12 Julai 2013

Posted by jinson on 12.7.13 No comments

KUALA LUMPUR, (MLP) – An elderly lady was missing since Wednesday and her family members’ cry for help has been circulated via social media since yesterday.
 P.Palaniamah, 79 was found missing by her family members when they woke up at 6.30am. She was last seen in a blue t-shirt and sarong.
 Her grandchild R.Karthiga, 25 said that her grandmother has recently moved in to stay with her family. Previously, she was staying in an uncle’s home in Semenyih. 
 The Star Online has also reported that Karthiga’s grandmother is not used to the new environment and tends to get confused between their house and her uncle’s house. 
 The family members have been looking for her, but to no avail. P.Palaniamah is described to be 140cm in height and walks with a limp on her left leg due to a hip injury.
 If you have any information on the whereabouts of this elderly lady, kindly contact police hotline at 03-2052 9999, Karthiga at 016-220 2940 or Lhogan at 010-366 2108.

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