience heavy rains, and storm surges are predicted for our coastal regions." Oil prices rose Friday on falling production as companies evacuated staff from sensitive refining and production areas along the Gulf Coast. On Thursday, President Barack Obama was briefed on disaster preparations and his administration recalled emergency workers who had been told to stay home due to a government shutdown linked to a bitter budget dispute.
6.10.13 Unknown
Tropical Storm Karen was stationary in the Gulf of Mexico for several hours late Saturday with the center expected near or over southeastern Louisiana overnight into Sunday, forecasters said.
 The storm is expected to bring rain and some coastal flooding before it moves just south of the Gulf Coast from Alabama to the Florida panhandle Sunday night and Monday, according to the National Hurricane Center. At 0001 GMT, Karen was located about 115 miles (185 kilometers) south-southwest of Morgan City, Louisiana, packing maximum sustained winds of 40 mph (64 km/h). A tropical storm warning remained in effect from Grand Isle, Louisiana, to the mouth of the Pearl River.
 All other warnings and watches have been dropped. "Karen is expected to weaken to a tropical depression on Sunday and become a remnant low by Monday," the Miami-based NHC said.

The storm surge "will be accompanied by dangerous waves," with surge-related flooding dependent on the "timing of the surge and the tidal cycle." Karen is forecast to drop between one to three inches of rain (up to 7.6 cm) over the central Gulf Coast and southeastern US region through late Monday. "Isolated storm total amounts of six inches (15.24 cm) are possible," the NHC said. Florida Governor Rick Scott said Saturday that 12 counties were under a local state of emergency and urged residents not to become complacent because the storm was weakening. "As Tropical Storm Karen continues to disorganize, families should still use today as an opportunity to get ready," he said in a statement. "Communities along the panhandle are expected to experience heavy rains, and storm surges are predicted for our coastal regions." Oil prices rose Friday on falling production as companies evacuated staff from sensitive refining and production areas along the Gulf Coast. On Thursday, President Barack Obama was briefed on disaster preparations and his administration recalled emergency workers who had been told to stay home due to a government shutdown linked to a bitter budget dispute.
Super Junior Datang Malaysia Lagi Pada 23 November!
Sungguhpun sudah banyak kali datang ke Malaysia, ia sedikit pun tidak mematahkan semangat kumpulan K-Pop terkenal, Super Junior untuk turun ke ibu kota bagi menghiburkan peminat setia mereka di sini. Apa yang pasti, Super Junior bakal menggegarkan Stadium Putra, Putra Bukit Jalil sempena Konsert Super Show 5 yang dijadualkan pada 23 November 2013 mulai jam 5 petang.
 Difahamkan, konsert yang terbesar ini bakal menampilkan sisi lain Super Junior yang mana mereka akan mengadakan persembahan menggunakan teknologi 3D (3 Dimensi). Tiket bagi Konsert yang dibawakan khas oleh Air Mineral Spritzer sudah pun mula dijual secara online dengan harga seperti RM658, RM558, RM438, RM388 dan RM238 yang tidak termasuk jumlah caj perkhidmatan sebanyak RM3. .
 Anda juga boleh mendapatkan tiket konsert secara percuma dengan menyertai pertandingan Cornetto Super Jari Menari yang dijalankan di lama facebook Acer Malaysia. Pertandingan ini mula dijalankan pada 8 Oktober dan berakhir pada 21 Oktober 2013.
6.10.13 Unknown
Super Junior Datang Malaysia Lagi Pada 23 November!
Sungguhpun sudah banyak kali datang ke Malaysia, ia sedikit pun tidak mematahkan semangat kumpulan K-Pop terkenal, Super Junior untuk turun ke ibu kota bagi menghiburkan peminat setia mereka di sini. Apa yang pasti, Super Junior bakal menggegarkan Stadium Putra, Putra Bukit Jalil sempena Konsert Super Show 5 yang dijadualkan pada 23 November 2013 mulai jam 5 petang.
 Difahamkan, konsert yang terbesar ini bakal menampilkan sisi lain Super Junior yang mana mereka akan mengadakan persembahan menggunakan teknologi 3D (3 Dimensi). Tiket bagi Konsert yang dibawakan khas oleh Air Mineral Spritzer sudah pun mula dijual secara online dengan harga seperti RM658, RM558, RM438, RM388 dan RM238 yang tidak termasuk jumlah caj perkhidmatan sebanyak RM3. .
 Anda juga boleh mendapatkan tiket konsert secara percuma dengan menyertai pertandingan Cornetto Super Jari Menari yang dijalankan di lama facebook Acer Malaysia. Pertandingan ini mula dijalankan pada 8 Oktober dan berakhir pada 21 Oktober 2013.
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