24 September 2013

Awas jika anda tiba-tiba didatangi seorang kanak-kanak semasa makan. Mungkin ini cara baru untuk ugut duit anda menggunakan kanak-kanak yang kononnya hilang. Baca kisah di bawah dan sebarkan supaya tiada antara kita yang terkena dengan taktik kotor ini. :

 _ _ _ _ _ _ Sedang saya menikmati Tutti Frutti saya.., tiba-tiba datang seorg kanak-kanak lelaki Melayu dlm lingkungan umur 8 tahun. Duduk disebelah meja saya & berkata: Pakcik., mahal tak ice-cream tu? Dia ada jual sikit-sikit tak?

 Saya jawab: Kalau adik ambil banyak, kena la bayar lebih.

 Beliau terus mengajukan soalan demi soalan, tapi saya mendiamkan diri. Mungkin anda anggap saya sombong atau angkuh. Mungkin ada yg berkata: “Ala setakat ice-cream macam tu pun nak berkira, belikan la aje kat budak tu.”

 Sebenarnya rakan saya dah terkena. Beliau didatangi oleh budak seperti ini, & beliau belanja dia Tutti Frutti., duduk berbual dgn budak tu, dlm masa 5 minit 2 lelaki berusia mendekati dia dan berkata “Awak culik anak saya ye”…budak tu pun berkata: Ayah ni la pakcik yang suruh saya naik kereta dia.

 Pendekkan cerita, rakan saya diugut supaya bayar RM1000 kalu tak hendak perkara itu dilaporkan pd polis. “Ayah” budak tu siap tunjuk laporan polis yang dibuat yg mengatakan anak dia hilang & diculik. Untuk tidak kecoh rakan saya ke ATM machine & bayar Ayah budak tu. Mereka hilang setelah mendapat RM1000.

 Inilah cara baru warga kota cari duit di KL ketika musim cuti sekolah ini. Oleh itu, saya berhati-hati & tidak layan budak itu. Bukan saya kedekut tapi mengapa budak 8 tahun jalan seorg diri & datang tanya kat saya pasal ice-cream?
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Anda mungkin mangsa seterusnya. Berhati-hatilah..
24.9.13 Unknown

Awas jika anda tiba-tiba didatangi seorang kanak-kanak semasa makan. Mungkin ini cara baru untuk ugut duit anda menggunakan kanak-kanak yang kononnya hilang. Baca kisah di bawah dan sebarkan supaya tiada antara kita yang terkena dengan taktik kotor ini. :

 _ _ _ _ _ _ Sedang saya menikmati Tutti Frutti saya.., tiba-tiba datang seorg kanak-kanak lelaki Melayu dlm lingkungan umur 8 tahun. Duduk disebelah meja saya & berkata: Pakcik., mahal tak ice-cream tu? Dia ada jual sikit-sikit tak?

 Saya jawab: Kalau adik ambil banyak, kena la bayar lebih.

 Beliau terus mengajukan soalan demi soalan, tapi saya mendiamkan diri. Mungkin anda anggap saya sombong atau angkuh. Mungkin ada yg berkata: “Ala setakat ice-cream macam tu pun nak berkira, belikan la aje kat budak tu.”

 Sebenarnya rakan saya dah terkena. Beliau didatangi oleh budak seperti ini, & beliau belanja dia Tutti Frutti., duduk berbual dgn budak tu, dlm masa 5 minit 2 lelaki berusia mendekati dia dan berkata “Awak culik anak saya ye”…budak tu pun berkata: Ayah ni la pakcik yang suruh saya naik kereta dia.

 Pendekkan cerita, rakan saya diugut supaya bayar RM1000 kalu tak hendak perkara itu dilaporkan pd polis. “Ayah” budak tu siap tunjuk laporan polis yang dibuat yg mengatakan anak dia hilang & diculik. Untuk tidak kecoh rakan saya ke ATM machine & bayar Ayah budak tu. Mereka hilang setelah mendapat RM1000.

 Inilah cara baru warga kota cari duit di KL ketika musim cuti sekolah ini. Oleh itu, saya berhati-hati & tidak layan budak itu. Bukan saya kedekut tapi mengapa budak 8 tahun jalan seorg diri & datang tanya kat saya pasal ice-cream?
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Anda mungkin mangsa seterusnya. Berhati-hatilah..
Diserang Pelesit Selepas Bantu Artis Popular
Ayoyo. Apalah nak jadi dengan dunia seni hiburan tempatan sekarang ni. Macam-macam cerita kotor yang Murai Batu dengar. Kebanyakan cerita itu seperti dalam filem atau drama yang dilakonkan artis tertentu. Macam setengah orang kata, selalu sangat berlakon ia boleh jadi realiti.
 Apapun, Murai Batu terkejut selepas mendapat tahu seorang insan yang bekerjaya sebagai event organizer telah diserang pelesit. Atau lebih tepat lagi terkena buatan orang. Dengarnya, perkara ini terjadi selepas individu tersebut berjaya membantu artis popular ini membuat sebuah majlis yang melibatkan ramai pengunjung
. Menurut sumber, insan murni itu sekarang ini sedang derita sakit dan seluruh badannya mengalami lebam. Apabila diperiksa, insan itu dilaporkan terkena buatan orang dan ia datang dari orang yang tidak puas hati dengan artis yang dibantu itu. Orang yang menghantar pelesit itu dikatakan sanggup berbuat begitu kerana duit.
 Walaupun mangsa masih lagi belum mempunyai bukti yang kukuh terhadap orang yang menghantar pelesit itu, hakikatnya, mereka yang terlibat dengan majlis tersebut mengambil langkah berjaga. Yelah, Murai Batu dapat tahu macam-macam perkara terjadi sebelum dan selepas majlis yang melibatkan artis popular ini.
24.9.13 Unknown
Diserang Pelesit Selepas Bantu Artis Popular
Ayoyo. Apalah nak jadi dengan dunia seni hiburan tempatan sekarang ni. Macam-macam cerita kotor yang Murai Batu dengar. Kebanyakan cerita itu seperti dalam filem atau drama yang dilakonkan artis tertentu. Macam setengah orang kata, selalu sangat berlakon ia boleh jadi realiti.
 Apapun, Murai Batu terkejut selepas mendapat tahu seorang insan yang bekerjaya sebagai event organizer telah diserang pelesit. Atau lebih tepat lagi terkena buatan orang. Dengarnya, perkara ini terjadi selepas individu tersebut berjaya membantu artis popular ini membuat sebuah majlis yang melibatkan ramai pengunjung
. Menurut sumber, insan murni itu sekarang ini sedang derita sakit dan seluruh badannya mengalami lebam. Apabila diperiksa, insan itu dilaporkan terkena buatan orang dan ia datang dari orang yang tidak puas hati dengan artis yang dibantu itu. Orang yang menghantar pelesit itu dikatakan sanggup berbuat begitu kerana duit.
 Walaupun mangsa masih lagi belum mempunyai bukti yang kukuh terhadap orang yang menghantar pelesit itu, hakikatnya, mereka yang terlibat dengan majlis tersebut mengambil langkah berjaga. Yelah, Murai Batu dapat tahu macam-macam perkara terjadi sebelum dan selepas majlis yang melibatkan artis popular ini.
Fans Tak Puas Tengok MPO Rocks, Ella, Man Kidal, Mus?
Dewan Filharmonik Petronas (DFP) yang sebelum ini dikenali dengan persembahan avant-garde memukau dari pemuzik orkestra serta penyanyi antarabangsa seluruh dunia bertukar atmosfera apabila dipanaskan dengan persembahan rockestra MPO Rocks oleh 3 rocker tegar terkenal negara.
 Ratu rock tempatan Ella, gitaris tersohor Man Kidal dan Mus, vokalis hebat dari kumpulan May yang telah diberi penghormatan membuat persembahan rock pertama di pentas DFP dan peluang ini telah memanfaatkan peluang tersebut apabila tampil bertenaga sekaligus menggamatkan pentas ini dengan gegaran muzik rock mereka.
 MPO Rocks merupakan salah satu segmen yang terdapat dalam kalender tahunan DFP sempena DFP Senifest 2013 yang bermula awal Isnin minggu lalu. Genre rock buat pertama kalinya telah mendominasi pentas ini dengan iringan muzik daripada Malaysia Philharmonic Orchestra dan lontaran vokal serta petikan gitar daripada 3 lagenda rock negara ini.
 Kehangatan pentas mula dipanaskan seawal jam 8.30 malam oleh gitaris kumpulan rock Lefthanded, Man Kidal dengan persembahan pembukaan yang memukau menerusi lagu Seruan dan lagu tema The Godfather bersama iringan MPO. Tiba giliran Mus tampil mengambil alih pentas dengan seleksi lagu seperti Hakikat diikuti medley dari lagu hits kumpulan May iaitu Sinar dan Sendirian.
 Persembahan diteruskan dengan dendangan mantap menerusi Pelayaran, Srikandi Cintaku sebelum ditutup dengan lagu daripada Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven. Sekali lagi Man Kidal tampil ke pentas dengan gitarnya memainkan Sentuhan Kidal sebelum menampilkan satu-satunya bunga di dalam arena muzik rock di negara ini iaitu Ella ke pentas.
 Penantian peminat terbalas dengan persembahan bertenaga daripada Ella melantunkan lagu patriotik Standing In The Eyes of The World. Tampil dalam persalinan gaun kembang ala victorian rona hitam putih menyerlahkan gaya ratu rock sejati kala menyarungkan busana direka khas Rizman Ruzaini ini, Ella yang cukup dikenali dengan gayanya yang manja itu tekah berinteraksi secara ringkas dengan penonton sebelum meneruskan persembahannya yang berlangsung kira-kira 30 minit itu.
 Layar Impian menggamit memori zaman kegemilangan Ella yang diberi sentuhan baru dari segi cara nyanyiannya ditambah pula vokal Ella yang tetap unggul sama seperti dahulu. Medley menggabungkan 3 lagu hits iaitu Rindu, Sembilu dan Sepi Sekuntum Mawah Merah.
 Hits-hits daripada Ella yang kekal evergreen hingga kini membuatkan para penonton turut sama menyanyikan lagu seterusnya iaitu Dua Insan Bercinta sebelum menutupnya dengan lagu Kesal di mana Ella tetap tidak meninggalkan signature rock dengan melakukan headbanging. Walaupun ramai yang masih belum puas dengan persembahan Ella, Mus kembali ke pentas dan sorakan bergema kala muzik mula dimainkan. Highway Star, hits daripada kumpulan rock Led Zeppelin menjadi penutup persembahan MPO Rocks yang merupakan percubaan pertama DFP memartabatkan lagu serta pemuzik rock di negara ini
. Persembahan daripada trio otai rock ini telah diiringi oleh Malaysia Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) dipimpin oleh konduktor muzik Ahmad Muriz Che Rose dan Dato` Ramli M.S bertindak selaku pengarah artistik bagi keseluruhan persembahan MPO Rocks.
24.9.13 Unknown
Fans Tak Puas Tengok MPO Rocks, Ella, Man Kidal, Mus?
Dewan Filharmonik Petronas (DFP) yang sebelum ini dikenali dengan persembahan avant-garde memukau dari pemuzik orkestra serta penyanyi antarabangsa seluruh dunia bertukar atmosfera apabila dipanaskan dengan persembahan rockestra MPO Rocks oleh 3 rocker tegar terkenal negara.
 Ratu rock tempatan Ella, gitaris tersohor Man Kidal dan Mus, vokalis hebat dari kumpulan May yang telah diberi penghormatan membuat persembahan rock pertama di pentas DFP dan peluang ini telah memanfaatkan peluang tersebut apabila tampil bertenaga sekaligus menggamatkan pentas ini dengan gegaran muzik rock mereka.
 MPO Rocks merupakan salah satu segmen yang terdapat dalam kalender tahunan DFP sempena DFP Senifest 2013 yang bermula awal Isnin minggu lalu. Genre rock buat pertama kalinya telah mendominasi pentas ini dengan iringan muzik daripada Malaysia Philharmonic Orchestra dan lontaran vokal serta petikan gitar daripada 3 lagenda rock negara ini.
 Kehangatan pentas mula dipanaskan seawal jam 8.30 malam oleh gitaris kumpulan rock Lefthanded, Man Kidal dengan persembahan pembukaan yang memukau menerusi lagu Seruan dan lagu tema The Godfather bersama iringan MPO. Tiba giliran Mus tampil mengambil alih pentas dengan seleksi lagu seperti Hakikat diikuti medley dari lagu hits kumpulan May iaitu Sinar dan Sendirian.
 Persembahan diteruskan dengan dendangan mantap menerusi Pelayaran, Srikandi Cintaku sebelum ditutup dengan lagu daripada Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven. Sekali lagi Man Kidal tampil ke pentas dengan gitarnya memainkan Sentuhan Kidal sebelum menampilkan satu-satunya bunga di dalam arena muzik rock di negara ini iaitu Ella ke pentas.
 Penantian peminat terbalas dengan persembahan bertenaga daripada Ella melantunkan lagu patriotik Standing In The Eyes of The World. Tampil dalam persalinan gaun kembang ala victorian rona hitam putih menyerlahkan gaya ratu rock sejati kala menyarungkan busana direka khas Rizman Ruzaini ini, Ella yang cukup dikenali dengan gayanya yang manja itu tekah berinteraksi secara ringkas dengan penonton sebelum meneruskan persembahannya yang berlangsung kira-kira 30 minit itu.
 Layar Impian menggamit memori zaman kegemilangan Ella yang diberi sentuhan baru dari segi cara nyanyiannya ditambah pula vokal Ella yang tetap unggul sama seperti dahulu. Medley menggabungkan 3 lagu hits iaitu Rindu, Sembilu dan Sepi Sekuntum Mawah Merah.
 Hits-hits daripada Ella yang kekal evergreen hingga kini membuatkan para penonton turut sama menyanyikan lagu seterusnya iaitu Dua Insan Bercinta sebelum menutupnya dengan lagu Kesal di mana Ella tetap tidak meninggalkan signature rock dengan melakukan headbanging. Walaupun ramai yang masih belum puas dengan persembahan Ella, Mus kembali ke pentas dan sorakan bergema kala muzik mula dimainkan. Highway Star, hits daripada kumpulan rock Led Zeppelin menjadi penutup persembahan MPO Rocks yang merupakan percubaan pertama DFP memartabatkan lagu serta pemuzik rock di negara ini
. Persembahan daripada trio otai rock ini telah diiringi oleh Malaysia Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) dipimpin oleh konduktor muzik Ahmad Muriz Che Rose dan Dato` Ramli M.S bertindak selaku pengarah artistik bagi keseluruhan persembahan MPO Rocks.
MeleTOP: Intan, Kilafairy Jawab Isu Ancam Perkahwinan
Nama Intan Ladyana dan Kilafairy bukan lagi asing dalam dunia hiburan tanah air kita. Namun kedua-dua aktres cantik ini dikhabarkan telah bermasam muka baru-baru ini.
 Intan Ladyana dilihat begitu menyerlah dengan lakonannya dalam siri filem Adnan Sempit dan juga filem Bini-Biniku Gangster. Manakalah Kilafairy yang merupakan anak kepada penyanyi popular era 80-an, Rohana Jalil mula mencipta nama menerusi lakonannya dalam filem Karak.
 Kini Intan Ladyana dan Kilafairy dikatakan tidak sebulu akibat terpaksa bekerjasama untuk sebuah majlis resepsi perkahwinan. Malah keduanya nekad untuk merosakkan majlis perkahwinan itu hanya semata-mata untuk mengenakan antara satu sama lain. Mengapa pula?
 Rupa-rupanya ketidaksefahaman ini hanyalah skrip terbaru untuk telefilem lakonan mereka, Pengancam Perkahwinan dan keduanya akan hadir malam ini dalam program MeleTOP untuk membincangan pembabitan mereka dalam telefilem tersebut.
 Selain itu, aktres jelita Lisa Surihani juga akan turut hadir pada malam ini dan apa pula soalan panas yang akan ditanyakan oleh hos Nabil Ahmad dan Neelofa kepada isteri Yusry KRU ini? Bersediakah Lisa untuk melayan keletah nakal dari pasangan hos MeleTOP ini?
 Saksikan juga persembahan penyanyi cilik dari Indonesia, Tegar yang akan menyampaikan lagu AKu Yang Dulu Bukan Yang Sekarang secara live di MeleTOP.
24.9.13 Unknown
MeleTOP: Intan, Kilafairy Jawab Isu Ancam Perkahwinan
Nama Intan Ladyana dan Kilafairy bukan lagi asing dalam dunia hiburan tanah air kita. Namun kedua-dua aktres cantik ini dikhabarkan telah bermasam muka baru-baru ini.
 Intan Ladyana dilihat begitu menyerlah dengan lakonannya dalam siri filem Adnan Sempit dan juga filem Bini-Biniku Gangster. Manakalah Kilafairy yang merupakan anak kepada penyanyi popular era 80-an, Rohana Jalil mula mencipta nama menerusi lakonannya dalam filem Karak.
 Kini Intan Ladyana dan Kilafairy dikatakan tidak sebulu akibat terpaksa bekerjasama untuk sebuah majlis resepsi perkahwinan. Malah keduanya nekad untuk merosakkan majlis perkahwinan itu hanya semata-mata untuk mengenakan antara satu sama lain. Mengapa pula?
 Rupa-rupanya ketidaksefahaman ini hanyalah skrip terbaru untuk telefilem lakonan mereka, Pengancam Perkahwinan dan keduanya akan hadir malam ini dalam program MeleTOP untuk membincangan pembabitan mereka dalam telefilem tersebut.
 Selain itu, aktres jelita Lisa Surihani juga akan turut hadir pada malam ini dan apa pula soalan panas yang akan ditanyakan oleh hos Nabil Ahmad dan Neelofa kepada isteri Yusry KRU ini? Bersediakah Lisa untuk melayan keletah nakal dari pasangan hos MeleTOP ini?
 Saksikan juga persembahan penyanyi cilik dari Indonesia, Tegar yang akan menyampaikan lagu AKu Yang Dulu Bukan Yang Sekarang secara live di MeleTOP.
Sambut Ulang Tahun Ke-9, Kotak Beraksi di Ancol!
Di kalangan peminat muzik Malaysia, nama Kotak mungkin masih asing di halwa telinga anda. Hakikatnya, mereka sudah lama mewarnai industri muzik di Indonesia.
 Malah, pada 27 September ini, Kotak bakal meraikan ulang tahun kesembilan mereka setelah menubuhkan band mereka itu pada 27 September 2004 menerusi sebuah program TV, The Dream Band yang disiarkan oleh stesen Trans7. Sejak dari penubuhannya, kumpulan Kotak telah beberapa kali bertukar ahli kumpulan dan kini dianggotai oleh Tantri (vokal), Cella (gitar) dan Chua (bass).
 Namun, sepanjang penubuhan mereka, Kotak berjaya mencuri peluang untuk berkolaborasi bersama dengan kumpulan muzik antarabangsa, Simple Plan dalam sebuah single berjudul 'Jet Lag'. Selain daripada itu, mereka juga berjaya mengeluarkan 4 album studio dengan beberapa pencapaian dan anugerah daripada Industri Muzik Indonesia dan Anugerah Planet Muzik
. Bersempena dengan ulangtahun ke-9 kumpulan Kotak yang popular dengan lagu Masih Cinta, Pelan-pelan Saja dan "Beraksi" bakal mengadakan 'Konsert Energi' sebagai hadiah dan bukti betapa tinggi semangat mereka dalam memperjuangkan lagu dan muzik untuk peminat-peminat mereka.
 Menariknya, Konsert Energi mereka itu baka diadakan di Mata Elang Indoor Stadium (MEIS) , Ancol, Jakarta aitu yang mana sama dengan lokasi Justin Bieber mengadakan konsert di sana tidak lama dulu. Konsert yang diadakan secara percuma dan secara undangan buat peminat Kotak yang digelar Kerabat Kotak ini juga akan diadakan dalam dua bahagian dan bahagian kedua akan disiarkan secara langsung di stesen Trans7!
24.9.13 Unknown
Sambut Ulang Tahun Ke-9, Kotak Beraksi di Ancol!
Di kalangan peminat muzik Malaysia, nama Kotak mungkin masih asing di halwa telinga anda. Hakikatnya, mereka sudah lama mewarnai industri muzik di Indonesia.
 Malah, pada 27 September ini, Kotak bakal meraikan ulang tahun kesembilan mereka setelah menubuhkan band mereka itu pada 27 September 2004 menerusi sebuah program TV, The Dream Band yang disiarkan oleh stesen Trans7. Sejak dari penubuhannya, kumpulan Kotak telah beberapa kali bertukar ahli kumpulan dan kini dianggotai oleh Tantri (vokal), Cella (gitar) dan Chua (bass).
 Namun, sepanjang penubuhan mereka, Kotak berjaya mencuri peluang untuk berkolaborasi bersama dengan kumpulan muzik antarabangsa, Simple Plan dalam sebuah single berjudul 'Jet Lag'. Selain daripada itu, mereka juga berjaya mengeluarkan 4 album studio dengan beberapa pencapaian dan anugerah daripada Industri Muzik Indonesia dan Anugerah Planet Muzik
. Bersempena dengan ulangtahun ke-9 kumpulan Kotak yang popular dengan lagu Masih Cinta, Pelan-pelan Saja dan "Beraksi" bakal mengadakan 'Konsert Energi' sebagai hadiah dan bukti betapa tinggi semangat mereka dalam memperjuangkan lagu dan muzik untuk peminat-peminat mereka.
 Menariknya, Konsert Energi mereka itu baka diadakan di Mata Elang Indoor Stadium (MEIS) , Ancol, Jakarta aitu yang mana sama dengan lokasi Justin Bieber mengadakan konsert di sana tidak lama dulu. Konsert yang diadakan secara percuma dan secara undangan buat peminat Kotak yang digelar Kerabat Kotak ini juga akan diadakan dalam dua bahagian dan bahagian kedua akan disiarkan secara langsung di stesen Trans7!
2 Kali Jumpa, Adam Nikahi Fiza Khamis Ini, Jam 10 Pagi!
Bintang Akademi Fantasia 2 (AF2), Adam nekad memperisterikan pelakon, Fiza Elite selepas dua kali berjumpa dengan pelakon dan penyanyi itu bermula pada pertengahan Ramadan lalu. Keputusan itu dibuat selepas dia tertarik atau tertawan dengan keperibadian Fiza.
 Lantaran itu, Adam turut membawa Fiza berjumpa keluarganya pada sambutan Aidilfitri lepas. Setelah mendapat restu daripada pihak keluarganya, Adam kini sibuk membuat persiapan majlis pernikahan yang akan diadakan di Jabatan Agama Islam (JAIS), Shah Alam pada Khamis, 26 September 2013, jam 10 pagi.  Debot diberitahu, majlis pernikahan tersebut hanya akan dibuat secara sederhana tanpa majis jamuan makan. Malah, majlis pertunangan juga tidak akan dibuat
. Bagaimanapun, Adam bakal mengadakan majlis resepsi di sebelah pihak keluarganya di Inanam, Sabah yang dijadualkan berlangsung seminggu selepas bernikah. Difahamkan, Adam mengenali Fiza selepas dia berjumpa dengan bekas anggota Elite itu dalam sebuah majlis di bulan puasa. Sungguhpun Fiza pernah berkahwin, kedua-dua figura ini masih lagi perlu mengikuti kursus perkahwinan dan kedua-dua mereka telah pun menjalani kursus tersebut di Pejabat Mara Kuala Lumpur pada 2 minggu lalu.
 Apapun, tarikh untuk bernikah pada Khamis ini diperoleh Adam pada jam 5 petang semalam selepas pihak Jais mengesahkan ada kekosongan untuk bernikah di JAIS. Apa yang pasti, Adam pada mulanya mahu bernikah pada hari lahirnya iaitu 19 September lalu tetapi terpaksa menundakan niatnya itu disebabkan proses permohonan masih belum selesai serta tiada juru nikah yang ada yang boleh menikahkan mereka pada hari tersebut.
24.9.13 Unknown
2 Kali Jumpa, Adam Nikahi Fiza Khamis Ini, Jam 10 Pagi!
Bintang Akademi Fantasia 2 (AF2), Adam nekad memperisterikan pelakon, Fiza Elite selepas dua kali berjumpa dengan pelakon dan penyanyi itu bermula pada pertengahan Ramadan lalu. Keputusan itu dibuat selepas dia tertarik atau tertawan dengan keperibadian Fiza.
 Lantaran itu, Adam turut membawa Fiza berjumpa keluarganya pada sambutan Aidilfitri lepas. Setelah mendapat restu daripada pihak keluarganya, Adam kini sibuk membuat persiapan majlis pernikahan yang akan diadakan di Jabatan Agama Islam (JAIS), Shah Alam pada Khamis, 26 September 2013, jam 10 pagi.  Debot diberitahu, majlis pernikahan tersebut hanya akan dibuat secara sederhana tanpa majis jamuan makan. Malah, majlis pertunangan juga tidak akan dibuat
. Bagaimanapun, Adam bakal mengadakan majlis resepsi di sebelah pihak keluarganya di Inanam, Sabah yang dijadualkan berlangsung seminggu selepas bernikah. Difahamkan, Adam mengenali Fiza selepas dia berjumpa dengan bekas anggota Elite itu dalam sebuah majlis di bulan puasa. Sungguhpun Fiza pernah berkahwin, kedua-dua figura ini masih lagi perlu mengikuti kursus perkahwinan dan kedua-dua mereka telah pun menjalani kursus tersebut di Pejabat Mara Kuala Lumpur pada 2 minggu lalu.
 Apapun, tarikh untuk bernikah pada Khamis ini diperoleh Adam pada jam 5 petang semalam selepas pihak Jais mengesahkan ada kekosongan untuk bernikah di JAIS. Apa yang pasti, Adam pada mulanya mahu bernikah pada hari lahirnya iaitu 19 September lalu tetapi terpaksa menundakan niatnya itu disebabkan proses permohonan masih belum selesai serta tiada juru nikah yang ada yang boleh menikahkan mereka pada hari tersebut.

Ramai hanya menganggap kelab bola sepak Inggeris, Manchester City hanya berevolusi dalam erti kata lain mengubah wajah kelab dengan membawa ternama sahaja kebelakangan ini.
 Barangkali kelab itu lebih dikenali kerana berbelanja besar dalam hal pembelian pemain sejak Sheikh Mansour mengambil alih pemilikannya pada 2008, tetapi beliau sebenar juga sedang membina masa depan yang hebat untuk kelab itu.
 Dibawah bilionair Arab itu, Manchester City mampu memenangi gelaran liga dan Piala FA, tetapi harganya bukan murah bagi menamatkan penantian menjulang trofi selama 35 tahun. Di era Mark Hughes, pengurus itu berbelanja GBP200 juta (RM1,029 bilion) selama 18 bulan mengendalikan kelab itu, manakala Roberto Mancini GBP285 juta (RM1,466 bilion).
 Namun dalam diam-diam City sudah mempunyai rancangan luar biasa terhadap masa depan kelab itu dengan pembinaan Kampus Etihad yang berkeluasan 80 ekar, projek jangka masa panjang yang dijangka siap sepenuhnya yang bernilai GBP100 juta (RM514.6 juta). Di awal perancangannya, pemain The Citizens akan menjadi kelompok pertama yang berpindah ke tempat baru itu pada tahun hadapan dari Kompleks latihan Carrington dengan kemudahan gim dan pusat kecergasan.
 Kerja-kerja pembinaannya sudah dimulakan akhir tahun lalu dan, pada tahun hadapan pengurusan sudah pun merancang untuk membesarkan stadium. Ideanya bukan sahaja sebagai sebagai kompleks latihan pasukan, tetapi ia juga bakal menempatkan setiap peringkat kelab itu dengan adanya akademi untuk menempatkan 400 pemain muda, kemudahan kelas belajar untuk 200 orang. 12 daripada 16.5 padang yang dibangunkan pula khusus untuk pemain berusia 8 ke 21 tahun bagi melahirkan pemain berkualiti di masa akan datang.
 Dengan itu sebuah stadium berkapasiti 7000 tempat duduk turut berada dalam perancangan bagi membolehkan pemain remaja mempunyai gelanggang sendiri berkelas satu sebagai satu pendedahan awal bagi karier mereka nanti. Selain menjanjikan peluang kerja yang banyak di masa akan datang, pengurusan kelab juga berikrar memastikan 90 peratus bahan pembinaan yang dibuat adalah daripada tempatan.
24.9.13 Unknown

Ramai hanya menganggap kelab bola sepak Inggeris, Manchester City hanya berevolusi dalam erti kata lain mengubah wajah kelab dengan membawa ternama sahaja kebelakangan ini.
 Barangkali kelab itu lebih dikenali kerana berbelanja besar dalam hal pembelian pemain sejak Sheikh Mansour mengambil alih pemilikannya pada 2008, tetapi beliau sebenar juga sedang membina masa depan yang hebat untuk kelab itu.
 Dibawah bilionair Arab itu, Manchester City mampu memenangi gelaran liga dan Piala FA, tetapi harganya bukan murah bagi menamatkan penantian menjulang trofi selama 35 tahun. Di era Mark Hughes, pengurus itu berbelanja GBP200 juta (RM1,029 bilion) selama 18 bulan mengendalikan kelab itu, manakala Roberto Mancini GBP285 juta (RM1,466 bilion).
 Namun dalam diam-diam City sudah mempunyai rancangan luar biasa terhadap masa depan kelab itu dengan pembinaan Kampus Etihad yang berkeluasan 80 ekar, projek jangka masa panjang yang dijangka siap sepenuhnya yang bernilai GBP100 juta (RM514.6 juta). Di awal perancangannya, pemain The Citizens akan menjadi kelompok pertama yang berpindah ke tempat baru itu pada tahun hadapan dari Kompleks latihan Carrington dengan kemudahan gim dan pusat kecergasan.
 Kerja-kerja pembinaannya sudah dimulakan akhir tahun lalu dan, pada tahun hadapan pengurusan sudah pun merancang untuk membesarkan stadium. Ideanya bukan sahaja sebagai sebagai kompleks latihan pasukan, tetapi ia juga bakal menempatkan setiap peringkat kelab itu dengan adanya akademi untuk menempatkan 400 pemain muda, kemudahan kelas belajar untuk 200 orang. 12 daripada 16.5 padang yang dibangunkan pula khusus untuk pemain berusia 8 ke 21 tahun bagi melahirkan pemain berkualiti di masa akan datang.
 Dengan itu sebuah stadium berkapasiti 7000 tempat duduk turut berada dalam perancangan bagi membolehkan pemain remaja mempunyai gelanggang sendiri berkelas satu sebagai satu pendedahan awal bagi karier mereka nanti. Selain menjanjikan peluang kerja yang banyak di masa akan datang, pengurusan kelab juga berikrar memastikan 90 peratus bahan pembinaan yang dibuat adalah daripada tempatan.
In this Tuesday, May 17, 2011 file photo, the exterior of an Abercrombie & Fitch store is shown in Palo Alto, Calif. Pic: AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File
In this Tuesday, May 17, 2011 file photo, the exterior of an Abercrombie & Fitch store is shown in Palo Alto, Calif. RETAILER Abercrombie & Fitch has agreed to allow staff to wear head scarves and other religious clothing as part of a settlement in two discrimination lawsuits.
 The retailer will now allow hijabs, the traditional head scarves worn by many Muslim women when in public. One judge determined the company fired a Muslim worker from a California store, while another judge said it refused to hire another woman in the state because of their refusal to remove their hijabs during work The rulings came after the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed lawsuits on behalf of both women.
 In court papers filed on Friday, Abercrombie agreed to pay the women a combined USD71,000 and unspecified attorney fees. Additionally, it has established an appeals process for workers who believe they were denied religious accommodations.
 "Abercrombie & Fitch does not discriminate based on religion, and we grant reasonable religious accommodations when they are requested,'' the company said in a statement. "With respect to hijabs, in particular, we determined three years ago to institute policy changes that would allow such headwear." Abercrombie will pay Hani Khan USD48,000 after firing her four months after she began working in the company's San Mateo store in 2009.
 She had been allowed to wear a hijab that matched the company's colors until a district manager visited the store in February 2010 and saw her for the first time in a hijab. Khan was fired soon after when the company determined hijabs violated the company's "look policy'' and detracted from its brand, the lawsuit stated. "It wasn't about the money,'' Khan, 23, said at a San Francisco news conference.
 "It was a matter of principle.'' Khan recently graduated from college and is looking for work. Halla Banafa will receive USD23,000 to settle her lawsuit that alleged Abercrombie discriminated by refusing to give her a job at its Milpitas store in 2008 when she was 18. Khan's trial had been scheduled to begin in Oakland on September 30.
 A judge previously found that Abercrombie was liable for discrimination and all that was left for jurors to decide was how much Abercrombie should pay and what it needed to do to rectify the policy.
24.9.13 Unknown
In this Tuesday, May 17, 2011 file photo, the exterior of an Abercrombie & Fitch store is shown in Palo Alto, Calif. Pic: AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File
In this Tuesday, May 17, 2011 file photo, the exterior of an Abercrombie & Fitch store is shown in Palo Alto, Calif. RETAILER Abercrombie & Fitch has agreed to allow staff to wear head scarves and other religious clothing as part of a settlement in two discrimination lawsuits.
 The retailer will now allow hijabs, the traditional head scarves worn by many Muslim women when in public. One judge determined the company fired a Muslim worker from a California store, while another judge said it refused to hire another woman in the state because of their refusal to remove their hijabs during work The rulings came after the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed lawsuits on behalf of both women.
 In court papers filed on Friday, Abercrombie agreed to pay the women a combined USD71,000 and unspecified attorney fees. Additionally, it has established an appeals process for workers who believe they were denied religious accommodations.
 "Abercrombie & Fitch does not discriminate based on religion, and we grant reasonable religious accommodations when they are requested,'' the company said in a statement. "With respect to hijabs, in particular, we determined three years ago to institute policy changes that would allow such headwear." Abercrombie will pay Hani Khan USD48,000 after firing her four months after she began working in the company's San Mateo store in 2009.
 She had been allowed to wear a hijab that matched the company's colors until a district manager visited the store in February 2010 and saw her for the first time in a hijab. Khan was fired soon after when the company determined hijabs violated the company's "look policy'' and detracted from its brand, the lawsuit stated. "It wasn't about the money,'' Khan, 23, said at a San Francisco news conference.
 "It was a matter of principle.'' Khan recently graduated from college and is looking for work. Halla Banafa will receive USD23,000 to settle her lawsuit that alleged Abercrombie discriminated by refusing to give her a job at its Milpitas store in 2008 when she was 18. Khan's trial had been scheduled to begin in Oakland on September 30.
 A judge previously found that Abercrombie was liable for discrimination and all that was left for jurors to decide was how much Abercrombie should pay and what it needed to do to rectify the policy.
Bed fellow: The crafty crocodile
A SAFARI lodge boss spent a real-life night on the reptiles ... after this eight foot croc crept under his bed. The clever beast spent more than eight hours lying quietly, just inches beneath dozing Guy Whittall.
 Next morning Guy, 40, sat on the bed organising his day, unaware the crocodile lay beside his dangling feet. He left and was only alerted to his odd room-mate by a maid’s screams. The croc was pulled out of Humani Lodge, Zimbabwe, and set free. The ex-Test cricketer said later: “Crocs know how to keep quiet. "I’m sure everyone in Humani checks under their beds now.”

Ex-Zimbabwe Test cricketer Guy Whittall
Ex-Zimbabwe Test cricketer Guy Whittall
24.9.13 Unknown
Bed fellow: The crafty crocodile
A SAFARI lodge boss spent a real-life night on the reptiles ... after this eight foot croc crept under his bed. The clever beast spent more than eight hours lying quietly, just inches beneath dozing Guy Whittall.
 Next morning Guy, 40, sat on the bed organising his day, unaware the crocodile lay beside his dangling feet. He left and was only alerted to his odd room-mate by a maid’s screams. The croc was pulled out of Humani Lodge, Zimbabwe, and set free. The ex-Test cricketer said later: “Crocs know how to keep quiet. "I’m sure everyone in Humani checks under their beds now.”

Ex-Zimbabwe Test cricketer Guy Whittall
Ex-Zimbabwe Test cricketer Guy Whittall
A man has posted this photo to Facebook of a mouse he says ate his wages. Pics: Facebook
A man has posted this photo to Facebook of a mouse he says ate his wages.

 RAMALLAH: A Palestinian man has retaliated against a mouse that chewed through some of his wages by suspending the animal by its limbs and posting an image on Facebook. The man, who lives in Gaza but is originally from the city of Hebron in the West Bank, tied the mouse to ropes to avenge the mouse’s actions in sneaking into the Palestinian’s closet and eating 3 banknotes of ILS200 Shekels each (RM181) of the man’s pay. The man claimed he had just received his weekly salary and had hidden it from view for safety. His actions come amid extreme and unprecedented economic conditions faced in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, the West Bank and Gaza.

The money which appears to have been chewed by a mouse.
The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) has delayed cashing in public worker salaries for several months in the West Bank due to shortages brought about in part by Israeli withholding of Palestinian funds. Several comments have been posted about the incident.
 One commenter made a tongue in cheek remark that that the issue should be brought to the UN General Assembly and the Security Council which should immediately act to release the mouse. A second comment criticized the man’s actions, claiming it is unacceptable to act this way with creatures which cause little harm to human beings.
 A third comment said that the incident was a comic scene which shows the value of money for Palestinian public workers.
24.9.13 Unknown
A man has posted this photo to Facebook of a mouse he says ate his wages. Pics: Facebook
A man has posted this photo to Facebook of a mouse he says ate his wages.

 RAMALLAH: A Palestinian man has retaliated against a mouse that chewed through some of his wages by suspending the animal by its limbs and posting an image on Facebook. The man, who lives in Gaza but is originally from the city of Hebron in the West Bank, tied the mouse to ropes to avenge the mouse’s actions in sneaking into the Palestinian’s closet and eating 3 banknotes of ILS200 Shekels each (RM181) of the man’s pay. The man claimed he had just received his weekly salary and had hidden it from view for safety. His actions come amid extreme and unprecedented economic conditions faced in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, the West Bank and Gaza.

The money which appears to have been chewed by a mouse.
The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) has delayed cashing in public worker salaries for several months in the West Bank due to shortages brought about in part by Israeli withholding of Palestinian funds. Several comments have been posted about the incident.
 One commenter made a tongue in cheek remark that that the issue should be brought to the UN General Assembly and the Security Council which should immediately act to release the mouse. A second comment criticized the man’s actions, claiming it is unacceptable to act this way with creatures which cause little harm to human beings.
 A third comment said that the incident was a comic scene which shows the value of money for Palestinian public workers.
ROMPIN: Police on Monday detained three national service trainees, aged between 18 and 20, to assist in the investigations into the death of a fellow trainee at the Pinggiran Pelangi camp in Muadzam Shah near here. Rompin OCPD Deputy Supt Johari Jahaya said the case has been classified as murder following a post-mortem report on Muhammad Suhaimi Norhamidi who was found unconcious on the bathroom floor of the camp on Sunday. "The report revealed that the victim died of internal bleeding in the head due to blunt trauma. "All three trainees have been remanded until Sept 30," he said when contacted. DSP Johari said police would investigate all angles including the possibility of a fight occurring among the trainees which led to the victim's death. Muhammad Suhaimi, 18, from Kerdau, died without regaining consciousness. National Service Training Department acting director-general Rozainor Ramli said a special unit had been set up to investigate the case. A check at the camp showed that the gates were locked to stop visitors. A security guard said he was directed not to allow any visitors or media personnel into the premises. The camp management declined to comment on the incident. The victim's father, Norhamidi Bakar, 46, said he would leave the matter to the authorities to carry out a thorough probe. Muhammad Suhaimi’s remains was been laid to rest in his hometown in Kampung Klebang, Kerdau.
24.9.13 Unknown
ROMPIN: Police on Monday detained three national service trainees, aged between 18 and 20, to assist in the investigations into the death of a fellow trainee at the Pinggiran Pelangi camp in Muadzam Shah near here. Rompin OCPD Deputy Supt Johari Jahaya said the case has been classified as murder following a post-mortem report on Muhammad Suhaimi Norhamidi who was found unconcious on the bathroom floor of the camp on Sunday. "The report revealed that the victim died of internal bleeding in the head due to blunt trauma. "All three trainees have been remanded until Sept 30," he said when contacted. DSP Johari said police would investigate all angles including the possibility of a fight occurring among the trainees which led to the victim's death. Muhammad Suhaimi, 18, from Kerdau, died without regaining consciousness. National Service Training Department acting director-general Rozainor Ramli said a special unit had been set up to investigate the case. A check at the camp showed that the gates were locked to stop visitors. A security guard said he was directed not to allow any visitors or media personnel into the premises. The camp management declined to comment on the incident. The victim's father, Norhamidi Bakar, 46, said he would leave the matter to the authorities to carry out a thorough probe. Muhammad Suhaimi’s remains was been laid to rest in his hometown in Kampung Klebang, Kerdau.
Pic: www.idiva.com
HULU SELANGOR: Eight teenagers aged from 12 to 14 were arrested for having sex with a 13-year-old girl in an abandoned house in a housing estate here in Kuala Kubu Bharu on Friday.
 The Form One student who was playing truant had on Thursday being reported to have skipped school and did not return home, said district deputy police chief Deputy Superintendent Zulkifli Bedin.
 "She had instead slept at a surau in the housing estate, 100m away from the abandoned house where the incident took place," Zulkifli said, adding that the police received a report from the girl's family member who was notified of the girl's whereabouts by a man who had seen her cleaning her clothes at the surau that Friday morning, just before she went off with the boys.
 It was learnt that the girl's wild ways may have been caused by the lack of attention at home, as her Indonesian mother who was divorced with her local husband had gone back home, and both of them had since remarried. Zulkifli said the girl was later taken for check-ups at the Selayang Hospital. The case is investigated under Section 376 for having sexual intercourse with an underage girl.
24.9.13 Unknown
Pic: www.idiva.com
HULU SELANGOR: Eight teenagers aged from 12 to 14 were arrested for having sex with a 13-year-old girl in an abandoned house in a housing estate here in Kuala Kubu Bharu on Friday.
 The Form One student who was playing truant had on Thursday being reported to have skipped school and did not return home, said district deputy police chief Deputy Superintendent Zulkifli Bedin.
 "She had instead slept at a surau in the housing estate, 100m away from the abandoned house where the incident took place," Zulkifli said, adding that the police received a report from the girl's family member who was notified of the girl's whereabouts by a man who had seen her cleaning her clothes at the surau that Friday morning, just before she went off with the boys.
 It was learnt that the girl's wild ways may have been caused by the lack of attention at home, as her Indonesian mother who was divorced with her local husband had gone back home, and both of them had since remarried. Zulkifli said the girl was later taken for check-ups at the Selayang Hospital. The case is investigated under Section 376 for having sexual intercourse with an underage girl.

PASSION, pride, desire, discipline, determination - on the surface Paolo Di Canio's (Pic) managerial principles sound ideal. You buy into the philosophy, respect the club, take pride in the badge, and you work hard.
 Very hard. It is a concept that can have the players enthralled and the fans enraptured when it works, as witnessed by promotion from League Two with Swindon Town and a place at the top of League One the following season. But when you parachute a fiery, demanding leader into the highly paid bubble of a Premier League squad, the impact can be dramatic and traumatic.
 Di Canio, 45, was sacked on Sunday with Sunderland bottom of the table following a 3-0 defeat by West Brom which left them with just one point from five top-flight games. He had a dressing room bust-up with players and his lonely, almost apologetic walk to the away fans indicated a man who had lost support. After quitting Swindon, the Italian had taken over at the Stadium of Light in March and helped ensure escape from relegation despite a row over his alleged support of fascism . 
A tough disciplinary regime and his no-nonsense approach appeared to rile key figures. Much was made of tomato ketchup and mayonnaise being prohibited from meals at the training ground. And while banning ice in Coca-Cola may have been the final straw, his biographer Gabriele Marcotti believes some sections of the British media have unfairly typecast the Italian.
 "I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they don't encourage mayonnaise and ketchup at Arsenal. These are professional athletes after all," he says. "When he went over to the fans on Saturday, his behaviour was described as being a bit mad. Unlike most managers, he once was a fan himself who followed his team Lazio home and away, and it's a bit sad that should be described as odd. Should managers just retreat with a police escort when their team loses?
"Former Black Cats manager Steve Bruce (Pic), one of five men to have been in full-time control during Elliot Short's five years as Sunderland chairman, has indicated the Di Canio approach is outdated. "You cannot manage in the Premier League these days through a fear factor. You have got to be able to manage individuals," says Bruce, who is currently boss at Hull City.
 That differing reaction from League players to internationals may have been the short-term downfall of Di Canio, who during a turbulent playing career was captain at Lazio, Celtic, Sheffield Wednesday and West Ham.

rsz steve

 "At Premier League level you have player power that you don't have in League One," says Jeremy Wray, the former Swindon chairman who gave Di Canio his first coaching job in May 2011. "With us, he had their respect because he had played at a level they could only dream of."
 Wray, who remains friends with Di Canio, said the former striker "lives, eats and sleeps" football. "He came in like a breath of fresh air and was a catalyst for change," he says. "He was very enthusiastic, passionate and brought a real buzz to the place. If I ever called round to see him, even at 11pm, he was either watching a live game or analysing one on video."
 Di Canio asked for tapes of all Swindon's matches from the previous season before his first interview, and detailed where he thought the team was going wrong. "As a West Ham fan, I had a slight allegiance and brought someone onto the panel from a recruitment background who had never heard of Paolo Di Canio, and he said he was the most impressive applicant he had ever seen," adds Wray.
 But he admits Di Canio's 21 months in charge at Swindon were "intense" and sometimes felt like a speeding boat, which was difficult to control. "People might be frightened to take a risk on him now, and I wouldn't necessarily blame them," explains Wray. "This setback will have hurt him, and he will be determined to prove everyone wrong. "Any future club will get someone with a well-researched plan, although he will want autonomy.
 Trust is paramount, and he needs loyal lieutenants around him, but in my experience he is a born winner, who will deliver." On leaving Swindon, a story did the rounds that Di Canio raided his former office and angrily ran amok. Marcotti saw it differently. "He didn't break in. He went in with his assistant's keys to retrieve family photos and a picture his daughter had done," says the Italian journalist.
 "He went at night because he didn't want the awkwardness of bumping into staff at the club." Fourteen players were brought in at Sunderland over the summer, with Di Canio working under the title of head coach, alongside director of football Roberto De Fanti and chief scout Valentino Angeloni. Four of those were players on loan, and four more were youngsters for the development squad, says Marcotti. "It's extremely rare for a manager to be sacked after five games," he adds.
 "I don't think that much has changed since he was appointed, but he wouldn't be afraid of starting at the bottom and working his way up again. "Paolo Di Canio doesn't run. In a world where so many people are fake, he's real."
24.9.13 Unknown

PASSION, pride, desire, discipline, determination - on the surface Paolo Di Canio's (Pic) managerial principles sound ideal. You buy into the philosophy, respect the club, take pride in the badge, and you work hard.
 Very hard. It is a concept that can have the players enthralled and the fans enraptured when it works, as witnessed by promotion from League Two with Swindon Town and a place at the top of League One the following season. But when you parachute a fiery, demanding leader into the highly paid bubble of a Premier League squad, the impact can be dramatic and traumatic.
 Di Canio, 45, was sacked on Sunday with Sunderland bottom of the table following a 3-0 defeat by West Brom which left them with just one point from five top-flight games. He had a dressing room bust-up with players and his lonely, almost apologetic walk to the away fans indicated a man who had lost support. After quitting Swindon, the Italian had taken over at the Stadium of Light in March and helped ensure escape from relegation despite a row over his alleged support of fascism . 
A tough disciplinary regime and his no-nonsense approach appeared to rile key figures. Much was made of tomato ketchup and mayonnaise being prohibited from meals at the training ground. And while banning ice in Coca-Cola may have been the final straw, his biographer Gabriele Marcotti believes some sections of the British media have unfairly typecast the Italian.
 "I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they don't encourage mayonnaise and ketchup at Arsenal. These are professional athletes after all," he says. "When he went over to the fans on Saturday, his behaviour was described as being a bit mad. Unlike most managers, he once was a fan himself who followed his team Lazio home and away, and it's a bit sad that should be described as odd. Should managers just retreat with a police escort when their team loses?
"Former Black Cats manager Steve Bruce (Pic), one of five men to have been in full-time control during Elliot Short's five years as Sunderland chairman, has indicated the Di Canio approach is outdated. "You cannot manage in the Premier League these days through a fear factor. You have got to be able to manage individuals," says Bruce, who is currently boss at Hull City.
 That differing reaction from League players to internationals may have been the short-term downfall of Di Canio, who during a turbulent playing career was captain at Lazio, Celtic, Sheffield Wednesday and West Ham.

rsz steve

 "At Premier League level you have player power that you don't have in League One," says Jeremy Wray, the former Swindon chairman who gave Di Canio his first coaching job in May 2011. "With us, he had their respect because he had played at a level they could only dream of."
 Wray, who remains friends with Di Canio, said the former striker "lives, eats and sleeps" football. "He came in like a breath of fresh air and was a catalyst for change," he says. "He was very enthusiastic, passionate and brought a real buzz to the place. If I ever called round to see him, even at 11pm, he was either watching a live game or analysing one on video."
 Di Canio asked for tapes of all Swindon's matches from the previous season before his first interview, and detailed where he thought the team was going wrong. "As a West Ham fan, I had a slight allegiance and brought someone onto the panel from a recruitment background who had never heard of Paolo Di Canio, and he said he was the most impressive applicant he had ever seen," adds Wray.
 But he admits Di Canio's 21 months in charge at Swindon were "intense" and sometimes felt like a speeding boat, which was difficult to control. "People might be frightened to take a risk on him now, and I wouldn't necessarily blame them," explains Wray. "This setback will have hurt him, and he will be determined to prove everyone wrong. "Any future club will get someone with a well-researched plan, although he will want autonomy.
 Trust is paramount, and he needs loyal lieutenants around him, but in my experience he is a born winner, who will deliver." On leaving Swindon, a story did the rounds that Di Canio raided his former office and angrily ran amok. Marcotti saw it differently. "He didn't break in. He went in with his assistant's keys to retrieve family photos and a picture his daughter had done," says the Italian journalist.
 "He went at night because he didn't want the awkwardness of bumping into staff at the club." Fourteen players were brought in at Sunderland over the summer, with Di Canio working under the title of head coach, alongside director of football Roberto De Fanti and chief scout Valentino Angeloni. Four of those were players on loan, and four more were youngsters for the development squad, says Marcotti. "It's extremely rare for a manager to be sacked after five games," he adds.
 "I don't think that much has changed since he was appointed, but he wouldn't be afraid of starting at the bottom and working his way up again. "Paolo Di Canio doesn't run. In a world where so many people are fake, he's real."
Getty Images
THE Football Association believes Istanbul is the "front runner" to host the semi-finals and final of Euro 2020. The governing body says the Turkish bid is the main rival to Wembley to stage the fixtures after 32 Uefa members expressed an interest in hosting games. Istanbul lost out to Tokyo in its bid to host the 2020 Olympic Games.
 "We've taken some soundings, there's a sympathy for Turkey and it does feel like they are the front-runners," said the FA's general secretary Alex Horne. "We get the politics around Istanbul, having not got the Olympics." Uefa, the European football governing body, decided the tournament would not be staged in a single country but instead shared between 13 cities across Europe.
 The decision to give Tokyo the 2020 Olympics may now clear the way for the city to host the finale of Euro 2020 given that Uefa's president, Michel Platini, is thought to retain his long-term support for the Turkish FA's ambitions. Uefa is offering member countries the chance to bid for two packages of matches encompassing either group stage games and a knockout round match or the semi-finals and final.
 The FA will now bid for both packages as will, BBC Sport understands, Belgium, Spain, Germany and Wales. Turkey and Ukraine are believed to have bid only for the semi-finals and final, leaving 25 other nations, including Scotland, bidding solely for group stage and knock-out fixtures. Horne, speaking as the FA announced its financial results for 2012, believes Wembley and London would benefit from the award of either option.
 "The impact on the stadium and London of hosting either group stages and semi-final and final will be significant. It's something we want to be part of. So we've bid for both." FA chairman Greg Dyke has targeted a semi-final place for England at the 2020 tournament and Horne believes hosting games would provide a boost should England qualify.
 "The prize of group games and a quarter-final, or certainly a knock-out game, here at Wembley, is significant. "You get two games with England at home which has got to be an advantage." The FA's financial results reveal that turnover for the not-for-profit organisation in 2012 stood at £318m, down from £329m in 2011. Over 50% of total expenditure went towards investments in the national game, with £101m given in total, including £43m given directly to grassroots football projects.
 Fabio Capello's departure as England manager in February 2012 is also accounted for in the financial statement. After Capello and his back-room staff left the England set-up the team remained without a manager until current boss Roy Hodgson was appointed shortly before Euro 2012. While the terms of Capello's financial settlement remain confidential, Horne made clear that the Italian's departure had been managed: "We didn't pay Fabio any more than we would have done in the period that we didn't have a manager," he said.
 "We paid him a small amount of money as severance but it was less than we'd have paid him if he stayed working until the Euros, significantly." The £11m (RM56m) decrease in turnover, when compared to 2011, is largely due to Wembley Stadium, which is wholly owned by The FA, suffering a fall in event income
. The FA say this was due to a lower number of events held in 2012 when compared with 2011 when the stadium staged the Champions League final between Manchester United and Barcelona. The London 2012 Olympics also meant the Community Shield had to be played at Villa Park.
24.9.13 Unknown
Getty Images
THE Football Association believes Istanbul is the "front runner" to host the semi-finals and final of Euro 2020. The governing body says the Turkish bid is the main rival to Wembley to stage the fixtures after 32 Uefa members expressed an interest in hosting games. Istanbul lost out to Tokyo in its bid to host the 2020 Olympic Games.
 "We've taken some soundings, there's a sympathy for Turkey and it does feel like they are the front-runners," said the FA's general secretary Alex Horne. "We get the politics around Istanbul, having not got the Olympics." Uefa, the European football governing body, decided the tournament would not be staged in a single country but instead shared between 13 cities across Europe.
 The decision to give Tokyo the 2020 Olympics may now clear the way for the city to host the finale of Euro 2020 given that Uefa's president, Michel Platini, is thought to retain his long-term support for the Turkish FA's ambitions. Uefa is offering member countries the chance to bid for two packages of matches encompassing either group stage games and a knockout round match or the semi-finals and final.
 The FA will now bid for both packages as will, BBC Sport understands, Belgium, Spain, Germany and Wales. Turkey and Ukraine are believed to have bid only for the semi-finals and final, leaving 25 other nations, including Scotland, bidding solely for group stage and knock-out fixtures. Horne, speaking as the FA announced its financial results for 2012, believes Wembley and London would benefit from the award of either option.
 "The impact on the stadium and London of hosting either group stages and semi-final and final will be significant. It's something we want to be part of. So we've bid for both." FA chairman Greg Dyke has targeted a semi-final place for England at the 2020 tournament and Horne believes hosting games would provide a boost should England qualify.
 "The prize of group games and a quarter-final, or certainly a knock-out game, here at Wembley, is significant. "You get two games with England at home which has got to be an advantage." The FA's financial results reveal that turnover for the not-for-profit organisation in 2012 stood at £318m, down from £329m in 2011. Over 50% of total expenditure went towards investments in the national game, with £101m given in total, including £43m given directly to grassroots football projects.
 Fabio Capello's departure as England manager in February 2012 is also accounted for in the financial statement. After Capello and his back-room staff left the England set-up the team remained without a manager until current boss Roy Hodgson was appointed shortly before Euro 2012. While the terms of Capello's financial settlement remain confidential, Horne made clear that the Italian's departure had been managed: "We didn't pay Fabio any more than we would have done in the period that we didn't have a manager," he said.
 "We paid him a small amount of money as severance but it was less than we'd have paid him if he stayed working until the Euros, significantly." The £11m (RM56m) decrease in turnover, when compared to 2011, is largely due to Wembley Stadium, which is wholly owned by The FA, suffering a fall in event income
. The FA say this was due to a lower number of events held in 2012 when compared with 2011 when the stadium staged the Champions League final between Manchester United and Barcelona. The London 2012 Olympics also meant the Community Shield had to be played at Villa Park.
Reuters Pix
KENYAN officials say they are in the final stages of bringing to an end the deadly stand-off with suspected al-Shabab militants in Nairobi. Explosions and heavy gunfire were reported earlier as soldiers stormed the Westgate shopping complex.
 Three "terrorists" were killed and soldiers are continuing to comb the building floor by floor "looking for anyone left behind", officials said. The Kenyan Red Cross has told the BBC that 63 people remain unaccounted for. 'Under control' The official death toll stands at 62 and more than 170 have been injured. There are fears the death toll will rise further. British Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said that his best estimate was that six Britons had been killed.
 The Somali Islamist al-Shabab movement has said it carried out the attack in retaliation for Kenyan military operations in Somalia. "The terrorists could be running and hiding in some stores, but all floors now are under our control," Kenyan Interior Minister Joseph Ole Lenku said. "There is no room for escape.
" He told the BBC late on Monday that the operation would continue overnight, but stressed it was in its final stages. The minister added that "it is very unlikely that there are any hostages" left in the complex.



The BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse, who is at the scene, says there is still no clear picture of what is going on inside; officials have said forces are in control of the mall but have not said if they have arrested or killed all attackers.
 As night fell on Monday, flames and thick smoke continued to rise from the complex. The Kenya Defence Forces said the fire had been started by "terrorists to distract the ongoing operation", and that the blaze was being managed by firefighters. President Barack Obama said the US was offering its full support to the Kenyan authorities.
 Kenya is one of the largest recipients of US security assistance in sub-Saharan Africa, with much of that aid focused on counter-terrorism. The BBC's defence correspondent Jonathan Beale says the US is likely to have responded to the crisis by sending one of its Foreign Emergency Support Teams (Fest). But there was no suggestion they are directly involved, our correspondent says.
 The KDF said 10 bodies had been retrieved from the building in the last 24 hours. More than 200 civilians have been rescued, 65 of whom remain in hospital. Eleven KDF soldiers were injured during the operation, it said. Earlier, police used tear gas to disperse crowds of onlookers gathered close to the Westgate Centre. The Interior Ministry has been issuing regular warnings for people to stay away for their own safety.
 Security has also been stepped up at entrance and exit points across the country, with "more than 10 individuals" arrested in relation to the attack, the ministry said. It did not specify when or where the arrests were made, but media reports from Kenya said the suspects were detained at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.


Repeated threats

More than 1,000 people were inside the mall complex when the attack began on Saturday. Dr Sunil Sachdeva, a dentist who runs a clinic inside the mall, described the scene as the attack unfolded. "There was a tent where a cookery competition for children was carrying on and there were bodies lying under there," he told the BBC.
 "There's a very famous radio presenter in Kenya, she was shot. The scene was carnage and there was a guy lying right in the corner. He was cut to shreds." Prominent Ghanaian poet Kofi Awoonor - who was attending a literary festival in Nairobi - also died, as did a Chinese woman.
 French, Dutch, South African, Indian and Canadian nationals are also among the foreigners confirmed killed, along with a dual Australian-British national. Thousands of Kenyans have been responding to appeals for blood donations. Al-Shabab, which is part of the al-Qaeda network, has repeatedly threatened attacks on Kenyan soil if Nairobi did not pull its troops out of Somalia.
 There are about 4,000 Kenyan troops in the south of Somalia, where they have been fighting the militants since 2011 as part of an African Union force supporting Somali government forces. Al-Shabab is fighting to create an Islamic state in Somalia.
 Despite being pushed out of key cities in the past two years, it still remains in control of smaller towns and large swathes of the countryside.
24.9.13 Unknown
Reuters Pix
KENYAN officials say they are in the final stages of bringing to an end the deadly stand-off with suspected al-Shabab militants in Nairobi. Explosions and heavy gunfire were reported earlier as soldiers stormed the Westgate shopping complex.
 Three "terrorists" were killed and soldiers are continuing to comb the building floor by floor "looking for anyone left behind", officials said. The Kenyan Red Cross has told the BBC that 63 people remain unaccounted for. 'Under control' The official death toll stands at 62 and more than 170 have been injured. There are fears the death toll will rise further. British Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said that his best estimate was that six Britons had been killed.
 The Somali Islamist al-Shabab movement has said it carried out the attack in retaliation for Kenyan military operations in Somalia. "The terrorists could be running and hiding in some stores, but all floors now are under our control," Kenyan Interior Minister Joseph Ole Lenku said. "There is no room for escape.
" He told the BBC late on Monday that the operation would continue overnight, but stressed it was in its final stages. The minister added that "it is very unlikely that there are any hostages" left in the complex.



The BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse, who is at the scene, says there is still no clear picture of what is going on inside; officials have said forces are in control of the mall but have not said if they have arrested or killed all attackers.
 As night fell on Monday, flames and thick smoke continued to rise from the complex. The Kenya Defence Forces said the fire had been started by "terrorists to distract the ongoing operation", and that the blaze was being managed by firefighters. President Barack Obama said the US was offering its full support to the Kenyan authorities.
 Kenya is one of the largest recipients of US security assistance in sub-Saharan Africa, with much of that aid focused on counter-terrorism. The BBC's defence correspondent Jonathan Beale says the US is likely to have responded to the crisis by sending one of its Foreign Emergency Support Teams (Fest). But there was no suggestion they are directly involved, our correspondent says.
 The KDF said 10 bodies had been retrieved from the building in the last 24 hours. More than 200 civilians have been rescued, 65 of whom remain in hospital. Eleven KDF soldiers were injured during the operation, it said. Earlier, police used tear gas to disperse crowds of onlookers gathered close to the Westgate Centre. The Interior Ministry has been issuing regular warnings for people to stay away for their own safety.
 Security has also been stepped up at entrance and exit points across the country, with "more than 10 individuals" arrested in relation to the attack, the ministry said. It did not specify when or where the arrests were made, but media reports from Kenya said the suspects were detained at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.


Repeated threats

More than 1,000 people were inside the mall complex when the attack began on Saturday. Dr Sunil Sachdeva, a dentist who runs a clinic inside the mall, described the scene as the attack unfolded. "There was a tent where a cookery competition for children was carrying on and there were bodies lying under there," he told the BBC.
 "There's a very famous radio presenter in Kenya, she was shot. The scene was carnage and there was a guy lying right in the corner. He was cut to shreds." Prominent Ghanaian poet Kofi Awoonor - who was attending a literary festival in Nairobi - also died, as did a Chinese woman.
 French, Dutch, South African, Indian and Canadian nationals are also among the foreigners confirmed killed, along with a dual Australian-British national. Thousands of Kenyans have been responding to appeals for blood donations. Al-Shabab, which is part of the al-Qaeda network, has repeatedly threatened attacks on Kenyan soil if Nairobi did not pull its troops out of Somalia.
 There are about 4,000 Kenyan troops in the south of Somalia, where they have been fighting the militants since 2011 as part of an African Union force supporting Somali government forces. Al-Shabab is fighting to create an Islamic state in Somalia.
 Despite being pushed out of key cities in the past two years, it still remains in control of smaller towns and large swathes of the countryside.
This Australian Department of Agriculture handout photo received on Sept 23 shows a small snake, identified as a Mandarin rat snake predominantly found in Asia, which forced the grounding of a Tokyo-bound Qantas flight in Sydney on Sept 22 after being found near the doorway of the plane. Pic: AFP/ Australian Department Of Agriculture
This Australian Department of Agriculture handout photo received on Sept 23 shows a small snake, identified as a Mandarin rat snake predominantly found in Asia, which forced the grounding of a Tokyo-bound Qantas flight in Sydney on Sept 22 after being found near the doorway of the plane.

 SYDNEY: A tiny snake as slender as a pen forced the grounding of a Japan-bound Qantas flight in the Australian city of Sydney overnight, stranding hundreds of passengers. The non-venomous reptile, about eight inches (20 centimetres) long, was found near the doorway of a Boeing 747-400 bound for Tokyo on Sunday night, a Qantas spokeswoman told AFP.
 "The snake was taken to quarantine to determine where it came from," she said. The plane had been on the tarmac in Sydney for most of Sunday after completing a flight from Singapore, and the snake was found by air crew before any passengers boarded. It was uncertain where the reptile had come from or what type of snake it was. All 370 passengers were booked into hotels overnight and a replacement flight left Sydney on Monday morning. It is the second snake incident for Qantas this year.
 A three-metre (nine foot) python hitched a ride from the tropical Australian city of Cairns to Papua New Guinea's Port Moresby in January. The python had been tucked into the plane's wing before takeoff, and amazed passengers watched from the window as it engaged in a life-or-death struggle to maintain its grip in fierce winds and zero temperatures. It was still on the aircraft when it landed in PNG but had died during the journey.
 A freight pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in northern Australia in April 2012 after a snake slithered from the dashboard of his plane. Australia is home to 20 of the world's 25 most venomous snakes, including the entire top ten, according to the University of Melbourne's Australia Venom Research Unit.
24.9.13 Unknown
This Australian Department of Agriculture handout photo received on Sept 23 shows a small snake, identified as a Mandarin rat snake predominantly found in Asia, which forced the grounding of a Tokyo-bound Qantas flight in Sydney on Sept 22 after being found near the doorway of the plane. Pic: AFP/ Australian Department Of Agriculture
This Australian Department of Agriculture handout photo received on Sept 23 shows a small snake, identified as a Mandarin rat snake predominantly found in Asia, which forced the grounding of a Tokyo-bound Qantas flight in Sydney on Sept 22 after being found near the doorway of the plane.

 SYDNEY: A tiny snake as slender as a pen forced the grounding of a Japan-bound Qantas flight in the Australian city of Sydney overnight, stranding hundreds of passengers. The non-venomous reptile, about eight inches (20 centimetres) long, was found near the doorway of a Boeing 747-400 bound for Tokyo on Sunday night, a Qantas spokeswoman told AFP.
 "The snake was taken to quarantine to determine where it came from," she said. The plane had been on the tarmac in Sydney for most of Sunday after completing a flight from Singapore, and the snake was found by air crew before any passengers boarded. It was uncertain where the reptile had come from or what type of snake it was. All 370 passengers were booked into hotels overnight and a replacement flight left Sydney on Monday morning. It is the second snake incident for Qantas this year.
 A three-metre (nine foot) python hitched a ride from the tropical Australian city of Cairns to Papua New Guinea's Port Moresby in January. The python had been tucked into the plane's wing before takeoff, and amazed passengers watched from the window as it engaged in a life-or-death struggle to maintain its grip in fierce winds and zero temperatures. It was still on the aircraft when it landed in PNG but had died during the journey.
 A freight pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in northern Australia in April 2012 after a snake slithered from the dashboard of his plane. Australia is home to 20 of the world's 25 most venomous snakes, including the entire top ten, according to the University of Melbourne's Australia Venom Research Unit.
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Sebelum ini pelakon cantik Nora Danish pernah menyatakan yang beliau tidak keberatan sekiranya mana-mana pihak menganggap dirinya dan lelaki yang dikenali sebagai Nadeem adalah pasangan kekasih. Bukan tidak mahu berterus terang, cuma kata Nora, sebolehnya beliau tak mahu terlebih bercerita tentang hubungan cinta.
 Lain lah kalau mereka benar-benar sudah membuat keputusan untuk berkahwin nanti, berita itu akan dikongsikan pada semua. Namun semakin hari, hubungan cinta mereka seakan bukan lagi rahsia. Malah keintiman Nora dan Nadeem semakin terserlah. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila baru-baru ini Nora membawa pulang anak kepada Menteri Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan, Y.B. Dato' Seri Mohamad Nazri Abdul Aziz itu ke kampung halamannya yang terletak di Myanmar.
 "Okay sebenarnya macam ni, mulanya kami rancang nak balik bertiga iaitu saya, ibu saya dan kakak saya. Oleh sebab di Myanmar sekarang sedang ada pergolak. Jadi, disebabkan kami semua perempuan, itu yang Nadeem tawarkan diri nak ikut sama. Dia bersama sepupu dia temankan kami sebagai menjaga keselamatan kami.
 Sekurang-kurangnya kalau ada orang lelaki dengan kami, rasa selamat lah sikit", jelas Nora ekoran kepulangannya ke Myanmar ditemani Nadem. Sepanjang berada di kampung, kata Nora, walaupun Nadeem pandai mengambil hati keluarganya. Mengenai gambar-gambar mesra mereka sepanjang di Myanmar yang dimuat naik di laman instagramnya, Nora tidak menyalahkan sesiapa jika ada yang beranggap benarlah gosip mereka selama ini.
 "Di kampung kami dan keluarga ada masalah komuikasi tapi mujur ibu saya yang bantu terjemahkan apa-apa perbualan saya dengan keluarga. Walaupun ada masalah kominikasi, Needim pandai ambil hati ahli keluarga saya. Dia seorang yang kelakar. Saya tak salahkan peminat kalau nak kata saya bercinta dengan Needim. Lagipun, gambar-gambar kami banyak di Instagram. Saya yang gatal tangan nak upload gambar-gambar tu", jelas Nora Danish sambil berseloroh.
 Seperkara lain, Nora berkata dia tidak menyangka yang Needim sedikit-sedikit mula memahami dunia artisnya. Malah agak mengejutkan baginya apabila Nedim kini juga sudah mempunyai akaun Instagram dan peminatnya sendiri. "Saya pun sebenarnya terkejut juga sebab Nedim buka akaun Instagram baru-baru ni dan tak sangka dia rajin layan peminat.
 Dia sekarang dah ada peminat-peminatnya sendiri", tambah ibu anak satu ini lagi. Bawa Nenek Tinggal di Malaysia Dalam pada itu Nora memberitahu tujuan sebenarnya pulangannya ke Myanmar kerana moyangnya yang bernama Amibia, 96, meninggal dunia. Kini dia dan ibunya sedang berusaha memujuk neneknya untuk tinggal bersamanya di Kuala Lumpur.
 "Saya dan ibu memang bercadang nak balik kampung, tapi disebabkan kekangan masa. Sampai lah moyang saya meninggal dunia baru-baru ni. Sekarang ni ibu saya masih berada di sana. "Disebabkan moyang saya sudah tiada, saya dan ibu saya nak pujuk nenek untuk tinggal dengan kami di Kuala Lumpur.
 Tapi nenek saya tu susah sikit nak tinggalkan rumahnya. Macam-macam dia bagi alasan. Sekarang ni ibu saya masih pujuk dia", katanya.
24.9.13 Unknown
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Sebelum ini pelakon cantik Nora Danish pernah menyatakan yang beliau tidak keberatan sekiranya mana-mana pihak menganggap dirinya dan lelaki yang dikenali sebagai Nadeem adalah pasangan kekasih. Bukan tidak mahu berterus terang, cuma kata Nora, sebolehnya beliau tak mahu terlebih bercerita tentang hubungan cinta.
 Lain lah kalau mereka benar-benar sudah membuat keputusan untuk berkahwin nanti, berita itu akan dikongsikan pada semua. Namun semakin hari, hubungan cinta mereka seakan bukan lagi rahsia. Malah keintiman Nora dan Nadeem semakin terserlah. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila baru-baru ini Nora membawa pulang anak kepada Menteri Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan, Y.B. Dato' Seri Mohamad Nazri Abdul Aziz itu ke kampung halamannya yang terletak di Myanmar.
 "Okay sebenarnya macam ni, mulanya kami rancang nak balik bertiga iaitu saya, ibu saya dan kakak saya. Oleh sebab di Myanmar sekarang sedang ada pergolak. Jadi, disebabkan kami semua perempuan, itu yang Nadeem tawarkan diri nak ikut sama. Dia bersama sepupu dia temankan kami sebagai menjaga keselamatan kami.
 Sekurang-kurangnya kalau ada orang lelaki dengan kami, rasa selamat lah sikit", jelas Nora ekoran kepulangannya ke Myanmar ditemani Nadem. Sepanjang berada di kampung, kata Nora, walaupun Nadeem pandai mengambil hati keluarganya. Mengenai gambar-gambar mesra mereka sepanjang di Myanmar yang dimuat naik di laman instagramnya, Nora tidak menyalahkan sesiapa jika ada yang beranggap benarlah gosip mereka selama ini.
 "Di kampung kami dan keluarga ada masalah komuikasi tapi mujur ibu saya yang bantu terjemahkan apa-apa perbualan saya dengan keluarga. Walaupun ada masalah kominikasi, Needim pandai ambil hati ahli keluarga saya. Dia seorang yang kelakar. Saya tak salahkan peminat kalau nak kata saya bercinta dengan Needim. Lagipun, gambar-gambar kami banyak di Instagram. Saya yang gatal tangan nak upload gambar-gambar tu", jelas Nora Danish sambil berseloroh.
 Seperkara lain, Nora berkata dia tidak menyangka yang Needim sedikit-sedikit mula memahami dunia artisnya. Malah agak mengejutkan baginya apabila Nedim kini juga sudah mempunyai akaun Instagram dan peminatnya sendiri. "Saya pun sebenarnya terkejut juga sebab Nedim buka akaun Instagram baru-baru ni dan tak sangka dia rajin layan peminat.
 Dia sekarang dah ada peminat-peminatnya sendiri", tambah ibu anak satu ini lagi. Bawa Nenek Tinggal di Malaysia Dalam pada itu Nora memberitahu tujuan sebenarnya pulangannya ke Myanmar kerana moyangnya yang bernama Amibia, 96, meninggal dunia. Kini dia dan ibunya sedang berusaha memujuk neneknya untuk tinggal bersamanya di Kuala Lumpur.
 "Saya dan ibu memang bercadang nak balik kampung, tapi disebabkan kekangan masa. Sampai lah moyang saya meninggal dunia baru-baru ni. Sekarang ni ibu saya masih berada di sana. "Disebabkan moyang saya sudah tiada, saya dan ibu saya nak pujuk nenek untuk tinggal dengan kami di Kuala Lumpur.
 Tapi nenek saya tu susah sikit nak tinggalkan rumahnya. Macam-macam dia bagi alasan. Sekarang ni ibu saya masih pujuk dia", katanya.
KUANTAN: Six people, including a couple and their 1-year-old granddaughter, were killed in four accidents in Pahang within eight hours on Sunday.
 Wan Hassan Basri, 53, and his wife, Zainab Yatim, 57, of Kampung Charu here, died on the spot when their Proton Iswara crashed into an oncoming car after Wan Hassan tried to overtake a lorry laden with oil palm fruits in Jalan Kuantan-Sungai Lembing, near Felda Bukit Kuin here at 7.50pm.
 Their granddaughter, Nur Ameera Amran, succumbed to her injuries while being treated at Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital here two hours later. Another two passengers, both unidentified, were seriously injured and were treated at the same hospital. State police administration and traffic enforcement officer Assistant Superintendent Zainalabidin Othman said the incident occurred when the victims were on their way to the town centre.
 He said the lorry driver had also lost control of his vehicle, which landed on its side. Both the drivers of the lorry and the other car suffered minor injuries. In Pekan, Mohd Zulkafli Musa, 46, was killed when his car was involved in an accident with three vehicles at Km68 of Jalan Kuantan-Segamat at 3.40pm. Zainalabidin said Zulkafli lost control of his vehicle before it veered into the opposite lane.
 However, the drivers of the other vehicles suffered minor injuries. In Jalan Ladang Dara Lam Soon nearby, an Orang Asli motorcyclist was killed while his friend was seriously injured when their machine skidded and landed in a ditch. In the 4.50pm incident, Izat Rshid, 26, died on the spot while the pillion rider, in his 20s, was admitted to Hospital Pekan.
 In Bentong, Zainalabidin said a Form Four student was killed while another three people suffered serious injuries when two motorcycles collided at Km2.4 of Jalan Bentong-Karak at 11.45pm. Muhammad Izzarul Mat Isa, 16, of Kampung Bukit Piatu died at Hospital Bentong about 12.30am yesterday.
24.9.13 Unknown
KUANTAN: Six people, including a couple and their 1-year-old granddaughter, were killed in four accidents in Pahang within eight hours on Sunday.
 Wan Hassan Basri, 53, and his wife, Zainab Yatim, 57, of Kampung Charu here, died on the spot when their Proton Iswara crashed into an oncoming car after Wan Hassan tried to overtake a lorry laden with oil palm fruits in Jalan Kuantan-Sungai Lembing, near Felda Bukit Kuin here at 7.50pm.
 Their granddaughter, Nur Ameera Amran, succumbed to her injuries while being treated at Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital here two hours later. Another two passengers, both unidentified, were seriously injured and were treated at the same hospital. State police administration and traffic enforcement officer Assistant Superintendent Zainalabidin Othman said the incident occurred when the victims were on their way to the town centre.
 He said the lorry driver had also lost control of his vehicle, which landed on its side. Both the drivers of the lorry and the other car suffered minor injuries. In Pekan, Mohd Zulkafli Musa, 46, was killed when his car was involved in an accident with three vehicles at Km68 of Jalan Kuantan-Segamat at 3.40pm. Zainalabidin said Zulkafli lost control of his vehicle before it veered into the opposite lane.
 However, the drivers of the other vehicles suffered minor injuries. In Jalan Ladang Dara Lam Soon nearby, an Orang Asli motorcyclist was killed while his friend was seriously injured when their machine skidded and landed in a ditch. In the 4.50pm incident, Izat Rshid, 26, died on the spot while the pillion rider, in his 20s, was admitted to Hospital Pekan.
 In Bentong, Zainalabidin said a Form Four student was killed while another three people suffered serious injuries when two motorcycles collided at Km2.4 of Jalan Bentong-Karak at 11.45pm. Muhammad Izzarul Mat Isa, 16, of Kampung Bukit Piatu died at Hospital Bentong about 12.30am yesterday.
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Kemelut antara pelakon dan pengarah Farid Kamil dengan ibu mertuanya, Norsiah Ramli, yang tercetus sejak tahun lalu nampaknya akan berakhir tidak lama lagi kerana hero filem Bencinta ini bersedia berbaik semula dengan ibu mertuanya itu.
 Pengakuan itu dinyatakan sendiri oleh Farid ketika ditemui pada previu bersama media filem Bencinta bertempat di TGV, Sunway Pyramid, malam tadi. Tambahnya lagi, dia akan menjemput ibu mertuanya hadir pada majlis Aqiqah anak sulungnya Mohammad Farid Kamil, yang akan diadakan tidak lama lagi. Malah kata pelakon tinggi lampai ini, pada majlis itu nanti dia mahu mengambil peluang memulihkan semula hubungan antara ibu mertuanya dengan issterinya, Diana Danielle.
 "Ya, pada majlis itu saya akan jemput ibu mertua saya dan saya memang nak berbaik dengan dia sebab hubungan silaturrahim antara kami perlu dieratkan semula. "Saya juga akan memulihkan semula hubungan Diana dengan ibunya. Kira macam ada babak jejak kasih sikit lah nanti. Pada hari itu juga saya dan Diana akan mendedahkan nama penuh anak kami", katanya yang bagaimanapun masih merahsiakan tarikh majlis istimewa itu daripada pihak media.
 Dalam majlis yang sama, akan turut diadakan majlis khatam Quran untuk isterinya. Sebelum ini laporan media ada menyebut mengenai desas desus hubungan Farid dan Norsiah sebenarnya sudah dingin sejak Farid berkahwin dengan Diana. Keadaan bertambah keruh apabila Farid sebelum ini juga pernah meluahkan perasaannya di laman sosial Twitter mengenai krisis tersebut.
 Farid dan Diana mendirikan rumah tangga pada 3 November 2012 dan majlis pernikahan mereka berlangsung di Hotel Flamingo, By The Lake Ampang. Selepas bernikah Diana yang ketika itu telah disahkan hamil, berangkat ke Australia bagi pelajarannya dalam jurusan produksi siaran langsung di National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA).
 Pada 2 Julai lalu, Diana selamat melahirkan bayi lelaki di sebuah hospital di Sydney, Australia.
24.9.13 Unknown
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa.
Kemelut antara pelakon dan pengarah Farid Kamil dengan ibu mertuanya, Norsiah Ramli, yang tercetus sejak tahun lalu nampaknya akan berakhir tidak lama lagi kerana hero filem Bencinta ini bersedia berbaik semula dengan ibu mertuanya itu.
 Pengakuan itu dinyatakan sendiri oleh Farid ketika ditemui pada previu bersama media filem Bencinta bertempat di TGV, Sunway Pyramid, malam tadi. Tambahnya lagi, dia akan menjemput ibu mertuanya hadir pada majlis Aqiqah anak sulungnya Mohammad Farid Kamil, yang akan diadakan tidak lama lagi. Malah kata pelakon tinggi lampai ini, pada majlis itu nanti dia mahu mengambil peluang memulihkan semula hubungan antara ibu mertuanya dengan issterinya, Diana Danielle.
 "Ya, pada majlis itu saya akan jemput ibu mertua saya dan saya memang nak berbaik dengan dia sebab hubungan silaturrahim antara kami perlu dieratkan semula. "Saya juga akan memulihkan semula hubungan Diana dengan ibunya. Kira macam ada babak jejak kasih sikit lah nanti. Pada hari itu juga saya dan Diana akan mendedahkan nama penuh anak kami", katanya yang bagaimanapun masih merahsiakan tarikh majlis istimewa itu daripada pihak media.
 Dalam majlis yang sama, akan turut diadakan majlis khatam Quran untuk isterinya. Sebelum ini laporan media ada menyebut mengenai desas desus hubungan Farid dan Norsiah sebenarnya sudah dingin sejak Farid berkahwin dengan Diana. Keadaan bertambah keruh apabila Farid sebelum ini juga pernah meluahkan perasaannya di laman sosial Twitter mengenai krisis tersebut.
 Farid dan Diana mendirikan rumah tangga pada 3 November 2012 dan majlis pernikahan mereka berlangsung di Hotel Flamingo, By The Lake Ampang. Selepas bernikah Diana yang ketika itu telah disahkan hamil, berangkat ke Australia bagi pelajarannya dalam jurusan produksi siaran langsung di National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA).
 Pada 2 Julai lalu, Diana selamat melahirkan bayi lelaki di sebuah hospital di Sydney, Australia.

LONDON: Award-winning chef Norman Musa, owner of Ning restaurants in Manchester and York, will take part in the first Halal Food Festival here on Friday.
 The three-day event at ExCel London will showcase innovative halal food and beverage products, restaurants and hold cooking demonstrations. "Food is the way we Malaysians come together and I am proud and excited to take part in the first Halal Food Festival.
 I look forward to promoting Malaysian cuisine at the show," said Norman, who has been promoting Malaysian food and food products to the British to bring such products into their homes. Founder of the Malaysian Pancake Company, Mohd Shahreil Mohd Isa, said he was delighted to take part in the event. His apam balik had received great feedback at events, including Malaysian Cultural Week and the Eid Festival at Trafalgar Square.
 Founders of the event, Imran Kausar and Noman Khawaja, said the festival was timely because of the growing Muslim population. It will also create awareness for British industries about the burgeoning halal food industry. A 2011 survey revealed there were more than 2.7 million Muslims living in the UK. Kausar said:
"I am astonished there are no halal food events like this anywhere in the world. There are only community events but nothing of quality or calibre, despite the large Muslim community around the world." With a halal food market worth US$4 billion (RM12.7 billion) in the United Kingdom, organisers are targeting emerging middle-class Muslims and second- and third-generations immigrants who want to try food beyond their cultural norm, such as halal Japanese, Korean and Italian food.
 Festival-goers can enjoy chocolates and ice cream without doubt that it is halal. "The growing British Muslim middle-class has greater demand from food producers, retailers and restaurateurs. They command significant spending power. "The Halal Food Festival will bring together consumers and businesses to showcase new brands and raise the range and quality of halal offerings to the consumer," said Khawaja.
 He said that street food, such as Bhangra Burgers, Big Apple Hot Dog and Maki Sushi, would be served at the festival. With organisers expecting a 20,000-strong crowd, events such as cooking schools and demonstrations by some of the biggest names in the industry, including MasterChef UK winner Shelina Permaloo, Cinnamon Kitchen Head chef Abdul Yaseen and celebrity chef Rachel Allen, are on the schedule. Also in the line-up is Amina Elshafei, another MasterChef contestant, who will show off her skills in Middle-Eastern and Korean cooking, while nasyid singer Mesut Kurtis will perform at the event.
24.9.13 Unknown

LONDON: Award-winning chef Norman Musa, owner of Ning restaurants in Manchester and York, will take part in the first Halal Food Festival here on Friday.
 The three-day event at ExCel London will showcase innovative halal food and beverage products, restaurants and hold cooking demonstrations. "Food is the way we Malaysians come together and I am proud and excited to take part in the first Halal Food Festival.
 I look forward to promoting Malaysian cuisine at the show," said Norman, who has been promoting Malaysian food and food products to the British to bring such products into their homes. Founder of the Malaysian Pancake Company, Mohd Shahreil Mohd Isa, said he was delighted to take part in the event. His apam balik had received great feedback at events, including Malaysian Cultural Week and the Eid Festival at Trafalgar Square.
 Founders of the event, Imran Kausar and Noman Khawaja, said the festival was timely because of the growing Muslim population. It will also create awareness for British industries about the burgeoning halal food industry. A 2011 survey revealed there were more than 2.7 million Muslims living in the UK. Kausar said:
"I am astonished there are no halal food events like this anywhere in the world. There are only community events but nothing of quality or calibre, despite the large Muslim community around the world." With a halal food market worth US$4 billion (RM12.7 billion) in the United Kingdom, organisers are targeting emerging middle-class Muslims and second- and third-generations immigrants who want to try food beyond their cultural norm, such as halal Japanese, Korean and Italian food.
 Festival-goers can enjoy chocolates and ice cream without doubt that it is halal. "The growing British Muslim middle-class has greater demand from food producers, retailers and restaurateurs. They command significant spending power. "The Halal Food Festival will bring together consumers and businesses to showcase new brands and raise the range and quality of halal offerings to the consumer," said Khawaja.
 He said that street food, such as Bhangra Burgers, Big Apple Hot Dog and Maki Sushi, would be served at the festival. With organisers expecting a 20,000-strong crowd, events such as cooking schools and demonstrations by some of the biggest names in the industry, including MasterChef UK winner Shelina Permaloo, Cinnamon Kitchen Head chef Abdul Yaseen and celebrity chef Rachel Allen, are on the schedule. Also in the line-up is Amina Elshafei, another MasterChef contestant, who will show off her skills in Middle-Eastern and Korean cooking, while nasyid singer Mesut Kurtis will perform at the event.
Example of 'kampung' chicken.
Example of 'kampung' chicken.

 KUALA LUMPUR: The Veterinary Department will investigate claims that some poultry traders were dyeing their farm chickens with yellow industrial pigment to pass them off as “kampung chicken”. Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said that his officers would probe the claims.
 “I do not want to comment at the moment,” he told reporters at Parliament lobby yesterday when asked to comment on a news report that there were such errant poultry traders. In a Chinese daily yesterday, a poultry trader claimed that consumers, mainly from the Chinese community, were duped into thinking they were purchasing “kampung chickens” owing to the bright yellow colour, believed to be Aniline.
 The trader claimed that the chickens were in fact ordinary farm chickens that were freshly slaughtered at the wet markets and soaked in the yellowish substance. “The move was intended to attract customers, as the Chinese prefer chicken with yellowish skin,” said the report, quoting the trader. Selangor and Federal Territory Chicken and Duck Traders Association vice-president Yap Chau Hen admitted that there were some traders who had resorted to such tactics.
 Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Hasan Malek said that his ministry could only act against such traders if tests confirmed the presence of banned chemical substances on the chickens.
24.9.13 Unknown
Example of 'kampung' chicken.
Example of 'kampung' chicken.

 KUALA LUMPUR: The Veterinary Department will investigate claims that some poultry traders were dyeing their farm chickens with yellow industrial pigment to pass them off as “kampung chicken”. Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said that his officers would probe the claims.
 “I do not want to comment at the moment,” he told reporters at Parliament lobby yesterday when asked to comment on a news report that there were such errant poultry traders. In a Chinese daily yesterday, a poultry trader claimed that consumers, mainly from the Chinese community, were duped into thinking they were purchasing “kampung chickens” owing to the bright yellow colour, believed to be Aniline.
 The trader claimed that the chickens were in fact ordinary farm chickens that were freshly slaughtered at the wet markets and soaked in the yellowish substance. “The move was intended to attract customers, as the Chinese prefer chicken with yellowish skin,” said the report, quoting the trader. Selangor and Federal Territory Chicken and Duck Traders Association vice-president Yap Chau Hen admitted that there were some traders who had resorted to such tactics.
 Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Hasan Malek said that his ministry could only act against such traders if tests confirmed the presence of banned chemical substances on the chickens.
Meskipun masing-masing tidak pernah memberi kenyataan yang jelas mengenai status hubungan mereka, namun kedua pelakon yang semakin meningkat naik namanya ini, Aeril Zafrel dan Wawa Zainal dikatakan hangat bercinta.
 Terbaharu timbul gosip, kononnya seorang pelakon wanita yang sudah lama menghilang sebenarnya telah selamat melahirkan anak dan kini sedang berpantang. Suami kepada pelakon wanita itu pula dikatakan seorang pelakon juga yang cukup popular dengan drama yang ditayangkan pada waktu petang.
 Berita itu didakwa diperolehi daripada sumber yang boleh dipercayai iaitu keluarga angkat pelakon lelaki itu sendiri. Ramai yang bertanyakan hal itu, adakah pelakon lelaki yang didakwa telah berkahwin itu merupakan Aeril Zafrel kerana secara kebetulan drama lakonannya iaitu Cinta Jannah sedang hangat pada waktu petang di TV3.
 Dan mungkin pelakon wanita yang didakwa menjadi isterinya itu adalah pelakon Wawa Zainal yang kebetulan sedang berehat di kampung halamannya di Sabah sejak empat bulan lalu kerana berubat akibat penyakit misteri atau bahasa mudahnya penyakit berkaitan makhluk halus. "Saya tidak tahu hendak kata apa (ketawa).
 Itu hanyalah kata-kata tanpa sebarang bukti yang sahih, jika saya nafi dan komen lebih-lebih orang memang tidak akan berhenti bercakap. Memang saya tidak berkahwin, saya hanya kahwin dalam drama sahaja", kata Aeril seperti yang dilaporkan akhbar Kosmo! hari ini.
 Dalam laporan sama Aeril juga menyatakan dia dan Wawa hanyalah sahabat baik dan mengesahkan yang temannya itu sekarang berada di kampungnya di Sabah kerana sedang berubat. Dia juga memohon pada mana-mana pihak supaya berhenti daripada membuat spekulasi kononnya Wawa kini sedang hamil. "Tolong jangan sebarkan cerita jika tidak ada bukti dan akan memburukkan orang lain
. Andai ada bukti sekalipun dan cerita itu sahih, jika dikeluarkan menjadi aib kepada tuan punya badan, tidak boleh juga dikeluarkan. Jika tidak benar, lagi berdosa dan harus meminta maaf kepada Wawa", katanya
24.9.13 Unknown
Meskipun masing-masing tidak pernah memberi kenyataan yang jelas mengenai status hubungan mereka, namun kedua pelakon yang semakin meningkat naik namanya ini, Aeril Zafrel dan Wawa Zainal dikatakan hangat bercinta.
 Terbaharu timbul gosip, kononnya seorang pelakon wanita yang sudah lama menghilang sebenarnya telah selamat melahirkan anak dan kini sedang berpantang. Suami kepada pelakon wanita itu pula dikatakan seorang pelakon juga yang cukup popular dengan drama yang ditayangkan pada waktu petang.
 Berita itu didakwa diperolehi daripada sumber yang boleh dipercayai iaitu keluarga angkat pelakon lelaki itu sendiri. Ramai yang bertanyakan hal itu, adakah pelakon lelaki yang didakwa telah berkahwin itu merupakan Aeril Zafrel kerana secara kebetulan drama lakonannya iaitu Cinta Jannah sedang hangat pada waktu petang di TV3.
 Dan mungkin pelakon wanita yang didakwa menjadi isterinya itu adalah pelakon Wawa Zainal yang kebetulan sedang berehat di kampung halamannya di Sabah sejak empat bulan lalu kerana berubat akibat penyakit misteri atau bahasa mudahnya penyakit berkaitan makhluk halus. "Saya tidak tahu hendak kata apa (ketawa).
 Itu hanyalah kata-kata tanpa sebarang bukti yang sahih, jika saya nafi dan komen lebih-lebih orang memang tidak akan berhenti bercakap. Memang saya tidak berkahwin, saya hanya kahwin dalam drama sahaja", kata Aeril seperti yang dilaporkan akhbar Kosmo! hari ini.
 Dalam laporan sama Aeril juga menyatakan dia dan Wawa hanyalah sahabat baik dan mengesahkan yang temannya itu sekarang berada di kampungnya di Sabah kerana sedang berubat. Dia juga memohon pada mana-mana pihak supaya berhenti daripada membuat spekulasi kononnya Wawa kini sedang hamil. "Tolong jangan sebarkan cerita jika tidak ada bukti dan akan memburukkan orang lain
. Andai ada bukti sekalipun dan cerita itu sahih, jika dikeluarkan menjadi aib kepada tuan punya badan, tidak boleh juga dikeluarkan. Jika tidak benar, lagi berdosa dan harus meminta maaf kepada Wawa", katanya
Pelakon dan pengacara Jimmy Shanley tetap dengan pendiriannya untuk tidak mengulas mengenai khabar angin kononnya dia sudah menamatkan zaman duda dengan seorang wanita berstatus janda.
 Jimmy atau nama sebenarnya Jimmy Shanley Norjahan Saleh, 33, berkata, buat masa ini dia tidak mempunyai sebarang jawapan kepada isu tersebut dan tidak kisah jika ada yang terus membuat spekulasi tentangnya.
 "Tiada komen. Biarlah rahsia. Terpulang sama ada orang ingin kata saya sedang bercinta atau pun sudah berkahwin. Doakan yang baik-baik untuk saya," katanya. Jimmy pernah mendirikan rumah tangga dengan Nursuhaila Eliani Suhaimy, 27, pada 1 Oktober 2010 di kediaman keluarga perempuan di Sunway Rahman Putera, Sungai Buloh.
 Kedua-dua mereka mula tinggal berasingan sejak 21 Oktober 2010, iaitu 20 hari selepas bernikah sebelum bercerai pada 10 Oktober 2012. Pasangan itu dikurniakan seorang cahaya mata iaitu Zahrah Rania Shanley yang kini berusia dua tahun. Dalam perkembangan sama, Jimmy berkata, dia bukan serik untuk berkongsi kisah peribadinya selepas kemelut rumah tangga bersama Nursuhaila mendapat liputan luas sebaliknya memberitahu perlu menjaga hati banyak pihak
. Jelas Jimmy, dia cuma belum bersedia untuk menjelaskan kedudukan sebenar tentang cakap-cakap mengenai dirinya dan hanya akan berbuat demikian apabila tiba masa sesuai.
24.9.13 Unknown
Pelakon dan pengacara Jimmy Shanley tetap dengan pendiriannya untuk tidak mengulas mengenai khabar angin kononnya dia sudah menamatkan zaman duda dengan seorang wanita berstatus janda.
 Jimmy atau nama sebenarnya Jimmy Shanley Norjahan Saleh, 33, berkata, buat masa ini dia tidak mempunyai sebarang jawapan kepada isu tersebut dan tidak kisah jika ada yang terus membuat spekulasi tentangnya.
 "Tiada komen. Biarlah rahsia. Terpulang sama ada orang ingin kata saya sedang bercinta atau pun sudah berkahwin. Doakan yang baik-baik untuk saya," katanya. Jimmy pernah mendirikan rumah tangga dengan Nursuhaila Eliani Suhaimy, 27, pada 1 Oktober 2010 di kediaman keluarga perempuan di Sunway Rahman Putera, Sungai Buloh.
 Kedua-dua mereka mula tinggal berasingan sejak 21 Oktober 2010, iaitu 20 hari selepas bernikah sebelum bercerai pada 10 Oktober 2012. Pasangan itu dikurniakan seorang cahaya mata iaitu Zahrah Rania Shanley yang kini berusia dua tahun. Dalam perkembangan sama, Jimmy berkata, dia bukan serik untuk berkongsi kisah peribadinya selepas kemelut rumah tangga bersama Nursuhaila mendapat liputan luas sebaliknya memberitahu perlu menjaga hati banyak pihak
. Jelas Jimmy, dia cuma belum bersedia untuk menjelaskan kedudukan sebenar tentang cakap-cakap mengenai dirinya dan hanya akan berbuat demikian apabila tiba masa sesuai.
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa
Sebuah akhbar mingguan melaporkan pengacara dan pelakon popular, Scha Al Yahya baru sahaja menjalani pembedahan membuang ketumbuhan Endometriosis dalam rahimnya pada awal September lalu.
 "Doktor maklumkan ketumbuhan itu belum sampai tahap serius, tetapi jika tidak dibuang, ia boleh membesar dan membahayakan nyawa.
Atas nasihat doktor, saya setuju dibedah dan tidak mahu berlengah lagi," ujar Scha yang juga isteri kepada pengacara, Awal Ashaari.
 Walau pun disarankan agar berehat selama sebulan, namun pelakon drama 'Jodoh' ini berehat selama dua minggu sebelum menyambung tugas-tugasnya seperti biasa.
24.9.13 Unknown
Kredit foto Faisol Mustafa
Sebuah akhbar mingguan melaporkan pengacara dan pelakon popular, Scha Al Yahya baru sahaja menjalani pembedahan membuang ketumbuhan Endometriosis dalam rahimnya pada awal September lalu.
 "Doktor maklumkan ketumbuhan itu belum sampai tahap serius, tetapi jika tidak dibuang, ia boleh membesar dan membahayakan nyawa.
Atas nasihat doktor, saya setuju dibedah dan tidak mahu berlengah lagi," ujar Scha yang juga isteri kepada pengacara, Awal Ashaari.
 Walau pun disarankan agar berehat selama sebulan, namun pelakon drama 'Jodoh' ini berehat selama dua minggu sebelum menyambung tugas-tugasnya seperti biasa.
Jenazah Muhammad Suhaimi Norhamidi, pelatih Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) dibawa keluar dari bilik mayat Hospital Muadzam Shah di sini untuk dibawa pulang ke Kerdau untuk dikebumikan hari ini/ Pic: Bernama
Jenazah Muhammad Suhaimi Norhamidi, pelatih Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) dibawa keluar dari bilik mayat Hospital Muadzam Shah di sini untuk dibawa pulang ke Kerdau untuk dikebumikan hari ini.

   MUADZAM SHAH: Seorang pelatih Pusat Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN), ditemui mati di bilik air Kem Pinggiran Pelangi, dekat sini, tengah malam kelmarin, dipercayai dipukul dengan objek tumpul. Mangsa, Muhammad Suhaimi Norhamidi, 18, yang berasal dari Kerdau, Temerloh, ditemui terbaring dalam bilik air itu oleh rakan lain pada jam 12 tengah malam.
 Ketua Polis Daerah Rompin, Deputi Superintendan Johari Jahaya, berkata laporan bedah siasat Hospital Muadzam Shah menunjukkan ada kesan lebam di belakang telinga mangsa dipercayai akibat pukulan objek tumpul.
 Teruskan siasatan
 “Mangsa meninggal dunia kemungkinan akibat dipukul berdasarkan kesan lebam di belakang telinga tetapi kita akan teruskan siasatan bagi mendapatkan gambaran sebenar kejadian berkenaan,” katanya di sini, semalam. Johari berkata, pihaknya menyiasat kes itu mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan. “Sebaik ditemui, mangsa yang tidak sedarkan diri dihantar ke Hospital Muadzam Shah, namun disahkan sudah meninggal dunia,” katanya.
 Sementara itu, Pemangku Ketua Pengarah Latihan Khidmat Negara, Rozainor Ramli, berkata sebelum itu, mangsa dalam keadaan sihat serta baru selesai menjalani latihan bersama pelatih lain. “Satu pasukan khas ditubuhkan pada peringkat jabatan bagi menyiasat perkara itu sebaik memperoleh laporan bedah siasat mengenai punca kematian mangsa,” katanya ketika dihubungi di sini, semalam.
 Bapa mangsa, Norhamidi Bakar, 46, ketika ditemui di Rumah Mayat Hospital Muadzam Shah, berkata kali terakhir beliau bertemu Muhammad Suhaimi adalah ketika menghantarnya ke kem untuk pendaftaran, bulan lalu. Anak sulung daripada tiga beradik itu seorang yang pendiam namun disenangi rakan.
 “Sebelum pergi, arwah bersemangat menyertai PLKN dalam usaha mengejar cita-citanya menjadi anggota polis. Saya reda dengan kejadian yang menimpanya,” katanya.
24.9.13 Unknown
Jenazah Muhammad Suhaimi Norhamidi, pelatih Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) dibawa keluar dari bilik mayat Hospital Muadzam Shah di sini untuk dibawa pulang ke Kerdau untuk dikebumikan hari ini/ Pic: Bernama
Jenazah Muhammad Suhaimi Norhamidi, pelatih Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) dibawa keluar dari bilik mayat Hospital Muadzam Shah di sini untuk dibawa pulang ke Kerdau untuk dikebumikan hari ini.

   MUADZAM SHAH: Seorang pelatih Pusat Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN), ditemui mati di bilik air Kem Pinggiran Pelangi, dekat sini, tengah malam kelmarin, dipercayai dipukul dengan objek tumpul. Mangsa, Muhammad Suhaimi Norhamidi, 18, yang berasal dari Kerdau, Temerloh, ditemui terbaring dalam bilik air itu oleh rakan lain pada jam 12 tengah malam.
 Ketua Polis Daerah Rompin, Deputi Superintendan Johari Jahaya, berkata laporan bedah siasat Hospital Muadzam Shah menunjukkan ada kesan lebam di belakang telinga mangsa dipercayai akibat pukulan objek tumpul.
 Teruskan siasatan
 “Mangsa meninggal dunia kemungkinan akibat dipukul berdasarkan kesan lebam di belakang telinga tetapi kita akan teruskan siasatan bagi mendapatkan gambaran sebenar kejadian berkenaan,” katanya di sini, semalam. Johari berkata, pihaknya menyiasat kes itu mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan. “Sebaik ditemui, mangsa yang tidak sedarkan diri dihantar ke Hospital Muadzam Shah, namun disahkan sudah meninggal dunia,” katanya.
 Sementara itu, Pemangku Ketua Pengarah Latihan Khidmat Negara, Rozainor Ramli, berkata sebelum itu, mangsa dalam keadaan sihat serta baru selesai menjalani latihan bersama pelatih lain. “Satu pasukan khas ditubuhkan pada peringkat jabatan bagi menyiasat perkara itu sebaik memperoleh laporan bedah siasat mengenai punca kematian mangsa,” katanya ketika dihubungi di sini, semalam.
 Bapa mangsa, Norhamidi Bakar, 46, ketika ditemui di Rumah Mayat Hospital Muadzam Shah, berkata kali terakhir beliau bertemu Muhammad Suhaimi adalah ketika menghantarnya ke kem untuk pendaftaran, bulan lalu. Anak sulung daripada tiga beradik itu seorang yang pendiam namun disenangi rakan.
 “Sebelum pergi, arwah bersemangat menyertai PLKN dalam usaha mengejar cita-citanya menjadi anggota polis. Saya reda dengan kejadian yang menimpanya,” katanya.
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